Shity games

1$-No games only art LOL

BTA-Napoleon: Total War

Ripoff price-Big edtion of shit !

Enjoy lol

R.I.P Humble Bundle

1 decade ago*

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They've just made $12,500 dollars in the first half hour. So they haven't failed at all. CRY MOAR!

1 decade ago

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I would buy the Grand Master Collection right away, the problem is... I already own all the Total War titles I wanted, its my favorite franchise :)

1 decade ago

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  • Napoleon Total War - 13.37 USD
  • Napoleon Total War Collection - 7 USD


1 decade ago

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You're wrong. It's a cent for art. :D

1 decade ago

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Also, since when are Total War games shitty?

1 decade ago

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i heard napoleon was pretty bad.

1 decade ago

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Whatever man, they're helping people. What are you doing?

1 decade ago

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Devs do like 20% of the work, which is doing a game, the problem is to get the money, we are the ones helping the people.

1 decade ago

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Master collection has been less than $20 a few times, and i know GrandMaster collection has been $30 at least once. Not good prices, even form a sale standard.

1 decade ago

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But you also get every single one of them for $45.

1 decade ago

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I guess once you've profited how ever many millions you can afford to sell poor bundles.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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Well, I had high hopes for the last daily but now my hopes were crushed. I can't dream anymore /(T.T)\

1 decade ago

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"you donΒ΄t want to pay full price or a bad sale called bundle? You surely must be a spoiled gamer and a cheapstake!" - Fucking Fanboys that will defend HB to death when they are not even selling bundles anymore, they could just call it Humble Daily sale which is not that Humble so that is called "Daily Sale".

1 decade ago

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wah wah.

1 decade ago

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"WAAAAH I didn't like a deal I saw on the internet, We're all GOING TO DIE!!!!!"
If you overreact on every little disappointment like that, you won't have much of a fun life.

1 decade ago

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It's actually a really good buy when you think about it, because, like always, you get ALL the tiers you buy into. So, for $45 for instance you would get the art pack, Napoleon: Total War, the Napoleon: Total War Collection (including the base game again), the Total War Master Collection, and the Total War Grand Master Collection. So, if you have friends that like the series and will go in with you on an agreement on who gets what, it's basically a steal.

1 decade ago

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Yeah but a lot of people like humble bundles because they don't have $45 to spend. Humble Bundle neglected a large portion of its fanbase by making the $1 tier so underwhelming in most of the bundles.

1 decade ago

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I tend to agree in that I also tend to expect the $1 tier to at least have a game, but at the same time I can understand that it's hard to convince major publishers to offer up big titles for a tiny fraction of the price. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't have also liked to see this one come in at a bit less, but I also can see why it is done the way that it is. The top tier is an overall 85% discount and can be gone into with friends, and SEGA likely only gets a fraction of that, since we can all choose what share of our purchase price goes where. That's already a good bargain in and of itself, from an objective viewpoint, so is likely as low as they would go. Humble Bundle can only offer what the publishers agree to. I have to admit, as much as I sympathize with people that "don't have $45 to spend," even when going in with friends, that is in reality not SEGA's problem, or Humble Bundle's for that matter. No publisher is obligated to offer their games for pennies if they choose not to, nobody is entitled to games for pennies, and this all is especially true for big-name and popular titles, which don't generally need the boost.

1 decade ago

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Don't worry guys tomorrow we will get an new android bundle!!

1 decade ago

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Maybe they'll be generous and make another comics or books bundle! So excited!

1 decade ago

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+1, or better a Comedy 2 or eBook one :D (or maybe they will make a bundle featuring all games they sold during these 14 days, with the name "The Humble Troll Bundle")

1 decade ago

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i will love to see a Humble Troll Bundle.

1 decade ago

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Nah the just gonna put them on the store... Oh WAIT that already happened

1 decade ago

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You guys do realize that the top tier on this is worth $299.96 at full price on Steam, correct? So, grab a friend or two who are interested, make an agreement on who gets what collection package, and stop complaining.

1 decade ago

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That's a full savings of 85% off. It's like a regular steam sale. So it's not bad, just not heavily heavily discounted.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, but this is definitely a bundle. Perhaps not the cheapest ever, but it is indeed a bundle, and not at all a bad price for what you get. Sorry, but the major titles aren't always going to agree to letting all their games go for $5 to a bunch of cheapskates. When did the PC gaming community become so entitled? I mean, it's one thing with small indie titles, but now people get all up in arms even if extremely popular big-name games are bundled at 80%+ off. There are a ton of games you can get in bundles for dirt cheap, true, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to get every single game you ever want for that price.

1 decade ago

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You linked to the Grandmaster listing? Let me try again.
Napoleon is 15. Collection is 30. Master is 90. Grandmaster is 165. That's 300 in total.
Pay 45, and that's a discount of 85%. Here's the breakdown:
Napoleon is 2. Collection is 5. Master is 14. Grandmaster is 25. That's 46$, with a dollar extra for charity.
You don't even need to use my split.
Napoleon: 3.5 (75%+). Collection: 6 (80%). Master: 18 (80%). Grandmaster: 18.5, for 88.7% off.

1 decade ago

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Holy Sh!T. My bad really, i was sure this was only napoleon and its dlcs, thats why i spoke.

I mean, im a fan of the Total war, but for just napoleon, it is quite expensive.
Being a bundle over the whole collection, that changes things. I screwed up, i admit it.

1 decade ago

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Is it dirt cheap? No. But, on the other hand, isn't it a bit like entitled whining to be offered massive bundles of a very popular series for what equates to 85% off, which we can divide up with friends however we all agree to, and then be complaining about it? OMG, they didn't let us pay $5 for a $300 package, bring out the torches and pitchforks! Seriously?

1 decade ago

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I'm not complaining. I'm actively looking for trustworthy people to split the tiers with. If I can get Master Collection for 10$/20$ or Grandmaster for 20$/30$ then it's pretty worthwhile for me.

1 decade ago

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I actually wasn't speaking of you, but rather about a selection of particularly loud complainers here and on the various Humble Bundle social media pages (especially Facebook, where they apparently always have reason to complain). I hope you find some people. It ends up working out well that way.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I dont understand the peoples who complaining about the bundles all time. If you dont like the current bundle, you are not forced to buy it. End of story...

1 decade ago

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Humble Bundle is not even trying anymore.

1 decade ago

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2 weeks of waiting and where is re-bundles -.-
I saw only "Deeps Silver" and something else.

I was waiting for THQ and Origin... and i got nothing.
Oh and yeaa "pay what you want" sure 1$ artbook + 10$ for game ,great.

1 decade ago

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I don't see what everyone is complaining about, $45 for everything is a damn good deal since getting everything on a normal sale would cost you more.

1 decade ago

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I know right? Days like this always make me shake my head in disbelief. Really huge big-name titles for over 80% off is a great deal in any book. All this illustrates is the entitlement mentality that much of the PC gaming community has adopted in recent years. They haven't yet realized that there are only so many times that major publishers are going to fall for letting their big titles go for the dirt-cheap prices that a simple BTA bundle typically yields. These days, many want to make sure they at least make a certain amount off of the sales if they're going to do it, and I really don't blame them.

1 decade ago

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Actually it's been cheaper at least a couple times before than what Humble has up. That's actually happened a few times with the upper tiers within the daily bundles. I think people are going overboard, but I do think it's strange that they're not beating store sales from months ago.

1 decade ago

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When was it all cheaper? Every price I've seen people say adds up to the bundle being cheaper.

1 decade ago

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Amazon has had the Master collection on sale for $17, Grand Master for $30. So, even if you get a friend to go in with you, and one of you agrees to take the lesser collection, you both save $2, or $1 each.

1 decade ago

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Amazon had the collection for $30. GMG for $33. So this is only lowest price possible if you put value on extra copies. I think if they're going to include these big upper tiers then they should make it so they can be bought individually (so that the big paywalls are actually lowest sale price), and then a discount for buying everything. That would go over a lot better with people. Buying multiple copies doesn't really have a lot of appeal outside group buys and the traders, and that's a very small group out of Humble's market.

1 decade ago

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I suppose if you want the Grand Master Collection and you're able to resell the lower tiers, it could work out. Although, you'd have to make $15 on the lesser tiers for it to equal a Steam Seasonal Sale. I think people would be better off just waiting.

1 decade ago

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$45 for a package valued at $300 at full price isn't a bad deal. Actually, I think that it does beat the best prices by a little bit if you add it all together, though I'd need to double-check that, and, of course, one had to actually catch those "best prices" at the right time (and buy then) in the first place, which the vast majority likely didn't do (including me, oops). Personally, I also would have liked it to be a bit lower as well, but that doesn't mean that all this complaining doesn't come across as way over the top for what is being offered. It kind of makes me think that those with the theory that publishers see the complaining the Humble Bundle community does and balk might have some merit to their case.

1 decade ago

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Especially over the past week I've been dealing with a lot of publisher discussion about bundling, and that doesn't seem like a major concern. The negative reaction is mostly lobbed at Humble and not the publishers, and they're still getting decent sales out of it. A lot of publishers are way more concerned about the prices going down the toilet in the non-Humble bundle market. To the point where some are starting to pull support.

1 decade ago

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Interesting. Thank you for the info. I'd been pondering for a while just how that dynamic really works, since you don't see a whole lot of straightforward public commentary on the matter from publishers/developers.

1 decade ago

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Bundle is a bit cheaper for top tier. Keep in mind that for $45, you get the Grandmaster Collection PLUS the tiers below that. Lowest Grandmaster has been is $29.99 and Master was $16.99

Edit: oops, replied to the wrong post.

1 decade ago

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yep, humble is not as before.

1 decade ago

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yes, Epic Fail

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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kids these days...

1 decade ago

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I only bought 2 bundles and out of the two only one was worth it: Deep Silver ReBundle. Hope i dont regret the 7$ i just spent on total war.

Side Note: Redeem Napoleon Total War Collection 1st for a free copy to give away of Napoleon Total War.

1 decade ago

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i bought only the batman and the worms bundle though

1 decade ago

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If you are fan of RTS and Turn based strat, you will not regret it, although i prefer rome TW.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by yaired.