Earlier this week, i heard all this stuff about Wasteland 2 being on kickstarter, the site where people post their projects and ideas and over a set amount of time can receive crowd funding to "kickstart" them into a reality. Now, after seeing the awesomeness of Wasteland 2 becoming a reality(as it has been fully funded and then some, earlier today) i wondered if there were any other amazing vidya projects/ideas out there on kickstarter that were worth investing what little money i have and i stumbled upon this, the "Crowdsourced Hardcore Tactical Shooter". Here's a couple of excerpts on what this project is about;

"We have assembled a small team, all with years of video game industry experience and a specialty in shooters. We are focusing our initial development on a hardcore CQB tactical shooter.

This game will get back to the core of what is loved about the tac-shooter, featuring realistic weapon modeling, outfitting and commanding your squad, objective-based, non-linear missions set in real-world locations around the world, single player, co-op, and multiplayer.

Obviously, in this day and age, games cost more than a few hundreds of thousands of dollars to make. Engineers don’t work for Cheetos and free beer (although it helps). But it is enough to prove to our investors that the viability of the market, and set up the infrastructure for one of the really cool parts of the project: Crowdsourced development"

"The biggest thing is tension. You've been given a scenario. It's non-linear. You've made decisions on where to go, where to place your guys, getting ready to go in. You don't know what's in there. A real [hostage rescue] team doesn't always know where everything is. There's only a few enemies, but you don't know where they are. If they get the drop on you, they're going to kill you. There is an element of reflex to it, but a lot of it is just proper planning and observation and figuring out your situation. But even if you do everything right, it doesn't mean you are going to succeed. "

Now, i don't know about you guys, but i love shooters and the idea of a game like this just pulls me in, which is why i want more people to know about it. If you like the idea as well, check out their page, pledge (even if only $1) and help get the word out. Thank you for your time.

TL;DR? Check out the Link.

1 decade ago*

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I love you :3 and thanks for the info

1 decade ago

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Does this mean you care about this project? if so they are currently at $49,993, BE THE MAN TO BUMP IT PAST $50,000.
Also, i love you too.

1 decade ago

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I do care and I don't get paid til 2morrow so there's a good chance someone will beat me to bumping them to $50,000 >_<

1 decade ago

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$50,033 atm :D

1 decade ago

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For pledgers for this project, I've created a giveaway: Clicky
You can only win when you have pledged money to the cause of this game ;)
Oh and if the Kickstarter does hit $200,000 I’ll do another give-away but with Left 4 Dead 2 ;)

1 decade ago

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As interesting as the game seems (and it does have my interest), $200k and they're not looking at doing all the work themselves? I understand wanting to get the fans involved, but then why so much? I think it's just a little too lofty for them.

1 decade ago

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why so much? do you mean the idea of having the fans contribute ideas? whats wrong with that? i've seen hundreds of amazing ideas for ways BF3 could be improved, yet never have i seen the any come to fruition and it's a real shame, because many could fundamentally improve the gameplay, in ways we have yet to see in a shooter. What better way to make a game for fans than have a large amount of fan input?

If you mean the whole thing about crowd funding, then check out this article. The thing is, publishers wont back this kind of game, they dont believe in it. The guy even tried, but, well, heres part of the article;

"It's like pitching a flight sim," Allen says. And the publishers rattle off the excuses: "'It's a super-vocal audience.' 'They don't buy a lot of games.' 'They buy one game a year.' 'Console gamers are too impatient; they won't play this kind of game.' Console gamers literally are too dumb to play this kind of game.'

Wait… did you catch that one?

""Console gamers literally are too dumb to play this kind of game.'"


Really, Allen said. "I won't say which publisher, but, yes, literally, 'console gamers are not as smart as PC gamers.' The logic is that, well PC gamers can install drivers and video cards. Console gamers are just 15-year-olds who sit in front of their couch and press a button."

1 decade ago

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No fans, can contribute ideas. That's a great idea. But I don't think it's 200k idea.

1 decade ago

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Under their F.A.Qs;
"$200,000 is a lot of money, but doesn't seem enough to fully fund the game.

We have investors (not publishers, but VC folks) who are interested but unsure if there is truly a market for real tac shooters. This seed money will be enough to fund startup and show the investors the market is real.

1 decade ago

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But that's the opposite of what I'm saying. I think it's fully enough to fund a game, too much perhaps.

1 decade ago

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It's really not

1 decade ago

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You might find this article enlightening.

1 decade ago

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most games are made on tens of millions of dollars, what they're asking for is merely a fraction of the actual cost.

1 decade ago

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I don't think fans contributing is good idea in 90% of the cases. I track TF2 forums on Steam, and most of the 'improvement' proposals are either inane, or of 'cool' kind where the author didn't even stopped to think how it synergizes with the rest of the game and how big problems already existing, weak item could cause if combined with his proposal. Pass, sadly.

1 decade ago

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It is totally cool if a company checks some suggestions of the fanbase, but when players may pay to have their suggestions be considered, this will end up in chaos. It's basically the same problem as with those "evil" publishers: Too many cooks spoil the broth.

1 decade ago

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TF2's case is one of over doing it, where fan submitted ideas, for mostly hats, has become sort of a driving force to keep people interested in a game thats beginning to show its age. not that it's a bad thing, like it becoming F2P, it has its down sides, but it does keep things fresh for many people and it's the kind of game, where the whole "workshop" thing is beneficial to both the community of gamers whom still play it and valve. Now, aside from all that, what this project it about is something else entirely, it is not a 100% fan created game, no, its very much it's own game. The whole concept around it being a "crowd sourced" game is from the idea that, we, the fans, are donating our own money, support and time into "kick starting" this game into development, we, the fans are having a direct and very important role in the very creation of this game. And because of that, those of us that had a larger role will have the added privilege of being able to input ideas, vote on weapons, locations, and features to be included in the game, and even have a select few be present in conference calls with dev team members to express ideas. Because why not? If we had such a role in the game becoming a reality, why wouldn't they want to know if we had any ideas? why wouldn't they want feedback? it's not like we're making the games, they're just giving the people an opportunity to have additional input in something they helped make happen.

1 decade ago

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To give you example - let's suppose TF2 was developed in that way. Game is new, tricks haven't been discovered yet, so the contributing players turn it on for the first time... And let's say, hate ubers because no tactics to counter them have been discovered yet, so they demand their removal or some anti-uber thing to be put in. What then? Oops, competent engies can now freely block BLU team because one thing that broke stalemates had been put down. What the publisher can do, then? Beg the contributors to reconsider? Not listen? Do what they want only to change it back later? All the options will alienate someone.

1 decade ago

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What the hell are you even talking about? how did all of that just go over your head???? its not going to be a thing where the game is a constantly changing thing at the whim of the fans, in fact i said the opposite. Can you not read? are you unable to? is it beyond your comprehension? All the devs are doing, is allowing the fans to have input, BEFORE the game is made, with ideas that will be reviewed and voted upon. that's it. not a constant flow of change. what youre talking about was NEVER even alluded to. after that, the fans will have mod tool, which is rather common, and thats fucking it.

1 decade ago

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Wow. They have about 2 weeks to raise another $150,000 or so. I don't know how long it's taken to raise that $50,000, but it sounds like this needs to be posted everywhere. I wish I had $10,000+ just lying around to give them, and not just because if you do

they give you a real fucking gun

but because I like the idea of the game too. It sounds pretty fun. That said, a donor prize like that makes me think these are my kind of people.

1 decade ago

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the guys making wasteland 2 raised $1,127,541 in two days
Allow me to repeat

$1,127,541 in 2 days.

it can be done, the fan base is out there, although it may be a small one. Just getting the word out helps

1 decade ago

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Looks like it's already been up for 2 weeks, first comment was March 2nd.
I'd say it's not looking so good, but obviously the coverage is spreading so maybe they'll be able to attract more people not only with more people knowing about it, but having a bigger chunk of the money.

1 decade ago

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Here's hoping, guys. crosses fingers

1 decade ago

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Gave 30$ yesterday. They better put me in game or else!

1 decade ago

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Pledge $2,500 or more
3 Backers • Limited Reward (5 of 8 remaining)

Get your face in the game, on one of the team members, and have them named after you. Includes all previous rewards.

1 decade ago

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i think you don't understand - this is honored Mr. xarabas and he gave them 30$ !!! I think the game might even be named after him... :)

1 decade ago

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not interested, I don't play pc games.

1 decade ago

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Who does these days

1 decade ago

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Lots of people.

1 decade ago

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i think he was joking.

1 decade ago

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Just in case they weren't.

1 decade ago

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So, both of you have console Steam? 0_o

1 decade ago

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PS3 has Steam.

1 decade ago

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I was going to pledge, but then saw it wasn't PC exclusive. Sorry, but games like swat and rainbow six 3 would never work in a controller, I am sick of radial menus and sick of the lack of buttons in a controller conditioning my games.

1 decade ago

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What does it matter if other people get a chance to play a game you want to play as well?

1 decade ago

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The fact that trying to design same steering for a, say, car and a bike will necessarily impair control of one or both of them, producing something that can be called the worst of both worlds?

1 decade ago

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The fact that PC is the lead platform and features won't be designed with consoles in mind but with PC in mind?
And there is a bunch of PS3 SOCOM players that beg to differ with you.

1 decade ago

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You know, even if bike/car steering is designed with car in mind, they are not going to cripple it for bikes. So, nope. Autoaims and huge hitboxes are going to be in.

And that example defeats your argument, SOCOM not only has auto-aim, but also manages to cripple you regardless of the player using mouse or gamepad, as either of these has glaring flaws in their control implementation. Any of these "pro" PS3 players would just be headshotted every time by moderate PC player, and that's not my oppinion, but actual Microsoft study on XBOX/PC FPS multiplayer.

1 decade ago

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Pathetic really. You're just spouting out what you think is gonna happen, without any idea of what the plans are at all.
This is not going to be controlled by publishers who want the game to be accessible. No, it is going to be controlled by Serellan and private investors (who just provide capital and expect a return on it but don't have a say in the game) and they are going to make it hardcore. Huge hitboxes? Nope, that isn't going to make it in. Auto-aim? No idea, might make it, might not. You could ask at their forum.

1 decade ago

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Dude, that's how it works in EVERY console FPS. And that's how it happened in studies. You know, conducted by actual researchers? I don't "think", I know. Console players simply won't compete unless PC version is gutted or console version is thrown a huge number of crutches. You can't beat hardware limitations with wishful thinking.

And if you think paying console private investors won't force any of the above to be able to barely compete with PC users, well, I have a certain bridge I'd like to sell you.

1 decade ago

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No point into arguing with an idiot that isn't even bothering to ask Christian Allen. Pathetic really.

1 decade ago

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I see we ran out of arguments and into insults already? Huh, that was quick.

1 decade ago

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Nope, you ran out of comprehending stuff and you keep conjuring up facts that aren't facts.

1 decade ago

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Yes, thats how SOME FPS's work, but it's ignorant of you to blatantly assume theyre going to do this as well, especially since THE WHOLE FUCKING IDEA of the project is to do the opposite of that as well as PC being the lead platform with a port to consoles, honestly it's not that hard to understand, you'd have to be very dense to have had missed that, though after reading your replies it's much more likely that you've never actually looked into the project, in which case youre just talking out of your ass.

1 decade ago

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No, what you miss is the fact that console players will pay for either A) inferior product that will turn then into cannon fodder for PC gamers (who would do that?) or B) will use their influence to make the game actually playable for them, which includes gutting PC version or (more likely) a lot of crutches for them. There is no other possibility, unless I missed some genius insight solving that that eluded best efforts of both Sony and Microsoft when they wanted to make FPS on their consoles work on cross-platform multiplayer. Care to point out one?

Sorry, kickstarters aren't magical, making one for 'crowd-sourced free money project' is about as likely to succeed as marrying two vastly different hardware platforms in one game.

1 decade ago

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Erm, I never heard Christian Allen say console players are going to co-op/versus against PC players. Get your head out your ass.
And it is a not-done thing as well in the industry. There are next to no games that are truly crossplatform. All Christian Allen has said is that he will try to make it available on xbox 360 and ps3 as well, which implies xbox 360 players play with other xbox 360 players and PS3 players with other PS3 players.

1 decade ago

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I'm curious why you've wasted so much effort trying to shout people down with unsubstantiated claims and unsupported speculations, myself. If you don't like it, don't fund it. That doesn't seem like a difficult concept to grasp.

1 decade ago

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Once again it seems that you havent actually read a single post in this entire thread,

Your density amazes me beyond belief

so please

fuck off

1 decade ago

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For pledgers for this project, I've created a giveaway: Clicky
You can only win when you have pledged money to the cause of this game ;)
Oh and if the Kickstarter does hit $200,000 I’ll do another give-away but with Left 4 Dead 2 ;)

1 decade ago

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Dude, thats so awesome, thank you for supporting the cause.

1 decade ago

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I love this kind of games, I wish it would get as much support as possible :) couldn't give them much but I think everything counts :) I think I'm gonna play SWAT or Rainbow Six this week :)

1 decade ago

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at the moment the project is about $140,631 short and has only 12 days left to go. the biggest problem with the project is the marketing or lack there of it. As much experience as these guys may have, they really lack the popularity of many of the more recent kickstarter game devs. i seriously doubt it'll get their in time, even with bumping my pledge to $100, though i would love if they gave it another shot sometime later.

1 decade ago

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yeah, I see it's not moving too much :( 9 days to go and I'm a bit worried that they won't make it... anyway I hope they'll still get some sponsors or something and actually start working on that game :)

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I hope the same! I really really love those close quarter combat tactical shooters, like SWAT etc. were. And not one of the days since I saw this thread goes by, where I ask myself, how I could spread the word effectively. Meh... :/ I'd really really love to see the game being made!

1 decade ago

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Bumping for great fundage.

1 decade ago

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Nice comment, bro.
Made me have an idea.

Free bump
1 decade ago

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5 days remaining.
There's a new video up.
C'mon x_x

1 thousand dollars in 3 hours. WHAT THE HECK! Faster!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Updating the thread!
More than $130,000 pledged.
The goal is $200, 000

53 hours remaining.

1 decade ago

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Finally got to back 50$, since I had to use a buddies credit card. I really really hope this works! :/

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I hope this works too! =/

1 decade ago

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  • Hey, man. What's up?

  • This thread.

1 decade ago

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Half a day remaining, $40,000 to go! If the $200,000 is reached, I'm starting a pledgers-exclusive giveaway for Left 4 Dead 2 as well ;)

1 decade ago

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Aaand they got it!


:) 2 hours to go.

1 decade ago

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Why i can't pay with Paypal?! Why? Q_Q

1 decade ago

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So glad they made it :)

1 decade ago

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Wow they just barely squeaked by. Good thing they made it! Hope their development goes well =)

1 decade ago

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Finally xD
Now I'll have to save money for a month.

1 decade ago

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Hooray! ^_^

1 decade ago

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oh it got funded! awesomeeeee

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just got back to see we made it, checked last night and we were like 40,000 behind, got me worried and i planned on bumping mines up again, looks like i wont have to. Thanks to all you steamgift bros who tossed in what they could. Not sure if anyone would be down for it, but i thought it might be a cool idea to may a steam group? that way it'll be easier to find friends to play with, once the alpha comes out. Heres a link: Operation:Takedown if any of you think you want to be a mod, i'll be in chat at least until the new Game of Thrones airs

1 decade ago

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also, once a solid number of you joins ima start a raffle in honor of the game getting funded.

1 decade ago

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Bumping for tactical justice!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Dragline.