hey everyone
was searching for this game but i couldn't find i played it before 4 years it's zombie Survival game anyway in this game if you find a book in the ground your hands turns into kung fu or something or the style turns into kung fu for like sec's

i know the info is fucked up but anyway any ideas?:D

have a great day

8 years ago

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god hand maybe?

8 years ago

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i don't think so not this one :D

8 years ago

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i was thinking as god hand is for PS2 xD

8 years ago

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my first thought was left 4 dead but i cant fit the book into that one..

8 years ago

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How was it graphically speaking? 3D or 2D?
What type of view? Isometric? Third person?

8 years ago

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"Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green"

Kungfu Fists:
Damage: 30 x 5 (primary fire) / 100 x 4 (alt fire)
Speed: Very Fast
Range: Short
Hits to Kill (Zombie): 5 (primary fire) / 2 (alt fire)
Hits to Kill (Weapon User): 7 (primary fire) / 2 (alt fire)
First Found: Neighbors (Level 3)

The Kungfu Fists are a secret "joke" weapon that are apparently not
meant to be taken seriously. To acquire them, you must read the
secret "Kungfu Zombies" manual found hidden in various locations
throughout the game. Unlike other items, the Kungfu book is NOT
highlighted by the game, and thus you'll miss it unless you know to
look for it. Once you pick up the manual, Jack will utter in a confused
tone of voice "I know Kungfu?" (duh, Neo) and his melee weapon will
be replaced by tattooed fists of fury.

Is this the game you seek??

8 years ago*

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yeah yeah this one god dammit thanks alot dude <3 <3
btw welcome to my whitelist
have a great day and thanks for your help

8 years ago

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Your welcome c: its always a pleasure to help people.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by WHODAHECKCARESSON.