From official forum :


All beta participants are now given two keys for their friends to use.

If you are an active beta participant, you can claim your keys here. Once your key is used by someone, it will disappear from the list.

We do not have a formal friend referral system in yet that rewards the referrer with cool in-game rewards. But we are tracking the source of keys. So if you refer someone using your friend referral key we will be giving you credit for that referral once the formal system is introduced (later in the beta cycle).

Thus anyone who gives their keys away will get benefit from it. If you banned the keys from the other game site (forgot the name) , you should ban these ones aswell

1 decade ago*

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Unless they give it on the forums.

1 decade ago

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On the official ones they have no problem with that. This one however has a rule against refferals , and for a good reason (just look at all those posts about smite keys)

1 decade ago

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Refferal links are not allowed!Nowhere on the site....

1 decade ago

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You are rat.

1 decade ago

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It's the goddamn rules

1 decade ago

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This does not excuse you from the fact that you're a rat.

Now what if dozens of people get banned? U will be happy?

1 decade ago

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It's the goddamn rules #2

It's not like there's a thousand of them. They are few and easy to follow

1 decade ago

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U will be happy?

Seeing users who broke the rules to get undeserved benefit, yes

1 decade ago

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^ this

1 decade ago

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If you break the rules, expect to suffer the consequences of breaking them. How hard is this to get in your head?

1 decade ago

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beziko, would you like to be banned? I think this would be your third strike of breaking the rules.

1 decade ago

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I like bans, but i like unbans more :>

1 decade ago

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Wait what?

BTW I think the one you're looking for is playblink

1 decade ago

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Oh yeah that's the one i was talking about

1 decade ago

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There are people however also giving away keys that aren't referals, such as two I gave away about two weeks ago that I got spare from MMOBomb. (Which are in no way connected to my account)

The question is, if they are to not allow them, do they not allow smite keys as a whole, or do they look at each key being given away? And off that, is there an easy way to tell what keys are from the personal account. (I wouldn't know, I didn't really look at my keys, just gave them to two friends that I play League with that wanted to try SMITE).

Overall, ban people that have already done it? I wouldn't go that far. There are people that didn't realize, and then there are those who didn't really care about referrals, they just had the keys, had no use for them, so they gave them out. Punishing for generosity isn't really the way to go.

I would say that if the staff here feels that it does break the rules in that sort of way, and there is no good way to monitor them, then disallow them from here on in, but I wouldn't punish those that already have.

1 decade ago

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Just disallow them entirely , looking at them one by one ? Yeah that's way too long (and there is no way to see which one is tied to your account and which isn't)

As far as banning goes , some people have given out 300+ keys , imo they knew about the referral thingy (who the fuck would take the time to send 300keys for no benefit ?) , and those should be banned. The people who only gave a couple should just have a warning. Then again , I'm not a moderator , so it's up to them to decide. I just created this topic to bring this to their attention to prevent this forum from beng spammed by those keys

1 decade ago

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I agree that taking a look at each one is way to long, but my point is, not every key is linked to a SMITE account and therefore not a "referral key", so some people when giving out keys did not break any rules, yet if there is no way to see which is tied to an account, if a warning is given to those who gave keys that weren't "referral" keys, then all in all, that warning is unjust.

In my experience of being in a staff position at a large forum for quite some time, I would personally only see punishment justified to those who gave large amount of keys that are proven as referral keys (well, as close to proven as can be.) Because in the end, it is possible for those who gave a few keys to have gotten them elsewhere, such as I, and in the end, the few (2-5) keys aren't supporting the user much.

So, I would say that if the staff finds this an issue (that keys are technically a "referral" system, well give you some credit once the referral system comes out) that in my view only those that post within the future after notice are good to punish.

But of course, this is only my view and my opinion, and not that of other's, just chipping in my two cents.

In the end though, it is a bit of a rough area and the thoughts of the members don't come into count for this, staff will eventually say "Yay or Nay" to it depending on their interpretation of the keys and the rules and from there what happens, happens.

Anyway, not causing argument, just decided to give my few thoughts on the subject, because Smite is a fun game and either way it is nice that others are getting the chance to join in on the fun. :)

I'm off to look at the giveaways and see if any interest me, then I'm off back home. So sorry if you respond and I forget to come back here and look. :p

1 decade ago

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Hey Supernico00 why u link this thread in my topic i don't understand,did u followed link on word "here" on offcial forum? It leads to your account page where 3 keys to give to your friends.I send ppl invitations from actual in game menu. I'm not posting refferal keys that looks like AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE. I just want people to actualy play the game,instead of waiting for invite from Hi-Rez studios which i recived after 4 weeks after signing up for beta.

1 decade ago

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Keys given out by email also counts as referral and are tied to your account , just read the whole topic.

It's just the rules , several topics have been created on the forum about this and I'm pretty sure everyone of you knows you will have rewards when they introduce the system (c'mon , don't try to play the nice guy with me , it's also what happened with playblink and they ended up banning everyone who distributed invites to this site)

If they took action against playblink invites then they should also take action against Smite keys , otherwise it's just plain unfair for the guys who got banned by giving invite to the site (their was also the vip code thingy for the fps-minecraft like game which gave benefits which was disallowed)

1 decade ago

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I guess we should just apply a dont give away anything on the forums rule now EDIT - that isnt verified and stuff. Thanks dude for the warning

1 decade ago

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Did I say that ? You're free to give any game you want on the forum.

There's a rule against referrals which is in place for good reasons to prevent the spam of those. I'm just saying that the smite keys are referrals to stop the spamming before half the forum is full of them

1 decade ago

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I just ignored the smite keys since I figured I was too slow to get them anyway, but now I have an ACTUAL reason to avoid them, thanks.

1 decade ago

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Well you can send infinite keys ingame if you have the email of the person that wants it now :|

Which is why the keys are everywhere

1 decade ago

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So... you wanted to play the game until you learned that someone else could have possibly benefited from you playing the game?

I understand banning referrals on a site because people will spam them otherwise, but why would you personally care if you were able to play through a referral or not?

1 decade ago

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couldn't be bothered playing it i have an original key i.e. one that spawns 3 cant be bothered with it after all once the beta ends you still have to buy the game

1 decade ago

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You know the game will be free to play right ?

1 decade ago

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Whats this? I gave some keys out here a couple weeks ago, heard nothing of the sort.

Must be something new they are doing,

1 decade ago

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Well it was posted more than a month ago

The thing is every people only had 3 keys before to give out so the issue was minimal. Problem now is that every beta tester can send infinite keys ingame which is why it's an issue now

1 decade ago

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I see, I handed out my 3 keys weeks ago but had no clue they were gonna be referral type keys in the long run...

Hated the game anyways...O_o.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, i'll start banning people who do this from here on out. All people that did this before this thread was posted are safe.

1 decade ago

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Well , the guys who posted 300 keys are lucky then :P

But I think it's the best solution to avoid banning legit people , thanks Yatterman

1 decade ago

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He's getting a ban if he doesn't close his thread soon. (Biofox that is)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Supernico00.