As always I dont know if Off topic is the right category for those type of question or not... if so, does is possible to change category later maybe?

I found out that it's possible to remove games permanently from your Steam account... my question is, if I remove a game from my library will a be flagged like if I did a refund or not? I searched on Google but no one said anything about this... and im kinda worried that maybe could happen.

Thanks for everyone who is going to help.

7 years ago

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What do you mean "be flagged" ? You won't be refunded unless you played less than 2 hours, bought the game less than 15 days ago (IIRC) on the Store.

edit : removing a game you won on steamgifts will have you put in the position of those who don't activate their games and prevent you from entering sgtools giveaways

7 years ago

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The card drop restriction...

7 years ago

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I don't believe there's any card drop restriction related to if you've ever refunded a game.

7 years ago

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I never refunded a game, but I was wondering if removing a game from library = flagged for refunding so card drops every 2 hours...

7 years ago

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I don't think that exists.
Card drops time has been made longer when the refund option was introduced.

As far as I know Steam doesn't run after people who sell cards of a game they refunded - certainly not unless you do it systematically.

edit : I made my very first refund a few months ago, and indeed, card drops take much time now, but I don't think there's causation between those.

7 years ago

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I've never refunded a game either, but I think I know what you're thinking of. Before the 2-hour refund policy (and for a short while afterward) we could start getting card drops immediately after playing, at an average of 1 each half hour. But to prevent people from abusing the policy to get free cards everyone now has to have at least 2 hours of playtime before cards start to drop. It's a purely preventative measure, and has nothing to do with if you've ever actually asked for a refund or not.

7 years ago

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Do you mean after 2 hours?

7 years ago

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What restriction ?

7 years ago

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How is this possible ?

7 years ago

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No, you aren't. Steam just simply removes it, no money lost for them.

7 years ago

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Are you saying when you refund a game, cards drop every 2 hours? Well, I refunded a few games this week and played Divide by Sheep for 4 hours and have all 3 cards from it.

Removing a game from your account is likely different than requesting a refund. I doubt there is any punishment than really throwing away money. You can still recover the game somehow, though.

7 years ago

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Mmmh, do you remember what happened with Drunk wizard keys that got revoked from the dev? Some people actually said that they has received the card drop restrinction like has been asked for a refund...

7 years ago

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I will add that the option to permanently remove a game is not the same as requesting a refund. Refund has several requirements, whereas removing a game - without being refunded - has none of these requirements.

7 years ago

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No, you only get the card drop restrictions if you've ever done a refund. The only other way i know of that people have been hit by the 2 hour waiting period is by having a key revoked - specifically, Drunk Wizards.

For all the people who weren't aware - After people complained about the two hour wait, card drops were reverted to the way they used to be, but only for people who have never done a refund. If you've ever asked for a refund, they put you on the list of potential card exploiters and you will never get cards before two hours ever again.

7 years ago

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Aaaaalright then, so it's safe to remove the games...
Time to remove some bad games then, thank you.

7 years ago

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Thanks for everyone that helped me. Im going to close thread now.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Veigascia.