2 years ago*

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Finally. I hope it comes with levels (edit: maps of the games) 1 and 2 free for those who already have the others, just like with 2, and a promotion would be nice too....

2 years ago*

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I assume like all other platforms, Steam will get the Starter Pack. Based on the website (https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-3-free-starter-pack/) It seems you'll get ICA Facility map free (this seems permanent) and also one other map free and maybe they roll in different ones at different times (it's Hawke's Bay currently based on website). I assume everyone get's the Tutorial map too like in Hitman 2 starter pack.

2 years ago

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With levels i mean the maps of games 1 and 2, I expressed myself badly.

2 years ago

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Oh yeah, that is the case, you just have to do the io account thing. And you can even transfer your progress from Hitman 2 I think (but only once)

2 years ago

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any word if this is just bundle or remastered release (as in new updated for hitman 3 will only be for the trilogy rather than individual game, concern is for the vr update leaked)

2 years ago

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It will be the same game as on Epic Games Store.

2 years ago

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About time, but I won't buy it until it's available with a heavy discount. I loved Hitman 1 & 2 and was willing to buy the third game on day one, but since I've already had to wait for a year, I can wait a bit longer if needed.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Exactly the same for me.
I've always pre-ordered Hitman before this one but since I've waited a year I don't have the hype anymore and I can wait a bit more so... let's wait for the promo or the bundle :)

2 years ago

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I completely gave up on even trying to get into the rebooted series because of the "free maps" disaster making Steam think I own some, or part of the games, when I don't. Also makes entering giveaways impossible. So frustrating, I'll just wait until it becomes free on Epic (it's bound to happen eventually at this pace). :P

2 years ago

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You can disable any licensees regarding the free maps from your steam account (And if you ever want to access them again, you can also reactivate them):

[I had multiple and for me disabling the "HOLIDAY PACK" one removes it from my account. When I reenabled it it came back. And now I disabled it again]

Once you do this and sync with SteamGifts you'll have access to Hitman 1 giveaways.

2 years ago

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I never understood why they went with a business model so confusing when they could just have sold the complete game for the usual AAA price and then made a couple DLCs, since it's basically what they did but fractioned for whatever reason. Like are there really people who thought "I'll just buy Miami and Mumbai, I don't really care about the other maps" instead of just wanting to play the whole game?

2 years ago

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It's owned by Square Enix, the CEO released a letter on promoting NFT's about 2 weeks ago. If you ask me, this was probably his way like a year ago to test how something like this would go. What if you just get access to just the part of the game you own and that way they never have to give you the whole game?

2 years ago

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Well as far as I remember you could always get all the maps at once, but you paid 6x10 euros instead of simply 60 for any other AAA. I don't get what they were trying to do, it doesn't get them more money in the end. Unless they were specifically targeting people who wouldn't pay 60 for the full game but could potentially pay 10 "just to try it"... but in that case why not simply make some kind of paid demo and then an upgrade to full game? Why turn all the levels into "paid demos" instead of a specific one? It feels like a huge hassle both for the buyer and the publisher to split the game like that :x

(TBH that letter from the CEO felt like a declaration from someone who has absolutely no idea what their target market is and jumps on the latest craze just because "it's popular so it will certainly make me a lot of money" - don't they have market analysts at Square Enix or are they all idiots? :/)

2 years ago

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I think it's because a few years ago SE was at a pretty low point in terms of sales and with Hitman especially they were considering selling the studio because they didn't know how to innovate in the hitman series.

https://gadgets.ndtv.com/games/news/square-enix-hitman-io-interactive-sale-1692200 <--- this for instance from 2017

It's one of my favorite games, but definitely I think they got core mechanics down, so I'm not sure why they don't just expand on that and the possibilities and world size and stuff like that (hitman 3 to 2 to 1 doesn't show much of a change in my opinion).Like 10 maps or 20 maps really isn't that big once they already have a formula set up for years now. They should enable modding so people can start creating their own maps and sharing those, and especially things like multiplayer and whatever, for whatever reason they do everything against what would get them more people.

And I think the problem with the ceo's at square enix or literally anywhere else is basically exactly what you would expect. Old people who have too much money, never understood how to spend it properly because when you got so much, it basically has no value anymore, who don't love video games and don't understand what it takes to make a great one, but want to tell the rest of the world that they understand everything because somehow they got lucky and admitting they got lucky doesn't make them feel good. Basically the CEO.

2 years ago

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The first game was released episodically because at the time publishers thought episodic = more money. The sequels were intended to be released the same way, but then they ended up splitting from Square Enix and had to re-do a lot of their systems for the release of Hitman 2. Then Hitman 3 went Epic exclusive, so they needed to come up with a way to import content across platforms.

Overall, the lesson we should all learn from this is that episodic gaming was a mistake.

2 years ago

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for a game like hitman, it's not necessary a mistake. since you need to play the level again and again to learn it and unlock everything. if you just play the map once to unlock the next one, this is not a game for you.

2 years ago

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Very excited for this. I have over 500 hours in HITMAN series on Steam. They are doing an update on Elusive targets - they will now be permanent edition to the game and not time-exclusive. They will come in packs of 3 with increasing challenges which you will have to do one after another. For not everything to be ideal - if you fail once you can't try again immediately, you'll have to wait 12 hours. Not ideal, but far better than previous bullshit. There is new mode, Freelancer, which will come out in spring and completely new map later in the year.

2 years ago

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So, it finally got a PC port.

2 years ago

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It always had PC version, it was just an Epic exclusive...

2 years ago

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2 more days bump

2 years ago

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literally been waiting for this announcement. i don't do it often, but this will be a day one buy for me. been a fan since the original.

2 years ago

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I played it on EGS (because I had no choice) last year and it is amazing. The final mission in the game is something special. Remember the funeral mission from Blood Money where you can kill absolutely everyone? If you liked that, you will love a certain part in HITMAN 3

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Even though it will still take quite a while before I can get the game, I'll still say it: Finally. I heard in passing that it's supposedly not all that good but I'm still hankering to complete the trilogy.

2 years ago

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I will wait till it is bundled like the first and second.

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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I can probably see HITMAN 3 being bundled in one of the Humble Choices considering both HITMAN Complete Season and HITMAN 2 were bundled in Monthlies before (plus another Warner Bros. Games bundle with HITMAN 2 Gold Edition)

2 years ago

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Humble Best of Stealth bundle was of the best in recent memory. Hitman GOTY, Hitman 2 Gold, plus 5 other games (all good) was the definition of steal. :)

2 years ago

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2 hours left

2 years ago

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If I play it on game pass, will my progress from Hitman 2 carry over? Can I sync progress via IO account?

2 years ago

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Unfortunately no, progression can only be carried over from within the same platform.

2 years ago

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Currently on game pass but only as all 3 and 56 gbs oof.

2 years ago

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That size is pretty decent if we take into account how big the game is. Before they optimized it Hitman 2 with imported levels from the first game was 149GB.

2 years ago

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Lol, no discount at all, they can go fuck themselves honestly.

2 years ago

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there will be Lunar New Year Sale 2022 in a week

2 years ago

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They can't change price for 30 days after release. Not that they would be even if that is an option. Hopefully not many players will support this, especially because Epic version is 50% off currently.

2 years ago

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Elden Ring and Dying Light 2 are both cheaper than this 1-year-old game. How utterly repulsive

2 years ago

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Steam store page for Hitman 3

2 years ago

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Now that the trilogy is complete

Calling Hitman a trilogy is alzheimering 5 games (not to mention spin-offs) and, ironically, another trilogy

2 years ago

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60₮ base game, 90₮ deluxe... yeah sure... bye.

2 years ago

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I do own every single piece of content from Hitman and Hitman 2 and still they haven't provided any type of discount, asking full price for a one year old game. That's ridiculous. I won't even wishlist Hitman 3.

2 years ago

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Same regional pricing as epic which is good. Now game went on sale on epic during winter sale for 75% off, hopefully it will be same on steam 10 days from now.

2 years ago

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Lol, you have a bigger chance of Nintendo porting their games to PC than having that discount in 10 days.

2 years ago

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I had no problem waiting a year for the Epic Store exclusivity to end but launching it on Steam for a full price is beyond scummy. No regional pricing, no discount, and they just raised the price on Epic Game Store to match this one from Steam. The cheapest standard edition of Hitman 3 costs the third of the average paycheck in my country. Shame on you, IO Interactive

2 years ago

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Yeah I feel you man, wish we have at least a little cheaper regional prices here on Balkan.

2 years ago

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As long as Valve keeps thinking that $1 = ₮1 nothing will ever change on that front. All of us from Balkan have one of the highest prices on Steam and the worst standards of living

2 years ago

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$1 = ₮1 isn't that much of a problem as a lack of specific region for Balkan. Valve has no incentive of implementing it because we are small market with low purchasing power, so they don't care at all. I still remember EU2 days where some developers offered cheaper prices for us, Valve included. Best example was Croteam's The Talos Principle - while the game released at 40 euros it was only 20 for us.

2 years ago

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yup, pretty disappointed. i really don't wanna pay $60 for it. i'll either wait for a discount (i'm okay with $40) or i'll play it on game pass. maybe my mood will change and i'll fork over the full price, but i doubt it. looks like the wait will continue for now 😟

2 years ago

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Well, the game was $20 on EGS last month but guess what, they just raised the price on Epic to match the one on Steam. They just keep getting worse

2 years ago

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I will wait for 20-25, and that's only because I adore the series. Don't want to give more to a company like that. Awesome games, shitty business decisions, Square Enix was onto something back in the day...

2 years ago

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I think you will have to wait a bit more than that because based on what I heard, newly released games on Steam can't alter their price for the first 30 days. And speaking of Square Enix, I remembered how IO Interactive blamed SE for that always online thing back in the day. But here is their second independent Hitman game (third in the series) and it still has always online.

2 years ago

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I meant that I will wait for the price to drop to 20-25 euros, not wait that many days. And I know about no discount for 30 days rule, I mentioned it in this very thread. :)
It was interesting when I wrote that in one of the many Steam forums topics about the price that one user answered that it only counts for newly released games, Hitman 3 released one year ago. I mean what to even say to that intelligent remark...

2 years ago

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Imagine having to queue to single player game and after 45min queue going from 10k th to 20k th in queue, because people keep skipping in queue.

2 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Meowmaste.