So I just want to play a game, something, I can't get hooked to anything, I want to make my own character, be myself in a fantasy world. So far, only Guild Wars 2 and Skyrim managed to give that feeling to me (also Civ 5, it gets really immersive at some point sometimes).
I tried playing The Witcher, but it's just... not me. It's Gerald, not ME. Dragon Age Origins kinda got that right for me, it was not me, it was us (you know, us, the party of 4 you always travel around as).

I don't care if it's single player or MMORPG, I just want some game to be myself in (and not pay 50 euros, because that's what's keeping me from Guild Wars 2). I really like the medieval Nordic settings in The Witcher and Skyrim, too.

There is no GA at the moment, I'll see if I get any money left after the sales and I'll let you enjoy.

Edit: Some of you suggested Mount & Blade: Warband. I wasn't really feeling that's the game I want, but I took a few looks around and it's exactly what I'm looking for (if the reviews are right).

8 years ago*

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Are there any REAL Skyrim alternatives?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

View Results
Only in the Elder Scrolls series

oblivion, morrowind.

8 years ago

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Thanks, I know they are, I'm wondering if there are some outside the Elder Scrolls universe :D

8 years ago

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fallout and dragon age (already mentioned in other posts), can't think of anything else right now.

the rest of the games i played come with pre generated characters... unless you aren't looking for fps/3rd person. then i could recommend you shadowrun, baldur's gate, neverwinter nights, icewind dale.

8 years ago

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Dragon Knight saga.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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isnt Guild Wars 2 free now ? I could sweard I heard bout that

8 years ago

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Yeah, but it has some restrictions on free players. And now with HoT, it's even worse... I would buy it, but 50 euros is just too much for a student wallet.

8 years ago

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Finding a good game within the boundaries you describe WITHOUT having to invest 30~50 euros (or more) is gonna be a tall order.
Though the question may be how demanding you are when it comes to graphics.

Something like "Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead" gives you a lot of freedom to create your own identity and explore a world.
However its full ASCII graphics (or tilesets), so I suspect thats off the table.
The Long Dark is a great world to explore, though you don't get to create a character as such.
The Fallout titles are pretty good, similar to Elder Scrolls with a different theme.

While Two Worlds has gotten a lot of flak, I enjoyed playing it myself - the spell creation system is pretty cool. The second is better than the first game. But it has its fair share of problems, don't expect something as good as Skyrim.

Without investing, you'll be stuck with a range of F2P MMO's. Which all come with their share of limitations aswell.

If you're fine with mindless fun and mayhem. Then Saints Row or Just Cause may be worth a couple dozen hours.
Titles such as ARK: Survival Evolved also offer some interesting experiences, though not story driven just sandbox.
To some extent the Fable games may offer a bit of a playground.

Trying to think of games that I've really been able to lose myself in. Just getting totally immersed into the world.
And its just hard to find that kind of experience. If you have a suitable group you could try your hand at pen and paper roleplay (pathfinder/D&D etc).
Beyond all that, I really think you're just going to have to settle for something a bit more temporary.
What has helped me get hooked are books and TV series, watching or reading a certain theme would really get me into that theme and then I'd be able to sink deep into a game thats similar.

8 years ago

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Well, the Vikings show convinced me I love Skyrim and its settings. But games are way too demanding of me when I need to follow a pre-made story, when I could just watch a movie and save some weeks.

8 years ago

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32€ at dlgamer

8 years ago

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If I am not mistaken, it is available for half that price at humble yogs bundle, with some more games and addons in a bundle

8 years ago

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It's the Heroic Edition, though, not Heart of Thorns

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We'll see about the price when it exits beta

8 years ago

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its on beta on eu/na

8 years ago

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The long dark, stranded deep or age of empire maybe.

8 years ago

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The long dark has permadeath :D I was actually looking for a game like that. Thanks!

8 years ago

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You are welcome buddy :-)

8 years ago

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The long dark is a true Hardcore Survival Experience.I never could survive for more than 1 day after a few tries! :P

8 years ago

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Although you have your reasons for Dragon age, it was certainly the most enjoyable for me, but each to their own. Maybe I should give skyrim more time/love.

8 years ago

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Don't get me wrong, Dragon Age Origins is really great, but I lost the me when all I cared about was the fight between my 2 crushes...

8 years ago

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Morrowind, oblivion, fallout.

8 years ago

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Dragon age inquisition

8 years ago

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How is it compared to Origins?

8 years ago

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pretty good, i just started it so i can not say a lot but a reviewer i watch said literally "Is the more skyrim game since skyrim"

8 years ago

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I want to play in DA:I, but decided that I will beat DA:O and DA:2 firstly to recall plot. I'm stuck in DA:O (with everything completed except of dwarfes plot) because I'm so fed up with fights that I have to leave it and come back to it later xD

8 years ago

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That is good, and if you plan of buying dragon age inquisition not like me that i am a dirty pirate, the only way to import saves is having an actual copy of inquisition (or editing save files)

8 years ago

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I thought that they haven't cracked Denuvo : O

And I was about to pick up GOTY during winter sale (with 50% discount) but decided that I will need 100+ hours to beat DA:O and DA:2 so I will buy it in the Spring (maybe they will have -66% sale) - I woudn't been able to play it ASAP anyway.

8 years ago

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you are dead to me

8 years ago

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Obvious Two Worlds.

8 years ago

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Isnt Two worlds terrible tho?

8 years ago

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you dont really play as "yourself" in Two Worlds

8 years ago

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Yeah,really enjoyed the second one,more than Skyrim and that's not a joke.

8 years ago

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Maybe old bioware games? like kotor or jade empire


8 years ago

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I think Jade Empire is free on Origin at present, too (if you don't mind associating that closely with EA).

8 years ago

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Mount and blade warband

8 years ago

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That game looks both incredibly awful and amazing at the same time o.O

8 years ago

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well i have 130 hours on it so take my word that is pretty good, the game give you A LOT of freedom and the gameplay is stupid fun. the game has no story and no ending so that may put you off if thats what you are looking for (i think that mount and blade with fire and sword has a story but i am not sure)

8 years ago

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M&B warband is awesome game, + tons of mods allow endless play

8 years ago

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yeah, my 130 hours are only with base game and no mods, i bought the dlcs last sale and still have to play them

8 years ago

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M&B: WFaS does have a storyline, and, while nice, it doesn't have as many mods as M&B:W, and, to me, that's what really makes the M&B games great.
(though I certainly loved the base game, too!)

8 years ago

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The only reason people think Skyrim is good is cause they haven't tried Mount and Blade Warband yet.

8 years ago

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They are kind of diferent tho, Combat is WAY better on M&B:W but if you are looking for a game in wich to explore and see interesting stories, Skyrim is your thing

8 years ago

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Watching an army of Canadian Mounties on Moose charge lines of Soviets on Elephants never gets old though.

8 years ago

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I dont know wha game are you playing i only mount horses ;_;

i really need to play the dlcs and mods

8 years ago

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Well, if the game works as it's supposed to, it's a lot better than Skyrim, much more realistic. I bought it and gave you the blue heart.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I already bought it now, thanks a lot! you got a blue heart too

8 years ago

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Not a lot of option in that area and they are getting less and less the way games are going....more less like Fallout 4 more of an actin/rpg with rpg being just a blip on the radar.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas and even the older ones are good you can be you,and you can be a nice person or an asshole or a little of both,Sure the games are not as pretty as some but they make up for that in open world choices and building your character the way you want and it actually plays a part,like if you want to talk your way out of a lot situations you can build a character for that.Do you want to go around beating all your foes with your fist you can do that.

All i am saying is there is not a lot of choices for open world 3d rpgs and the choices are getting even slimmer and if you want to play yourself and not as someone else that is even a slimmer list.So older Fallouts and Elder Scrolls are about your best choices for that.

There is Risen series though that seems to be people either like it or hate kinda deal lol

Two Worlds is decent if you look past all the bugs and last i knew Two Worlds could still be had for free on

Witcher 3 is pretty good even know your not yourself you can still make your own choices.

8 years ago

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I really enjoyed Gothic and Risen when I was younger, but they are short, I remember 10 hour savegames at the final boss. Kinda ruining the immersion.

8 years ago

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Really the Gothic series are short ! I played for hundreds of hours .But for me , I play all the secondary quests and I play at max diff.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Fable or Mass Effect

8 years ago

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You can hate because of graphics but i will say "Daggerfall".

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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Hrm, why has no one mentioned Fallout 3 and New Vegas? O.o

If it must me a fantasy setting and you don't mind MMO's, I'd suggest Rift or Tera.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Diablo. Path of Exile. MineCraft. Any other generic dungeon crawler/sandbox game. Heck, maybe even the last few Wizardry games too. Wizardry 8 is generally a well-received and popular game even today. It's even first-person. The only thing the TES series does different is that it is first-person iew and doesn't even try to make you interested in the main plot, just tries to give you a million side quest to mess around with.
if you wouldn't rule out non-fantasy settings, any open-world shooter could fit the bill from Rage to Borderlands.

8 years ago

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Fallout would be great for you.

8 years ago

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The problem with it is it's sci-fi setting. The only sci-fi setting that doesn't make me run away from it is the Star Wars one. Yes, it's a post-apocalyptic EARTH, but still sci-fi.

8 years ago

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Grav? its still EA so id be extra careful with it though :P Not much of a story though, but it has some really interesting ideas and well, there are like tons of different planets to visit, all with their own ecosystem and stuff like that.

most older rpgs have already been mentioned except maybe fallout 2 which lets you be... well, you because you can do pretty much anything you want :o

ah and for mmos, Archeage could be worth a shot. i played it for a few months and cant really remember why i stopped but if anything else it offers much more choices than your average mmo (as in you dont really have to fight at all to become rich in that game, you could spend your days fishing, or trading, etc :P).

ah now i remember, it was Trion that made me quit Archeage, because of the way they were handling the game - basically there was one big fu$(#p on a weekly basis, be it duping, hacking, landhacking (as its open world housing, fights for house spots were well... not fun when there were people with hacks around) :/

with all that said, i might actually give it another chance soon. so thank you for this topic :P

8 years ago

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Have you tried Kingdoms of Amalur? Was a pretty neat game, I really liked it

8 years ago

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Is it as great as it looks?

Edit: Downloading the demo now. It looks more like an Elder Scrolls game not designed to be modded to death.

8 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning its a great game, Hours of playing.
You can try also Vampire the masquerade bloodlines & Pillars of Eternity

8 years ago

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Looks great, plays great, it also has great lore. Be warned though, it feels like an MMO because the game was reworked into a single player when most of the work was done, that's why at times you'll feel like wandering an empty server. But if you can get past that, the game is well worth it, even more now since you'll get it super cheap.

8 years ago

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I'm always on the lookout for a similar game too.
I tried so many of them, but they always missed the glue
I couldn't stick to it, even if I tried to.
Maybe I'm too picky, or maybe it's not my style
Maybe I should quit it and be a valentine.

It's a hard knock life.

8 years ago

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Pressed the little blue heart. thanks :D

8 years ago

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Is this a haiku?

8 years ago

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It is whatever you want it to be.

8 years ago

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Gothic Series, Two Worlds Series. Skyrim is not a good base to start really :P

8 years ago

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Heh, not putting Skyrim as base game would make it the number one suggestion anyway :D

8 years ago

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Divinity 2

8 years ago

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+1 was about to say the same thing :p

8 years ago

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Fallout and Fable: The Lost Chapters, I'd say.

8 years ago

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