She's so beautiful, but I feel that she's way out of my league. We are joking around and talking a lot, she thinks I'm funny and I think she kinda likes me (kinda). I am thinking of asking her out, but I'm a bit insecure about myself (not like I'm ugly, just a bit run-down by life haha). We also work together so it might be awkward if she rejects and then just work alongside each other.

It's been a while since I last dated, I broke up with my last girlfriend around 1/1,5 years ago and haven't really been in the game since then.

Anyway, any suggestions? Have you been in a similar situation? Have you succeed?

(p.s. I know it's not gaming related in any way, but I like to look at the forum as a "forum" a place for general discussion as well.

9 years ago*

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I met my current girlfriend in college. We'd been sitting together in certain classes for two years when my ex and I broke up.
It took us a couple of months to start dating. Don't ask me how exactly it happened and whether I did anything because I haven't a clue.
And my girlfriend won't tell me. She's been keeping that secret for seven years now.

Anyway, my example won't be much use to you. Still, go for it. The worst she can do is say no; any further awkwardness is likely to stem from your inability to accept no as an answer. So let me correct myself: if you can take no for an answer, go for it. If not... well, weigh the booty against the possibility of you making an idiot out of yourself if she should turn you down.

9 years ago

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Do it! (mandatory fggt) If she rejects you, just be chill, be yourself and accept the rejection like a man. It doesn't have to be weird after rejection, wtf. :P

9 years ago

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Test the water and try to become good friends with her. The best relationships come from good friendships and it gives you a way to work in to it.

9 years ago

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Asking her out for a midday coffee is a great icebreaker, not a date, just a getting to know you thing.

9 years ago

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try something neutral, be creative. Since you will have to work with this person anyway, no matter whats her answer will be, you should be careful with "direct" date proposal. Say something like that your retarded friend dumped you and have to go to the cinema/hockey/theatre alone and you have 2 ticekts, so maybe she will help you out

9 years ago

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is she even single?

9 years ago

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So what dafuq happened? Just ask her out.... it's not that hard. If she says no, then F"%k her (not literally)

9 years ago

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