Tax Year #2 Bundle

Prepare for some games (i.e Bad Rats) .... for April Fool's Day :D

Remember to click off the charity box at checkout. 20% of proceeds will go to the Children's Adventure Farm Trust


Watch Paint Dry: The Game DRM-FREE - 0 $
Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction 13% - 2 $29.99
Kim Jong Un Simulator GREENLIGHT Action, Adventure, RPG, Simulation, Shooter 0 GREENLIT! --> now called "Kimulator : Fight for your destiny"
MoonWalkingDead GREENLIGHT Action, Adventure, RPG, Casual, Shooter, Horror 0 NOT GREENLIT YET
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge 74% 3 $0.99
Elves Adventure Action, Adventure, Shooter, Horror - 0 Not Greenlit yet
[Bundle Clicker]( ) DRM FREE - 0 $

Now available on Steam

Kimulator : Fight for your destiny 41% of 12 Reviews 0 $1.99

Retail: $1.99

Reading Material

  • Very Grimm Fairy Tales
  • Turkey Grove Farms (Graphic Novel)


  • $-1 Deluxe Mega Saver (Trump Coin)
    • Note: do NOT use this. The more people use it, the more of a negative value it will become and you'll end up paying more money for the bundle. Keep it as a collectors content, but do not use it to pay for the bundle. (Thanks user Camotoe for the explanation)


  • Bolzen Beer Band - Sex Drugs Polka (Reveal #7)
  • x


  1. Bad Rats


  3. Jonny's Soothing Sounds #DOS


    New York Taxi Simulator 0% - 0 $4.99
  6. Death Block Simulator

  7. Bad Rats

Remember to vote for the Greenlight games that you want to see on Steam and receive keys for!

Q: What is Steam "Greenlight"?

Steam Greenlight is a system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the new games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and video for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution. Steam Greenlight also helps developers get feedback from potential customers and start creating an active community around their game during the development process.

Remember to VOTE "yes" for the games you would like to hopefully get Steam keys for in the future.

Q: so .. When do I get the Steam keys though?

A: You will get Steam keys when 1) The game gets enough Yes votes to become GreenLIT, 2) The dev of the game releases the keys, and 3) OtakuMaker distributes the keys to you

View the previoius Tax Year #1 bundle

P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ CHARTS (updated daily!) ❤

Thanks SouruRiibaa

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Will you buy this bundle?

View Results
sureeee yes :D
nahhh ... save dat $$
maybe ... dunno what to do with ma $$
$$ Tax Year .... “The IRS! They're like the Mafia, they can take anything they want!” ― Jerry Seinfeld

So are the "Mystery Product"s that still show up in my purchases going to become anything, or is that the joke?

8 years ago

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Bad Rats: the Revengening!

8 years ago

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Yes! Another bad rats! :)

8 years ago

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So the Wreckfest background was basically a fake out to set up Flatout 3. Yuuuuup.

8 years ago

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The image looked like Flatout: Ultimate Carnage to me, not wreckfest.

8 years ago

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I think the image up now is different from the one up originally.

8 years ago

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Yep it's been changed, the background during prerorder was the thumbnail from the "Gameplay Commentary" video on this page :

8 years ago

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groupeasants. *facepalm*

8 years ago

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This was my first introduction to Groupees and I can't say I became its biggest fan. I made 2 purchases/preorders yesterday and now I can't access neither the 'My purchases' nor the 'Authentications' page. Any ideas, guys?

8 years ago

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I can't even use the chat, can't access a damn thing...

8 years ago

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Why would you pick an April Fools' bundle as your first bundle?

8 years ago

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Yeah I'm sure I can't access any feature on the site because it was april fools...Thanks for the insight!

8 years ago

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No, what I meant was, were you not reading the discussion and warnings about this bundle here, before you bought it? If not, then you have my sympathies.

8 years ago

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All the so called warnings are about the bundle contents...So I'd like to ask you kindly to piss off! Cheers!

8 years ago

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Oh, I'm sorry. I misread your post. I see that your main issue is about problems with your account. My bad. I didn't mean to be an ass.

8 years ago

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No worries man, have a good one!

8 years ago

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I was a hair-trigger away from spending my Jonny Antimatter coin on this!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Well at least I shoveled a coin out of the rest of the pile of crap here.

8 years ago

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The coin is worth negative cash though.

Then again, I'm hoping that doesn't actually reduce the value of what coins we have.

8 years ago

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Oh really! I didn't actually look at my bundle. Just looked at this post which said $1 coin.

8 years ago

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Yeah, guess they forgot the - :P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you, I did the same, Elves Adventure looks specially awful and icomplete

8 years ago

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Ugh. Even at 50 cents this was a mistake. Also I'm pretty sure the coin's default value is -$1, not $1.

8 years ago

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For me, Flatout 3 is worth the pre-order alone :)

8 years ago

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This is my thought, too. Plus you can never have enough copies of Bad Rats!

8 years ago

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Did you already notice the 2nd bonus? :)

8 years ago

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Indeed, more Rats that are Bad for everyone!

8 years ago

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I brought it for the Very Grimm Fairy tales book. Does anyone else think that that coin will fluctuate further into negative territory?

8 years ago

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So, the one game that isn't a bundle repeat doesn't come with keys, unless you want to enter a $5 raffle? Yeah, **** that.

8 years ago

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You do realize that Watch Paint Dry: The Game isn't a real Steam Game, right? There never were and never will be keys.

8 years ago

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Wrong. There are actually Keys for the Game.
Source : Here

8 years ago

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So nothing uploaded to Steam at all at all? Bleh. As for lack of keys, I know some have been printed off, but he simply isn't selling them, but keeping them for other stuff (I'm assuming the raffle is the intended purpose for some)

I'm not particularly happy about the "never intended to make money off the game" but is wanting people to spend money for raffle stuff.

I'm just very peeved that even an entry for a piece of crap in our libraries isn't offered since he is almost certainly getting cash out of this bundle if nothing else.

8 years ago

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Looking at the discussions on steam he could make loads of money :D The demand is pretty high.

8 years ago

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you're underestimating the value of finding vulnerabilities. Let him get at most $500 when people sell this stuff for tens of thousands dollars

8 years ago

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I don't know why I expected any better.... xD

Wonder why Flatout is so negatively reviewed, previous Flatouts were pretty sweet..

8 years ago*

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previous Flatouts were pretty sweet..

This is part of the reason why it got so bad reviews. It's a really bad racing game, but as people expected good, it seems even worse. Note that it was not made by the same devs as previous Flatout titles.

8 years ago

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Seems to be a general death sentence of many franchises, apparently, giving the sequel to another team.

8 years ago

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Yeah, at least if you hand it to a budget dev. There have been several cases where a good high profile devs have made games in a series, and it has turned out well. (KOTOR 2 (buggy but better than the original), Deus Ex: HR, Myst 3 & 4, Half-Life expansions, Ultima Underworld and so on), but whenever a publisher announces that some no-name developer will be making an entry in a series, then that's generally a sign that things are not going to end well.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't really count that lore-raping KotOR 2 a better sequel with its mopy crew of never-ending broodiness… (Yes, the Jedi totally just got killed between games, and yes, you can absolutely just kill the Force by plunging a friggin' sword into it… Honestly, I am still sure that whoever wrote that game never actually met the Star Wars franchise in their lives before.) Hell, it even managed to fuck up pazaak with the new rules, despite that card game being simple as a brick originally. If we talk about Obsidian follow-ups to BioWare, I'd say Neverwinter Night 2, that easily ran circles around the original, especially the original base game. NWN2 was just… so damn good.

8 years ago

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I thought the writing in KOTOR 2 was generally a lot better than that in KOTOR 1. It had a more natural flow to it, and that helped it a lot. Also, no long sewer section (good god, I hated that part). As for Pazaak, did not care for it in the original.

I wish I could say anything good about Neverwinter Nights, but the first one was crap, and the second one did not work for me. Interestingly enough, I had different issues with the base NWN 2 game and the first expansion. In the base game, my characters would just run back & forth between enemies, not actually bothering to him them, unless I kept constant check on them, and despite it being on of the things that was supposedly fixed in a patch, the camera got stuck constantly in the ceiling in indoors areas. In the expansion (which I've heard great things about) the game somehow decided that it was suffering from a poor connection to some imaginary server, because it had a serious case of rubber banding. Absolutely no idea what would case a singleplayer game to have rubberbanding issues.

8 years ago

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Frankly, I didn't even feel any flow in it. The start was coherent, but after that it was more random than KotOR 1: last jedi master seen at this planet, go there and find him by doing anything but actually searching for him, because in the end he'll just mysteriously appear. Same goes for teammates. First game made a big fuss about accepting an adult for Jedi training, since it is a long-long road to even learn the basics of using the Force. Here, you just listen to them crying about their life for a few minutes, then ask them to be jedi, and suddenly they are. Just like that. Not to mention my favourite part, creating a zombie starship (an actual machinery that is undead… somehow) by wishing for it.
No wonder this is one of the rare stories that were completely written out of the old Extended Universe, only the main character's existence remained, and even she was killed off to save Revan later.

Interesting bits about NWN2. Never had any problem, but then again, I played it for the first time like in 2010. KotOR 2 made sure for a few years to never touch any Obsidian game – I had to learn in hindsight that I managed to find their only (although nowadays maybe I should call it "first") total trainwreck.

8 years ago

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Did you play KOTOR 2 with or without the fan-restoration patch? I've only played it with, and I found the story and writing to be more interesting than KOTOR, and while a bit disjointed at times, I thought it worked well.

And as for NWN2, I played the Gamer's Gate version, which I got in 2013. It had both the expansions, and is supposedly fully patched.

8 years ago

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No, not yet; but AFAIK it only adds some plot to make it less disjointed; it doesn't fix the teammates whose sole existence relies on them crying their life story to you as dialogue. Seriously, every dialogue with them is about them telling their life story and feeling miserable. This is a common problem in many Obsidian game though, but KotOR 2 and Pillars of Eternity are the most notorious. I honestly wish they would write more dialogues like they did in Stick of Truth.
Although It may just be an anger that they turned one of the funniest passive-aggressive characters, HK-47 into a generic soulless killer robot and actually had the gall to call that an improvement on the character.

8 years ago

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I've never really understood why people were so fond of HK-47. Always found him to be a bit, well, generic. Seen very similar murder robots in other sci-fi, so the changes they made to him did not bother me.
And for the record, I love Pillars of Eternity. Best game of last year, and actually better than Baldur's Gate 2.

8 years ago

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In the first game, HK-47 was hilarious with its constant passive-aggressive remarks: it hated you and made no secret about it, but it always concealed it in a clever way; got Character of the Year Award that year without much contest. In the sequel, it was "I am a murderous robot. I hate meatbags. I hate you." Without any wittyness in the dialogue.

PoE was nice, but after a while you can tell from the dialogue that obsidian wrote it. BioWare likes to write dialogues about interaction between the characters, their relations. Obsidian's character dialogues are one party telling a long-ass tragic story in segments and you listening and saying "it was not your fault, everything will be all right" or "you were right to make this decision, I would have done that too" in some way. And everyone is moping, everyone carries some huge tragedy (even the most light-hearted of the bunch, Edér is about brooding when you talk about his story), nobody ever smiles because they enjoy life a little.
In short, Obsidian games all have emos as party members. Or a bunch of Anakins, if we talk about KotOR 2. :)

8 years ago

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Well, for half a buck I couldn't care less. At least it has 1 steam game :-)

8 years ago

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next bonus is intriguing...

8 years ago

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next bonus (after this one unlocks) will be a game that was released in last 3 months that was never bundled... think I know which game...

8 years ago

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New bonus is New York Taxi Simulator
Which is much better than i would have expected.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do they ever unlock bonuses even if the goal isn't reached? I can't imagine us getting this or the next two.

8 years ago

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Nope. There have been times in the past where we didn't get bonuses because the bundles sold poorly.

8 years ago

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Same! So this wasn't totally for nothing. Woo! New game for me. :)

8 years ago

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Last 23 hours

l want to see last bonus!!

8 years ago

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Highly doubt we will get that one. We'll be lucky enough if we get the 2nd last. Still need 150~ more purchases.

8 years ago

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The second last has been unlocked. It's Death Block Puzzle, currently in Greenlight.

The last bundle is about 200 sales short of unlocking as I write this but it has been revealed.

Children, it's a third copy of Bad Rats. Son of a a bitch.

8 years ago

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Oh nice! Woo! At least we made it for the greenlight game! ^^

But wow... a THIRD copy of Bad Rats... Hahaha!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

8 years ago

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Hahaha! Oh God... The horror... xD

8 years ago

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rachellove - The $1 Coin is actually a $-1 so the more people use it, it is more negative. cyanic stated it is negative money so it's basically just a collector's item because it will force you to pay more money.

8 years ago

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Hm thank you ! I'll update the OP.

8 years ago

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God Damn it Trump!!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Kim Jong Un simulator just got greenlit. The new name is Kimulator

Will we get Steam keys? Does anyone actually want their steam key?

7 years ago

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Steam keys are added................. I dunno what to say, BMC on Steam.....
Nice cards, badge etc, thanks to everyone who voted!
19:15 is some cute Digital Homicide posters, and aint the kiddos funny?

7 years ago*

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