I would go for Fighting, because it all happens so fast; moves. mindgames, strategy, etc. And takes a lot more practice.

9 years ago

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What gaming genre is the most competitive?

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You just created a MOBA vs. FPS discussion.

I'd go for FPS because that's what I prefer. But MOBA is on the same level with competitiveness.
It's just what you like, both have championships with huge prizepool's if you want to compare that as 'competitive'.

And you can make a competitive game of almost every online game that has a 'Versus' mode in it.

9 years ago

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Championship and prize pool are not important. It's about skill, training, strategy, timing, outplaying, little room for error, momentum, time invested, intimidation, study your enemy(opponent) stuff like that. Like someone said earlier, Fighting is older than all. Daigo Umehara first tournament was in 1995 and he just won last Capcom in may 2015.

9 years ago

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In that case, FPS, slightly. All the MOBAs I encountered were somewhat about strategy, but it was mostly just who has more overpowered builds or the StarCraft plague: higher apm = 90% sure victory regardless of tactics, skills, intelligence.
The more competitive FPS games (not thinking about kiddie console shooters like CoD, Battlefield, any CryTek game…) usually require throughout map knowledge and being able to quickly adapt to the opponent's strategies besides twitch reflexes – although I have to admit, being better in aiming while doing random moves to offset the opponent can help to overcome a lot.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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