I've been meaning to make such a thread for a long time now, so if I forgot some detail, I'll add them later...

Some of you may know me, but most of you probably don't. Within the last year, I've started going through a very busy period of my life, which intensified in the last six months, to the point that I even don't have a steady time to play the games I have. I don't even remember the last time I sat to play a single player game from my backlog. Also, because of that, lately, I haven't even been as active on SG as I used to be (and as I liked to be).

When I started coming to SG, and won my first game, I played it right away. I usually focus in one game at a time, and when I started winning more games, I always prioritized them over the others I have. However, I got to the point where I started winning more, and given the situation described above, I couldn't keep up with it.

It's important to note that I only enter GAs for games that I want, and intend to play, even if I can't play them right away.

I started feeling bad about it, as, somehow, I know that a game not played is a game that loses its value, and decided to enter less GAs. After thinking about that for a little while, and realizing not only the backlog of my wins here, but also my general backlog, I decided to stop entering GAs completely, until I could resume playing games in a more steady schedule.

In the meanwhile, I was also talking to some of my friends from SG about it, and some of them agreed that I had a point, others felt similarly bad about themselves being in the same situation, and others encouraged me to keep entering GAs regardless. I ended up resuming entering GAs, but only for some things, and from some people.

In the same period, I've noticed that many people here are in the same situation of having a huge backlog, and still entering GAs. Maybe it's even the norm. Then I realized that SG is a complete game on itself. It feels good to enter and win GAs. And it feels good to make GAs as well. When I first came here, I was attracted by the possibility of winning games I wanted, while still giving games I had and didn't want (bundles?), but as time went by, I really liked this community, and I started giving "better" games, even games I had on my wishlist. How crazy can this be? I want to make GAs and I want to win them as well.

Finally, in the past month, or past couple of weeks (not sure exactly), I have noticed lots of people from the groups I'm part of (and some outside as well) feeling bad and apologizing for not making many GAs lately, and I feel those people have a similar feeling like mine. Others have been announcing that they will take some time off of SG, and that they won't be able to be as active as before... So maybe there's something to it...

So... I posted this mostly to give vent to this feeling I have, but hearing about how you people feel about this subject or feedback about what I said are welcome as well. Don't hold back, but stay civil, please! :) And, thank you for reading. As tradition demands, here's a little GA for your time. :P

8 years ago*

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Happens to all of us, I've reduced a lot my entries as well, I jut enter for some games in my wishlist. Lately I've been a bit absent as well, but I hope to be more active in the next days :3

Happy holidays :*

8 years ago

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Thanks for your input. Happy holidays to you too, fellow Suikoden fan. :P :)

8 years ago

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Same here.

I've three little kids at home and didn't play games for years. I just couldn't find the time. Two years ago I found steam and steamgifts and started playing again. For a while I entered everything that seemed somewhat decent, but due to all the things you said now I only enter the games i really really would like to play. Someday. I see my life going in a direction where I, my wife and my kids have time to play a game once in a while and I'd like to have some games lying around in library to facilitate this. So even though I can't play them all now, I think I will play the games I win here in the future. So the guilt stays at acceptable levels. :D

The other thing is I really like the community here. And this community revolves around giving and winning. If all the contributing folk start feeling guilty and stop entering only the leechers will win games. The community will die soon when this happens I fear. So stop feeling guilty and continue to give and win :)

8 years ago

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That's one point of view. The last part is why I think this is a game on itself. Thank you. :)

8 years ago

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I also buy games for my kids. One reason I don't try to win them is that I can afford to buy the games I really want, and that's much easier than trying to win them. I think that's true for many SG users, the games won are on the B list of games.

8 years ago

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Personally, I do not care all that much about the winner. I do not make giveaways so that I can make others happy when they win. I make gibs because like doing it. That's it. Whether or not the person plays the game today, tomorrow, next week/month/year or never is none of my concern. So long as they follow the site's rule, all is good imo. The only reason why I blacklist for ratio is to help combat burnout.

I feel as though the site is a bit too reliant on a small group of peeps making a large amout of gibs. I've seen far too many peeps with 1 gib made but winning +100. I don't care if someone makes nothing but Bad Rats gibs and wins nothing but AAAS, I just want everyone to do their part and keep this site going by making giveaways. Ideally, I would like something close to a 'take a penny, leave a penny' from the average user here. I'm not asking for 1:1 ratio,
(that is just rng trading) but don't be the bastard that brings a single cupcake to a potluck either. Give what you can, enter for what you want and we'll all be happy :)

P.s. Stop being silly and enter some gibs :D

8 years ago

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Heh, thanks for your point of view. :)

8 years ago

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Np :D.

8 years ago

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after a long long hiatus without playing games, i entered steam when it became available for mac, and i had a free portal, which i enjoyed. then i got by the nvidia promo a couple of free games by valve. almost 2 years after i decided to spend some € for the first time and buy some games; i decided to buy portal 2, and it is still unplayed. now i recently made 1k, which i'd never have done if i hadn't known sg. i share most of your views and i feel like my stay here must come to an end, but it's simply not easy for me. i still check the site on a weekly basis. i still won some games and got others for free this very week, in which i barely had a couple h of gameplay. i thought about asking support to delete my user, but i won't do it. i'll just let it go. these holidays will be part of it; i'll do my best to spend my time in other things. family, friends, sport, books, many possible chances.
merry christmas! ;)

8 years ago

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There's actually that too. Sometimes I feel that if I spend as much time as I spend here playing my games, I wouldn't have this backlog problem (or rather, I would have a smaller problem with it). Thank you for your input and have happy holidays! :)

8 years ago

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I've considered going AWOL for a while, as I've had the same feelings as you.
I even have a similar thread typed up which I haven't decided on whether or not I want to post it yet.
Clearly, you know which side won, since I'm still here.

8 years ago

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I think I posted in one of your GAs that you expressed some of the things that are in this thread that I was going to write a thread about it, right? Here it is. Maybe you should post yours too, if it would make you feel better? Or maybe just reply here. Or even talk to me in private. :P

You're nice and the community is (generally) nice, so I personally hope you won't go away. :)

8 years ago

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Yup, I remember you posting in one of my giveaways.
I haven't decided on what to do yet. I'll figure that out eventually.

8 years ago

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I enter regardless. I'm a hoarder. Gaming is my hobby despite not playing as much now because I have real life commitment like a job. But I think I think you can enter what you want even if you never play it. Part of gaming is trying to have a collection of games too. Does not mean you have to play it.

8 years ago

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Yeah, well. I actually started collecting PSX and PS2 games when I bought my PS2. Mostly RPGs, and they usually take longer to finish than the average game. So, after Steam became more popular, and Humble Bundle appeared, my PC collection surpassed my PSX/PS2 collection by a lot... And even today, there are a lot of PSX/PS2 games that I haven't played yet...

Sometimes I think I'll die before I play all the games I have. That's very possible, actually.

8 years ago

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I know I won't get through all my backlogs. Too many games man. Plus, I pretty much play a lot of Diablo 3 now so that basically takes up a lot of the time at night. Started Destiny too. A bunch of steam game I keep saying I want to play but I never get around too because I also got a bunch of consoles. Yea, I still buy console games too despite knowing i won't start them.

8 years ago

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Endless games. So, basically, the difference is that I feel bad, and you don't. :P

8 years ago

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Lol, very true my friend, very true.

8 years ago

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I have the opportunity to play through a lot of my backlog right now so I'm not feeling too guilty about entering GAs. Every game in my library is there because I thought I might like to play it. I'm not a collector/hoarder so I do not enter if I do not intend to play. Most of my SG wins do have a little bit of a wait since I do feel the backlog in my library prior to joining has some priority, but I will get to them.

We all know life happens. You shouldn't feel guilty if you can't get to your games for a while or even ever. If you bough a game or entered and won a GA because you wanted to play the game then your intentions were good. We really shouldn't be judging each other or be worried that others are judging us based on our played/unplayed ratio. Guilt shouldn't be our motivator to play, wanting to have fun should be. They are called "games" after all. :P (Truth be told, my main motivation to keep plying my games is so that I don't have to explain to my husband why I keep buying games and don't play them! But I have fun too.)

8 years ago

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Thanks for your reply. I think it's a little sad if we start playing for obligation, and not because we actually want to, so, if you still have fun, I guess that's still good.

8 years ago

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Winning more games than you can handle? Can I have your luck? :3

8 years ago

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Well, you're only here for 2 weeks, and you've already won 2 games. I've been here for 2 years (tomorrow). So, don't worry, you'll win more if you keep trying.

8 years ago

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Bump for backloggery

8 years ago

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I actually have one. :P

8 years ago

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Wasn't there an experiment where they got an animal to push a button and it received a reward. Eventually they took the reward away and it continued to push the button..............

I don't know. If you're not breaking any rules you shouldn't feel guilty and people definitely shouldn't feel guilty about not being able to give. It sometimes seems a little bit too competitive in here, the level systems don't help. @_@
In an ideal world you should use the gifts you're given I guess but busy schedules of real life are far more important than any video game in the end.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I agree with you. Sometimes people get upset as others don't give as much etc. I'm not like that, at all, but I know many people are. Thank you for your reply, Akantha. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Mhmm, we talked about it. Thanks for your reply here too. :) I agree with you, but in my case, I don't think there's anything that won't run here (even it I need to run it on minimum).

PS: I just started Ori and the Blind Forest, a game I won here. One step at a time towards victory! :P

8 years ago

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I also have a really large backlog.

There are a lot of games that I own that I've been meaning to get to, but I have a hard time getting myself to want to. I think part of it is due to it just being overwhelming having a lot of games to get around to. There are also games that I've won from here that I still have yet to get to as well, and I do feel bad about it.. I certainly intend on playing them, and I will do so in time, it's just hard for me to "get in the mood" to play anything that isn't currently on my mind at the time. =\

To make myself feel a bit less bad, I sometimes refuse to enter, or pull my entries from, games that I do want to play, but not totally crazy over and don't see myself playing soon.

I enjoy entering giveaways, though, so I don't see myself stopping any time soon. =P Though, I haven't been doing "puzzles" and whatnot nearly as much, but that mostly has to do with the fact that I find a lot of the dang stupid things to be extremely frustrating and stressful for me.
Examples, after multiple tries (hours, sometimes):
"Why the fork is that not an acceptable answer? It's the exact thing you are asking for!"
"How the hellmann's am I supposed to know what your favorite super amazing anime character is?!"
"How the funk does 2 + 2 not equal 4?!!"
"I spent 3 fun-filled hours on this for lovely Dead Bits?!"

Though, when I enter for giveaways after crap like that and win (which doesn't happen often since it's usually garbage, to be honest, and refrain from entering), I will never, ever, feel bad about it (I still only enter for games that I'm interested in), because you just ruined my freaking day week. So, thank you! =P

Haha, anyway..

Thank you for the giveaway. =) If I win, I will definitely get to that one soon.

Merry awesome Christmas!

8 years ago*

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Thanks for your input. :)

Regarding puzzles, I only do them when they're fun. Never to get the game behind it, unless I know beforehand what it'll be and it's something I want, precisely for the reason you said. But not so much anymore, since I haven't been doing many puzzles lately, because I've been busy.

Good luck and happy holidays. :)

8 years ago

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