Windows 8 is a threat to computer gaming. It's a "catastrophe," if you listen to Gabe Newell at Valve, or heads at a bunch of other major gaming companies. But the thing is, even though everyone in video games is yelling about Windows 8, they're not actually yelling about, well, gaming.

So what's actually going on here?

I'm the one of the many Windows 8 users and I must say it out LOUD, Windows 8 is a perfect OS for anyone. There is not one game that has any problem starting, chrashing, buging etc.
I've got a normal (normal PC) with 8 GB ram, 9500+ Phenom 64 bit processor and a 2GB ATI Radeon HD card. So during the last two months I wanned to try it out and after all Windows 8 runs way better then any other like W7,XP etc...

The discussion is open just to see if any other Windows 8 users (REAL W8 USERS not the haters who had never seen W8 live insted of YouTube) have some problems with the named OS or any other issue...?

1 decade ago*

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I'm with you on that one. Each and every game I own work on W8.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The thing is that there is no point in it. Why own 8 when 7 does the job perfectly and is less resource hungry.

1 decade ago

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if you try win 8 you will find its less less resource hungry than win 7, my low end system runs smoother, faster and without freezes or crash's of any kind, i loved win 7, it was excellent, but trust me win 8 is all that and more.

1 decade ago

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I moved over from Vista to W8... Windows 8 is an amazing OS ;)

1 decade ago

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Same here. After getting Vista which was a huge improvement over XP I didn't see the point in 7. Always skip a generation. :)

1 decade ago

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You skipped the wrong generation. XP > Vista, even today.

1 decade ago

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Vista was an improvement over what now?

1 decade ago

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+1 I'm running 2 comps (1 win 7 and 1 win 8) and changing to 8 from Vista was wonderful!!!!!!! Win 7 is still better though all the extra clickies and the corner hovers are awful for mouse users

1 decade ago

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Windows 98 is amazing compared to Vista. THAT is one of the worst OS of all time. But yeah, I feel like Windows 8 might be slightly more resource-hungry too. However the biggest problem is that the UI is designed for touchscreen for some odd reason.

1 decade ago

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Vista is nigh identical to 7.

No one wants to admit it, but the two are basically impossible to tell apart if you ignore the start bar.

MS was too ambitious. When Vista was released, GPUs sucked. That meant Aero murdered performance. RAM was scarce and everyone was scared when the OS prefetched stuff into scant available memory.

Fast forward to Win7's release. Intel cares about GPUs again. RAM is dirt cheap. Windows 7 has some novel tweaks, but from the user's perspective, it's a giant service pack for Vista.

Windows 8 is having the same issues. Touchscreens just aren't popular yet. x86 hasn't got its Perf/watt down fast enough, so WinRT was necessary. MS is too ambitious AGAIN.

1 decade ago

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I don't think I'm going to own a touch screen anytime soon, it might be nice if the touch screen monitors were less then 500 dollars.

Or you know if a home made one didn't look like shit.

1 decade ago

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What a great post. +1

1 decade ago

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+1 and also Bioshock 2 I think it was or Bioshock has a bug with win 8 but they have a patch only win 8 problem I see. What Gabe said was rubbish.

1 decade ago

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+1 W8 > W7 > XP > 98 > vista

1 decade ago

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The above > A rock > Millenium Edition

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Install win8 on my second laptop
need to re-install win8 twice in a month due to massive problems

1 decade ago

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for me its the best windows so far :)
(yeah better than w7 :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Its more to do with what windows 8 is trying to do with the way games are distributed and what that means for a lot of people.

Eitherway i've tried to use my brothers windows 8 laptop and my god i hated it, i don't get why you'd downgrade to it except for support issues which tbh mean crap considering how older OS's tend to do well for a long time except for rare issues such as when directx 10 first came out.

1 decade ago

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i could say the exact same thing about windows 7 ... win 8 is just plain shit, app interfaced crap . each to there own tho. enjoy it. i certainly didn't and couldn't wait to go back to windows 7

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol'd 30 day trial o.O you can keep that ..... im staying on win 7

1 decade ago

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I have trial installed and after 30 days I do not have any pop up asking me to pay. Also its not that expensive its just 3$ and you get 2 licenses. You can pirate it but its so cheap that it would be unpolite for the creators hard work.

Also if you are so pesky about the price here you go a FREE alternative

1 decade ago

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wtf are you saying? that's not free. paying the os like gold and then paying for a function that windows 7 has. total shit

1 decade ago

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Read the first sentence. I have it past 30 days as trial and did not get any pop up asking me to pay i use it for like 2 months now works great.

1 decade ago

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There are multiple free start menus out there. Just saying.

1 decade ago

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hur durrr my reply 2 comment up from here is "Also if you are so pesky about the price here you go a FREE alternative"

1 decade ago

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I understand, the interface is different but for me personally it looks and feels awsome. Not to mantion that I have the feeling that my rig works like 100% better then on W7. But all in all, many people many oppinions.

1 decade ago

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with a SSD nothing is slow ;)

1 decade ago

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You pay for SSD 2x more than normal HDD and whine that app costs 3$ lol but sure ;). As for SSD's its nice but the price it too high and read/write cycles makes it still bad for gaming where you have ton of I/O access to data

1 decade ago

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SSD's bad for gaming? That's a funny statement.

1 decade ago

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SSD bad for gaming o.O i have 2 x ssd drives one for gaming one for OS .. ive noticed shit loads 1000x times faster than ever b4. yet "ssd is bad for gaming" LOL

1 decade ago

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my 250gb SSD blows old gaming speeds out of the water, maybe you should research before talking? lol

1 decade ago

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You dont get the point. SSD are based on flash memory. Flash memory have limited read write operation and then its useless where normal HDD can last for years. If you use SSD for normal work the I/O (read write) is quite low as you do not access data so often. But when you play the game your system access the files all the time it reads and writes files on your hdd constantly thus decreasing its life span. So the one who needs to research before talking is you. I did not complain about SDD speed. I do complain that it does not last long. Why do you think they do not use then in servers if they are so superior? Thats because even if you do not consider huge price for SDD, they would be worn out after 0.5~1 year of work and that is unnaceptable.

1 decade ago

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"Not to mantion that I have the feeling that my rig works like 100% better then on W7."

Are you sure that isn't just the usual speedup (rather, removal of slowdown) you get when reinstalling the OS?

1 decade ago

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It actually isn't required to use Metro. So no, it is not "app interfaced crap".
By the sound of it, it seems like you have never used W8. You never have to touch Metro, and you realise after an hour, that Start wasn't necessary.

1 decade ago

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If the only piece of software you are using is Steam, then maybe Start isn't that useful. But for people who actually use their computer to do actual work, it's pretty essential.

1 decade ago

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I'm working with my computer and i almost never see Metro. My most used programms are pinned to the taskbar and i start everything else by typing <win>+<beginning of programm name>+return, just like i do since win7

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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With over 100 applications installed on my computer, some of them being used only on rare occasions, It's a pain trying to find them by name. And the Metro start screen already becomes a jumbled mess of tiles after adding about a dozen programs. And one thing I don't need cluttering the taskbar is programs that are not currently running. Having pretty much 8-10 differents applications opened at any given time, unpinning things is the first things I do even in Win7.

1 decade ago

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So you prefer searching in an unordered list with over 100 applications? That doesn't sound very comfortable.
My taskbar can hold over 20 windows without hiding their names or becoming scrollable, so pinned programs are not really a problem to me

1 decade ago

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No, I prefer searching in an ordered list with over 100 applications.

As for the pinning, it just feel cluttered to me having running and non-running application mixed together. That one is probably more of a personal preference though.

1 decade ago

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Metro also has the feature to display every application, but you need to delete every shortcut that isn't needed (but that's also the case with win7). It's nothing more than a matter of taste, imho. You can use Metro exactly like the traditional menu, it just looks different and has some additional features

1 decade ago

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Uh, you don't get it do you? the list view that Windows 7 has isn't there!
What that means is you can't see what apps you have more efficiently.

1 decade ago

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rightclick->all apps
That displays a list of every application that is installed. It's a bit uncomfortable to get to this list, but you shouldn't need it often

1 decade ago

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Uh actually I do. I use it really often in Windows 7 cause there's some apps I know I don't use often and would require to search for them manually to find the name.

1 decade ago

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Ok, then it's one click more for a rarely needed function, no big deal imho

1 decade ago

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Says you dude. I got at least 20-30 full pledged apps in the list that are self installed. The rest are Microsoft stuff. The total comes up to be about 50. I certainly don't want to go through such length.

1 decade ago

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Well, with 8, you can just go to Metro and start to type the name of the app you want.

1 decade ago

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While that's true, what if you forgot the name of the program?

1 decade ago

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If you forgot the name of the program, looking at a list probably would help too much, lol.
Then again, scrolling through a list and seeing an icon, or part of the name, tends to jog one's memory.

1 decade ago

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Try to access administration tools with metro interface then. Good luck with that.

1 decade ago

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I'm a german so i don't exactly know what you mean with "administration tools", but it takes 2 clicks to get to the control panel, exactly like in win7

1 decade ago

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No it doesn't take two clicks in Windows 7. It takes only 1 click with a keyboard.

1 decade ago

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Which hotkey do you mean? I don't know of a hotkey to open the control panel in win7 but i'm willing to learn

1 decade ago

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Your Windows key for starters? In Windows 8, another step is added after.

1 decade ago

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so you mean winkey->control panel?
In win8 it's right click->control panel. Instead of pressing the win button it's now a mouse button. No big difference

1 decade ago

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There's still the Administration Tools mentioned, also fully killing UAC, not just disabling it. A few more on top of that. All those cannot be done in Windows 8, and I would know cause Microsoft stupidly dumbed down the interface for idiots. So anyone using it is considered to be one.

1 decade ago

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Kids nowadays...

1 decade ago

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Using settings is for kids? I don't think so.

1 decade ago

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Why do you make a post of thing that was discussed here more than 5 times already? Just use search bar.

Well but if you did start the topic i do have issues. Sometimes i get BSOD sometimes there aren't drivers for Win8 and Deadisland wont run for me (waiting for patch or something).

1 decade ago

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First borderlands never ran for me. Think it was a problem with ATI and W8

1 decade ago

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I had a problem with Borderlands on Windows 8 and Nvidia. It's not actually a Windows 8 problem (had the same issue when I booted my Windows 7 drive). It's caused by an error in the naming of one of the files. The game is looking for a certain file, and can't find it. The file is actually there, but the name is wrong, copying the file and renaming it correctly (guides can be found online when you search the error) makes the game run smooth.

1 decade ago

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Playing Borderlands 1 and 2 on FULL Details at all. Perfectly smoth.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well, i guess most people just don't like it because it is mainly designed for touchscreens.

1 decade ago

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True I hate it for that yet use it. After few tweaks it behaves like Win7

1 decade ago

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MS is having a hard time selling their mobile devices so they're forcing the bad UI on us. And even with an actual touchscreen, I've heard it's not that well-designed either. (Didn't get a chance to try using it with a touch screen myself though.)

1 decade ago

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Last time I heard this kind of discussion, was about the fact that microsoft wants to implement it's own digital storefront into the OS, which would mean less profit for valve (devs would be able to sell their games through microsoft's store).

Edit: found the article

Microsoft takes a cut, up to 30%, of every sale made through this store, similar to that taken by Apple, Google and others on existing mobile app markets.

This could be a significant threat to the massively successful Steam online game store that Valve runs and which gives it a commission on every title sold through the online market.

A Windows Store closed to everyone but Microsoft might reduce the range of games available for sale through Steam.

1 decade ago

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only the store is disabled when you turn off UAC ;)

1 decade ago

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Your Statement is Invalid.
I have UAC disabled on my work laptop since day one and never had trouble with store. It works fine.

1 decade ago

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just tested it again and this is what shows up
so you are sure you disabled it not turned it on lowest setting

1 decade ago

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Not true mate. EVERY frigging Modern app is disabled.

1 decade ago

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This. Gabe also wants Steam to be the number 1 digital retailer which would be VERY hard to do when there's a built-in Windows Store.
But I dont think people actually BUY things there, and in terms of serious gaming, Microsoft shows they're still supporting steam (not even GFWL, they're games are steamworks now. See: Mark of the Ninja, Deadlight, and the new Age of Empire 2, and of course rumors of Halo trilogy coming to Steam)

Windows 8 is just as great as Windows 7 (it pretty much is Windows 7 with minor changes) and the windows store shouldnt be a thread to anyone

1 decade ago

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Hmm strange I had the windows 8 30 day trial but so much stuff didn't work for me so I ditched it. My biggest complaint was I got BSOD a lot from kernal errors, it could have just been my machine but XP and 7 don't give me any problems.

1 decade ago

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I had issues with it a few days/weeks ago. Every game that ran on W7 on medium or lower ran WORSE on W8 with my GTX260 (I know, old GPU but still most games I played ran perfectly on it.. heck it even managed to run BF3 on medium). I'm talking about not so demanding games (that ran perfectly fine on W7) and other games like Hitman: Absolution (couldnt even run it on lowest settings despite my GPU being the recommended one on the store page). I replaced it with a Sapphire Radeon HD7950 Vapor-X (3GB) last week and the issues are gone so I have no problems with the OS anymore.

Still kind of weird that my previous GPU performed way worse on W8 than it did on W7.

And yes I sometimes get BSOD too, atleast they arent as scary as they used to be with older Windows versions.

1 decade ago

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windows 7 is good like windows xp, end of the story

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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  • 10000000000000000
1 decade ago

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Never had an issue with Windows 8, my games run smoothly, in some cases better than they did in Windows 7. The only issue I have had is that Team Fortress 2's ping increased by 25 on average when playing on my favourite server. I use Classic Shell to restore the Start Button and skips to Desktop rather than the tile screen, unless I want to use it. The only thing I miss about Windows 7 is proper Aero support.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't even care about W8 simply because I have some software that I can't run on it. So... for me W8 suck :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i have been testing out Win8 on my laptop along my win7 desktop for about 8 months - and i can safely say i thin Win8 sucks balls.. it's heavy, ugly but worst of all - it is designed for the idiots of the iGeneration aka the iPhone generation - the ppl who want big buttons they can't miss, it's almost "idiot proof" - hell my 54 year old mom like win8 better than win7 because of the big buttons and pretty colors - instead of the streamlined functionality of Win7..


and honestly she is better off with win8 - less buttons to fiddle with (settings wise) saves me the trouble of running downstairs everytime she pressed something she wasnt supposed to in win7..

so yeah, for moron's and the older generation it's great.. but as a tech geek? no thanks

1 decade ago

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What windows 8 were you using?!
It is the same as 7, but without Start, and Metro (which doesn't need to be used, and can be avoided completely). It also improves upon features of 7.
Tell me, which settings are missing?

1 decade ago

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He's talking about it being too friendly to the point it doesn't work as well as Windows 7 in functionality. I prefer to have unrestricted settings, maybe even completely disable some. I'm looking at you UAC.

1 decade ago

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I'm using w8 already for like 4 months, no compatiblity errors at all, only one bsod so far. Assuming it's installed on a laptop and some drivers' "compatibility with w8 not guaranteed" I think it's a pretty good result.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The thing i noticed, is that in Windows 8 Far Cry 3 runs kinda choppy, in Windows 7 it runs smooth, both with all settings maxed.
I read tests that some other games have a slight lower performance in Windows 8, but i haven't tested any other game.
Other than that, i can say that the interface is not that bad. Overall, i think Windows 8 is not worth the trouble yet; Perhaps with future fixes it will, but now it's just not worth it.

1 decade ago

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the "prettyness" of win8 eats some of your performance, just like vista/win7 did compared to Win XP

1 decade ago

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Already have FC3 and also I've played it alot. Max detailas, max resolution, advanced setting on max, runs pretty good without any problems.

1 decade ago

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Does it run the same on your machine, on both windows 7 and 8?

1 decade ago

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To be honest it works better on W8.
There was time I was also against W8, but simply wanned to try it out. After the first test the OS works so perfect, i can't tell that that is the same PC. And I am the one of them who is reinstaling windows as soon as i think that that is nessecery. So, really I have only good words for W8, the OS is perfect.

1 decade ago

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I understand and i'm glad it works better for you; I never said i was against Windows 8, only that i noticed a better 'far cry 3' performance in Windows 7 on my system.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes, excellent as typewriter. Or web server.

Though, meh, other OS can do that and all the rest Linux can't so why bother?

1 decade ago

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You really don't know Linux well. :)

1 decade ago

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I just got it yesterday, new pc and all. Hard to get used to but once I got that start button... It boots really fast too so that's a plus - remains to see if that will last. Vista boots fast back then but over the years... I have to see how well it works with my games thou. I don't think there will be any issue with games a few years old but older classics, hmm.

1 decade ago

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My first (and so far only) experience with Win8:

Setting up W-Lan was a pain. W8 was so "smart", it only asked me for the access key. Guess what - it did not work that way.

I had to search for a way to manually add the W-Lan so I could specify which encryption to use.

1 decade ago

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Strange for me it worked perfect I jsut had to input WPA2-PSK key

1 decade ago

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I've had no problems using it so far.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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some vn didn't work but there is patches and stuff.
also the skype app doesn't run in the background while gaming but i just download the desktop version.
And i can't really access the bios since i upgraded because it boots so darn fast.
other than that, there's no problem on my end

1 decade ago

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So the problem is that it's too fast..

1 decade ago

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on machines that comes with windows 8 you can manually access the bios but from upgraded computers you have to press the button during start up

1 decade ago

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Windows 8 or Gaming choose one.

1 decade ago

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You can have them both in one OS, in this case W8.

1 decade ago

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"There is not one game that has any problem starting, chrashing, buging etc."
I would just like to say, I have two computers running Win7, and I've never had any games crashing (except from playing minecraft too much)/having problems starting, or bugging (unless it was a game bug).
It's not like Win7 is dysfunctional.

1 decade ago

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I didn't say that W7 is the problem. Just wanned to know what people think about W8 and how it works for them.

1 decade ago

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Ok, I must have misinterpreted it. I thought you were saying that Win8 doesn't crash/bug/lag/whatever, whereas Win7 does.
As for my view on Win8, I don't like it, I find that Microsoft is trying to turn computers into tablets. The Metro interface is redundant, and the desktop lacks a start menu (which I use to run/open the majority of my programs/documents/etc).
What I do like is that you can just run anything on it in Win7 compatibility mode (like Win7 with Vista/XP), so you effectively have Win7 anyway. If it was possible to remove the Metro interface, and reinsert a start menu, I would have nothing against Win8, and would view it as a step forward.

1 decade ago

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You can add the start menu and remove the Metro interface if you like. In my case I really like the Metro look, is modern, easy to use (also with the mouse)but others may not like it.

If you plan again to start with W8 here is the link to Tweek all that you need. It's free 100%.

1 decade ago

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In that case, I have nothing against having Win8 on my next computer, though I doubt that will be for a while, since I bought a new computer about 6 months ago :)

1 decade ago

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I'm using it since several months and i did have some problems with it. But every problem could have also occured with win7. There was only one (fixable) problem with an older game that i didn't had with win7. Aside from that, win8 is better than win7 in almost every regard

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm on windows 8, and i have to say, aside from any regular OS problem, it's worked like a charm?
I mean, weren't there teething problems with Windows 7 release? they just need to work it in, like they have done every other time.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I've had no problems with W8.
I never use Metro, and it isn't forced, neither is it necessary.
I never knew how much Start wasn't needed until now.
All of my software runs fine.
There are quite a few improvements on features from 7.
I do hate parts of it though. If you do choose to use Metro, when connected to the internet and using apps, there are ads, which is utter bullshit.
You also need a Live account to use some apps.
Overall, it is worth getting if you have anything older than 7. It doesn't improve on 7 enough to be worth the amount OS's cost. That isn't to say 8 is bad, and 7 is better.
I guess it is down to the buyer. If you are looking to upgrade from XP/Vista, then 8 would be the better choice. But if you are looking to upgrade 7, wait till 9.

1 decade ago

Comment has been collapsed. Start menu download free.
I don't have any adds in my Metro. And the APPs are just normal .msi or .exe filies witch are instaled directly witout any I AGREE, I ACCEPT etc policy. The LiveAcc is also not a problem. (At last for me)

1 decade ago

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The ads aren't in Metro, but in the apps. If I go to the weather app, there's an advertisement for a car, slap bang in the middle.

1 decade ago

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Functionally there are a few issues which I'll outline but the core of it is

The Metro interface is sandboxed and the ONLY way to get anything working with Metro is via the Microsoft Store. Period.

Given that the open-ness of PC and even Macs is a critical part of their success, creating a walled garden for the most critical part of the new Windows 8 UI is very very disturbing.

1 decade ago

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I have been using windows 8 since pre-release and have had no problems especially in the area of gaming. Everything works nice and smooth and I still do not see where all the fuss is. Use one of the many free or paid programs to add back the start button and it looks like win 7 even, you can even make it default to regular desktop so you never see metro. The only reason gabe and others like him hate windows 8 is for a standard user that defaults to metro they now have a store to buy games from that isn't steam or their own.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by esteticWTF.