hello, i know its a bit weird place to write it (its a giveaway site forum) but I dont have anywhere else to.
I'm having a problem, I always think if I'll have a spouse in the future and when? Cuz how can i find a girl after i've finished school?
I saw in here that there are people who are older than me and maybe you can help me (Im only 15). how do i forget this because im too young or what else can I do?
Thanks a lot

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

9 years ago

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Well, speaking as someone who has seen much of the world, I can tell you that what really matters is not where you are from but rather what condition your mind is in. There are things necessary for success, but age is not one of them.

Thinking about marriage is something that happens at different times for different people. However, wanting to get married does not mean you are ready to get married. There is no specific age a person must reach before they are "ready," but there are many things which should be accomplished beforehand. Before getting married, you need to understand and accept the following things:

  • You must be an adult. You will need the mature mindset of an adult to be successful in life. That means that you must have the self-control and discipline required to set aside your desires and do whatever must be done. In other words, you do what you have to do, not necessarily what you want to do.
  • You must be able to provide. You will be responsible for running a household. You will need the ability to provide food, shelter (housing) and clothing for yourself and your family (if any). In many places, this means having a job and paying your own bills. Life is uncertain, but you must have the ability to work.
  • You must know how to be a good husband. You will be taking on the responsibility of caring for your wife. You must be able to compromise when necessary and to put what is best for her above what is best for you if the situation requires it. You must also understand the social, emotional, and physical needs of women and be prepared to provide her with what she needs.
  • You must know how to be a good father. You will, in all probability, have children with your wife. Having a child is a huge demand on your time, effort, and money for the next 20 years and, to a lesser degree, for the rest of your life. You therefore need to know how to raise your children, and that is a tremendous challenge. Perfection is not required; dedication is.
  • You must know yourself. Married life is a huge commitment. You must know your strengths and weaknesses because they will help and hinder you throughout married life. Once you marry, your life no longer belongs to you, so you need to feel certain you can handle it and will see it through to the end, no matter how difficult it gets. You must be up to the challenge.

After considering all of the things mentioned above, a man who is ready to marry says to himself, "I understand that it will be difficult, and scary at times, and that I will no longer be able to play and do what I like, when I like, but I feel the rewards of such a life outweigh the costs, and I am certain that this is what I want to do. I will make mistakes along the way, but I will not give up, and I will do what it takes to succeed in this." Such a man then seeks a woman who will be a good wife and mother. He may already know of someone, or it may take time to find such a woman, but once he does, and once he knows her sufficiently well to be confident that she is ready for marriage, then he will propose.

In this day and age, there are many people who get married without being ready for it. There are many, many reasons for this, but much of it has to do with the fact that these people are not yet adults. I run into 25, 35, even 45 year-old children on a daily basis. These people have yet to grow up, and that makes it much, much more difficult for them to succeed as husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. They are still controlled by their desires instead of being in control of them, and it messes up their lives and the lives of those connected to them. It is a problem which can be fixed, but it cannot be imposed from outside the self. It must come from within.

In this world, there are young men and women who get married at what we in the West consider a young age. Some of the young men are 11 or 12, some of the young women are 8 or 9. Most of them are under 20. They take care of each other, raise families, and live adult lives, just like other adults do. They choose to leave the life of a child behind them (they feel they have had enough playtime) and are ready and willing to "get to work." In their cultures, this is normal. In the West, this is not. Understand that if you choose to marry at a younger age than is custom in your culture, there will be a lot of resistance from people. Be steadfast. Continue to act like a man and people will begin to treat you as one.

I hope that what I have written, here, is of use to you. Seek marriage when you feel the time is right, and work on improving yourself your whole life long. I wish you success.

9 years ago

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Your posts are simply amazing. As a married man myself I +1 this.

9 years ago

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+1. His posts are always so damn organized and coherent.

9 years ago

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I think Khalaq went to some special shrine and found enlightenment for the world after never winning any giveaways.

9 years ago

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I dunno about enlightenment, but I've somehow managed to stay alive long enough, surviving the regular beatings life has given me, and have used the opportunity to learn a couple of things in the process. Thank God for that. )

9 years ago

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After a rough draft and three revisions, "coherent" is a worthy achievement. D

9 years ago

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I just love how much wisdom you do have and how well are you able to organize it. +1

9 years ago

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I'm 20, never had a girlfriend, never had my first kiss, and I've found that thinking about it only leads to pain... err heartache. As well it takes away from schooling. When the time is right, the stars align, it will happen.

And don't go into first year college/university thinking your going to find your soul mate... that's a load of bull haha, I'm second year and still no where near it.

9 years ago

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You are never too young to think about the future. As long as this doesn't eat you up or controls your life to the point you are always worried about this, you should be fine. These thoughts can kind of numb a person though. Chances are you are just worried about it because you feel lonely. But these things happen automatically and you can't really control them. If you like someone, be brave enough to act on it. This doesn't mean this person must become your future spouse. You also don't actually need to ever get married. You can live happily with your partner without that piece of paper.

Also, if you need someone to talk there is always the option of therapy. This might sound scary at first but it's not bad at all. Health insurance pays for it so money shouldn't be an issue. Being in therapy doesn't automatically mean you are some psychopathic weirdo, it just means you realized you want some professional help for certain aspects of your life in order to become a better you.

9 years ago

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Not really. I've been thinking of getting married ever since I was 6.

9 years ago

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Heheh, OP, you make me chuckle...
Yes, you are too young to start thinking about this. I do not believe anyone should "hunt" for a husband/wife too quickly, although shouldn't avoid finding a boyfriend/girlfriend either.
Plainly said, don't be too fast at wanting something, or you may jump at the first possible chance... Which isn't always a smart move. Do this the right way, and just go on with your life for the time given. You'll have lots of time later to think about this.

9 years ago

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ive seen you a lot lately, is ur pc back?

9 years ago

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I wasn't, but I just got my hard drive tonight and installed/set it up, so I'm finally back. Still no decent internet, though.

9 years ago

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I actually made a subpost about u being gone, did bugzkilla tell you?

9 years ago

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Huh, no?
A subpost where?

9 years ago

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Hunting for a spouse sounds like something a psychopath might do...

9 years ago

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The big difference is how do you think about it. General rule is that if you're thinking about gains of desired goal, it would push you further away from if. If you're thinking about obstacles and how to overcome them - it will aid you in your goal.

So If your thoughts are "How wonderful it will be to have a wife/husband, when she/he will prepare meals for me, and how the sex wonderful will be..." - You're doing it wrong. You're living in a imaginary world and if you find someone - you always will be disappointed.

But if you're thinking "When I have a wife/husband we will need XXXXXX dollars annually, we're gonna need a home, and if we are going to have kids we will need to provide an education for them..." In theory You're doing it right. With the exception that in this case You're having a personality of an accountant - which means that your chances of finding the girlfriend just dropped slightly below zero. (In some rare cases you can still find a boyfriend, but I don't know if it interests you)

The third option - not to think about it, may cause that you will be alone forever.

Making long story short - life is more complicated than you think. Stop for a while, observe, and draw your own conclusions. Asking advice about relationship on a game related forum is usually the second best way to get worst advice possible.

9 years ago

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Buy yourself a SHIFT button.

EDIT: Sorry. *Ask you parents for a SHIFT button.

EDIT2: You don't need girls. Play more games and masturbate.

9 years ago

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Adult Friend Finder is how we find a wife these days.

9 years ago

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Girls will only make you feel like shit in the end. Don't worry about it, do what makes you happy. I'm not saying don't date, just don't lose sleep over the matter.

9 years ago

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Coming up next on MTV: 15 and Single, the heartbreaking tale of a boy who got pregnant too soon and the struggles he faced.

Wait, that's not right ...

9 years ago

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Worry about finding a spouse later in life. First, focus on getting a good career. Then, either you will find your spouse or your spouse will find you.

Keep it in your pants until you're married.

9 years ago

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Also, don't go to prom just to fit in. It is a waste of money.

9 years ago

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Unless youre a mormon yeah.

9 years ago

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Why is that?

9 years ago

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Their faith has the whole multiple wives thing and often involves child brides.

So basically 40 something year olds marrying 14 or 15 year olds.

Maybe not the big mainstream one these days but originally, and the sects all over the place do it as well.

9 years ago

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we dont do relationships, at a certain age you start doing coke and hookers

9 years ago

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To think about getting a spouse? No. To actually go get one? Yes. Yes indeed.

9 years ago

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I guess it happens but dont bother yourself thinking about it now or else you'll miss the chance of going through some exciting stuff in your teens. Just know that you'll think about it a lot in the future so why do it now

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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