Would really like to see Fez 2 reannounced. Fez was an awesome game.

1 decade ago*

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I think after he threw a hissy fit, the next day he was like "yeah its not cancelled"... "I'm also a complete bellend". At least he should of said that last bit. I have zero interest in him or his games.

1 decade ago

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Any links to support this retraction?

1 decade ago

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Appears I only remembered the first part of his comment

"To be clear, im not cancelling FEZ II because some boorish f**k said something stupid," tweeted phil.

.... "im doing it to get out of games." (the part I forgot ;))

1 decade ago

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Phil Fish could die. What a fucking shit of dev. Fez was not bad, but Phil Fish stinks like fish.

1 decade ago

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Geez, that's too much dude.

1 decade ago

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"Blah, Blah, Blah. I'm a faggot. Blah, Blah, Blah I hate this industry"
-Phil Fish dixit.

1 decade ago

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So you want him to die because...?
I'm not really getting anything rather than you disliking him for some reason.

1 decade ago

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I don't think this guy knows why does he hate Phil Fish afterall...

1 decade ago

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"Phil Fish could die", I think he is an idiot but you shouldn't say people should die, especially over some petty bullshit. Amongst other things it comes across as very immature.

1 decade ago

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Yes, is very mature to cancel Fez 2 just because someone is messing with him.
Anyaways FEZ is overrated and I wouldn't give a single penny to that capitalist faggot.

1 decade ago

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I'm talking about you and you are kind of proving my point.

So by you're logic, since someone else acted immature and cancelled his game (for a short time) for some stupid bullshit, you think its okay to be a goof ball back by saying that he should die?

There is no justification for what you said. Just think a little more before you talk.

1 decade ago

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The fool that you responded to wrote "could" and not 'should.' They have very different meanings in this context. Though I agree that he is a butt.

1 decade ago

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Yes, he did prove your point the moment he used the last word in his sentence. People who speak and think this way will be gratefully forgotten as the rest of the world moves forward and they are sadly left behind.

1 decade ago

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Homophobic slurs are not tolerated here. Suspended.

1 decade ago

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I hope you never win anything again.

1 decade ago

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So, you're saying the best protest against someone behaving like a dickhead is to behave like a dickhead? Because that is what you are doing. You are behaving just like Phil Fish.

1 decade ago

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Jeez, stop the flame guys. I was just asking if he didn't change his mind about working on Fez 2. No need to go full retard over it.

1 decade ago

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Tell that to the G33K95 guy, he started the hole mess and continued it, the other guys who replied to him, actually had valid and fair points. But anyway, you should have expected flame wars in the first place, there's always a dude who exaggerates on this subject. Also your question could have been answered just by doing a quick search on google.

1 decade ago

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I think he, with his less than civilized demeanor, completely deserved the crowd of people who approached him with your attitude. You guys really belong on the same page.

I just hope he gets over it and learns to ignore. At least he can, I can't say the same for the /v/ hicks and the like.

1 decade ago

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Tone it down a bit.

1 decade ago

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Wasn't it this kind of crap that made him leave the industry in the first place? Way to further the stereotype of the male (I'm assuming here) asshole gamer.

1 decade ago

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It was most likely a publicity stunt.
Can't wait for FEZ 2 either.

1 decade ago

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what else is he going to do

1 decade ago

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This thread smells like..

suspensions. Amirite? Iamrite.

1 decade ago

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He is a jackass and his game is overrated. People like him are the cancer of society.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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A person that has a meme as an avatar is calling someone cancer.

1 decade ago

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My thought exactly.

1 decade ago

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That's taking it too far. He is a small time game developer not a murderer or a banker.

1 decade ago

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^^ Thank you, someone with a brain

1 decade ago

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Phil Fish was also guilty of a similar exaggeration when he said "gamers are the worst fucking people". Thing is, while I can't agree with the comment because of the exaggeration, I understand why he said it. There's a sizeable and vocal internet crowd who really are a most unlikeable bunch.

1 decade ago

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Not just that, but how he treated the general public. When a guy wanted to interview him (WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE HONORED ABOUT), he basically told the guy fuck off.

1 decade ago

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If superstars, football players etc. get payed more than a thousand times the money a firefighter or a doctor gets payed, then it must also be okay to hate Phil Fish in the way people hate it, and wish the things upon him that people wish upon him.

1 decade ago

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One of the reasons Sports athletes are paid so much is because, after their short careers. most need to l;ive the rest their lives off that money due to injuries etc.

1 decade ago

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I see now how the same does not apply for firefighters or police officers or soldiers fighting for the wrong cause against the wrong cause.

1 decade ago

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I agree the people working for to help and protect us should get a much larger check than they do. especially those injured doing their job.

1 decade ago

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Agreed that people doing dangerous public service deserve more money.

Disagreed about football players and superstars. They get as much money as their industry makes. Don't go to the matches and don't buy products advertised by them and they will get less.

It is not like stars get paid from your taxes, on the other hand public service people do, yet you would probably whine if your government increased your taxes to give them more money, would you not?

1 decade ago

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Who knows, he's a crazy person.

1 decade ago

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apology for poor english

when were you when phil dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring

'fez is kill'


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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oh xarabas...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Your 'no' made me burst into tears of laughter xD

1 decade ago

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I thought Fez was awful, and I'd hate for that jerk to get any more money.
But anyways, I'm pretty sure it's still cancelled.

1 decade ago

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He's not a bad guy! Why does everyone think he is? Did anyone watch Indie Game: The Movie and/or any of the commentaries? Even Edmund McMillen says he's an alright guy...

1 decade ago

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Why does everyone think he's a bad guy? Probably because he opened his mouth and never learned to close it again.

1 decade ago

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Just because he openly voices his opinion makes him a bad guy?

1 decade ago

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There were better ways of telling people that we was an obnoxious cunt. He didn't have to outright go ahead and say "Look at me, I'm better than everyone, especially these minorities!"

1 decade ago

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When exactly did he say that?

1 decade ago

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The times when he wasn't saying 'suck my dick' or 'go fuck yourself'. You should have seen his twitter back in the days, even fans who praised him or had a request got hammered by him. He was the one who kept on going, he deserved every single bit of what happened imo. I don't think you are all that up to date about what happened.

1 decade ago

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THe SE of IG:TM didn't help Phil's case. Although he is the most interesting in the movie. Nobody cares about John, seriously.

1 decade ago

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I bought it only for Team Meat, tbh. And I ended up feeling really bad for Phil! They even support him in the Meat commentary...

1 decade ago

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His mouth is like a vacuum cleaner set to blow.

1 decade ago

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See my reply to thejadefalcon.

1 decade ago

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Lose-lose on Fish. Everyone rude to him for no reason.
He either be rude back and everyone claims he's the jerk (not themself), or he does nothing and people call him a pansy who ignores his fanbase.
Just ignore all this e-Celeb bullying BS.

1 decade ago

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Or he could apologise for being a twat and actually make a good game without trying to act like he's the greatest developer in the world.

1 decade ago

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People are very rude to him. He's worked very hard all of his known life and people just hate on him for all the small things he's done. Then he just either ignores them or is rude back.

1 decade ago

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Fish has some obvious mental issues or extreme social anxieties, so I feel a bit sorry for him. That said, I think he's quite aware of where his faults lie, yet he doesn't seem too eager to change things. He's obstinate and unrepentant, and that makes him despicable in many people's eyes.

1 decade ago

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I can relate to him a whole bunch. But he hasn't done anything wrong, just said a lot of things that people take way out of context.

1 decade ago

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No, he acts like he is better than everyone around him.

You can go look up the situation when somebody wanted to interview him and he basically told them to fuck off.

Is that a guy you should be sympathizing for?

1 decade ago

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They addressed this many times in IG:TM. He's said some things that have been taken wildly out of context. We don't know EXACTLY what was going on, what he was going through, et cetera. He just speaks his mind a lot, is all.

1 decade ago

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Professionalism isn't even a word in his book. The guy could have done a lot better of things had he only learned how to take the criticisms of others without his ego firing back like his life depended on it. He has since protected his twitter to hide it all, but news of his actions hit the internet far and wide. I wish this would stop being a topic already honestly. Here is a decent cover on the situation: Game Front

1 decade ago

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Would you get pissed if someone (I'm assuming, as I've never heard of... Beer?) fairly popular insulted you in a public place like the internet? I'm thinking that any right-minded person would say yes.

Besides, Edmund McMillen has been insulted MANY times and has had some pretty ridiculous reactions. It's just they're a lot more low-key because he didn't have as much trouble making games as Phil did.

1 decade ago

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Honestly, no. I may become upset if someone attempts to soil my name, but I certainly won't tarnish my reputation by handling it publicly or at all. It doesn't matter who I'm conversing with- if the conversation goes south I either end it or ignore it. It's called being the bigger man (or woman). Shaking off negativity garners you more positive attention than the negative generated by whoever is putting you down, right or wrong. Maybe I was brought up better, or maybe it was the time I served in the military that taught me how to defuse a negative situation. What it comes down to in this instance though, is that this guy couldn't handle the industry. When you're in that kind of position you -have- to learn how to get through or around situations like this. Because in the end it very well may be what keeps your company and ideals afloat or what sinks you. Phil shot himself so badly in the foot that he took a dive and gave up. That's on him for acting as a child and not an adult.

1 decade ago

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When someone writes you a wall of text you start to question yourself. However, I'm an obstinate bastard, and you've changed nothing in my mind. So... yeah. I still think he isn't that bad of a guy! Just because he's said some rude things doesn't mean he's a douche. We've all said things we've regretted, or not. He's been through some terrible legal shit and made a game that got a lot of hate simply because it took him a really long time. Besides, I trust Edmund McMillen, a man who knows Phil personally, more than you.

1 decade ago

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Way out of context indeed.

1 decade ago

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That's like 200% more out of context than what anyone else has replied to me with. How ironic.

1 decade ago

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Usually I don't like replying, but whoa. So, under what circumstances is it okay to tell a person to choke on your dick? Come on, I'm curious.
If you're wondering, the context is all here. Yeah, that dude was rude, but was that reply really justified?
I do agree, that he's been under a lot of pressure and constantly attacked on the internet. But there's a reason why most people don't like him; he's just generally an unpleasant guy that said a lot of unpleasant things.

1 decade ago

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Meh, I just think he's very open about his opinion and people take that as a bad person. Do we think bad things about people all the time? I know I sure as hell do, worse than what Phil's said. I respect everyone's opinion but I don't agree with it.

1 decade ago

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"He's not a bad guy! Why does everyone think he is? Did anyone watch Indie Game: The Movie and/or any of the commentaries?"

Because IGTM or own-commentary couldn't possibly project a positively-biased slant on the people participating? :P

1 decade ago

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Um, what? Care to explain what you're trying to say? Are you saying that the movie itself is biased towards the devs, or causes bias?

1 decade ago

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I would really love to see FEZ 2 I loved the first one.

I've read some comments and I don't get it why do people hate him yeah he has a big mouth but so do most people here or in the game industry and not to say about 80% of the gamers. He said a few things that he should not probably cause' a lot of people were attacking him for no reason at all just because he made a game that some people didn't like. Oh well I hope he will make FEZ 2 since the first one is one of my favourite games.

Sorry for my bad english =/

1 decade ago

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Fez, the game I have from a bundle and probably will never open after seeing gameplay clips, oh look a platformer in which you can't die, what fun! Oh generic style and Meme jokes! SOLD! Yeah right.... -_-

1 decade ago

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is pretty awesome, BUT DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT

1 decade ago

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Watched a ton of crap on it, looks bad to me personally, all it made me wanna do was play super paper mario again.

1 decade ago

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I haven't gotten around to playing Fez yet, but it looked quite appealing. Wouldn't mind a sequel being made seeing how the game seemed to be successful. I don't really have any opinions on Phil Fish, other than he seems like an alright person despite the things I've read/heard about.

1 decade ago

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Even if Fez 2 never gets made, somebody else will just make an equivalent game.

As much as I have to agree that the grand majority of vocal people in any fan-base can be obnoxious, overly entitled twats, most people in the industry seem to realise that this is due to sturgeon's law. Cancelling the game punished everyone, not just the bad eggs. It's probably for the best that he ducked out of the gaming industry, if he isn't able to weather the fan-base. For his own mental/emotional health, I mean. It was for the best that he ducked out between games rather than have an angry lash-out towards the end of a game's production and release a broken product as an intentional flip-off to folks.

Just like moderator duty, some people are simply not suited to certain kinds of jobs within certain kinds of consumer bases. It's not just about having a thick skin, it's about having the right kind of thick skin, and being able to temper yourself well enough so that your personal feelings don't bleed into and poison your work efforts, y'know?

1 decade ago

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He should have put his hands together, because the "omg SORETRO 4pixel/character, #RETRO" sold his game. Seriously, 90% of the indie industry is just re-releasing retextured games of the same few base idea, and the "omgretro" people pay 30 dollars for a 2 hour game /not FEZ, but in general/.

or fund kickstarter for student who wouldn't make any money in their free time with or without developing a game, instead they are paid twice, for the same nothing.

Indie gamers should wake up, sure you can spand your money as you want, I really don't mind, but you are the one encouraging the maniac pricing on indie titles, with none-to-few hours of actual content.

1 decade ago

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Maniac pricing? $10 (not $30) for an indie with a good bit of fun for a couple of hours compared to $60 for +/- 10 hours AAA fun.
I know what i would rather have, based on that fact alone.
Not to mention i already got 100h in Spelunk, 130h+ in BoI, 50h in Don't Starve etc. etc. All costed me below 10$
I got way more content for my money there then i got when i bought Hitman or Bioshock for the 360

1 decade ago

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Yes, that's why they write "sandbox" to the category of those games.

1 decade ago

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Wait what? Neither Spelunky, Isaac, nor Don't Starve are sandbox games.

1 decade ago

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Don't Starve is really close to a sandbox..

1 decade ago

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In my understanding a game which is based on numerous replays of the "same" content which is created via random is a sandbox-style game. Not a sandbox as e.g. EVE online.

But w/e anyways, Isaac, Spelunky, and Don't Starve are the precious 10% worth buying and playing.

1 decade ago

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I paid 4,50R$ (2USD) for Terraria and already played it for over 200 hours...

1 decade ago

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Oh, hey, someone is upset that one person in the industry was honest for once!
Anyway, I'm fine with Fez 2 not happening. It would be another derivative platformer asking for loads of money for lazy sprite art. Not all sprite art is bad, but if you can't even compare to something like Metal Slug or Cave Story, or any classic sprite art in quality, it's just a sign of lazy development principles. Something like Mark of the Ninja, indie platformer but with beautiful art, is much more appealing, and level rotation/perspective skews have been around for years.

1 decade ago

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I've stopped intentionally getting indie games. Too many are the same thing now, just like the "AAA industry". I think I have like 5 games that have the exact same aethetic as "Limbo" for example.

1 decade ago

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If you look a little bit further though there's actually aways something truly refreshing. Try the Cat Lady.

1 decade ago

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Seconded. The Cat Lady is great. Not for kids, either. Horror movie fans will love it, if they can get past the interface (nothing wrong with it).

1 decade ago

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Even if he didn't change his mind, I feel nothing. Fez is a retarded game.

1 decade ago

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Fez ii will not happen. Phil Fish went through a mental breakdown and lost it on one guy who he was fighting with for a long time. The whole gaming community turned on him and went a bit overboard on the guy for being human. HE will not be part of the gaming community ever again due to this.

People take what he did a bit too far. Aside from that not much else to say. Phil Fish is never going to, willingly, enter into the public space again. People cannot make mistakes these days. The world loves to rage on those raging. Here's an article about what happened

For the record he had a full mental breakdown. To make matters worse people fed it to the point of no return. In many ways Mr. Fish was right. . but he handled it so very, very, very wrong.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by soudruhger.