I was a "winner" of a fake Dirt 3 giveaway. The giver said it was legit, and I decided to give him or her the benefit of the doubt and enter. Well, it wasn't, and I was the unlucky winner.

There's an old saying, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".

I don't wanna be fooled again, so I would like to know good ways to avoid such scams and fake giveaways.


1 decade ago*

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BTW, two suggestions. One: a sticky topic that focuses on potential fakes, like Dirt 3 and now Dead Island 2 could be, and Two: a sticky topic with tips such as I hope to get with tips on how to avoid fakes, besides the list of potential fakes, for ones that might not be spotted to put on that list.


1 decade ago

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What the user above said. Another way to tell is look at the person's profile and see how many games they have on their profile. If the person has the bear minimum of games and is giving away Dead Island or something it can be assumed they don't plan on giving a legit copy of the game. But all in all it comes down to common sense. If the contest looks too good to be true then don't enter.

1 decade ago

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The user above is rhe OP :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Dead island 2?

1 decade ago

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Whoops, I meant "Dead Island, too"

1 decade ago

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It's pretty easy to do.

Step 1: Check the giveaway description. If it's empty then there's a high chance of the giveaway being fake.

Step 2: Check the gifter's SG profile. Recently registered, no gifts sent, no comments - these things can say a lot.

Step 3: Check the gifter's Steam profile. No avatar, low amount of games/friends, no profile comments are things to check out.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the tips.

1 decade ago

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the FAQ clearly states "Do not submit exploited games/keys (Dirt 3, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multiplayer, Eets, etc)", hinting on Dirt 3 being not only an exploit, but against the rules, too.
And if you look for recent threads created by mods (example), you can pretty much get a general idea about whats going on recently.

1 decade ago

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You sadly won this giveaway over a month ago. DiRT 3 is no longer a valid giveaway and people that try to slip DiRT 3 in as a giveaway under Dirt or Dirt 2 will typically have their accounts suspended.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by starduke.