HalfBeard's HUD has got another contest for you guys, this time it's StarDrive up for grabs and we want you to create an alien species for us. You see what with StarDrive's interesting and inventive races, like samurai kill-bears and Cthulhu worshipping octopus-men, I wanted to see what awesome stuff you guys could come up with. You're all smart creative people, so I'm looking forward to seeing some interesting affronts to God courtesy of your warped little imaginations.

Entering is simple, just post a description of your alien race to the thread on our Steam group labeled "Make me an Alien", oh yes and pictures are encouraged. The most interesting and unique creation wins a copy of StarDrive courtesy of Iceberg Interactive. Just cause we're nice though we also have a runner up prize for the second and third most interesting entries, they each get a copy of Leviathan: Warships; sure that's exactly not to theme but we have extras copies of it so there you go. Oh yes and it should go without saying, but no rip-offs; if your entry is labeled "Zenomorph" and describes a bunch of spiky black phallic aliens then you will not get anywhere close to winning.

Alright, you've got till 5:00PM PST this Friday (May 10th) to enter, so get to it!

1 decade ago*

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Bump, just want to make sure everyone is aware and gets a chance to enter if they want.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by HalfBeard.