Edit: Do not ask for keys. Follow the site's rules.

1 decade ago*

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I bought it days ago and i liked it.

Normally i don't like games like this (especially original Solitaire) but this one is just relaxing.

1 decade ago

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I check your steam and I noticed what you have played your game only 30 minutes, why?:P

1 decade ago

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It was released on other portals almost a year before it was made available on Steam. I've played countless hours during development but none of that is tracked. Played some when it went live just to make sure everything was working. :)

1 decade ago

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His team made the game, of course he can get 100% achievements in 30 minutes!

1 decade ago

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really bad luck for the giveaways. lol not won in this 100 copies giveaway.

1 decade ago

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C'est la vie.

1 decade ago

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french :P

1 decade ago

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What is your shoe size?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks for the giveaway. It was my first win.

1 decade ago

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=( I dont win

But i buyed the game =D
And worth
Then ill make a giveaway =D

1 decade ago

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Thanks to your earlier giveaways (which I wasn't lucky enough to win, unfortunately), I decided to buy it myself when I saw it was like a buck due to the holiday sale.

I already have 16 hours in the game, it's kinda fun and relaxing. I have a minor question: Does the rarer Eggs have a Stage requirement or something? I got a Rainbow Egg during my Stage 8 run, but I was wondering if I could find it too on, for example, Stage 1.

1 decade ago

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All eggs spawn with equal chance under any stack. There are no limits to the number of eggs which can spawn in a layout.

The game used to have limits and it made finding eggs much rarer, but they were removed and the drop chances were raised - twice. Next game has an end game mechanic which makes it much easier to find the rest of the collectibles once the main adventure mode has been completed. We intend for players to be able to complete everything in single playthrough but if not then we'll make it possible for them to up the drop chance after completing the game once.

1 decade ago

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I guess it's just my luck then! Only got one Rainbow Egg when I was on Stage 8 so was wondering if it was a late game drop. Completed the game now and working on quickplay and such to get shiny golden star for the hell of it. Hopefully I can get the 7 or so remaining eggs I need along the way.

I like your idea on making it able to be done in a single playthrough or an increased drop rate once the game is completed, though. Hope to see it in Part 2! :)

1 decade ago

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How do you have time to make a game, yet play 816 hours of TF2?

1 decade ago

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lol and what with that =P

i have 1220 hours and more of other games...

someone said stalker? =D

1 decade ago

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I was seriously addicted to this game. Then I moved and now have a crappy Internet which makes it impossible to have a good ping. I hope to move again next month to a place with a better connection.

But... yeah... for a while TF2 was the only game I played. It was my go to game. I played nothing else. Probably my favorite game.

1 decade ago

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Why haven't I been invited to beta test Faerie Alchemy for Android? :(

1 decade ago

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Are you secretly begging? =P

1 decade ago

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You'll be contacted when a build is ready. If you posted on that announcement you will be contacted!

1 decade ago

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Okay, thank you. :)

1 decade ago

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autch i did lose the giveaway ._.

1 decade ago

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Such is life.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Not winning 100 copies giveaway was trigger for me to buy this game ;)

1 decade ago

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same here

1 decade ago

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How long did it take to make it?

1 decade ago

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9 months of solid work. I've not stopped working since it was released. If anything I'm more productive than ever.

1 decade ago

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I haven't bought the game yet, I intend too as soon as I can get to the bank and put some money in my internet card :)

I have noticed the beautiful art though and absolutely love it. Do you have any advice for an art student hoping to get in the gaming art field? Did you hire an artist or are those your creations?

1 decade ago

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All of the art but the cover art was by me. I usually hire someone better than myself to do the cover art because I believe it matters a lot in getting people to try a game, but I always give people a strong direction for exactly what I want. Otherwise 99% of all other art in my games are by me.

With art the best you can do is practice and stay inspired. You will get better. Don't draw the same things over and over, and don't draw or paint mindlessly. Always try to be learning when you make art.

Progress on those icons I posted above for Faerie Alchemy: http://i.imgur.com/treHv.png

My homepage right now is http://cghub.com/ I go there every day and look at a few things to stay inspired. With art it's a REALLY good idea to study other artists. It's a good idea to try and reproduce paintings by artists you admire so that you can understand why and how they made their painting. This won't make your work unoriginal so don't worry about that. Some people get the idea that they need to isolate themselves otherwise they will look like copycats, but I think the best artists work from the shoulders of the giants in the past and that is why they are great.

Get "The Perfect Bait" http://www.schoolism.com/quickies.php
Also get James Gurney's book Color and Light

There are a lot of great art books but those two books are two of my favorites.

I have never taken an art class nor design class. I have learned all that I know form self study, and I believe anyone can. The best way to learn is to make mistakes.

I'm still learning and getting better every day. :) One thing I'm missing is more friends who do art. I'm kind of a loner, because of where I live, but with with friends who are just as passionate about art as you you can teach each other and share. If you have any drawing events where people just hang out and draw together go to them!

1 decade ago

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Thank you so much!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Just wait until FS2. 10X the content. :)

1 decade ago

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I actually don't have a question, I just wanted to say thanks. After seeing you here I decided "hey, 86 cents or whatever it was at that point isn't much, even if I wont play it, let's buy it, support indie developers, worth it". I bought it, installed it, started it, got hooked... I have to keep myself from playing it or I wont ever get any challenges or even work around home done. I just love it. Several people on my friends list made fun of me for playing, I gifted it to them, now they are playing too.

I think if you would have gone for a different title (it might scare away some people) it would have even been more successful. But you definitely won a fan of your and your teams work. Thank you =)

Now... back to leveling up my dragon hatchling.

1 decade ago

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I am very glad you enjoyed it. One of the next solitaire games (other than FS2) we'll be releasing will hopefully be more Steam friendly. I'll just say its name, I guess, since some information about it was posted by accident (leaked) on another site. This next game is called Nightmare Solitaire and you can look forward to it next Halloween or sooner. WIP preview pic: http://i.imgur.com/s4Gle.jpg At least with this game people will only care that you're playing solitaire. :) There's nothing on our site yet about this game but now that I've posted this I'll try to put other preview stuff up about the game soon. Music track: http://soundcloud.com/jtolbert2000/nightmare-solitaire-theme

Thank you for your support! I love what you did!

1 decade ago

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Id be glad if i could be part of your beta testing, beacuse i like the game. Are you still looking for testers(android or PC)?

1 decade ago

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Me too!

1 decade ago

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me too (pc, ios)

1 decade ago

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Yes, and anyone in the SubsoapBeta Steam group will be able to be involved with game testing.

1 decade ago

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What do you think about piracy? What would be the best way to combat it?

1 decade ago

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I made a thread on Reddit where I talked about this. Read the posts of interest.


A developer can convert pirates to customers by giving customers the best service possible. Instead of wasting time fighting pirates, spend time and money on making customers extra happy. Do not do anti-customer things such as DRM, unless it is necessary to keep a service reliable for paying customers. Like the DRM with Steam isn't to keep pirates from ever playing the games so much as it is to make it less convenient for people to abuse the service (at least in my view - any and all game ever made are on the pirate sites).

1 decade ago

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Thank you for the game, I enjoy it very much. I am not so far in the game, but it will be in my game rotation.

1 decade ago

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That is the best way to enjoy games. I hope it remains enjoyable. :)

1 decade ago

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  1. How big is your company?
  2. Have you guys got any other projects planned/ games in the work atm (Besides FS2)?
1 decade ago

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  1. There is just me and another two guys. I hire our work such as music or translation to other independent people.

  2. Yes, the list is long. Coming up next is Faerie Alchemy. This is all I want to get done next year for sure:

FS Mac/Linux - Already 99% ready to go

FS Localizations (D,F,S) - Already 99% ready to go

FS2 + Locals

FSD + Locals

NS + Locals

FA 1.5 + Locals



FW + 90 Book Apps (DE, LH, GC)

3 GH Books

I'll be very, very busy as you can imagine.

1 decade ago

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:o nice nice

1 decade ago

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Hello! I'm currently in my 2nd year of being a computer engineer and there is one very, very important an aspiring programer as myself must ask you. Favorite programing snack?
Ok,ok, the real question. Any tips on the programing side of making games? I've only made a pokemon game in java ( just the battle part) but i dont know what my next step should be. Should i learn how to code better ( wich i know i still have a long way to go) or keep trying to make these simple ( for you lol ) week-2week long projects? Thanks for your time!

1 decade ago

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Are your goals to just be a good and fast coder or to learn game design too?

Either case... make as many small games as you can. Also, use Monkey: http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/

1 decade ago

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i feel like im limiting myself by not learning the basics and using a program like that..or am i wrong here? Thanks for the reply!

1 decade ago

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It depends on your goals. Do you want to make games or do you just want to be a programmer?

1 decade ago

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I think that question was what i really needed to ask myself. Thanks alot!

1 decade ago

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Bought you game today and am in two minds about it.
I love classic games with a twist or rpg element. These games in my opinion are: Puzzle Quest, Runespell, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes and your game. :D I enjoy these games because they give good life span, lots of elements to consider and length and can be played on the train as I commute to University (it's an hour and a half trip one way!). I think Runespell and your game miss the mark a little bit though with certain core elements which is a pity.

While I do enjoy your game I feel at times it might of missed the mark a bit. I guess it's just because i'm a RPG element whore really. I was expecting things like pets might have an effect depending on which one you have active to the gameplay + pictures on the cards to play into the game when I was browsing the game images before buying it (admittly I did not do my reasearch but for such a cheap game I wasn't going to regret it.).

While I haven't read the other posts due to the long nature of them i'm really wondering what you might be bringing to the new game in terms of features. Also what sort of games in those kind of catagory I stated at the start if played at all?

1 decade ago

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There are a lot of features which were either cut or not fleshed out as much as planned. Pets were originally going to be more involved, but making sure it was fun was super hard to figure out at the time. What they are now I think is still pretty interesting even if they don't do anything. Faerie Alchemy will have pets too and they will actually be useful - more games in the future like FS2 have more interesting mechanics too.

I am a big RPG/fantasy fan. I will for sure be incorporating more RPG elements into my future games. I have some ideas which I think will turn out really well! :)

Here is a screenshot of what could have been with the pets: pic

And this was like the 3rd iteration of the idea - the previous ones were more complex. Iteration was important with FS as we tried to focus on the most fun aspect of the game.

Here is some test work I did. It can give you an idea of what possibly could have been: pic

But again I wasn't exactly sure how to make it fun and doing all of that extra work at the time just did not make sense.

Using my knowledge gained from FS and some other projects Faerie Alchemy's pet system and related meta games will be very interesting. :)

1 decade ago

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This thread made me buy the game XD i know i will enjoy it.I just downloaded it :) Thanks for the low price :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks for your support! :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Hope you have enjoyed the game. :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Besides FS and any other games you are working on, what other games/game ideas would you want to make?

1 decade ago

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The list is super long. I have many good ideas which I probably will pass up on making.

1 decade ago

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what you think of this topic of this forum?

Do you hate game programmers as i do

I'm interested to know what thinks a developer about the posture of this user = /

1 decade ago

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The games which won't run have modern dependencies. The modern dependencies make game development in some ways much easier than it was years ago but the modern dependencies also add to the system requirements even if the nature of the game would not require more advanced hardware by looks alone. But my system doesn't meet minimum requirements that's the problem.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the reply = D
And for tell me your opinion

1 decade ago

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Why? Why make a solitaire game? Why not a platformer, shooter, RPG, strategy, sim etc.?

1 decade ago

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I've been involved in the making of many games, and many of our future games are not solitaire. Faerie Solitaire is what I am best known for because it is genuinely awesome. I come back to it every now and then and play some and I'm amazed I even made it... Have you tried it yet?

Here's a top down shooter project I was working on for a while: click

There are too many games I want to make. I try hard to always finish what I start now.

1 decade ago

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Where did you get your education/skills to make it? Just wondering because I hear a lot of people just through websites and suddenly there are fantastic indie games out now from having little to no college experience from those guys.

1 decade ago

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Learned it all from self study, practicing a lot, and making lots of mistakes. Many people don't share their progress, or just no one cares. So when they release something amazing it's pretty interesting. Really though each game has a long history where that developer probably made a ton of mistakes and learned very hard lessons.

I earned my highschool diploma and associate of the arts degrees with honors when I was 18 (23 now). I have no other college experience - I stopped because I knew I wanted to work for myself and anything I wanted to learn I could do so by myself. I believe that no one needs permission to be great, and going to get a degree is asking for permission. Some people say they are jealous that I have work - they wish they could find a job too - but all of the work I do is invented by myself. I'm not waiting for someone to tell me what to do.

1 decade ago

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Curious where did you learn the materials from? Books? Websites? Other people? What skills do you have now after those years? Thanks for answer my question. It's really been interesting to see how people go from nothing to making something without any college education.

1 decade ago

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Anything that is available. Books, the Internet, people on the Internet. Not really anyone in person. No classes.

The skills I have mean I can do any art for any game. I wear many hats...

1 decade ago

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You can make hats for a living. hahahaha Which is funny and sad at the same time. 100% jelly of the polycount packs for TF2 making ~50k

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Pkeod.