I won this game but not receive http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FOptI/napoleon-total-war-collection
I told with the creator and he said "sorry but I dont have money"

In Giveaways I cant press in "No" received. And now?
Ty for all

1 decade ago*

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You have to wait 7 days to press no, that's all you can do.

1 decade ago

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hahahhaahahah that guy is amazing :D "sorry id ont have the money"

no you click received and you enjoy the mod's wrath :)

1 decade ago

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This needs to be sent to support and then please close this thread.

1 decade ago

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maybe fake user?

1 decade ago

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As has been said, the "No" check box will only be available after 7 days have passed.

1 decade ago

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Ok guys! Very thanks for reply!! :)

1 decade ago

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Scumbag Steve strikes again.
Now at your local Steamgifts!

1 decade ago

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The guy had no idea how the site works. Why did you enter anyway? I'm not picking on you, but next time read the giveaway descriptions.
You've basically entered and won a fake giveaway. You set yourself up for disappointment :P What a waste of 50 points....

1 decade ago

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Try saying that in any fake giveaway and you'll get "It's just points, you have nothing to lose, WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT IMAGINARY POINTS?? JUST REPORT AND MOVE ON GAWD IT SAYS DONT CALL OUT FAKE GIVEAWAYS IN RULES YOU GUYS MAKE ME MAD" as your response.

Some people are willing to take the risk, that some guy who registered a week ago and entered 5 giveaways with 0 comments knows how the site works and is actually going to give away a copy of AC3.

1 decade ago

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That's why people need to investigate first. There is always someone who finds out if the creator of the giveaway knows how this site works and put them in the comments :P

1 decade ago

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Wrong. People that write that stuff in the comments know NOTHING. They are just GUESSING.

Calling out people (which includes calling giveaways fake without any proof) is against the rules of this site, and as far as I am concerned the not-so-subtle messages to the creator of a giveaway like, "Do you know how the site works?" are not much better.

People need to learn that they don't know as much as they think they know.

1 decade ago

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This. Even with it explicitly stated in the base rules, people harass new submitters all the time, because heaven forbid they lose some of the points they got for free from all the people making giveaways. Better accuse people making the giveaways of them being fake, instead of just hitting the report button and not entering. That's such a great first impression and such a wonderful way to welcome them to our community. There are few other violations that are more damaging to the site and the community as a whole.

1 decade ago

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Why not implement a pop-up for every new user that creates their first giveaway, telling them how the site works?

1 decade ago

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and what most people do when they're given pop-up window of any sorts? they click "Next" or "I Agree" without reading anyway :>

1 decade ago

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That's true as well, but you're giving them the option IN THEIR FACES to read the FAQ, instead of them scrolling down, clicking FAQ, weeding through tons of info to find what they need.

Maybe something so simple it could be considered neanderthalic, like "YOU CREATE GIVEAWAY -> YOU GIVE GAME AWAY" :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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sometimes its kind of obvious they have no idea how the site works, like if they're begging in the giveaway description or have the game on their wishlist

1 decade ago

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not everyone updates they wishlists xD I haven't seen mine for some time and Already owned most of the games, even gave some away ;p

1 decade ago

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I've given away games on my wishlist on more than one occasion. Think again. That's why we never act on these things unless they're reported by the winners after it's all over. Otherwise, no one knows.

1 decade ago

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well, it won't be likely that they'll give away a game they want and don't own

1 decade ago

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It's relatively unlikely that lightning will strike any given spot on the earth, yet it's happening all over the world all the time. Harassing and accusing even one genuine submitter because of what anyone thinks is or is not likely is entirely unacceptable. That's why the rule exists, and that's why we suspend for it all the time. I can't even imagine how bad it would get if we didn't.

1 decade ago

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Sorry to hear OP won a fake giveaway. And they already figured it out, the giveaway creator will never send those games, they never bought them. :(

Some people have said obviously fake, or why did you enter such a giveaway, but I don't know. Most of those brand new account, expensive giveaway things are fake, maybe you can say 99%, but there's no way to be sure until the giveaway ends. Some people like to enter them anyway, in case they found the 1% that's real...

I gave some leftover keys to some family members, for them to make first giveaways here. Not "obviously fake" stuff like call of duty when it's top of their wishlist, just random junk. And of course, some nice person investigated and called out "fake." As you said, it's a great first impression, nice welcome to the community.

1 decade ago

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He will probably get suspended by tomarrow by making a fake giveaway. Thank's for telling us this and now you can close this thread.

1 decade ago

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You need to please close this thread and remove the giveaway link. Calling people out on the forum is against the rules and can result in a suspension for you. Mark as not received after 7 days, that is it.

1 decade ago

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That sucks.

Welcome to the world of high value newbie giveaways. For every one that is legitimate, there are at least four that are about as genuine as your average politician's election promises.

A comprehension quiz on the rules really needs to be built into the registration process, perhaps augmented with a basic IQ test to ensure the user can at least muster double figures...

1 decade ago

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well - I don't think it would be such a great idea - a lot of fair users on this site don't speak fluent english, yet they for example read user-translated FAQ, or ask a friend how the site works - and then they're valuable addition to the community - yet they wouldn't be able your "test" due to insufficient language knowledge ;p

1 decade ago

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You raise a good point, but just to clarify, I never said that the quiz would have to be in English :D

The FAQ have already been translated into several of the more popular languages, so I see no reason the same couldn't be done for these quizzes.

1 decade ago

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the problem here is that FAQ has been translated as a charity by willing users - quiz however would have to be developed and implemented by staff themselves - and you cannot expect staff members to translate everything into all different languages :>

1 decade ago

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"But I think I sent the gifts I'm not sure, sorry." Yes, sure xD

1 decade ago

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What a dick move.

1 decade ago

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Please remove the link to the giveaway and file a support ticket about the matter. Thank you.

1 decade ago

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Call the poh-lice

1 decade ago

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Fuck the poh-lice

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by mordear.