I must have the worst luck ever I won another game yay for me copied the key added to steam and got the same problem as my last first the Key was already in use. I've Contacted gifter and still waiting for a reply been a few days now with no joy.

So out of the 3 wins i have to my name 2 keys were already in use so either i'm damn unlucky or this is a common problem with bundle keys?

Just throwing up a poll to see how common this problem is.

I'm still waiting on a good bundle so i can gift back ;) just waiting for one with a few games I want and some I own already.

9 years ago

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Bad luck or common problem?

View Results
Your luck suck bro
It's a common problem with bundle keys

Wow, u are unlucky

9 years ago

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Make sure to mark 'Not received". Gifters are obliged to give a valid copy to the winner. If their key is already used, they HAVE to provide you with a new one.

9 years ago

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Have to(SG rules) and will do(real life) are 2 different things the last time this happened i contacted the gifter we chatted about it but i got nothing.

Followed the steps that SG rules lay out but that doesn't mean SG will make the gifter give you the item and all SG can do really is ban the gift giver.

But i still think both times this happened its human error IE new users

9 years ago

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Yeah, SG admins can't force them to give you a key, but they can penalise you BOTH if neither of you follow the rules...out of curiosity, what game did you win this time?

9 years ago

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War game EU escalation but the keys for a whole the humble bundle looks like the gifter used the code and only played some games or something and thought they could gift the games they didn't install.

9 years ago

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Which game was it this time ? It can happen quite often with keys given away by WGN, it's forbidden to give them away for profit (even CV / level !) and they can get revoked for that reason. I may be wrong, but I guess from the end-user side the error message is the same (already in use).

9 years ago

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always check ga creator profile ;)

9 years ago

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This person was real with a higher steam level then myself by some way however another person who won from this person has the same problem so i assume they are new to Steam Gifts.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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War Game EU escalation ... but it was a bundle key with another game supposedly attached to it 2 games from 1 key I don't get that i'd have expected 2 keys unless one came with no key at all but hey such is life easy come easy go ;)

9 years ago

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I guess you were replying to my post ? I don't think this game has been given away for free by WGN (a DLC for it maybe, but that's all). It probably means the problem is on your luck side, sorry :-)

9 years ago

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Yeah the game has 3x free DLCs as part of it but i've not seen the base game given away for free either i've not even heard of WGN am i missing a trick here? lol

9 years ago

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WGN aka who's gaming now (google is your friend !). They help many indie devs give keys away among other things, a nice and useful site.

9 years ago

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oh i've been playing indie games for a while guess i should check this out TY

9 years ago

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Ouch, that must hurt.

9 years ago

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I see what you did there lol I like my secondary name ;)

OTH has so many uses in games with pvp "OuchThatHurt has been killed by so and so" or "You have been killed by OuchThatHurt".

Ah gaming humor/banter i miss playing MMO's lol

9 years ago

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When you deal with old codes it can happen. Maybe they expired, maybe he used them and forgot about it. It doesn't look like he has or can get another copy for you, so, well, bad luck :(

9 years ago

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Retry that key. I had once situation when steam said invalid and next day the same key was working.

9 years ago

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I've retired it on 2 or 3 different days now I wounder if it's region locked or maybe just an expired key ... but then the message should be different.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Same for me!!!!!! And the support dont care!

9 years ago

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When it happens you have to contact the person who ran the give away then give them a week to make good on it, if they don't mark as not received and report the user if you feel inclined.

That is the limit of what you can do you are not allowed to name the person that would get you banned I believe, also note that support can be very busy with only a few actually doing it so you might not get any replies.

9 years ago*

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Thanks for answering, the delivery date of the key has passed and the creator of this blocked me on steam, I reported him in support but had no response.

9 years ago

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First of all, you won't get a reply from support, as they cannot post replies in Support forums in SGv2. They can only resolve it and close it. Secondly - not really anything Support can help you with. Think of SG as a platform to connect gifter with winner. SG place is just to select the winner, but they cannot be responsible for every users action. You cannot expect them to give you something you won on fake GA, or to force someone to give you a game. All they can do is to punish (suspend/ban) an user, if he repeats the offence - but even then it's not really neccessary to inform you of the actions that were taken against another user.

9 years ago

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you can buy luck for 5 bucks

9 years ago

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You selling lucky rabbits feet by any chance? lol

9 years ago

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yes, send me the money to the end of the world, left

9 years ago

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you have been a part of this for a month and won 3 things. that's not the best of luck but people have gone a year without ever winning. i have entered over 1500 games until my win today for dwarf with a 100% chance.

9 years ago

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I mostly only enter things on my wishlist or game i'm 50/50 on and not sure i'd by them but they look interesting at the end of the day it's RNG so some people could go years without winning while others can win loads in a month.

9 years ago

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Damn .... We shall support you in this weird shit you found yourself in, but is it the same gifter ?

9 years ago

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it's a different gifter seams to be the CD key was for a whole humble bundle and not the game on it's own.

9 years ago

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Wargame European Escalation bundled with Sherlock Holmes by any chance? Think I got a key or a gift link from a HB once with both in a single key/link.

9 years ago

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yeah that was the one old style code from humble bundle now you need 1 code per game not 1 code for the bundle ;)

9 years ago

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What kind of viking you are , go pillage and take what you want .Don;t wait fate deliver it for you

9 years ago

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hmm I used to have a long boat and a few good man to crew her we troll about the east coast of the UK looking for easy prey, but i'm getting old now and spend a lot of time in my mead hall drinking, telling old tales of valor and singing songs with my brethren.

9 years ago

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Well pretty much all the games I've won have been bundle games, which I don't mind since I really look to play them, 9/12 gifts have been via bundle key and I haven't had any issue with them thankfully :]

I'm sorry that you're on a bad luck streak but don't worry, it won't last forever!

9 years ago

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Luck is a fickle thing I think the 2 times this has happen is more to with human error then luck, but just bad luck it's happened 2 times in a month lol

At least the RGN gods favor my random number but they like to tease with bad codes lol

9 years ago

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I see only one game out of the three that you didn't receive... O_o

9 years ago

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you wont see th 2nd one until after i mark it not received which takes a week

9 years ago

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