Hey guys! I'm sorry for asking boring questions here and wasting your time, but I started upgrading my rig, and I got 10gb of ram (up from 2), but the games are still laggy as hell!!! I'm think that it's because my ULTRA SUPER MEGA Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce 210. I also have an AMD processor, not sure which one but I remember this part: "AMD Athlon_x2 3.10ghz", I can't check it at the moment, but I will tomorrow.

So be honest with me, how bad is the position that I am in at the moment, and do you have any suggestions for a "non-expensive & decent" graphics card / processor.. Honestly I don't know which one do I need to upgrade to actually be able to play anything...

Thanks in advance! :)

(sorry for wasting your time)

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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What is this. I downloaded 4 GB and my system control still says I have 1 GB.

1 decade ago

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Have you tried turning it off and on again?

1 decade ago

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I would go for 64 GB LRDIMMS. Only $2000 a piece! What a bargain!

1 decade ago

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You are welcome for wasting my time.

1 decade ago

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Check your games and seek for Antialiasing, and change it to none. That should help for frame rate. Also that's probably too much ram than what you would actually use and need. The card itself does not seem so bad it has 512MB Dedicated Ram, if any doubt in which games you can run you can use System Requirements Lab

1 decade ago

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A few things....

Do you have a 64bit OS? If not the 10 gigs of ram will do you no good.

Yes the video card you have is low, a new one would do wonders. But I'm guessing you might need a new power supply too to hand a newer card.

The CPU you have is also not the greatest, but better then what I had.

Generally you need a major upgrade. Motherboard, CPU, Ram, videocard, powersupply. Basically everything.

Reason why I say everything is because, going by what you say, you have an AM2 based CPU and motherboard. They don't make AM2s anymore. AM2s ran with DDR2 ram, the AM3, AM3+ and newer intel motherboards and CPUs out there require DDR3 ram. Sticking with your nvidia videocard you have will be a major bottleneck and you will see no real increase in playable games. So you would need a new videocard. Newer videocards along with all the other stuff requires more power, which means newer power supply.

I'm even gonna hazard a guess that you will need a new bigger case cause you have one of those really small cases.

So ya you're lookin at around 400 to 500 dollars for a decent upgrade that would do you for at least a couple of years and at least allow you to do some future upgrading.

Also if you don't have a 64bit OS you would need that too as long as you got over 4 gigs of ram, which I would suggest you do. At least a pair of 4 gig sticks or even a pair of 8 gig sticks if you can afford it.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Unwise7.