Hi all, would like to know your opinions on which is a better game with a reason as well. All comments appreciated :)

1 decade ago*

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I haven't played Bioshock 2, but Darksiders is pretty fun game. Can't wait to play Darksiders 2.

1 decade ago

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I really like Bioshock. I have a copy in my inventory if you want to trade :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I played both (just finished Darksider yesterday actually).

Bioshock 2 was a blast. I really enjoyed it, and it felt more fine-tuned than the first Bioshock. Some say the story ain't as impressive as the first, but I don't think there's too much of a difference in quality there. You really see the Bioshock universe from a different eye in the second instalment. Really enjoyable, and I strongly suggest it if you've played and liked the first.

Darksider I approached with caution, because I just impulsively bought it during summer sale. I got quite surprised by the quality though, and enjoyed the ride quite a lot. It's one of those super-hero like games, where you have many different combinations of buttons to press to build some combos. If you aren't a fan of that, you might want to avoid, because there are a LOT of buttons to press. On that aspect, the PC port might not have been done super well, but maybe playing with a controller could solve the issue (and probably would). Otherwise story-wise, it was quite enjoyable too. And you do feel like you're wrecking everything with power combos and finishers. I kind of finished the game without using one family of powers at all because I couldn't figure out a new effective key-mapping to use them... XD

So yeah, if I had to chose 1, for PC without controllers, it'd be Bioshock 2, but in your place I'd prepare some budget for both :P

1 decade ago

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What he said for Bioshock 2 and see below

1 decade ago

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Well... I finished both.
Darksiders is surprisingly atmospheric, with some really great character design and really cool storyline. It also has one of the coolest fighting systems I've ever seen - extremely responsive and intuitive. As for PC port - yeah, I admit... it isn't the best, but then - the port of Bioshock 2 isn't great, either. Anyhow - I finished it using keyboard and mouse... first time on Normal, 2nd on Apocalyptic - it isn't an impossible task (although, this game is definitely challenging).. What makes up for the quality of the port, however is the fact, you get a comic and a full soundtrack with the game (whatever you buy it at Steam or at retailer - every version has them).

Bioshock 2 - well... it's a "safe sequel" to Bioshock. It improves the shooting mechanics of the original, but it doesn't do anything outstanding. It doesn't have better graphics, nor it has better physics. It's more of the same, except... 2nd visit in rapture just simply doesn't feel as great as your first one - they really didn't do much, to spice it up. Port-wise, the game is using GFWL, which is a pain already. There are some problems with post-processing and aiming with mouse is equally as bad as it was in first one. Some people may feel also not like the FOV (it isn't as narrow as in COD or other games you hear about, but it isn't exactly wide). As for someone, whose favourite game of all times is System Shock 2, Bioshock 2 left me disappointed. I'd say - Darksiders is a better choice... but, unless you have some flexible, long fingers - I don't recommend playing it with keyboard and mouse.

1 decade ago

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what he said about Darksiders.

Really, there about equally enjoyable so it depends what you're in the mood for. If you liked Bioshock 1 you can't go wrong and if you like God Of War , well mix that with a more open world and you can't go wrong either.

1 decade ago

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Never played Darksiders, but Bioshock is a very unique game and so i do not see how you could compare them.

1 decade ago

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Bioshock > Darksiders > Bioshock 2

1 decade ago

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Bioshock i guess.

1 decade ago

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Darksiders :D

1 decade ago

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Depends if you've played Bioshock 1 or not. Darksiders is a really, really great game that is pretty addictive and unique. BS2 is a good game, but it's also not too different from the first so you could probably skip it and wait for Bioshock Infinite.

1 decade ago

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I'd recommend you Darksiders.
Why? Because Bioshock isn't really that special, while Darksiders is, as Suicidepl said - cool for the most part. I didn't have any problems with the conversion (apart the fact that I had to upgrade my sound drivers :) ), and I played it only on Apocalyptic. The deeper you get into Darksiders, the better the game gets, with epic finale, which leads us to the point, where we can't wait for the second part.

1 decade ago

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Play both =D but if like play Bioshock 2 play 1st one before.

1 decade ago

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My vote for both games. You shouldn't miss any of these 2 ;)

1 decade ago

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I'd go with Darksiders. :)

1 decade ago

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Play Bioshock, then bioshock 2. Bioshock 2 comes with multiplayer, i pretty much enjoy both games (tried darksiders, it was fun, but honestly i've played better like devil may cry 4)

1 decade ago

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Bioshock 2

1 decade ago

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Bioshock 2

1 decade ago

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I'm over 3/4 done with Darksiders and loving it.

While Bioshock 1 was amazing, 2 was just "more of the same" with a less compelling story and it got tedious after awhile for me. I got bored with it and never finished.

1 decade ago

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they're pretty different too compare, but i have played them both to the end and recommend playing both, great games

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by SandoDucky.