Correction: Steam

And its temporary.

4 years ago

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The review isn't banned any more. I wonder if accounts were unbanned too.

4 years ago

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Any word on why it was banned in the first place?

4 years ago

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From what I read, it wasn't Bethesda that banned, but Steam, as part of a system regarding upvotes on scam reviews. I do get that the review that got flagged as "scam" didn't quite seem like one, also that Fallout 76 is garbage, but this particular case is not completely Bethesda's fault (because they should support deaf players, otherwise the review wouldn't have been like that).

4 years ago

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The primary fault [for this particular matter] lies in whomever flagged [or was responsible for the flagging of] the review as inappropriate in the first place. (Which, yes, appears to be Steam, as Fnord comments below that developers/publishers can't directly handle reviews themselves.)

If Bethesda handled the ban (or heck, even just pushed it to Steam), then all Steam did was take their ban request at face value, and thereby can be considered to be duped by Bethesda (on top of being as poor in quality of oversight as always). Should Valve have a more skeptical, better moderated system in place? Sure but, it's Valve. Of course they won't have that. So any fault Valve'd have, would be the same broader fault they've always had: Not giving a damn about offering any kind of quality or user responsiveness to any of the secondary elements of their service. Heck, it took them over 10 years to fix their store and library layout, and those can be considered primary elements of the service.

But again, Valve's broader issues aside, this could potentially be on Bethesda, if they had any part in initiating the matter.
If not? Well, yay, yet something else to be exasperated with Valve about. Kudos, Valve.

Of course, if it's [user reports]->[automated ban], then Valve needs to come in, reverse the existing bans, and perma-ban the users [or developer/publisher!] who flagged the review from future review interactions. But if Valve gave a damn about review quality in the first place.. well, maybe so many games wouldn't cause and/or cure cancer, and I wouldn't keep coming across ascii images of defacating dogs and completely trolling single word reviews such as "gamesense". Nevermind Valve actually removing games with countless reviews stating the game is non-functioning..

Well, there's probably a bit better odds of Valve correcting a review handling error that's purely based in their automatic system, but heavens know how long it'd take them to implement such a fix, or how many additional issues they'd introduce along the way.

4 years ago*

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I say Bethesda is partly to blame for making a defective product which causes negative reviews. Obviously, the primary blame is on
Steam for banning what doesn't seem to be a scam review on accounts of scam.

4 years ago

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I mean, neither Bethesda nor Valve are really lacking in overall things to criticize, of course. :P

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago*

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It seems that the spamming of reviews rightfully rose a redflag on Steam

It rather seems wrongfully in this case

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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I can't even comprehend what spamming reviews is supposed to mean. We can only review a game once and we're only able to review a game we own. How is "spamming" of reviews even possible?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Sure, if we're talking about games created with the purpose of profiting from cards or other Steam mechanics who also have given a lot of free keys. This is not one of those games.

Edit: Unless you're saying that Bethesda gave away a lot of keys with the purpose of inflating the ratings for this game. Astroturfing is most likely more common than most of us would want to even imagine.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago*

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I'm not implying anything other than what I said

Yes, my dude, and what you said implies that someone is spreading a lot of free keys around in an effort to change the user rating on Steam.

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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That's not how quotations work. It's a pretty good straw man though. Also, this posting strategy is a decent illustration of spam

4 years ago

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Actually, I think it had a lot to do with "review bombing" and fake paid reviews.

Just as an example, a few devs announced that their game would be an Epic exclusive. Right away, people who owned their previous games gave those old games a bad review. That meant that a mostly positive or overwhelmingly positive game became mixed, or mostly negative. Then you had people mass upvoting those negative reviews, so they were the first ones you'd see. Something had to be done to stop that behaviour because if they enjoyed the previous games, they shouldn't be giving false negative reviews just because the newest game is going to a different platform on release.

Then there were the developers who were paying people to put positive reviews on their terrible, terrible games.

Cheapo games might suffer from what Marcio is talking about because devs were even giving keys for that purpose, but it's unlikely that someone would make multiple accounts to fake downvote more expensive games like those offered by Bethesda.

I think Marcio has it right though. They probably just manually sort through tickets of people who were wrongfully caught up in it. It'd likely be easier for them to just have a bot slap a ban on all the idiots. Bots are never going to be 100% accurate.

But then again... I got a warning myself for being rude, where I am pretty sure the mod's first language wasn't English. I was responding to someone who was trolling mac users for thinking macs are a good gaming machine. I said "you'd want to be an idiot to buy a mac specifically for gaming." I didn't actually call anyone an idiot. I'm a mac user. XD.

4 years ago*

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A bit off topic, but what really bothers me about this is that Steam doesn't have a similar mechanic in place for the fake positive reviews (you know, the likes of "10/10 would uninstall again").

4 years ago

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Yeah, those suck. I guess they are harder to police because they're not happening in bulk, while the other stuff tends to have a trend that a bot can pick up on pretty quickly. We're probably all guilty of seeing those types of reviews and not reporting them.

4 years ago

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Brb just going to upvote some reviews.

4 years ago

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haha exactly i did the same now

4 years ago

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So you now get banned on Steam for upvoting or downvoting a review?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Careful, you'll get banned for spreading misinformation

4 years ago

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I was going to try and explain how Steam reviews work, but since others already had, I decided to be (Oscar-worthy) outraged instead.

4 years ago

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But, are you angery on bethesda? Even a little bit?

4 years ago

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If I answer honestly and say I've actually enjoyed most of Bethesda's games, I'll likely be flogged and burned at the stake. :/

4 years ago

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Not by me. Don't tell anyone, but I've enjoyed the ones I've watched and played. Besides, it is fine to like their games, and to simultaneously hate their anti-business microtransaction model.

4 years ago*

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Hear hear. It's like this is some mysterious concept when discussing things like these

4 years ago

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From what I see I believe that it's just an automatic procedure that you might get banned from upvoting for a period of time if you upvote stuff against Steam's TOS.
Which actually does make sense on its own, I think - If you upvote stuff that is against their TOS and is for example containing harmful stuff etc. or even just useless spam reviews, so those reviews make their way into the "helpful" section, it does make sense to suspend your ability to upvote for a certain time period.
However in this case I guess the problem just lies on that review getting banned while it obviously isn't against their TOS, in fact I think it's actually a really important thing to point those flaws out.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I can't understand why comments talk like it is a normal thing?

4 years ago

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It is surprising, to say the least. Reading through the comments on Steam is slightly mindboggling, to me at least.

Just to give an example below

Actual banned review:

I have played Fallout 76 on Bethesda launcher over 20 hours awhile ago and I just returned. Still was disappointed that they haven't add in-game text communication, I can't communicate with anyone except emotes, because I am deaf and this is great big discrimination to deaf community -100 / 10

Steam user X responds

The only issue I see with this review is the tone is really mean from the start. The problem would be if they were trying to give constructive feedback, thats all gone with the way it was written. Theres also a possibility that it was auto flags from certain text or because of the hours played.

Steam user Y ask:

How is that review "mean"? He simply states that he is deaf, so he cannot communicate with other players because there is no text chat. It really is a slap in the face to the deaf community, so how is what he said mean?

Steam user X:

The tone of the review is negative from the start and from an outsiders point it can come off as flaming right off the bat, paired with the playtime being low. it would make sense that this could of been flagged.

4 years ago

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For fuck's sake, there are only 2 negative words and those are "disappointed" and "discrimination".

I say this is being "fanboy" at worst.

Look at the first 3 replies.

I mean it is like a 1 month ban, which isn't that bad.


I’d protest if I were you! You should get off the forums for a month. That’ll show em


So blame them not Bethesda. oh wait your a hater!

You are the hater...

4 years ago

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Steam [review] discussions are barely better than youtube comments, at times.. :X

4 years ago

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Developers/publishers can't ban your reviews, at worst they can make Valve aware of reviews they find questionable, and then Valve makes the decision.

I agree with oursmenusier, that this is probably some automated system that Valve has implemented that has gone wrong. The person who got got banned for upvoting a review did post a screengrab of it, and the review itself does not look like it breaks any rules, it's just someone being miffed about not being able to play a game because they think it lacks some basic functionality. So what likely happened is that Valve has some automated system in place that's supposed to flag potentially harmful reviews (phishing attempts, hate speech and other such lovely stuff). And Valve probably has put in a system to punish accounts that upvote those (which, and I'm guessing here, is likely to deal with bot accounts that try to push these reviews up to the top. It would not surprise me if scam/phishing "reviewers" utilize that sort of methods). And because all of this is entirely automated, the person who got banned for upvoting the review got unfairly punished in the process.

As someone who does write reviews relatively often, I've ran into trouble with Valve's automated systems on a few occasions. It's highly schizophrenic. It might let you post the review, then 2 days later flags it as potentially bad and that someone at Valve needs to approve of it, then a few days later it returns back up again, and two weeks later it gets flagged once more....

4 years ago

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I agree with oursmenusier, that this is probably some automated system that Valve has implemented that has gone wrong.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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As someone who does write reviews relatively often, I've ran into trouble with Valve's automated systems on a few occasions. It's highly schizophrenic. It might let you post the review, then 2 days later flags it as potentially bad and that someone at Valve needs to approve of it, then a few days later it returns back up again, and two weeks later it gets flagged once more....

So what you're trying to say is, it's about as sensible and well-functioning as their tagging system, or their recommendations system? :P

4 years ago

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I'm saying that it works exactly as well as you would expect it from a massive tech company, with near infinite resources, like Google or Valve

4 years ago

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I find it hard to believe they got banned for simply up voting a review. However if it was actually for the act of "up voting" a review it's probably because they did from multiple accounts to review manipulate.

4 years ago

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This. Exactly this. I've upvoted many negative reviews in my time, even those who simply said "F*** you, Randy Pitchford" and whilst Borderlands reviews were heavily moderated back then, I wasn't banned at all.

4 years ago

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I was very sceptical when it released but decided to give it a try since we could buy a bethesda key for steam for €8 last week. I got to say not a bad game, I preferred a fallout 5 but this is pretty close.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Bethesda bans for upvoting negative fallout 76 reviews on steam

Did you bother to read the comments, before you made a misleading post here? Because they gave a lot more sensible explanation.

4 years ago

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If you mean the global moderator response in Steam Community, it was posted 5 hours after this thread was made, and after the majority of the comments in this thread were made. While the thread's summarization was overly based in unsupported supposition, it was completely in line with all the comments in the linked content prior to that point, outside of the same kind of neutral "probably an algorithim error" comments we also had here, and a few irrationally formatted fanboy comments.

Both Steam and SG make their timestamps very clear and readily accessible to those reading through their associated comment sections. While you can definitely question the presentation of this thread, "bother to read the comments" seems like a completely unjustified premise for that, and potentially also an act of shooting onself in the foot.

In any case, it does seem to have gotten addressed fairly quickly, if we take the moderator's comment at face value, so it's probably worth giving Valve some initial leeway on such matters in the future.

4 years ago*

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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got a 1 week ban and steam wiped all my comments ever made for posting one steam legitimate discussion during the great skyrim purge. they hit people on both sides of the argument, giving out bans left and right. luckily gaben stepped in and unbanned us

4 years ago

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most dickish thing is they waited until our lord and savoir gaben was gone to spring the traps on us

4 years ago

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Did they get rid of the person who banned you?

4 years ago

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i should hope so, over 8,000 people got banned in a 24 hour period

4 years ago

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Probably one of the worst things I dislike about our hobby is how juvenile and emotional so many people react to everything, especially some things that are against their own basic interests. You've got people here fighting back on the OPs and trying to find reasons for why its "OK" on such a simple thing.

It's like people who are in abusive relationships defending why their partners do what they do. Even more bizarre is how they come out as immediate replies, almost as if on stand-by to defend any negative experience that's expressed.

4 years ago

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Oh Todd never change. Add a playable Skyrim on Fallout 76 please

4 years ago

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yesterday i saw the top review was a negative talking about how you have to pay extra for storage space in a market that was suppose to be all vanity items. today its not there and i couldn't find it with the filter.

4 years ago

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i just realized the reviews are best of the day so it wouldnt still be on the front page but i still couldnt find it with the filter. it had over 200+votes. whatever.

4 years ago

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Nice to see that Valve's laziness of trying to fix every problem with algorithms still backfires with a very loud bang. But hey, maybe they will use all that leftover time to start making gun skins for Alyx now.

4 years ago

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And hats!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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lol took a warn for critics f1rst on a discussion, 1st time I receive an warn from steam on 13 years

4 years ago

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