
I'm a little bit confused about the BETA key giveaways.
There are a lot of Dota 2 / CS:GO giveaways on steamgifts, but almost none of them say that it is a BETA version of the game. Why are people allowed to give these away and why do you get contributor credit? They are free to get and become useless after a few weeks/months. And how do you know if it is a BETA key or not? There's a change that people think it is a giftable pre-order version of the game or something.

I don't really care about this, I'm just wondering what you guys think about it.
(And yes, the above isn't grammatically correct. I'm Dutch, sorry.)

1 decade ago*

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Little extract from the "FAQ/Rules and Guidelines" here in the forum.

FAQ/Rules and Guidelines

Do not submit guest passes, beta keys (Dota 2 and CS:GO giftable copies whitelisted), or in-game items from games such as TF2.

1 decade ago

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I must have missed that part of the FAQ.
But still, why doesn't the giveaway page say 'Name of game here - BETA'? (I think it should)

1 decade ago

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there's only dota 2 and cs:go beta atm... nothing to get confused with...
technically beta keys u can't give on this site, but u can give dota 2 and cs:go

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Wesleyyy.