Last night I created two giveaways for the first time, in hopes that I could give back to the community. I figured since I owned these two games, I could trade them to the winners. What I did not realize is that once a steam game is in your library, you cannot put it in your inventory or gift it to someone. While my ignorance cannot excuse what has already been done, I would still like to apologize for the mistake that I made. Not only to the winners of the two giveaways but also to those who entered. As for the winners, I will personally buy the games as gifts for them and send it to them. I cannot do this right away as I do not have the money to do so, so to the two who won last night, please be patient (although I understand if you would want to blacklist me).

In the future I will learn from this mistake and only create giveaways for games that I know I have the means to give away.

8 years ago

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It's okay. People make mistakes.

8 years ago

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Yeah. It's not a good feeling, and I don't like to admit that I made one, but people do make them.

8 years ago

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shit happens, you can ask to delete the gives saying it was a mistake, but you'll need the winners approval i think

8 years ago

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Okay, thank you. I'll try to get in touch with the winners and explain to them that it was a mistake.

8 years ago

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Before the giveaways have ended, you can just delete the giveaways yourself, no approval of anyone is needed. Afterwards, you're right, it needs the approval of the winner. This happened to me once.

8 years ago

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Every time I see a "formal apology" on the forum.

Seriously though, don't worry about it! Mistakes happen, and if you're ready to make it right, there's nothing to apologize to the forum for. Contact the winners and let them know about the situation. ^^

8 years ago

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Yeah, not very "formal", but still an apology. Thank you for understanding. I've already contacted one of the winners about it and they understand, though I haven't been able to get in touch with the other winner yet. I'm still hoping to do so.

8 years ago

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Nope, you are going to hell.

Kidding, it's ok :P

8 years ago

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Oh noooooo.


8 years ago

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Happens. Just to avoid another common mistake: don't offer the winners something else to mark the games as received (though, of course, you can give them something else to sweeten the wait).

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, I do not have anything else to offer, anyhow (I have many games, but they're all in my library). Still, once I have the means to do so, I'll get the winners their games on steam.

8 years ago

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just tell the winners to mark it not received until you give them the games, or else they could get suspended.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks, I'll make sure to do so. I don't want the winners to get suspended.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Unfortunately, I'm not even level 1. Hope whoever wins that game enjoys it, though.

8 years ago

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I see a lot of guys still trying to make GAs thinking they're somehow going to get those games, or some confusion along those lines. And then on top of that, when the support remove those GAs, then the guys get all angry, even making new GAs. :)

At least this you had intent on giving the games away, so not as bad as that.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I had every intention of giving the games away. I just misunderstood how steam works and was unable to do so. I've already contacted support to delete one of the giveaways (which I also contacted the winner and have them added on steam, so when the time comes, I can still get them their game).

8 years ago

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Actually, you could leave your giveaway there and just inform the winner not to mark as received, and take the negative giveaways sent feedback. Later on, you can give them the game and they can mark as received (unless I'm mistaken).

8 years ago

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Alright. I'll see if I can do that.

8 years ago

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At least the games aren't very expensive.. I imagine people would be much more upset if it was like fallout 4 or something.

8 years ago

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Heh, true. Even worse for OP. :D

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, I bet. Then again, unless I had the money, if I had a copy of Fallout 4 I probably wouldn't be able to afford an extra copy to give away.

8 years ago

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Well you've learned the mistake early.. you won't make it again at least.

8 years ago

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Yeah, thank goodness. Better to learn it early than find out later down the road.

8 years ago

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A noble action. :)

As a tip, since those 2 games have been bundled in the past, you might get them for less than you would in the store in the trade section of this site. Beware of scammers, though. I can help you assessing the offers, if you want, but I'll be off until sunday night soon. Fret not, though, you have 7 days to deliver the games. :)

8 years ago

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Thank you.
Yeah, that's actually how I got those two games. Separate humble bundles in the past. Sadly, both keys have already been used before, so I doubt I can just give the winners a key.

8 years ago

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Well, if they were used, of course not, but you can still try to obtain the games for cheaper than the store, by finding someone who can offer them. You can either offer other unused games you have, or cards, or TF2 keys (and similar), or even Paypal, in exchange for them.

8 years ago

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Quite frankly I think your thread here makes you one of the good guys, admitting your mistake and having the intention to fix it.

If you can contact the winners and buy the game within the time that stands for it, that would resolve it. If they agree to have the GA cancelled then that would solve it also. In both cases without problems or suspensions.

8 years ago

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Thank you. I still have yet to get in touch with one of the winners, which is a shame, but when I do, I'd like to explain to them what happened and hopefully delete the giveaway. I already spoke to the other one last night, and they were understanding about it.

8 years ago

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Very nice of you to admit your mistake, very few people do that nowadays.

8 years ago

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It was a very hard thing to do. I didn't want to admit that I had, but I also felt pretty bad that I created two giveaways that I wouldn't be able to give away.

8 years ago

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I think you should post your apology in your giveaways' descriptions too.

8 years ago

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That's a good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. I'll make an edit in the description.

8 years ago

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Mistakes happen. It's honorable that you wish to correct it. :)

I'm picking over the trades section to see if I can find any good deals for these games. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, though at the moment, I have no money, which is why I'm hoping the winners will be patient and trust me.

8 years ago

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I have a couple games from a user's wishlist and tried to trade for Just Cause, but he wasn't interested. Wish I had one to give you. Sorry. :(

8 years ago

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It's alright. Someone sent me Just Cause, which I gave to the winner of the Just Cause giveaway. I just need to wait until I have some more money, then gift the other person Machinarium.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Or you can get some card drops from your games and trade for a cd-key of it. Shouldn't cost you more than 10. The whole "I need money first" thing is kind of silly.,

8 years ago

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That's true, and I didn't think of that before. I've been selling card drops, hopefully one or two of them (at least) sells.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah. That feel. Maybe one of these days steam will allow/implement it. But who knows?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I did not know that either. There's so little I know about steam despite how much I use it. It's pretty embarrassing.

8 years ago

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It's not the mistakes that are important, but how you deal with them. :D

8 years ago

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Well, I think both are important, but hopefully I learned from this one and it won't happen in any future giveaways I try to create.

8 years ago

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+1; exactly my thought

8 years ago

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Its a good thing you explained and admitted the mistake. Hard to do, but you still did it and even have the intentions of fixing it. For someone new it is normal to be a bit confused a bit. I had the same impression about how things worked here when I first joined; didn't make any giveaway back then because I realized, in time, that you can't actually trade/gift a game you already own in library; but i almost did. So I understand why you'd be confused :) Don't worry, just explain to the winners!

8 years ago

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Thanks. I'll explain, definitely.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I've had an account here for three years and have entered in giveaways many times, but this is my first time creating one myself. After my first year here, also, I stopped going and completely forgot about this place until recently in the summer of this year. Still, I've had a steam account for longer than three years, which means I should have known even more how libraries work, and so my ignorance feels doubly painful.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks. Don't worry, I plan to.

8 years ago

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I think it's good that you'er at the very least willing to apologize and hopefully fix your mistake. Kudos to you for your honesty.

8 years ago

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Thank you.

8 years ago

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I forgive you !


edit: ok it was just a quick response to your topic title, i havent actually read it prior to this edit :=) So its my time to apology :=P

Now that i have, i think i might have a copy of Just cause 1 lying somewhere and i dont really need it. The other game is a bit harder to get by nowadays, because it wasnt bundled since 1999 so cant help you with that one atm. ill add you on steam so for now you can give that one to the winner and hopefully the other winner is a reasonable person so he doesnt mind wating :P

8 years ago*

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You dealt with it gracefully, so don't sweat it, since mistakes happen. We all make them, we're human and all. Well, most of us... I mean... I mean I am too, of course! Completely human. Yep.100% human. No doubt... Stop looking at me!

8 years ago

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I'm only about 63% human!

8 years ago

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You too!? Uhh, I mean, it happens. Some, like me, are 100% human beyond any doubt or suspicion. But I bet any not-entirely humans would be glad there are more of us, I mean them, theeeem out there.

8 years ago

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