Ok, so on my laptop I am running Windows 8..and I am not a fan of it! A good number of my older sierra games weren't compatible like Gabriel Knight 3 and Kings Quest 7 and 8. quest for glory 5, and prob a few other ones that I haven't encountered yet. So, I kept my desktop at Windows 7, because I like it, and everything seems to be compatible...

My question is: Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10 now? Or is it not compatible with a lot of things as well?

8 years ago

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Is Windows 10 worth upgrading to right now?

View Results
No....but it's better than Win 7....

Have had windows 10 since release and no incompatabilities at all on anything.

8 years ago

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have you tried it with any of the sierra games I mentioned by any chance? Windows 8 seemed to have problems with the older polygon type 3D games basically...like Simon the Sorcerer 3D and the such....just curious if that issue is present in Win10 as well...and also if it's stable or buggy/crash heavy.

8 years ago

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My friend tried it with the old Lands of Lore games from GoG and they worked fine. He's had Windows 10 since release too.

8 years ago

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Probably your laptop does not fully support Windows 10 or you haven't got proper drivers for it yet. When I tried Windows 8, HP actually stopped providing updates for my laptop so it could only run on default drivers and became incompatible with most games, so I reverted back to Windows 7.

8 years ago

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Win 10 doesn't have problems with old games, it has problems with old copy protections. If you get digital copies without drm from like GoG I bet everything will run on Win10. Very old stuff off a CD? Likely to not work.

It's either 7 or 10 or Linux. 8 doesn't make any sense (it's basically 10, but worse).

8 years ago

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the thing is...like here: https://www.gog.com/game/kings_quest_7_8 GOG list compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, 7)...no mention of 8 or 10. Here though: https://www.gog.com/game/kings_quest_4_5_6 it lists compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) which is whats making me think Win 10 has the same incompatibility issues that 8 had. :/

8 years ago

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I've been given the impression that 10 shares the same incompatibility issues as 8 had- though I've no direct experience in the matter.

What problems are you having precisely, though? Sometimes there's easy workarounds for it.

8 years ago

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I've never used Win 8, so I can't say if Win 10 shares the same incompatibilities as Win 8. But what I do advise is for if you plan to upgrade on your laptop, check with your laptop manufacturer if the your model is supported for Win 10. I made the mistake of not doing so, and while I enjoyed Win 10 , it led to a lot of problems with missing drivers for many components which I later found from Lenovo website was because my laptop model was not supported for Win 10 and I had to roll back to Win 7.

8 years ago

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Civilization4 apparently does not work on Win10.

8 years ago

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+1; skipped Win8, upgraded from 7 to 10 on release week. Really satisfied with the OS so far.

8 years ago

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7 is better than 8 or 10 imo, but I would upgrade if you have 8. I haven't been having problems since I reinstalled.

8 years ago

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not really....in playing old games, maybe, but when you want play newer games, windows 10 is best solution

8 years ago

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I would wait until the last moment. It runs well especially if you have less memory, but it's still heavily unfinished. Dunno how about compatibilty ni W10, but W8/8.1 had lots of compatibility issues even with newer games.

8 years ago

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Especially if you can still upgrade to 10 for free, it's worth doing now. Even if you have to go back to 7 later because of compatibility (which I've had none, I haven't played my Sierra collections in a while but I usually run them in DOSBOX so it isolates the game from the core OS anyway), you'd have your free 10 license on that PC. If you're running Win 8 right now, you're most likely doing yourself a favor moving to 10.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If you're running windows 8/8.1 I suggest you upgrade, I've used windows 8 since launch and am using windows 10 now since launch too, and up until now I haven't found anything good in windows 8 that 10 don't have better.
If your main issue is incompatibility windows 7 is probably the best choice, but if it's not an option 10 is still better than 8 at it.

Remembered something that I think it's worth mention.
When I upgraded from 8 to 10 I used the option to keep my files (even tought I know wasn't the best choice, but was too lazy to make a backup at that moment), and after that I experienced some issues with drivers and some other minor bugs. They all have disappeared after I made a clean install of windows 10, some friends had the same problem as me but some other didn't have any problems so it's very situational.

8 years ago*

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Definitely. Also anything from GOG is going to work on 10 no problem.

8 years ago

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Windows 10 is based on Windows 7 & 8, so in many aspects it's extremely similar to them. Compatibly wise it shouldn't make much difference whether you use windows 7,8 or 10 since they haven't changed much in that aspect (they don't really care about running old programs). Whatever changes they did make (I'm uncertain whether they did) Windows 10 is more likely to act like Windows 8. The biggest reasons why I wouldn't recommend Windows 10 is because they take even more control away from the user and make decisions for you (e.g. security and update options) and they collect your information (similar to google and facebook). In most regards Windows 10 behaves a lot like Windows 8 or even 7, so it's neither better or worse when it comes to compatibility.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Wow, funny timing, I just upgraded my Windows 7 to windows 10 earlier TODAY.
My hard drive was failing and I figured since I was backing up everything, I might as well clean some things up. So I loaded Win7 on a blank drive and then upgraded to Win10. It's not too bad. There are a lot of privacy settings that you might want to opt out of, I would recommend checking out what people have said about the various settings. All day today I've been installing programs and restoring my data, and so far no issues. If you want to upgrade, you still have another couple months to get it for free, if you wait until after that you'll need to pay.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As noted, if you're using 7, you're fine. 10 seems to more or less be a direct upgrade of 8, however, so generally the advice there is to upgrade.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes. I did it that way.

8 years ago

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I suggest you do a clean install, it's much better. Doing an upgrade might cause disfunctionalities and drivers to act werid.

8 years ago

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Is it okay, yes, that said I would advise you to do a clean install after the upgrade. It's always a good ideal to run on a clean install, just prevents potential issues in the future from leftover legacy crap from the first os.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I did upgrade on an old system and I had no problems even though I had to use graphics driver from Vista since there are no newer available. I your system is still in a decent state or if you reinstalled recently, there is no need to do clean install (unless you wanted to do it anyway).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There are no (working) drivers for my onboard sound and my onboard Ethernet port bounces like crazy since the upgrade but my motherboard's so old, there are stories of the same thing happening to folks upgrading to Windows 8 when it first came out, so your mileage may vary.

Haven't had any issues with games yet though!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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go for 8.1 pro. not SSaS, subscription, and possible future advertisments included

8 years ago

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You know there is a compatible mode, right?

8 years ago

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yea, i know there is...unfortunately it doesn't work on those particular games. Even visiting the GoG forums for those particular games nobody has figured out a way to get them to run properly either through system configs or dosbox settings....compatibility mode does squat...still crashes...Might work on other titles, but not those particular GoG Sierra titles i mentioned unfortunately :(

8 years ago

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Only reason that I have is that my friend upgraded to win10 and he have fps problems and crashes on some games.
But he likes Win10 because he says that " Compared to Win8 it's faster in launching .exe's bla bla" :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, a friend of mine is using win10 just for that 0.01 second faster load... Even if 99% of the time he has FPS issues or cosntant crashes on stuff he never had problems on Win7 >.>

8 years ago

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10 is a better version of 7
i never had any problems in 10
faster startup, online support, and easy application you dont need to type it on google or other search engines

8 years ago

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I just never liked windows 8.1 so I upgraded to 10 and I'm really happy with it so far. Escpecially now that I can run old GTA games. I had many games that were unresponsive in 8.1 but they all starts fine in 10 :)

8 years ago

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Installed King's Quest 7+8 for you and came baring mixed news. 7 works right out of bat, no problems. 8 crashes, tried some compatibility and stuff, still crashes :(

8 years ago

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Blah! Was afraid of that....thanks for the extra effort, I appreciate that! :D I think like others suggested I'll stick to win7 on my desktop, and upgrade the laptop(Though I don't use it for gaming)..

8 years ago

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If you do end up getting it for your laptop, I have a few Windows 10 Pro keys that I got through trades. I can give it to you for $80. It's the same as an activation key that you buy from Microsoft (but cheaper by like $120).

8 years ago

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If you mean the "free" upgrade.
If you change your hardware (mobo) the key no longer works. So, new laptop mean buying a new OS licence.
If you have old games and programmes don't assume they'll work any more.

8 years ago

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If you get a new laptop, you need a new OS license anyway according to the fine print; OEM Windows licenses, for at least the last 15 years if not longer, have always had non-transferable clauses and you could get in trouble for porting the license from one machine to another. Besides, most laptops come with licenses, so that's not a huge issue. Motherboard swaps are only an issue for certain cases (because of the way W10 handles some newer hardware, specifically UEFI), and you can contact support if you have a legitimate change of hardware and they might be willing to help you. Link for more info.

8 years ago

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That info in the link is from August 2015, so really old. A lot has changed since then. The latest I read last month was that changing the motherboard would invalidate the "free" key.
Depending on your location restrictions in EULAs may not be applicable.
Also, I'm talking about the case when someone uses the free upgrade to move to Win10. If they need to use a new PC/Laptop they would lose their previous licence. You can also buy laptops/PCs, new and used without a OS.

8 years ago

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I've read that if your original license was transferable, you will be able to install W10 to any machine you would be able to install your original system. But you might need to contact support eventually.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty happy with it so far. I'm using it on my laptop for school (which I use a lot) and so far I've not really found any issues with it. I've not upgraded my gaming pc though.

8 years ago

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I keep my W7, because I regularly see that W10 has problems with older games on Steam. Frequent problem in negative Steam reviews.

8 years ago

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so far never had issue with older game on steam, even if i saw some post about that game with problems with windows 10....maybe it depends on HW, not just Windows 10 issue....and it depends, what is old for you

8 years ago

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This. I rarely have issues, and while I know some people do, there is a hardware component to a bunch of these issues. I also think (cynically, but I spent the time in IT to earn this opinion) that some people are full of crap and the issue isn't with W10, it's with their rig or some junkware they're running.

8 years ago

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I went from Windows 7 to 10 right after release and have never had any compatibility issues with anything - and I run a lot of older programs and games especially. At least nothing that doesn't have an easy solution or comes down to a hardware issue, which isn't Win 10's fault and means you probably already have the same issue on 7.

8 years ago

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