After the previous fiasco and given the tainted history of the group, this should hardly come as a surprise to anyone who knows of it:

Subscription fee poll [link to original]

Hookups Announcement [link to original]

Apparently the revenue he generates 'under the table' from the ~30,000 group members by inserting disguised referral links into all of the Amazon deal links, which he uses to "pay his rent" (previously in his own words), is not enough for his tastes. Making money off of the group members is what it is really about for the owner and always has been -- and without them knowing about it. And because the group owner has control over everything he can censor and delete whatever he wants to cover up the truth of what has happened previously and continues to transpire.

Edit: As a matter of further clarity, a big issue with the previous drama that went on at Hookups was about him not being upfront and honest about where the money is/was going, as well as being unwilling to tell anyone (even his own previous staff members before they all quit) about how much it is/was. He had people doing the work of scouring for deals and putting together announcements for him, and then he would go in later after the fact and edit their posts to put in his own referral links, which they understandably took issue with when they found out. That's just the tip of the iceberg as they say. If you want to know more you can always read up in the link above.

To anyone who may have a friend in the group, I encourage all of you to let your friends know (by posting on their Steam profile wall) of the story behind Hookups and the exploitative practices and hidden agenda of it's owner. Encourage them to leave the group and spread the word in the same way. If we all committed to doing this we could have a collective impact on things!

Edit: I got banned from the group lol. No surprise there. Truthfully, it actually happened shortly before I made this thread, when I simply posted "Agree 100%" as a reply to someone who left a comment in the group regarding the subscription fee poll. So, you see how it is.

1 decade ago*

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I don't know how he lives with himself. Despite being the laughing stock of various communities (including his own), he still persists with this inappropriate behaviour. What is it going to take to get him off the internet?

1 decade ago

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Sadly I think the only thing that would work is paying him off to never get on the 'net again.. And even then, he'd probably still do it after taking your money :D.

1 decade ago

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Also, if he needs some money then he should stop buying these games (earned from ref links). Seriously 1,622 games and 1,246 dlcs.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's funny cause when we all left, he retaliated by calling us all replaceable. Since September he's kept the only admin who didn't leave and hired a mod who was desperate to get into the group before but was never accepted for being shady.

Now he's literally begging for people to help him. Oh how replaceable we are, the group used to be run by a tight team of good friends and Sammy was basically able to do nothing and just sit back amending peoples announcements. I truly believe he never expected us all to leave the group like that. Now he sounds desperate and victimized.

1 decade ago

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Oh, I'm aware of the irony, I just doubt he is.

1 decade ago

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Man o man, this Sammy guy is such a fucking deluded, manipulative fucking snake. See his wording on the sentence "but if you would like to donate to Hookups every month you may do so with the donate button the front page." It's so transparent he wants to earn a monthly income off his shitty site built by others' hard work, for doing next to no work himself, and he words everything to try and inspire people to give him just that. Of course, he couldn't just say "if you want to donate you can do so with the donate button on the front page". He also doesn't bother finishing the sentence with any description of what the donations would go to, such as capping it off with " help out with server costs" or something similar.

I despise assholes like him. Really, he should just get a life-long ban from computers / the 'net.

1 decade ago

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Why on earth would you pay a subscription for a site that just complies currently running offers? Has the group leader always been this childish or is this a new thing?

1 decade ago

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Oh, it's not new in the slightest.

1 decade ago

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Oh goodie. Guy sounds like a massive twat, glad I never had the chance to join.

1 decade ago

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The owner also stole an old game and tried to get it published from greenlight claiming it as his own.(he even had a kickstarter for it that unfortunately had people giving money to him).

1 decade ago

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It went back up on Greenlight at some point. Still on there now

1 decade ago

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Can someone link me to this? I have to see what game he tried to greenlight.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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After reading some of the owners posts leaving the group right now.

1 decade ago

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you posting this , like people dont have own head to see through this scam

1 decade ago

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Sadly, a lot of people don't.

1 decade ago

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29,000 people currently aren't aware.

1 decade ago

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And, worse still, some will absolutely fall for guilt trips

1 decade ago

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I'm aware and I'm still in the group, I'm not gonna pay anything to that guy or click on his referrals, but the announcements are nice

1 decade ago

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That's obviously your choice, but just so you know, there are other groups that do this just as good without the sour taste of corruption.

1 decade ago

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I guess that's why slave labor and unfair trading practices are still an issue. Attitudes like this are part of the problem.

Not the solution.

1 decade ago

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lol, referral links not being clicked = ok with slaves

I hate hookups guy, but that was still funny hyperbole

1 decade ago

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It's called apathy. One size fits all, giggles.

1 decade ago

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Or just dont care.

1 decade ago

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Except that some people believe in human decency over human greed, so it's nice to have a little reality check when people can't quite see the red flags.

I mean, hell, Scientology is still a thing. That should tell you something.
Everyone has a right to their own choices, but it's only right that we make sure people are fully informed, if they look like they're about to get into something potentially harmful.

1 decade ago

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Or something supporting someone dishonest / immoral.

1 decade ago

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same goes for mgftw,making money out of their users,who buy useless items from a so-called "store" to use them only in their servers,you should see how nice they talk once they bought something,in order not to get banned afterwards

1 decade ago

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I would imagine Steam wouldn't be happy with someone charging to join a group. I'd send support a message to see what their position on it is.

1 decade ago

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Let's Get on the Out Train :D

1 decade ago

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oh look.. the new mods is so protective against sammy.. :3

1 decade ago

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LOL'ed at this

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

1 decade ago

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oh hi scream :D.. nope just glad i was kicked from the group knowing all the facts :)

1 decade ago

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i got in, right on time

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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ha lol "BreakFree On Greenlight:
Vote Yes to BreakFree!
This game will be given to you guys for your support with this game on Greenlight, please spread the word about it as much as you can to help it get onto Steam. Here is the BreakFree Greenlight Page to vote. "

hes one of those pathetic games that bribes people to greenlight it with keys poor breakfree :(

why did the comments go away?
none of them looked negative, accidentally clicked the link a 2nd time a minute later and they were gone

1 decade ago

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Huh, that's strange. Damage control? Trolling? Who knows.

1 decade ago

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Some more fun: I entered the chat, initially to troll Sammy, although I quickly decided not to, instead thinking "you know what? I'll act civil, polite, non-confrontational, and just ask the guy some questions, see how he responds, let him dig his own grave, show him to be the moronic jackass he really is". And that's just what I did:

pastebin of the chat log

I still have the chat tab open so can provide screenshots if anyone thinks I edited this in any way.

1 decade ago

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That's really interesting. You handled yourself well in there, good job.

1 decade ago

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Yeah I figured I did have to "work him" (read: manipulate him like he tries to do to others) a little to gain cooperation of any kind / not get insta-banned just for asking something. So I pulled the ol' bait out with "anyway, I do want to ask something, although I think I'll probably catch an instant ban (even if I merely want to politely ask something) so forget it I guess" :D. When in Rome..

Also, "=^[(O){d_b}(O)]^=: Did I put a gun to your head or to anyone to say yes or no?". Umm, well yes, actually, Sammy. You decrepit moron. With your manipulative wording.

I cannot for the life of me fathom how you guys stayed in the group helping this jackass for so long man. Didn't you see small signs of his true colours somewhere along the line? I mean, little things give people away, stuff like his wording on the announcement about the site: "but if you would like to donate to Hookups every month you may do so with the donate button the front page". Why the extra two words? It's so transparent he wants to earn a monthly income off his shitty site built by others' hard work, for doing next to no work himself, and he words everything to try and inspire people to give him just that. Of course, he couldn't just say "if you want to donate you can do so with the donate button on the front page". He also doesn't bother finishing the sentence with any description of what the donations would go to, such as capping it off with " help out with server costs" or something similar. Because the cash is all for him. And he wants your monthly tithing. He wants it so bad he even lets his true intent subconsciously influence his words. Luckily, I'm pretty good at picking up on such small things. But so yeah, did you guys never see anything small like this that gave him away?

1 decade ago

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It's a question I sometimes ask myself, and while I can't speak for the rest of the former admin (who wished to stay mainly out of the discussion this time around) I will say that from members 20,000-28,000 Sammy concentrated mainly on boosting the volume of members and was rarely announcing or sticking around in chat. Sammy was always very short and often rude to me in private conversations (even when I was trying to help him out), but I enjoyed working with everyone else in the group so much I kinda just ignored it.

When he realised his referral money was actually becoming somewhat of an income, he became almost obsessed with increasing the member count and would ask for our ideas and begged members to invite more people at any chance he could get. That's when I personally knew something was wrong.

My personal opinion is while I was a mod and eventually admin of the group, Sammy was a very small part of what made it work. Sure he owned the group, and was the driving force for Hookups in it's early years, but when he realised other people would do his work without the desire to be payed, he took a step back and watched the money roll in.

1 decade ago

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The first 2 times he apologized for his childish behavior, of which I am referring to first his own personal vendetta against another group Traders Guild and second against a fellow former mod who Sammy tried to manipulate into doing his bidding in another group that was completely separate from Hookups. I'm a firm believer in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt at least once and second chances.

3 strikes though and I was out. Also if you ask any of the other former Hookups staff you'll probably get the response that we enjoyed doing things for the members and worked well together, apart from Sammy. I know he treated staff kinda crappy but I thought he'd have better sense not to treat regular members poor too. He calls gamers selfish but no one is more selfish than him. Mind you Sam does little to no work, even the website wasn't his creation and he puts no upfront costs. He gets enough in referrals to pay his rent but wants members to "donate" money to a website. If that's not greed then I don't know what is.

1 decade ago

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Some highlights:

  • "Also make it a real serious question and not something that you saw in a thread"
  • "β–‘β–’βˆ· Ֆнιȡ๏вι βˆ·β–’β–‘: was it, in your eyes, absolutely necessary to word your option for "no" so dramatically? // =^[(O){d_b}(O)]^=: It was just a joke, why are you freaking out"
  • "I made that "No" to be funny and to deminstrate that gamers are selfish people in life"
1 decade ago

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He wanted feedback and to make a satire joke on the general population of gamers? I have the perfect solution then! A "No" option, and a "No, I'm selfish" option. BOOM!

1 decade ago

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Yeah good idea to insult and alienate everyone you want money from huh? This guy needs his own Forbes 500 company xD :P

But then, we of course know what he was really trying to do: manipulate people with a shoddy, amateurish guilt trip. Man I wish I could unleash my mother on him. Her old jewish woman guilt trips would totally own his crappy little attempts at shaming others :D

1 decade ago

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oddly I had a highschool friend who tried to pull those :O)

1 decade ago

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Best way I dealt with em - laugh em off, nudge the person and look em dead in the eyes while smiling, with a look like "oh come on, come ON guy, we both know you're being an ass, let's drop the facade now, ya craaaaazy".

1 decade ago

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lol, poor shadowforge kybaig ect trying to be human in that chat, caught between a crazy guy and a troll

1 decade ago

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Yeah that's the saddest part. These guys are brainwashed into thinking they're speaking for a good cause. How foolish.

And he stopped the welcome bot messages that told whoever joined that he/she was "great", because he obviously doesn't think that way about his "lovely" members.

1 decade ago

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That's why i left Hookups and joined Salenauts... no referrals, soliciting and cr*p...

1 decade ago

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I agree, however Salenuats do use referrals, they explain so on their homepage. However since their launch they've grown to be much more tight and sound group, so definitely a good alternative in my eyes :)

1 decade ago

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Really? I don't even see links on their announcements, just plain text... O.o

1 decade ago

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I'd like to say, what I don't want people to do is take these events as an opportunity to attack Hookups members or it's staff. Sammy has claimed people are posting phishing links, and while this could just be another lie, it's not something anyone should be doing at all, ever. This thread is fine for people to express their opinions on the matter, as I and many others, but personally attacking anyone is pointless.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, the only reason this is still up is because it's informative and, right now, is just being used for a good laugh. The moment it starts to become aggressive is the moment it's shut down here too. There's a difference between having a laugh about it and threatening people.

1 decade ago

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Well, I definitely appreciate SteamGifts support allowing the threads to run their cause. It might not seem like it but it definitely does some good in terms of letting people know what really happens at Hookups. Allowing people to make real educated choices on whether to join/stay in the group.

1 decade ago

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Does the group violate any kind of steam ToS or even touch into gray areas? If we all report it for violation and bring up editing people's posts to add referral links without their knowledge, that should send a red flag to valve, who has previously closed down the group

edit: The mod at hookups, Scream, was here responded to this with some irrelevant angry post but then deleted his reply.

edit2: Scream responded to my first edit essentially telling me that I shouldn't be saying anything because I don't know what I'm talking about. He used some shallow language and when I criticized that his childish behavior only verified what many on this thread have been saying about the mods at Hookups, he deleted his reply

1 decade ago

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Yes, their site is against Steam/Valve's ToS as it's not authorized reseller. Their group will probably be closed rather soon.

1 decade ago

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If someone does discover violations and misconduct at Hookups, report it to steam through the "Report violation" link prior to revealing the incident(s) here. Spies, spies, spies!!!

I'll be passing out tinfoil hats later on next to the water dispensary.

1 decade ago

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But the water isn't safe.

1 decade ago

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I prepared for this. I have buried a large quantity of Great Value distilled 1 gallon containers. I need someone I can trust to ration it out.

I'll be looking for an assistant to the assistant to the regional director! Hmm....?

Good call on the water!

1 decade ago

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But who's watching the watchers?

1 decade ago

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any tl;dr sum up ?

1 decade ago

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for this thread?
gib monies plz if you no heartless bastard.

1 decade ago

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Basically, the group functions as a sort of discount aggregation service, which finds discounts and then mentions them to members, but apparently engages in some rather nefarious practices.

1 decade ago

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Very eloquently put. Kudos.

1 decade ago

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I like mine better

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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For info:

Hey guys, this message is from Toast, one of the former admins of Hookups.

Unfortunately, SlipSlot has to paste this into a message on this thread on my behalf, why? Because of my actions in Hookups and exposing what he did first time around, Valve has given me a 1 year community ban, which restricts me to logging into Steam Gifts and other things.

Won't lie that I probably technically broke some of the Steam ToS, but in the messages from Support, they clearly stated my actions in Hookups broke the Harassment part of the Terms of Service or Community Code of Conduct, or other such nonsense.

Point I want to make here is....was it worth it in the end for me to earn this ban and expose the truth? Unfortunately, partially no if there's still mindless beings that support his ill-practices/people that don't care/clueless to previous events, still associated with him and Hookups, then it wasn't worth it.

But if we look at it from the other angle...if I hadn't have exposed this(with the help of all other ex-admins and mods)...we all wouldn't have known what type of guy he really is, which leads us all up till these current events.

If he continues to dig holes like this, then it only shows what we claim and originally showed everyone that he really is childish and ignorant. I also laugh at him managing to secure an official website, not only which I think violates tax laws for tax evasion reasons, but for using others to profit himself yet again. Basically we're seeing the next life cycle for his current pawns, which will sooner or later see his true colours.

It would be best if the group were shutdown or if it was left dormant with powers given to trust-able people again without Sammy the one in control, at least in my opinion.

Sooner or later though, we'll eventually see him give up on Hookups, the truth is out there, and with his self destructive behaviour, being clearly showcased for all to see, it isn't hard to imagine the group/business being run into the ground or being shutdown completely/left to rot at some point.

Make of it what you will, but I certainly am glad I no longer am filling his pockets along with the others.

I probably won't directly reply to anyone if you post a reply to this, you can contact me directly, but I doubt I'll have much more to say on this and past events on than what I've already stated and showed to everyone.


1 decade ago

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Tell jona Steam is a boring place without his reviews. :p

1 decade ago

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If you believe that he's not paying taxes on income from referral links or from his new site, please report him to the IRS here.

Regarding the topic, I find what he's doing despicable. Hopefully, the dissemination of information regarding his true motives will help expose him for who he really is. That's the best we can really hope for, outside of Valve deciding to take action themselves.

1 decade ago

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This guy again. Report him to Valve for starting an illegitimate key shop, spam, and asking for money from group members. Let Valve take care of ol' Scammy.

1 decade ago

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Ol' Scammy had a group, ee i ee i oh!

1 decade ago

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It'd work better if you sang "ol' McScaaaammy had a grouuuup, EE I AY I Oooooo" :D

1 decade ago

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that is better... now again with more feeling

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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wheres the keyshop?

1 decade ago

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Here. Main page loads alright but anything else is unresponsive.

1 decade ago

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Oh, so that's what that old drama was about. I never really found out more details about it before...

Well, for the most part, I pretty much always use the SG forum for deal news, so I'm pretty sure that admin guy never managed to benefit from me (plus, even if I did check out some deal from Hookups, I have the habit of always checking for referrals and deleting them, because apparently I'm "selfish" like that). For now I see no reason to leave it (IMO more sources of news = better) but I really have to wonder if I won't suddenly end up being banned from the group for posting this. Well, let's see. XD

1 decade ago

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Owner may be kind of douchy and oily, but going into chat to troll him seems even worse. That's starting to go a little far. Leave the guy alone. At the end of the day, he's hurting no one.

1 decade ago

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Except the people he's lying to, censoring, kicking / banning from his group, misrepresenting, as well as ex-mods / members who he calls "crazy people" and tells tall tales about. Yeah, totally not hurting people.

1 decade ago

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If your on the case then he is doomed either way lol

I see much of your debate & actions in the thread & its logical but you of course know how karma works.

1 decade ago

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I'm not on any case, I voiced my less than stellar opinion on the guy and the situation he's created. And like I said in my other post where I posted a chat log, I initially felt like trolling the guy for some yucks, but decided to make a point by being polite and civil, instead. Which worked exactly as I thought it would.

Have you read that thread from a few months back? The first "drama" thread? What's your take on the guy / all this? And that poll he made?

Also, have a cool-ass video.

1 decade ago

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I've seen these 'ex-admins' and the members from their new group come to Hookups and advertise their stuff both on the profile and in the group chat. People love to turn to negative side of people when clearly they have their own negative side.

"Hey! Leave Hookups and join Salenauts/ Opium Sales or whatever else we created! The Hookups creator keeps getting trolled HAHAHAHA!"

Pretty much sums up the point of this thread

1 decade ago

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The only thing I have seen people advertise at Hookups is the SteamGifts threads.

1 decade ago

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Jstar came into the Hookups chat to defend Sammy's actions recently and now Sammy has got him spamming invites.

Sammy is very clever never to do these invites himself and always gets other people to do the work for him. I mean who cares if a random guy who blindly stuck up for you gets banned for spamming invites to your group to make up for the loss?

Valve need to shut that group down. Sammy has had the group shut down before for multiple reasons and he STILL continues to break rules to keep new members clicking his links.

1 decade ago

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A few group/member reports wouldn't go a miss ;)

1 decade ago

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That's exactly what I suggested earlier. Then Scream came in, told me I didn't know I was talking about and then deleted his comments. Anyways I've reported, I hope others that believe the group should be shut down also report.

1 decade ago

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interesting subject/event, am not in this group but am Eating popcorn now.

1 decade ago

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a lot of you people dont understand that 2 wrongs dont make a right. Keep that in mind when you keep coming and bothering sam and others trying to ignore this crap in the group like this & this & this.

Not to mention the increase in people that have been coming in because of this thread. Its downright immature, and you're not better than the decisions he's made. He realizes he was in the wrong on this whole "poll ordeal" and tells me that there wont be a fee to access said website, i dont agree with his original word choice but whats done is done. He might not have explicitly come out and said he was using referral links, but in honesty, why do you give a shit? fuck off it doesnt take anything away from you when he uses referral links. That being said, him REPLACING OTHERS links with referral links (i've only heard of this I havent confirmed it) would be inappropriate and I hope that was not the case. I'm not trying to be the d-rider here and defend everything sam has ever done because some of it, yes I would say was uncalled for such as some of the random banning/kicking going on. However, you cannot blame that entirely on him with the amount of immature pricks that ARE actually harassing him to a point. So at least do this, move on, stop bothering Hookups go do something else more productive. Nobody is forcing you to like Sam OR Hookups OR be a member of it. I feel this group could be turned around if he wasnt under attack from stuff like this. To a point, he brough it upon himself thats understandable but you guys that persistantly keep it going is really immature with the "kick me KICK ME" crap, just stop. I've been the target of plenty of shit talking throughout my time on steam and people will just keep it going on and on it never stops.

tl;dr both sides are in the wrong to a point, but you guys arent making a good case with some people here who are doing exactly what sam is complaining about. Why dont we both just move on, let us "run into the ground" it doesnt affect you.

inb4 "wow sammy has a new slave"

1 decade ago

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To be fair I don't think you understand 100% why people are so upset with what Sammy has done, past and present. He did edit people's posts to inject his referral and there is proof of it out there. However I do agree that people shouldn't be joining the Hookups chat simply to troll or harass people. However remember that's not everyone and definitely not the people I'd be happy to say I represent.

1 decade ago

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ok so the referrals thing, as ive said is done and done he cant UNDO that you know? it already happened. is there anything else i dont know about already?

1 decade ago

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hes still using referral links

go now, look at sales hes posting, mouse over the text and see this sketchy shortened url for no reason
when you're making links like this shortened urls make no sense unless you're hiding something/making it harder to shear off a referral...they have no legitimate purpose, and it makes his site feel shady, he isn't even honestly using them. he hides the referrals. tell me one other possible reason to use shortlinks in that manner.

maybe he isn't editing to inject them into other people's posts anymore, but

link looks like this
"Total War Master Collection"
mouse over shows
"" shows it leads to this
shearing off referral bullshit gets this functional link

he posted that link 2 days ago

1 decade ago

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why do you care if he gets a few bucks for referrals, if you dont want to give him money even though it doesnt hurt you, find the deals yourself... its not hard

1 decade ago

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"ok so the referrals thing, as ive said is done and done he cant UNDO that you know?" "It was in the past. Let it go!"

"why do you care if he gets a few bucks for referrals," "Who cares if he makes money off of it?"

Kind of a 180 you just did. Don't herp herp.

1 decade ago

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the "the referrals thing in the past" im referring to, is replacing other people's links with referrals which of course is not ok. THAT has already happened and he isnt doing it now from what i gather. I feel like he should be allowed to put referrals on HIS links though, i dont see a problem with that.

1 decade ago

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I believe he should be able to as well. But not being honest with people about it and hiding them behind shortlinks (which is against Steam's TOS) is NOT okay.

1 decade ago

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"I feel this group could be turned around if he wasnt under attack from stuff like this"
Ah, but if it wasn't for such criticism, why would he want to change it in the first place?
All of this didn't happen just because of random internet spite, you know. It happened due to poor practices and the subsequent poor handling of it.

It sucks, but he did some dumb stuff and then pretty much flipped off all of his detractors equally.
Now he is simply feeling the backlash. If he has really learned, he'll do his best to ride this out without making it worse, and if he can prove himself in that respect, eventually people will lose interest in giving him a hard time.

As much as I hate the term, implying that people are just trolling because they're big meanie-heads who don't like nice guys trying to do nice things is just white-knighting. Eventually the embittered ex-members / ex-moderators / observers will lose their momentum, and he'll have yet another chance. Just remember that this didn't happen without reason. It's kind of a natural cause and effect kind of thing. It's one thing to have a group split up due to a difference of opinion, another to have a group split up due to bad behaviour of the administratorship, and whole different thing when it's combined bad admin behaviour AND insults on top of injury. If you're so willing to create disillusioned ex-members, you're simply going to pay the price in their retaliatory efforts eventually.

Not that I'm saying trolling the group is any correct step by any means, but this had to be expected, y'know?
Besides, this thread (and the others) aren't to rally people to harass the group. It's to make people aware of what kind of group it is / what kind of history it has.
That's it. There ain't no more.

1 decade ago

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Well said.

1 decade ago

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I generally agree with you, and that a lot of people here should back off. Really, the group owner has done no real harm to anyone. Being a douche isn't a crime.

EDIT: I just chopped a part of my original post because it is clear you think both parties are wrong to an extent. I agree.

For all the righteous indignation you felt when one of our community members was rude to Bobo ... what did Bobo do here to justify getting kicked from the group? Please try to be a little consistent here.

1 decade ago

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"He realizes he was in the wrong on this whole "poll ordeal" and tells me that there wont be a fee to access said website.."

Only he totally doesn't realise shit. See the chat log I posted elsewhere in the thread. He claims the polls' wording was a "joke" meant to show how selfish gamers are (which is fucked up enough to begin with as well as just plain stupid if you're trying to earn a living off of them).

However, if you've fully read the old "drama at Hookups" thread (linked to in the OP) and all the stuff linked to in it (which you clearly haven't), you can form a quite simple image of Sammy's character - even without seeing the posts he made there (which he deleted in some cases minutes, in some hours after he posted them) insulting people posting on the thread, as well as berating ex-mods for posting screenshots of announcements / threads in the group that he tried deleting to hide his own misbehaviour, as if they somehow were doing something immoral by simply showing what kind of screwed up stuff he'd done. I saw those posts purely because I happened to be on the thread at the time.

He's a manipulative, lying, spineless weasel with little to no moral fibre in him. He's tried in the past, and is trying again, now, to earn a living off of others' hard work while doing jack shit himself. First it was through the old group mods' work in compiling deals and posting them, then hijacking their posts to inject his ref. links, only to then lie to his own mod team about how much money he was making off them, pretending he was making just a little change on the side when he was making quite a substantial amount of money from it, as well as breaking the promise to put most of that cash back into the groups' further development after having multiple conversations with the mods about it. He even went so far as to use some cash for rent money (or so he said), throwing up some big sob story to try and guilt the mods (who were very civil throughout it all) into shutting up, even pretending his "girlfriend" was behind the PC at some point to further try to guilt people into stopping their entirely warranted and reasonable critique by adding to his sob story through this "girlfriend" persona. All throughout this, mind you, he was heavily censoring people left and right, even when all they were doing was asking politely worded questions, by deleting posts, kicking members, etc., even doing stuff like replying to criticisms with lies (sometimes concerning other members / mods) then locking threads, or making them member only then kicking potential detractors from the group (even in the middle of discussions) to silence their reply and make it look like he was right, and they had backed down. Also, all along he was trying to delete his shoddy, amateurish attempts at further manipulation and victim roleplay to further try and hide his true nature / intentions as soon as one person drew negative attention / critique to them.

All this is documented fully in the old thread, and the proof for it is all there, there's no denying it, or talking your way around it, so do everyone a favour and don't bother trying to spin it in some way that makes it all look like he was just a poor misunderstood kid / victim of internet bullies.

Now, his old mod team is gone (and he can no longer profit off of their hard work) and he's desperately clambering to get fresh blood in the group, and new mods who's efforts he can leech off of. He's given people who he previously totally denied mod-ship mod powers (and of course responsibilities) out of desperation, is lying about everything that's happened so far, is calling anyone criticizing him "crazy people" (his exact words) or otherwise suggesting they're all just big mean internet doodieheads who are merely trying to begrudge him a few extra bucks / playing the victim some other way. He's lying to potential new members, giving new mods he's sucked in the task of mass spamming invites (even with bots) all over the place (which can get them in trouble with vALVE, but eh who cares right, as long as it's not his account in jeopardy - for his stance on wanting more members, see Slipslot's latest reply in the comment chain between me and Slipslot, after my chat log post) and trying his best to further act like a doughy-eyed deer in the headlights, merely looking for some help with his group from nice people (because anyone not helping him is a selfish prick, right?) He's set up a shoddy website (that doesn't even work properly, and has most likely been built for him by others that he doesn't credit anywhere) where he's asking for - specifically - monthly "donations" (see the comment chain between me and Slipslot, after my chat log post). Donations, mind you, that he doesn't specify the intended use for, anywhere (obviously because the only intended use is lining his own pockets).

Also, he's now put up a shitty Greenlight game he's not done any work on at all, from 1995, that his uncle worked on, claiming the other guys who worked on it gave approval for him to put it up on Greenlight via his uncle. More attempts to profit off others' work without any form of effort on his part - unless you consider putting something up on Greenlight (couple of clicks here and there) effort.

And then there's that poll that this post started with. "Yes, I would like to greatly honour this hero, this paragon of virtue among men, with my monthly tithing", or "no, I'm a selfish jackass and begrudge him any profit" are, basically, the two options he's giving people. Merely a further attempt at manipulation and guilting people into feeling sorry for him / wanting to feel good about donating to him, which is absolutely transparent, if you're familiar with all these further hints at what kind of guy he truly is.

And for some reason you're defending him, when you quite obviously haven't bothered, at all, to familiarise yourself with this guys' motives / past behaviour, even when it's all laid out for you in the old thread (that the OP here links to). Seems like he's successfully indoctrinated you into his fold. Please, read the old thread in full, see the stuff he tried deleting, see how he acted, before you bother commenting on anything concerning this group / this guy Sammy. And like I said before, don't try to spin this any way, when any fool with half a brain can see right through all the bullshit defences he's put up by putting two and two together.

To try and deny he's a shitty guy, with shitty motives, and even shittier behaviour, especially after this post (where I summarise the old thread, although you should still read it if you're at all interested in the group / Sammy / voicing an opinion here), would only serve to prove what an absolute ignoramus you are, blind to the facts. I reiterate what I said before - he's an enormously manipulative (some of the worst I've seen), lying, spineless weasel with little to no moral fibre in him. And this is coming from someone who grew up with a mother and sister who were both somewhat sociopathic malignant narcissists (see the link for symptoms, as well as this for what, specifically, malignant narcissism is).

He's a guy with strong indications of narcissistic personality disorder that doesn't deserve to be defended by anyone. This guy deserves any flack he catches.

1 decade ago

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Incredibly well summed up. If only you linked each explanation with a screenshot/chatlog to what you were referring to (which is all scattered in the original SG thread / collected in a paticular Opium Pulses forum thread). Would have made this the ultimate response to answer all others.

1 decade ago

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Well. Thank god for that, someone who has actually read EVERYTHING. You really summed it up there didn't you. Please before someone posts here defending him, just read this post and then go back and actually read the evidence instead of skimming the first few sentences. There is only so much we can do to explain his actions and reading the screenshots will give you a much better insight into what he is like.

Do your research, then offer your opinions.

1 decade ago

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well well somebody's done his reading, but now that you've roped me into this as an ignoramus for trying to stay slightly neutral (notice how i didnt say he was right or wrong). If you don't like him, great, thats cool. My point in making that post was to get people to fuck off with bothering him or hookups that are CLEARLY doing it. So if you want to just hop on the "fuck everyone that doesn't call him worthless trash" train, go right ahead but know that I could care less your shitty opinion because I dislike you too from a previous experience considering I had you blocked when you went in there... TO anyone ELSE: I have read the things about him, i heard what he's done and i realize he needs to learn from his mistakes. I do not agree with his sort of "money grabbing policy" that was being implied by the poll, and the members in there basically talked him out of doing that. Its people like you that wont let shit go, it really doesn't bother me whether you like the person or the group or not, id just like to see the people who dont hate sam with a passion be able to enjoy it without external forces disrupting the flow of it. I dont understand you people, if you want to see a group crash and burn, ignore it. If its really as crap as you say we'll all leave right?

1 decade ago

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The people you are replying to, are not "bothering him or hookups" we are simply warning people of his shady behavior. We in fact asked people to NOT harass him and the group as it solves nothing and only allows him to play the victim even more. Please don't assume that because some people who disagreed with his behavior acted like idiots and trolled him, that everyone with the same opinions did likewise.

1 decade ago

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Not that it's relevant to anything we're discussing here nor the truth to any of the points I make (and it truly is a pathetic point to make to try and undermine me and my post without actually properly / fully replying to what I say), but I suppose if you must bring it into this: the reason we have each other blocked on Steam (and I hardly ever do that to anyone, because I'd like to be able to see what crap people might say about me if we get into an argument) has to do with you being an obnoxious jackass once in some group chat where I entered. You jumped on me, insulting me, undermining everything I said, and acting like a fucking a-hole merely based off of my Steam nickname, which you insulted and bitched about before I even said anything other than a friendly greeting. I came in to chat, said something like "hi people", and you began trolling and berating me and the appearance of my nick. After trying to ignore you / stay nice, I threw some insults back at you, and when you kept trolling like a fuckin' child, I blocked you, and I guess you also blocked me. Good going on being a brainless fool who sees who's saying something as more important than the objective facts they present, though - just like that time in that chat! Let's leave personal vendettas out of this though, shall we? You know, stick to the argument at hand like big boys?

Back to the real topic.

The reason for my post was that you were entirely underplaying Sammy's responsibility in all this, as well as in general downplaying how the severity of Sammy's offenses. You appeared to be doing this due to lack of information (as it was obvious you hadn't read anything of the initial "Drama at Hookups" thread, and most likely still haven't, just like you probably skimmed over the facts I presented here and didn't read them all well, nor really thought about them). So, I informed you, and took the opportunity to immediately also create a summary of sorts concerning his and his groups' crappy past for anyone else to read. Apparently, though, either you have still not read about all he's done (be it in the old thread or my post, here) or you simply are too stupid to understand why supporting this guy in any way is morally repugnant. I've seen you do this in the past too, though; supporting a person / idea just to be contrarian, go against the grain, or to somehow stupidly defend an authority figure that does not deserve it by downplaying shit they've done.

" just like to see the people who dont hate sam with a passion be able to enjoy it without external forces disrupting the flow of it. I dont understand you people, if you want to see a group crash and burn, ignore it. If its really as crap as you say we'll all leave right?"

There are no "external forces disrupting the flow of it", nor is there any reason for this group, led by a corrupt, money hungry, conniving, manipulative, power hungry asshole to exist when there's enough other groups that do a far better job of attaining the core goal of this group - giving heads-up op game deals, entirely for free.

There's only people on this and the older thread outing the groups' owner for shitty practices, because it's a story that deserves being told, as this guy is trying to make money off of his horrible practices, both through ref. links, as well as directly asking for donations, both of which he entirely does not deserve, not only due to his horrible character, but also due to his leeching off of others' hard work. Oh and of course there's the Greenlight game he had nothing to do with.

The reason why me, and the ex-mods bother posting, is because it seems that while he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, Sammy (just as most weasely, manipulative types somehow do, no matter how thick) possesses at least the bare intellect necessary to successful deceive and trick people to see him as the victim, and garner support from people bandwagoning, inflating his group' numbers and his pockets more, which - again - he entirely does not deserve. Aside from that, he censors people, and tells lies about ex members - he even accuses them of things they didn't do. And now, he's also directly attacking the ex-mods' new community, the wider Opium Pulses community, telling new arrivals to Hookups that they are sending people out to harass Sammy, send death threats, and more, making new members unfairly think badly of the Opium Pulse community. People have a right to know the truth about someone like Sammy, especially if they're posting things like "oh poor you, haters gonna hate, people just jealous of your success", indicating he succesfully fooled them into seeing Sammy as some big victim of internet meanies.

Now I see Sammy's posted an announcement about closing the group down, garnering more sympathy from people, acting like a victim some more. I truly hope he does close the group down, and this shit ends, although I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe he's just lying and acting like he's going to close due to "all this hate against me, boo hoo" only to then decide not to go through with closure, after getting some more false sympathy, or getting some more shots at the Opium Pulses community in. Either that, or he really is closing, but purely because he now has no one good at helping run a group / compile deals etc., who's work he can leech off of.

1 decade ago

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Aaaand yup, exactly as I predicted - he deleted two announcements, including the group closure one. All just a ruse to drum up false sympathy. See my latest post in the thread (not a chain). I backed the announcements up with screenshots so you can see for yourself. Also, the other announcement was one full of him flat-out lying about everything that's transpired so far.

1 decade ago

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Oh by the way, from the wiki page about narcissistic personality disorder:

To the extent that people are pathologically narcissistic, they can be controlling, blaming, self-absorbed, intolerant of others’ views, unaware of others' needs and of the effects of their behavior on others, and insistent that others see them as they wish to be seen. Narcissistic individuals use various strategies to protect the self at the expense of others. They tend to devalue, derogate and blame others, and they respond to threatening feedback with anger and hostility.

Remind you of anyone / anyone's behaviour? I don't know, like silencing people and their thoughts, denying them their fair say in matters? Twisting arguments in his favour? Yeah, exactly. Also, see the "unprincipled narcissist" subtype. The guy has issues. Either that, or he actually does understand people's frustrations / feelings, and chooses to ignore them / sweep them under the rug. Which would be even worse.

1 decade ago

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At first I didn't really care about this, I was just casually reading the post and some of the replies. I figured if the guy wants to spam his referral links and make a profit off of compiling deals together in a steam group, whatever.

The fact that he actually tried to steal someone else's game and greenlight it is extremely low though. How is it still on steam? Can't he be banned and possibly sued for that? Has anyone brought this to original developers' attention?

1 decade ago

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According to the game description, his uncle was one of the people who worked on the original game. Through his uncle, he claims to have gotten permission from the others who worked on it, so is okay to modify and resell their old project.

1 decade ago

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Hmmm... I wonder if that's actually true or not. Might be worth looking into.

1 decade ago

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How do I report a fake/fraudulent/malicious game in Steam Greenlight?
When you're looking at the page for a game in Steam Greenlight, there is a 'Report' right next to the rating buttons, below the screenshots. Please report the item and tell us why you’re doing so.

What if someone else has posted my game?
If your game has been posted by someone else and you wish for it to be taken down, please visit and follow the instructions under 'Claims of Copyright Infringement'.

Just fyi

1 decade ago

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This group owner friended me earlier, he seems nice but is clearly stressed out over a bunch of matters & the multitude of people attacking him.

1 decade ago

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He tries to 'friend' everyone who has interest towards him. He just wants backers.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Allies. Members. Implied asspats / echo-chamber / white-knights.

1 decade ago

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I just joined a group to be informed about the holiday season though..I don't want to go back into war. I'VE SEEN THINGS MAN..

1 decade ago

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Sam's special weapon. Playing the victim.

1 decade ago

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I don't think he is playing at anything. It truly seems like he was stressed & even a bit paranoid from so much attack. I likely made it sound that way from my wording, however it is a direct observation.

If there must be roles, it looks like everyone is a victim in this situation but who is being victimized further?

1 decade ago

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Of course he's stressed and paranoid. He's caused a lot of people who once cared about or respected him to step away from his side and show people what his underlying intentions are. I don't think that means he deserves to be "attacked" but I also don't think it means he deserves any sympathy. So what if the guy is stressed, everyone gets stressed. The difference is, he's caused this himself. The internet is cruel and if you treat people like you think they are stupid, they'll show you just how stupid they really can be.

1 decade ago

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This. Sure he's going to be stressed, but it's his job to take care of it; his behavior that's caused it and his behavior that he can turn into the solution if he starts actually changing

1 decade ago

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Won't happen. The guy's behaviour is a classic example of narcissistic personality disorder. See my wordy reply to Herpulese for a summary of his behaviour so far, and a link to what narcissistic personality disorder is. He literally cannot (nor wants to) empathise with anyone's feelings / concerns.

1 decade ago

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The guy's only nice to people when there's a vested interest in it for him. He's trying to find support for his group, and new members to profit off of. Nothing more. It seems you've not read the old thread, nor much of this thread, if you can't see through his manipulative behaviour.

1 decade ago

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Did you see that original thread before he removed all of his own comments? He brought several of his own shovels with him that night.

1 decade ago

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Yeah I just typed out a wordy reply to Herpulese - and am actually interested in your thoughts on what I've put down there, a summary of sorts of shit that's gone down, curious whether you think my post was correctly worded / explained or not - where I refer to these deleted posts of his. I was there on the thread when that shit went down, reading it all, seeing Sammy post insults at people, including you ex-mods, in some cases acting like you guys were the assholes in the equation merely for posting stuff he had tried deleting in the group to cover his tracks, as if somehow it was immoral / unfair / underhanded of you guys to do so. I forget whether or not I posted there, though. But yeah, I saw the way he was trying to attack you guys and make it look like you were just begrudging him some extra revenue because you're just big mean doodieheads by committing the horrid act of putting stuff he himself had said and done up for others to see (I think he even called you guys jealous in one of these deleted posts :P).

1 decade ago

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So what was the result of the poll? Genuinely curious here.

1 decade ago

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Last results I saw before it was pulled was:

Yes, would be an honor - 11%
Maybe - 30%
No, I'm selfish - 59%

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Shad0WeN.