I've been thinking about MMORPG, at first I always trying to be get as good as soon as possible, or even the best,
but in the end because there is a lot of other interesting game, I drop it in the middle.

What about you? I think MMORPG if played seriously can take a lot of our time.

8 years ago

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How do you play MMORPG?

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I'm a perfectionist so I'll play for several months/ years build one of the best guild and conquer the game
I play it only for fun, I play for several months at max
I play it only for fun, but because there is a lot of other good game, I usually drop it before maxing my character
I play it only to chat
I don't play/ like MMORPG

Have never been able to get into MMORPG'S tbh, I played about 5-6 hours of Star Wars: The Old Republic and it was just bland, basic, and boring to me. It felt really recycled. I've also looked at WoW and just never had a desire to play it.

8 years ago

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Yeah most MMORPG focus on quest and have very little story.
Hunting together with as skilled friends is fun, but the urge to play new game overcome me quite easily.

8 years ago

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played mu online when it was released, got bored after some days, never touched a mmo again.

8 years ago

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The only MMORPG I have ever continued playing for more than about a day is Lord of the Rings Online, and that's only because I group with my family and we love the Middle Earth setting and story. Still, we don't play often, and we've never made it past about level 30 (game maxes at level 100 and then there's a lot of content up there). We plan to keep playing and maybe, eventually, reach the end of the game, assuming they keep the servers up long enough after they finish the story. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I played a lot of mmos but actually im playing less, because u can get more fun playing nice single player games, and in the end u play mmo alone, btw there are some good mmos that not need to play 24/7 like Guildwars 2.

8 years ago

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I prefer quests. Most of today's games force you to do raids as endgame content so I finished the storyline and all sidequests in quite many MMORPGs except most of the raid content... Normally I drop them afterwards because of not having any further quests to do afterwards.

8 years ago

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I love playing support / healing in mmorpgs , now im waiting for the release (or the open beta international) of http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441500423 , not exactly an mmorpg, but well, last mmorpg that i played was a big dissappoint for me (Archeage) and was waiting for Black Desert, but they are going to make it b2p + cash shop, so, nope for me

8 years ago

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That's a cute game, I like it, I think I'll play it.
If comparing from other MMORPGs I play, I'll probably drop it after playing 50+ or 100+ hours too,
Dunno how I can stand playing Fallout 4 for 395 hours lol.

8 years ago

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"not exactly an mmorpg, but well, last mmorpg that i played was a big dissappoint for me (Archeage) and was waiting for Black Desert, but they are going to make it b2p + cash shop, so, nope for me"

So this is the first "cute" diablo style game maybe.
From first glance I think it MMORPG too.

8 years ago

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This game come from Ragnarok Online (some of the creators of Tree of Savior were on the Ragnarok Online team)

8 years ago

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You should try out Blade&Soul

8 years ago

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I searched for it but seems there is no Blade&Soul in my region, do you have the link?

8 years ago

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There's that little MMORPG game called Flyff. used to play it when i was 8. got tired when i was 15(still not maxed). so. yeah.

8 years ago

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I don't play them anymore. MMORPGs were the most fun for me when they're new and everybody is just starting out. I never really liked end game raiding and guild drama. It felt too much like a job. But I did like the social aspect of grouping up with people and becoming friends. I feel like that may be something of the past...nowadays many games are easily done solo up until the end-game content, so there's not much reason for people to group up. I just wish I could have that social aspect without it becoming all about getting gear and raiding.

8 years ago

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I've played Ultima Online for YEARS, stopped around 2008/2009. So I kinda dislike mmorpgs now, I've bought guild wars 2 but I can't seem to even start it :p

8 years ago

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Honestly I have never been able to get into playing an MMORPG. I think its amazing when I start playing but then I get bored or totally forget it and never touch it again.

8 years ago

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