Good evening.
Recently bought Fallout Collection. All games are a lot of time passed, but I would just be steam. Already an hour as we argue with a friend is Fallout Tactics a good game or not. His argument is mainly that it's not Fallout, that the plot is full of inaccuracies. And I have one excuse I like fights. I would like to know your opinion about the game. What are your impressions? If you do not take into account that the game is supposedly the universe Fallout, it is a good tactical strategy or not? Maybe you even know any games like X-COM, Silent Storm.
I understand that many people, so many opinions. But...

1 decade ago*

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It's really not a Fallout. It's not a canonic Fallout. But it's a good game! =)

1 decade ago

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that this is not fallout, I completely agree. The dispute arose it was a bad tactical games

1 decade ago

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Well, I liked it. I completed it a couple of times. It used to have some bugs as far as I remember... but its a long time ago I played it so maybe there were some patches.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, the 'fallout' part is tacked on. That being said, i didn't care much.

What I DID care about, is that i got bored half-way through.

1 decade ago

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It's good. It might be a spinoff but IMHO it's "more" Fallout than F3/FNV (tho NV gets very close to feeling like the good old F1/2).

1 decade ago

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Pretty much any spin-off series with "Tactics" appended is different. Hence the "Tactics" and the name spin-off. Mostly I see these kind of spin-offs as a way to sell some weirds studios crappy game by putting on a brand (Pokemon: Conquest, anyone). Haven't played Fallout Tactics so I can't judge about the quality.

1 decade ago

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I've not played tactics myself, I am currently downloading it as I speak. But from what I read from Nukapedia, it's just nowhere near being a canonical Fallout game, so when I do play the game I'm not playing it because of the story. I'm sure Interplay wanted these guys to make a true Fallout game as well, just like they wanted BoS.

But plot shouldn't be the only thing that makes a game good. In my opinion Fallout 3 barely brought anything new plot-wise to the Fallout franchise but it's still a fun game.

1 decade ago

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Hmmm... Bad game or not - I had a blast playing it years ago. I always have a bit of a problem with people claiming that a game is bad, or good for that matter. We all have different taste. What really matters is that we have fun playing them, right?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by NekoDealer.