I noticed, that my CV is falling very fast in the past, even when I do Giveaways...

3 weeks ago, i had a CV of 4.68
2 weeks ago, i had a CV of 4.44
1 week ago, i had a CV of 4.38
and all the time i was doing GAs
i did 14 GAs last week and at the end i was at 4.50 yesterday and now i'm again at 4.48, why? none of the unbundled games were bundled since then and i'm doing more and more GAs just to keep up my CV, why is this happening?

EDIT1: Real CV says i'm at 62.63% before i got Lvl 5 so this really must be a SG bug...

8 years ago*

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Same here, from 5,60 to 5.20 today.. some API bug agin.. Heileen 3 - 0P, Lucius - 0P, Battle Group 2 - 0P ...

don't worry it comes back (maybe) depend on value of games on steam and with P here, but my 0P is annoying :D

8 years ago

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but for me it's happening for a few weeks already... i could be at 4.9 already but i cant always give away unbundled games, because i got very limited money...

8 years ago

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its normal here, level moving up or down... every day someone create thread like this, just take it as normal thing :)

8 years ago

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but this is way to much falling... when i was at lvl 2 or 3 this never ever happened, since level 4 tis is happening all the time...

8 years ago

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The fun part, with the 15% rule you often fare cheaper to actually give unbundled stuff that was on sale than most bundles. (if CV is the biggest concern) Of-course game gift-count rises quicker with bundles.

8 years ago

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Most bundles, yes, but not all. Some bundles offer well more than 8 CV per $ spent, sometimes more than 10 even. To get even just 8 CV per $ on a non-bundled game, it would have to have an 87.5% discount. Possible steeper Russian store discounts that are hard to research could quickly get you to the lethal 95% discount that suddenly turns your good CV deal into a horrible CV deal. Then you have to consider that the bundle list may not have been updated, and the (probably) higher likelihood of Steam price drops over time on non-bundled games vs. already bundled games.

Anyways...I'll stick to primarily (good) bundles. :)

8 years ago

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True true, but most bundles aren't that great in that respect. Wanted just to point out that most bundle games generally aren't the big problem for "unfair CV gain" that many still view them to be. Like you pointed out, give some ru games and you'll get way more. In the end it's pretty complicated taking it that far with the calculations ;-)

8 years ago

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Yep, and takes a lot of the fun out of it too...damn being fiscally responsible! :P

8 years ago

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While i understand that you can't always give away non-bundle games, you have to remember that, honestly, not everyone is a winner. If everybody could reach level 10, it wouldn't become special again. So many people seem to feel "entitled" (whether you do or not is not for me to say) to higher levels, and can only complain that they can only give away bundle games. That's great, it really is. I understand and empathize more than most people would realize that funds are low, but that's life. Someone always has it better off. If that's all you can do, then accept it, and move on, because just as some people can give away non bundles all day, some people can't pay for a roof over their heads, or food in their bellies. This affects all users, not just you. Some will suffer more for it, but, honestl,y like with the rest of life, you have to accept it and move on.

8 years ago

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It is a current bug indeed, for further information check this thread :)

It should be fixed soon and with that, CV will increase again.

8 years ago

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i know, it comes back ;) i don't need it right now... 5,6 or 5,2.. fff still 5 :D

8 years ago

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for me it's a difference, because i already saw people with only 50 games given at level 5, i gave away alost 100 and i'm still below 4.5 ... why SG???

8 years ago

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oh that solely depends on the value of the games. Obviously bundled stuff is cheap, so a high amount is needed. Give just 2 copies of Fallout 4 and you'll reach lvl5 too ;-)

8 years ago

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that's not the point, they even were below 600$ maybe they just gave away very good unbundled titles...

8 years ago

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Ah then you look at the wrong value, use sgtools.info to get the real one. Level 5 needs $250 btw.

8 years ago

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i know that ._. and i'm below 200$ real CV

8 years ago

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i know that ._. and i'm below 200$ real CV

8 years ago

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I'm guessing all the bundle games becomming free at indiegala every week. Which means those games get deleted from the list, which means your CV drops.

8 years ago

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i checked my real CV and i got a list of all games for myself, i gave away and there is nothing missing

8 years ago

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But this really shouldn't happen if the giveaway was done before the game was given away for free ... or am I wrong here? It would clearly be very unfair.

8 years ago

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It's that or the baseprice of all the games is decreasing more and more, i see geoglitch posted something about bugs of games with 0 CV.

8 years ago

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0P is something different

8 years ago

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CV should not drop for that, you should simply not be able to create GAs anymore for those.

8 years ago

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No, games deleted from the GA list only affect creating new GAs for those games. As long as your GA is made before the game went free, you still get the CV for it.

8 years ago

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The base price of games on Steam drops all the time, and is reflected in your CV. A game that was $20 when you gave it away might be $10 tomorrow, and you'll lose $10 CV. That's just how it is.

8 years ago

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like i said warlier, i checked my list with the steamgifts list, nothing changed for a few months

8 years ago

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All the possibilities have been listed now in this thread.

It's one or more of them. That's all.

EDIT: Correction -- one possibility is missing. Games you gave away may have been retro-actively added to the bundle list, dropping your CV for those GAs by 85%.

8 years ago

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i checked, i only had 4 non-bundled since i mad a skyrim GA, still 4 on the real CV

EDIT: i did 4 non-bundled GA last week which i forgot ^^'

8 years ago

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My CV is constantly raising instead.

(And I'm not even joking, yesterday I had 5.51, today 5.60 ^_^)

8 years ago

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lucky you ._. can you maybe lend me 0.2 :D

8 years ago

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No begging! ;_;

8 years ago

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why you think i put :D at the end

8 years ago

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Clearly because you've figured out how to steal CV from other users! =O

8 years ago

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Consider also that sometimes there bugs that will give you more CV than you actually have.

8 years ago

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but losing 200$ is a bit insane, when the first drop happened, i had 1050$ after the drop i had only 870$ left

8 years ago

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Do you know what caused it btw? Almost everything you have is bundled, so such large drops shouldn't happen. (Of course, supposing you didn't give away something just bundled for the first time.)

8 years ago

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i checked, i only had 4 non-bundled since i mad a skyrim GA, still 4 on the real CV - EDIT: i did 4 non-bundled GA last week which i forgot ^^'

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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it says i got 86 GAs o.o so something is going wrong here

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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ot maybe both o.o

8 years ago

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Wait, no, I can't count, nm :P There is a discrepancy in the values though. For example: for some reason AppGameKit is reported to give you 35$, while it appears to be only 100$ in the store (so 15$).

8 years ago*

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i guess that's the minor bug then...

8 years ago

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Even the premium version should only give $20 [or full value if unbundled], if my math is right. So yeah, that's a bit of an unusual number.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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can watch it because i'm not in that region, but i never made a bioshock GA though

8 years ago

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Same, was 5.08 day ago, now 5.04. Not much of a drop off, but still.
EDIT: From the list of game given away I can report Bioshock Tripple Pack and Mafia 2 are 0p now. What the crap?

8 years ago*

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well i never really gave away great titles, skyrim was the only great title i gave away, the others were indie-games and/or bundled

8 years ago

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Then you don't know the feeling when you giveaway Bioshock Tripple Pack and next day it becomes bundeled but with the date of the day before you game away your copy. That really sux hard. Sry for little offtopic =P

8 years ago

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also darksiders 2 is now 0p becouse new edition and original removed from steam

8 years ago

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Make sure to file a support ticket so staff can manually update it back to the correct value :)

8 years ago

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It worsen now lol.

8 years ago

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yep, only 4.44 now ;-;

8 years ago

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I went down from 3.6 to 2.08 in a couple of hours.

8 years ago

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4.21 to 4.06 D: just noticed!!

8 years ago

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Yep, I went down in the last couple of days too and went I look at the real CV value of each GA that I did, several are now value at 0CV, so I am guessing that it's a bug. Especially since it's so many different games and also happening to lots of people at the same time... Hopefully i get resolve soon cause I am soooo close to level 5 & now have to do that much more GA to get there since it drop:( Oh well, all we can do is wait and see what will happen!

8 years ago

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Wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't read this thread. Lost a level.

So it seems like 90% off games got added to the bundle list now (before it was 95%.)
Was never bundled ever, but 90% in steam sales.

Due to this change, I suppose half the community is affected by a drop down.

8 years ago

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you want to tell me, that steam sales get cheaper too? so i don't get full CV for an unbundled game but it was on sale on steam?

8 years ago

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Exactly, I bought this game from steam, yet it now counts as bundled game (eventhough never was really bundled).

8 years ago

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._. f-ck you sg, why?

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by JuZockt.