Hello. I just bought Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition "STEAM KEY GLOBAL" from g2a but when i activated the game it said (RU). Now im downloading/installing it, will it not let me play because its RU tagged? From far i know, games that are tagged with other region than yours should not work, but there was a post somewhere on the sg forums where a few people said it should work as ROW.

7 years ago

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This is the risk you take when you shop on a grey market site like G2A, Kinguin, etc. There are some unscrupulous vendors on those kind of sites.

7 years ago

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yah i know... but the games are cheaper... way cheaper. I paid 1.28 Euros for it, rather than 20Euro from Steam... (i forgot to buy it from Summer Sale)

7 years ago

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Yeah I'm sure it was $3 (85% off) during the Summer sale (as it often is)

7 years ago

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If you were able to redeem it, it should work. Most RU-keys can't be activated in some countries like here in germany without VPN, that's all :)
If you would redeem it with a VPN in these countries (which is NOT advisable) you should also be able to play it.

But I would not buy at G2A. Did it once and lost my game and my money...

EDIT: Seems that I was wrong. Did not know that some game-servers check your IP and don't allow you to play a RU-game if your IP is not a RU one. Thanks for correcting me!

7 years ago*

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i bought several games and even sold a few. Same for CSGO skins.
Im currently in game, i hope there wont be any problems.

7 years ago

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Games can have seperate activation and play locks. These can work both ways round. This can be activated but not played. A NA Metro Last Light Complete key on the other hand can't be activated but can be played outside of NA.

7 years ago

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Unless you live in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Ukraine, you're probably out of luck (see the "Information" tab on the left).

G2A is generally to be avoided for other reasons as well.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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If i can run the game and im not prompted out by some error , am i good to go? Can i fully enjoy the game ?

7 years ago

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I can only go by the information provided on Steamdb that I linked above. According to the info there, a RU key should not run in non-CIS regions. I guess you're in luck If you are not experiencing these restrictions.

7 years ago

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It'll most likely stuck on Russian language.

7 years ago

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its in english actually even the characters voice are in english.
You can set up those things in Options too.

7 years ago

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That one should not start up unless you live in a CIS country. The client does an IP check.

7 years ago

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Really? But wouldn't that mean, that someone living in RU that wants to play his game in vacation in another country is not able to play it, because his IP is not RU at the moment? Hmm.....doesn't make much sense in my opinion.

7 years ago

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This is how it works though, yes.

7 years ago

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Oh my, I would be so pissed xD Not a good solution in my opinion. I mean, to block the activation of the game key is one thing. Everyone can decide on his own if he / she risks losing his steam-account by activating it with a VPN.

But to block RU people from playing when they are in another country.... What if someone has a lot RU games in his account because he lived in RU and moves now to another country so that he's living now in EU for some reason? So they would lose all those games? hmm...if this is legit?...

7 years ago

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In that case they need to contact Valve, where the company will ask official documents that verify the user moving to a new country. They can convert the licenses accordingly.

7 years ago

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I see... Well, thanks for explaining. Didn't know this.

In my opinon it's not a good way to treat the customers, but yeah, it is what it is...

7 years ago

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Well, they get a built-in 60% permanent discount on top of all other discounts in exchange. (Russians anyway, as some CIS countries either use USD or CIS-USD prices, that are somewhat higher.)

7 years ago

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There is a difference between "selling restricted" and "run restricted". Selling restricted games only need the fitting IP for activation. Run restricted also need the fitting IP for every run of the game. Gifts can only be run restricted, keys can be both. Keys and gifts from "cheap zones" (CIS, SEA, SA) are automatic run restricted.

And yes, that means someone from RU can't play most of his/her games outside of RU. They have a quite limited license.

7 years ago

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im not from CIS, im from Romania, and im in the game right now.

7 years ago

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why ppl still buying from G2A, STOP it

7 years ago

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because games are way cheaper. I bought several games, even sold a few. Bought some CSGO skins and sold a few too.

7 years ago

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G2A isn't that bad, really. As long as you buy from popular and well rated sellers everything's all good, and you save money!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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The latter is a nice idea, since GOG doesn't do this regioning/DRM bullshit. (This is why it's the best digital video game seller site, period.)

7 years ago

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ah i dont use GOG...but good tip.

7 years ago

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start. it's free. why not have a backup copy?

7 years ago

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well, the game works somehow. Im not from Romania, but my city is near the border with Republic of Moldova if it has anything to do with it.
Im currently in the game. Any chances for it to get "revoked" because im not from RU region ? Or i'm good to go?

7 years ago

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Define chance. There is a decent chance it gets revoked because for a few days, G2A-originated games get removed from libraries.
There is only a purely mathematical chance it gets removed because of wrong region. I never even heard of a "I have a Steam friend who has a friend who once read on reddit about someone whose friend's roommate had a game removed due to bad region lock" story.

By the way, if it works, then be happy, enjoy the game. :)

7 years ago

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Thank you for the answer :)

7 years ago

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Somebody I used to share a house with had a copy of Skyrim that he bought on G2A retroactively region locked. It wasn't revoked though, it is still in his Steam library he just can't play it. It turned out it was one of a number that were sold that came from physical copies that should have only been for sale in one country and Bethesda applied a region lock when they found out they were being resold online.

7 years ago

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Those from Bethesda are a couple of arses. Cant wait to see them going down. It'll happen someday. They are getting more and more greedy. They want to release Remastered edition of the game when no one asked for them( referring to Skyrim mostly). Another way to make their old games expensive again. They modified the price of Skyrim LE 3 times during Summer Sale. I was lucky enough to get it for 24.99 Euros. Then it went to 25.13 Euros, then Legendary Edition was completly removed and replaced with "Game+DLC pack" and it became ~33.49 Euros if i remember right. Then i think it got more expensive again.
Their games are great, but what they do with their games after, is just disgusting. Its not like they're not making enough money or something.
I just cant wait till they burn to ashes. Long live companies like CD Projekt Red

7 years ago

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Hah! If you want to see price modified on old games, ask Quake Live players. A completely free game suddenly dropped a MineCraft and now carries a price tag.

7 years ago

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Bethesda have done a number of dickish things and are only getting worse. But they'll only go down if people stop buying their stuff. And EA unfortunately seem to be proof that people will just keep supporting assholes.

CD Projekt Red are a great company, and although I'm certainly not going to criticise anyone for picking up cheap games it maybe would be ideal if more people supported them through GOG rather than buying resold and possibly stolen or exploited Steam keys from G2A.

7 years ago

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The game was available on HRK for $1.99 yesterday, right now it says unavailable (probably out of keys).

HRK is still not legit business, but at least you are dealing with a single company and not buying from a totally random stranger.

7 years ago

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