Okay contest bells are ringing once again, this time around we have a copy of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing to give away. It's a fun and surprisingly dense ARPG from the fine folks over at Neocore Games, and for those not yet sick of clicking things to death it seems like an awesome alternative to the Diablos and Torchlights of the world. To get a better look at it be sure to check out our Heads Up video of the game and keep your eyes open for our review of it which will be coming next week.

The real question though is how do you win it? Well by pitching us an entirely different game of course! You see The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing has an odd little predilection for the monsters of yore and it made me realize how few games really embrace the classic movie monsters anymore. That being the case I want you all to pitch me a game based around one/all of the old Universal movie monsters. The best entry will win a copy of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing and random other entries will win various mystery games (AKA random codes I have lying around), so everyone could be a winner! To play just head on over to our Steam Group and put your pitch onto the discussion page marked "My monster game, IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!". On Monday June 3rd at 5:00 PM PST we'll end the contest and start handing out prizes.

So get out there and start coming up with some positively spookerific ideas and let's see some love for the old-fashioned frightners.

1 decade ago*

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nice joined

1 decade ago

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So, make up an idea for a game based around one of the classic monsters so popular way back when? Sounds interesting.

Might try later.

1 decade ago

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i'm not sure... if it's going about a real game or just idea about new game... but english isn't my native language soo maybe i just don't understand it...

1 decade ago

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I'm not 100% certain either, and English is my only language, so don't worry too much. My post is partly to get confirmation.

1 decade ago

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The idea is to make up a brand new game based on the old monsters. I've added a note to the discussion board to clarify that.

1 decade ago

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makes more sense now thanks!

1 decade ago

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Thank you for this opportunity you guys are great ! I hope i'll win :D .

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by HalfBeard.