Bundle in a Box migration complete - if you previously purchased a BIAB bundle, they should now all be on your Groupees purchases page - that is if you used the same email addy for both accounts. If not, the link details how to get them linked.

Not sure if this was posted already - couldn't find it if so...

now for Desura to raise their IQ :-p

8 years ago

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I never bought from BIAB but that's nice for the people who did. They also added DRM-FREE downloads for all the Shiny Loot games bought through Groupees some time ago when SL was shutting down.
I agree, if someone took care of all the Desura accounts and merged them with a living service that would be great.

8 years ago

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I was able to get any available Steam keys off of SL a few weeks ago - but not to dl anything but yes, nice of Groupees to add the dl's to the bundle games if they weren't already there in the first place. :-)

8 years ago

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whoa that's nice :D I was wondering why these old bundles were at the top!

8 years ago

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I made a topic about this a couple of days ago, but I guess it got lost in the shuffle :P

Either way, this is great news for BIAB buyers (even though I backed up everything I had a long time ago).

8 years ago

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Sorry! Searched several ways without success - but agree, nice move on Groupee's part :-)

8 years ago

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