WARNING! A wall of text below! ↓↓↓

Case 1:
Ever happened that you enter a giveaway for that game you really, really want (giveaway usually intentionally lasts 93749374962784 weeks just to piss you off. :D) just to find out tomorrow that your friend bought you that game you wanted, or you actually scraped just enough cash to buy that bundle that contains it, or perhaps a generous stranger just happened to drop it on top of your head, or you obtained it in any other way, etc...
Shortly after, you continue with your ordinary SG activities and suddenly.... a wild cat jumps in front of you on your screen saying you just won a gift! :O :3
Your hearth skips a little and you muster the strength to check out what U won only to find out it's the game you already have. Awwww.... :(
Now you gotta request a re-roll and all that joy suddenly turns to pain.

Case 2:
You're just a freak SG addict that enters a ton of GAs and buys a lot of bundles and you're too burnt to keep track of what GAs you entered and what you already have in your library, so when something like this happens, it pushes you even more over the edge... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Case 3:
_____ Insert whatever similar situation you can think of here. :3 (Make sure not to cross the noted area. :P XD)

Anyway, what if all that could be avoided? What if SG could implement an option to automatically leave giveaways for games that are already in your library? Of course, this would happen on sync and if the system detects there is a running giveaway that you entered for a game that you already own, it leaves said giveaway for you so you don't have to do it manually. It's just a thought as I'm not sure if something like this could actually be pulled off by SG staff. In any case, your comments, opinions, rage, etc... are most welcome. A couple of stones thrown my way isn't a big deal, but try to keep it decent, mmkay? :3 This is NOT to be considered as a request or anything like that. I created the poll solely to gather community opinion on this topic.

That about wraps it up, now GET ON IT and stay slippery, ya'll! :3 :)
P.S. Excuse my grammar.

8 years ago

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Just pick one and let's get this over with. :P :D

View Results
Yes, dammit! Implement it right meow! :3
No! WTH? That's like the stupidest idea ever. ERMAGHERD!
That's insane! It would cost SG roughly around 9347898274926734$ to pull that off. They'd rather fund Trumps Great Wall of Mexico!
An obligatory POTATO answer. :D
Welcome to my blacklist, peasant! 3:D

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh... good point. Haven't thought of that. :D

8 years ago

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oh right, forgot about that.

8 years ago

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maybe an automatic warning message could pop-up?
like a police cat

8 years ago

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That'd be pretty cool.

8 years ago

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Seems like a good suggestion.

8 years ago

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I've seen many threads like this before and frankly I'm not sure why it isn't already implemented

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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You did? O_0 I looked a bit around for something similar, but couldn't find any. Or I just might be blind. Not excluded. :D

8 years ago

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they were older posts, or maybe they were just replies and not official suggestions.

8 years ago

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I couldn't find more appropriate place for this, so it ended up being a suggestion, but that wasn't exactly my intention. My bad, I guess. :(
Like I said, I just wanted to see what people think of it.

8 years ago*

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No, you should have posted this here; it's just that I've only seen it as a reply to someone else before now.

8 years ago

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It's been discussed several times before, and it's been determined to be more of a hassle than leaving it as is.

Especially since most of us don't seem to find it near as troublesome as you do, be it keeping track of entries or following up on rerolls. (I certainly don't ever notice the issue =O)

Accidentally losing 100s of p at an inopportune time because you weren't thinking when you resynced, seems a bit more of a problem than "Hey, I know you likely already checked my library for the game, like the site indicates you're supposed to, so you already know this- but I'm giving you a heads up that I own it already anyway!"

Really though. :P

8 years ago

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So, you're saying you'd rather not sync your account and go through (and put GA creator through) all the trouble of re-rolling IF you happen to win. I'm not saying this happens on daily basis, but happened to me once and to a friend of mine recently. I'm looking at this from both GA creator and regular member point of view.

8 years ago

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If you can remember to manually sync, you can remember to manually remove entries :P
I'm not being facetious, just clarifying that I've never had any issues with the matter myself, so it's a foreign consideration for me.

Likewise, I'm entirely unsure what you mean about hassle- rerolls get top priority, and typically you'll get them rerolled within 2 hours. If you're doing what you ought, you'll likely notice the need for the reroll before the winner does. If anything, argue the extra workload on staff.
Personally, I've never minded doing rerolls, so I was basing my consideration off the matter off my own disregard for it. If you find it stressful, then I would apologize- except, I'll never have reason to.
Not necessarily because I believe I won't eventually make a mistake- I'm known well enough for them- but because it's more intuitive to me to remove entries than to sync account. That is to say, your proposed 'fix' wouldn't ever apply to me, because if I'd forget one, I'd surely forget the other.

8 years ago

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OK, can't say I don't understand where you're coming from. One does or does not care about this kind of thing, but I'll be honest and say I expected to mainly hear from those that are affected by this... "issue". Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and I appreciate your input on this. Cheers! :3

8 years ago

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Potato answer for the win

8 years ago

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Okey, I like You. You didn't give much but at least you are funny. Welcome to my whitelist.

8 years ago

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Why, thanks! :D TBH, wasn't expecting that. I'm trying my best. :3

8 years ago

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occasionally I may enter a give away and later buy the game, sometimes I forget but have never won any in that situation.. I imagine it would suck to accidentally win a bundle game you entered for..

With that said, whenever I see a game being given away a lot, I check around and see if a bundle was released that contains the game before entering.

8 years ago

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That's a good point. Check before entering. Gotcha. ;)

8 years ago

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I definitely support the idea. That being said, any time I win a giveaway and get my key, I go to my "entered" page and remove any entries for giveaways for the game I just won.

I have heard about one person winning the same game twice within a ridiculously short window though, so your idea is still a good 'un.

8 years ago

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Similar thing happened to me. I won a DLC twice in the same day. :D I am being more cautious now and remove my entries manually. But, gotta be honest, I do enter quite a few GAs. Would be nice if one could automate the process IMO.

8 years ago

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I definitely agree. I don't enter too many so it's pretty easy for me to manage. But if you have have pages of active giveaways, I can see how it would be tougher.

8 years ago

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It would be nice to have a little popup during sync - "You appear to own these games now. Would you like to leave giveaways for them?" Add a little checkbox next to each game in the list, unchecked by default.

8 years ago

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That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Please provide photo of yourself for me to check if we are like long lost twins or something. XD :3 Thanks for your input. Cheers! ;)

8 years ago

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Good suggestion, but not urgently necessary. One can simply search their entered giveaways and leave all giveaways for the game they now own.

8 years ago

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That is indeed true. Thanks for your opinion. :3

8 years ago

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The same ideas that have been discussed numerous times.
Is it really so hard to check which entered giveaways can be removed?
Then actually winning a GA for something that you already got from somewhere else in the meantime, how often does that happen?

8 years ago

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  1. Like I mentioned way up there ↑, I looked around for something similar and couldn't find any info, so I created this topic. Must've missed all those discussions. Sorry, I'm fairly new to SG.
  2. Certainly not THAT hard, but in comparison to one-click.... yeah. :D
  3. Not too often, I imagine, but it does happen.
    Thanks for the response. Cheers! :3
8 years ago

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I add to a game steam account is distributed free. And then I won the same game giveaway. I want to request a new winner from the giveaway creator. But he is a long time don't enter site :(

8 years ago

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For owning no. For marking received yes. Or atleast show some sort of indicator on entered page.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Kaijuzilla.