Been wanting Fallout 3 GOTY for PC for a while now.. I've had it on PS3 without the DLC, and it was, of course, great.. A couple months ago I picked up Fallout: NV for a mighty six dollars for PS3 at my local game store. But, my PS3 time is severely limited, while laptop time is near infinite, so I got the urge to try and find Fallout 3 complete..

.. and was pretty disturbed when twenty bucks is the best price I could find.. No sales or anything.. Add that to the fact that I barely have twenty bucks to spend (disabled and get a monthly check..) Was wondering if there's a good sekret place to buy it from I don't know about?? Best I've got so far is a 20% off GamersGate code.. Its also insane that you can get Skyrim for the same price :P

9 years ago*

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The Steam summer sale is coming up, there is no doubt that game will be on sale for dirt cheap at some point. (It always is, every sale.)

9 years ago

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+1 The truest words

9 years ago

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It will come around for $5 again at some point. I'd keep an eye out during the Steam sale. I got it for $2.50 at Gamersgate during one of their numerous price glitches... but price errors aside, it goes for cheap fairly often.

9 years ago

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steam in the next few days. probably $5 for the ultimate edition.

9 years ago

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I've got a sweet 6.35 in my Steam wallet, so here's hoping! :) I've actually never checked out Steam during a sale before (up until recently it was just a thing Terraria forced me to download), so I'm actually /scared/ of the Steam sale :P Apparently, judging the hype, its a pretty intense sale.. Maybe, instead of buying it for 20% of at GamersGate I should just add that cash to Steam wallet and see what happens :> And add it to wishlist so I get email notification of a wishlist game going on sale :D

The 19th needs to hurry it up ;)

9 years ago

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It's been 75% off on last year's summer sale. Chances are it will be again on this one. The summer sale is 38 hours away so just hang on a bit and see for yourself.

9 years ago

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Prepare yourself... The Sale is coming...
Summer and Winter are the major ones, often lasting about a week, maybe two... Almost everything in the store gets about 50% off, quite a nice chunk goes down to 75-80% off even.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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For some reason, Steam today said there was an update to my downloaded copies of Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics... So I think they're going to bring those back for the summer sale and have the full package on sale. (If I'm remembering right, those were removed for a while since GOG game them away for free? If I'm remembering wrong, then just ignore me and forget I said anything.)

9 years ago

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The rights to the Fallout universe went to Bethesda. Interplay gave away as many copies of the older games as they could before Bethesda took control of the Fallout IP in order to hurt future sales as one last "fuck you." This was because Bethesda sued (and won) and said Interplay wasn't doing shit with the Fallout license. Bethesda had rights to make new Fallout games but Interplay still held the rights to a Fallout MMO as long as the project was in active development. If it was, then Interplay was still in the Fallout arena from a legal standpoint. However the court decided in Bethesda's favor and it was all over for Interplay's rights to the license. That's when the old Fallout games were removed for sale from Steam, GOG, etc. Everyone assumed that Bethesda would be re-releasing the older games at some future date because the Fallout store pages weren't removed from Steam completely, only set as purchase-disabled.

TLDNR: Bethesda might finally be getting around to re-releasing the older Fallout games.

edit: Aaaaaaaand, they're back.

9 years ago

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CAN'T WAIT. :> I think its because of this damn commercial that plays a nice old-time song like those in Fallout :| Its.. getting.. to me.. Though, the commercial doesn't have anyone locking in with VATS and exploding anyone's head into strawberry chunks, so.. it could be worse ;)

9 years ago

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You can also try a site such as and I use these frequently to find the best price.

9 years ago

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if not summer sale, then Quakecon, will be taking place July 17-20

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by theuncooked.