A few weeks ago I've won one of the best and the most unbelievable giveaway ever in my years (thank you, Osaka Milk Bar! <3) in this community and I figure what better way to celebrate than to make a nice long train for everyone! I originally plan to make this waaaay before today, maybe in the week the that I won the game or the next, but due to exams and other unforeseen circumstances, I just didn't have the time, or the mood, to do one. Now that I'm done with my exams and getting better in terms of health and mood, it's time to get rolling!

I've set up a 40-cart train for you guys to take a ride on and the journey will last for a couple of weeks. Nothing fancy but there's a few non-bundled games thrown in there. I wanted to call this a Dark Souls Train but unfortunately I couldn't find a cheap copy at the stores :( Anyways, I do hope you'll find something to your liking and hopefully this won't be a crappy ride. Also, this is my first time to set an SGTools ratio restriction to the entrance of the train. Let me know if it's too lenient or too strict later on.

While I'm at it, I just want to give a shout out to these threads, which I haven't frequent as much as before with my Positive Vibe Giveaways. Please take moment to give these threads a visit and give it a bump from time to time.

Yunie's Giveback thread
DesertMouse' You're Not Alone thread
JBond's Positive thread
JCTango's Curator's appreciation thread

Without furher ado, please step inside and enjoy the ride! Be sure to give the thread a bump when you're done!

Here's an extra cart to the special few whom deserved the spot in the VVIP wagon! <3

Edit: The train has safely arrived to it's destination! Thank you, everyone, for participating and all your kind comments. I will send out the gifts later tonight after I come back from dinner. To the winners, here's an early congratulations to you guys/gals! <3

Inb4 all the Blacklist comments come up... To those who think that I've won too much and wanted to blacklist me, I just want you to know that I'm actively working on my ratio, even at a crawling pace, with my initial goal to reach 0.5 by this June and hopefully to 1 by the end of the year. After the train ends I might reach my first goal much sooner than I expected. Of course, it's your list and you have all the rights to do whatever you want with it. Go ahead if you must, I'll never ask or argue about it. For those whom I've got blacklisted, you're either a rulebreaker, ref spammer or generally being a douche in the forum or comments. If you've won something from me before, then you probably "forgot" to say thanks (I consider that to be extremely rude), so please, people, I'm not asking much but please do say thanks when you win something here, not only to me but to everyone else as well.

Now that's over with, guess I'll end the post with a picture of me and the guys celebrating the end of our end round exams yesterday! (Guess which one am I) Enjoy the giveaways, everyone, and have a good weekend! :) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna treat myself to the quite amount of game that I've amassed these past few weeks. Cheers :)

Edit: Erkay is kind enough to drop a giveaway in the thread. Check it out here! Be sure to thank him for his awesomeness :)

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8 years ago*

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Praise the Bump =)

8 years ago

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Osaka is a really generous person. You can feel lucky :)
Thanks for the ride!

8 years ago

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It's crazy just to think about it.. The guy totally have my respect in terms of generosity :) Good luck!

8 years ago

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all hail lord Sun!!! :)

thx for the ride :)

8 years ago

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All hail the Sun!! \o/

Good luck! :D

8 years ago

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Nice win, nice train! :-)

Praise the Sun, Praise Barbie!

8 years ago

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You gotta praise 'em all! \o/

Thank you and good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I had seen you lurking around and I would have never guessed your ratio, lol, good luck in your actual crusade of getting it up! I also think it's extremely rude when a winner doesn't write a simple thanks message, however I don't blacklist them for that, I guess I have a higher tolerance for lack of education and gratitude :]

So what's Hulk Syabab and what's the celebration? I didn't get that part

PS: OSM is an awesome dude, congratz on DS3!

8 years ago

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Well, It really is horrible, to be honest... Even more so before I started my mission to seriously give back. Hence the abundance of people blacklisting me before. Can't blame them though, it's really my fault and I guess I'd feel terrible too if my winner would have my ratio back then lol

I wish I was able to tolerate it as much as you can.. Somehow this small gesture that people seem to take lightly for just gets me bad. Tried ignoring it for the first few times but after reaching 2 digits, I just have to put the message in every giveaway =.='

Hulk Syabab is basically our squad name lol We started using the name way back during our second year in a football tournament and I guess it kinda stick with us! Everyone refers to our group as Hulk Syabab too. The picture is taken right after finishing our end round exams for this semester, so that explains the celebration :D

He really is! I sometimes just can't believe how some people can be so generous in giving. I mean, it's not like $5 or $10 but a whole $60 game, to a random stranger. Looking at his record, he's been doing it for quite sometime too! My hats off to the guy :)

8 years ago

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Don't worry, just buy what you can afford, there are some decent bundles from time to time that would make people happy even if they are bundled :) this train is a good starting point!

Also each person's WL and BL are personal, just follow your conscience and your heart, it's not THAT serious anyway.

Nice! So it's not 11-football squad I suppose, rather a 6 man on pitch I assume, cool that you are all good friends and passed your semester, I'm glad for you :]

OMB is pretty generous yeah, and I've met a bunch of guys like him in my year here, as OMB motto says: "happiness is only real when shared"!

Edit: God I always mess up his acronym... I write OSaka Milk Bar instead of OMB, lol

8 years ago*

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Lol I actually wondered who you were referring too :p I noticed that he wrote that line a lot too. I guess I should really take him as an example :)

I know it's nothing serious but still, I can always feel the guilt when I positively knew that the reason they put me on their list is because of bad ratio. Oh well, it's never too late to change, right? Hopefully I'll make things right soon! :)

We're more in playing futsal actually rather than the full 11 football squad. We do play it from time to time but we had more fun playing futsal nowadays, mostly because it's not as demanding and everyone is more involve during a match (or, maybe we're just getting old :p ) Thank you for your wish! 1 semester left for all of us and then comes our professional exams. I seriously can't believe it's already been 6 years in medschool =.='

8 years ago

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Bumpo ᵏᵉʳᵒ~

8 years ago

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Congrats on the epic win and thank you for the awesome giveaway train! Bump! :)

8 years ago

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Thank you for interesting train and giveaways.

8 years ago

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Thanks and bumps! Enjoy Dark Souls :)

8 years ago

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I definitely will, thanks! Only 8 days left to go :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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paces furiously outside of the VVIP wagon with a bundle of dynamite in hand

8 years ago

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2 days remaining, folks! Catch a ride if you haven't yet! <3

8 years ago

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Fuck the Kalameet's tail, man, so hard to hit :(

8 years ago

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Lol I know right? Took me a good long while to cut and beat the damn thing T_T

8 years ago

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I'll make it, this is personal ò_ó

8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride!

8 years ago

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You're welcome! Hope you enjoyed it :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice ride Justin,
I made myself comfortable in a couple of wagons,
hope you don't mind :D


8 years ago

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Oh, I don't mind. Please do make yourself like home :D

8 years ago

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Bump. I stopped at the lvl 2 GAs but thanks!

8 years ago

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Bump for nice ride! :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Very good train (: Thank you!

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8 years ago

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Glad you liked it! Good luck :)

8 years ago

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I even thank you for the sharing of your Threads ^^

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8 years ago

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Praise the Train

8 years ago

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Congrats and thank you for the ride JustinSane059:)

8 years ago

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Oh hey, a train I almost missed. Have a bump :-D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bump bump :)

8 years ago

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