Been thinking about updating from Windows 7 for some time,

8 years ago

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It's not that bad :P

8 years ago

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Most underrated comment besides konrads ^_^

8 years ago

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i just decided to switch my main rig over to win 10 yesterday to get it ready for some direct x12 and the GTX1080 i also had a copy of win7 ultimate i wanted to upgrade before it was too late,

well i have win 10 on my laptop and it runs flawless i also have it on my media pc in the living room that also went well with very few issues,my main rig tho i seem to be having all kinds of issues with the main problems being crap drivers it took me over 2 hours to get my 4-bay probox to connect to my pc and i had been using it with esata since i got it and while asmedia has a driver for windows 10 for my sata controller it will just not connect have tried about 8 different drivers with various compatibility settings,

luckily i have the option of usb3 i think to myself....Nope..that just connects and disconnect every minute or so apparently windows 10 has a usb power saving mode set on by default so i find that and turn it off and now i have some microsoft driver helper program running my cpu up 40% until i shut the drive off.

if i were you i would check everything your system has in it for comparability prior to starting any win 10 install including external devices and even then if you dont "need" to install win 10 for DX12 or something like that i would wait til the last minute top upgrade and give these guys some time to make proper drivers instead of the ones that were rushed out,just dont wait to long i think the deadline is in july.

8 years ago

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Unless you have a specific reason why you don't want to upgrade, it's best to do so before the free upgrade period is up in July. I have upgraded all my Win7 machines now and have not had any regrets. Some of my older machines have had slight performance gains in things like boot times and certain tasks.

Also, just an FYI but planned end of life (no new patches) for Windows 7 is January of 2020.

8 years ago

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If you're a gamer, just do it. The whole privacy uproar and Windows 10 crashes right and left are big bad bullshit. Windows 7's days are numbered, while you'll receive ongoing patches indefinitely for Windows 10.

There are some tweaks to do, but nowhere near nightmarish.

I do use Linux, but I'm not comfortable to using it for daily jobs. I only use it for my servers.

8 years ago

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Nope, stick with 7 and keep the little remaining privacy and control that it offers you.

8 years ago

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Just make sure you also prevent the telemetry updates being installed. Yeah, Microsoft have snuck the same telemetry crap into 7/8/8.1 that is included in 10. But at least you can control that on the older OSs. You can't on 10.

8 years ago

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From a cursory look, it seems nobody mentioned this thus far, so I'll add:

For anyone upgrading to 10, with even the slightest privacy concerns, I suggest ShutUp10. On the first Windows 10 machine I've handled, I went around looking for switches to turn off, thought I did a pretty comprehensive job.

ShutUp10 revealed more I've missed, and more yet that simply are not exposed by the UI.

8 years ago

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I did it for my personal laptop and PC, but can't be arsed to do it for my company's PCs/laptops around 60 units since they all have unlimited bandwith anyway. Microsoft can spy everything on my laptop too, but I can't let them steal my personal Internet quota (for uploading the P2P updates). -.-

8 years ago

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I'm hesitant to get the free upgrade because I have plenty of external 3rd party libraries that is connected with my visual studio and the migration process might break it. I don't remember the steps anymore on how I setuped some of them.

Same with the adobe suite I have. I have plenty of 3rd party plugins/software that are attached to them and some of them have compatibility issues with win10.

Also I'm not planning to upgrade my 980ti for 2 years so I don't need DX12 games that are release on that time period for now.

TL;DR: if you have plenty of software that is important with your job/univ, don't upgrade.

8 years ago

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Yes I agree. Even to lesser degree, I need to defer upgrade indefinitely since two of critical company software simply do not work on Windows 10 no matter what I tried.

BUT, there's but, I still reserve Windows 10 upgrade in those few machines. In case the issue gets resolved, I can still upgrade for free. Licenses aren't cheap, so I have to take measure if I can.

8 years ago

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Free for univ still so I'll probbly take it before I graduate. And like I have tons of friends that intern/work on microsoft that apparently get it for $20 only

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams.

8 years ago

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Let them be nightmares instead!

8 years ago

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I liked windows 10, works fine for me and better than windows 7.
Everyone says that Microsoft is a spy like the Eye of Mordor, but I don`t really care, if they are want to watch porn with me - thats alright.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I like your style. :)

8 years ago

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Win10 is awesome and runs pretty well for me and all my friends and colleagues who installed it. best Windows so far.

8 years ago

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Updated to windows 10 recently. It's terrible. Worst windows since windows 3.1. You definitely should update, 'cause there are high changes that new hardware won't support Windows 7, and when you decide to upgrade your PC you'll need Win 10 anyway, so why not get it while it's free?

8 years ago

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That's a huge claim to be making. What has made it such a bad experience for you?

8 years ago

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Poor hardware compatibility. I had a hard time to find drivers that would my sound card work. Never had such huge problems since windows 3.1
Poor software compatibility. It removed some of my software after upgrade, and I can't reinstall it - win 10 just blocks it. Even when switching from win 98 to win 2000 there were less problems (and that's actually was switching different kernel, unlike win7>win10!)
Worst customization ever. It don't allow to disable updates and some other features without digging deep in the registry.
Inconvenient interface - well, it may be, just MAY BE, convenient for touch screens. But I don't have any touch screens, and don't plan to get it ever - why should I suffer from those huge (and non-customizable, see above) interface elements, that have no other sense than taking useful space on my screen? Why I can't switch back to classic theme (which is proven to exist in deeps of the system actually. It's also about customization, remember)?
Also, it's slow. Yeah, I know, if you would buy a brand new PC with all the new nice hardware features, a lot of RAM, and a lot of CPU cores - on that PC Win 10 would be even faster than Win 7. I know. But my PC isn't new. And I can't afford the upgrade now. So, I have to say - my PC now loading longer (from SSD!), shutting down longer (I don't even mention when it has updates), most of software starts longer and hangs for seconds much more often. It's now a comprehensive speed comparison, just my own experience. But, the topic author asked about my thought, right?
Is that enough? Or should I mention less important things, like spying over user, etc?

8 years ago

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I understand, and I can see your point from an older-system perspective. I don't honestly believe Windows 10 is very friendly if your PC is older than just a couple of years.

8 years ago

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Well, poor customization and interface would matter on a new system too. But at least on a new PC Win 10 would have some advantages. That's the reason I upgraded actually - I hope some day I would have enough money...

8 years ago

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Never! I'm staying on 7 until I have to upgrade my computer!

8 years ago

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Its aight.

8 years ago

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win 10 privacy is not the big issue
win 10 gaming compatibility is not the big issue
win 10 legacy/USB support is not the big issue
win 10 BSOD as even rarer than on win 7 so that's not the issue

the real issue is that is an unfinished OS, maybe after July patch it will get a little more complete
but for now is still far from polished. this doesn't mean it does not work, it does and quite well. But you can feel the half done feeling everywhere

the real positive thing is that is smooth and reactive ...and Edge is a lot above IE

8 years ago

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Well, I never got BSOD on win 7, and I already had one in Win 10 which I installed less then a month ago. So, I won't say it's rarer)

the real positive thing is that is smooth and reactive ...and Edge is a lot above IE

Lol, and still lot below any browser. Slow and buggy.

8 years ago

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In all of my experience, it's the fastest browser to start up. Beating the vanilla Chrome and Pale Moon altogether.

Buggy? I don't think so. It can render all websites I visit just fine.

Slow as in by benchmark or real life usage?

8 years ago

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Real life usage of course. I don't care much about benchmarks. And of course I talking only about mine experience, it can be totally different on other PC configuration.
As for "buggy" - it's already crashed several times for me. And I'm not using it as main, so I'm talking about very short time of usage. Yeah, when it crashes - it instantly restarts, and you can continue to work, but crash is a crash.

8 years ago

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Yes, it is different when it's on different usage or machine specs, but you stated it's still alot below any browser, which isn't true. Any is the keyword here. There are bunch of browsers out there that's far worse than Edge. Stating it's below any browser means you're not even knowledgeable about this matter.

8 years ago

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I'm only stating that I would not call it a browser) As well as all those apps that " far worse than Edge".

8 years ago

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I won't touch Edge before they implement extensions. and probably not even then. ^^ but slower? i remember it being quite good in several benchmarks when W10 was new.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Now I know what to chose if I ever want to use benchmarks. For now I more interested in more casual activities, like, for example, viewing web pages.

8 years ago

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well, usually there is a correlation between benchmarks and real usage (even if it's not always 1:1).

8 years ago

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privacy is not the big issue?

can i have you bank credit account and password then? :-P

8 years ago

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do you have a smartphone? do you use Facebook, or Whatsapp, or Google? if you have to say yes to any of that, privacy is obviously not that big of a deal to you, too. ;)

8 years ago

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not the same - here you chose - there you dont.

8 years ago

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in what sense is it unfinished? seems very finished to me. it had an extremely long beta phase (developer preview) and was updated and patched a thousand times during that phase. and the current product seems absolutely stable and works really well, from what i can tell. so please, how is it in any way unfinished? what needs to be completed? how is it unpolished? all i can see is improvements over 7/8.

8 years ago

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You can always roll back (within a month), so I'd say that it's worth a try.

8 years ago

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I wonder how pany people would upgrade to w10 if it wasn't "free until..." ? :o

8 years ago

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My friends said that win10 has a lot of problems with crashing in games. However some games will be exclusive to win10 only (possibly because of dx12). So far I've only seen one, it's Quantum Break.

8 years ago

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I loved Win 7, 8 and 8.1 ... but Windows 10 is an evolution which I also had switched to if I had to pay.

If you are no computer freak, don't try Linux as main system. It sucks in several ways. Ever tried to set up a linux machine with an unsupportet wifi chip?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Are you just trying to make this world full with botnets and malware? -.-

8 years ago

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I didn't got any malware for about ten years of winxp usage. I were doing something wrong? Oh, did I mention I didn't even used antivirus and never updated winxp? Used a firewall though.

8 years ago

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And your single experience doesn't hold water when you're talking about billions people using Windows XP at this very moment.

If Windows 7 and above do not exist, we all would have either migrated to Linux or iOS. There's no way Windows XP can be relevant in this modern day.

8 years ago

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I'm just saying that it's not the OS to blame for botnets and malware. It's users. If one day linux would become most popular OS - I'm sure it would have as many malware as windows have now. Because "Just start this file with root privileges to see the dancing pigs"

And about "can be relevant in this modern day"... You know, microsoft promised that windows 10 is the laso windows OS. They would just update and develop it, without making new one. Why do you this this was impossible with Windows XP?

8 years ago

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windows 10? burn it.

8 years ago

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had the same thought on my head few mount's back...and asked here the same question...

im boot dualing 8.1 and 10 in my game pc (8.1 just because of all the apps are already installed there, and 10 clean just for games)

and on my old pc i use linux (Lubuntu) for mail, research stuff while playing (STEAMGIFTS of curse :-P) and such

i can tell you that some games performs on win 10 better for me then on 8.1, for example shadow of mordor and dying light - but it could be as its a clean install and my 8.1 is HEAVY with

and i can tell you that for basic stuff and supported games i like the linux environment better, would have switched to it completely if it had full game support!

linux is fast-way faster then win os boot time (except maybe XP-os) - and on older specs pc! its fully customizable (which is also a downfall but still...), and when it works (after all the installation process) - its smooth...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm sticking with 7

8 years ago

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i tried the win 10 upgrade a while ago, it failed and rolled back to win 7 so everything was ok, or so i thought. next morning my pc wouldnt boot so i phoned a techy friend and he came over and tried to fix it, no luck so had to reinstall win 7. not sure what caused the problem, but im reluctant to try it again in case i run into the same problem.

8 years ago

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