I want to find some easy way to explain to people that they should not post in "want" things they don't want, because as a result things they don't want get matched in search results, as they are in "want", and it all makes me want to say something rude to them for not wanting to use logic when using "want".

Seriously though, you have additional space for all clarifications, don't post those clarifications in "have"/"want". It will save a lot of scrolling.

6 years ago

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View Results
Don't want!
Want, but not that :/
Don't want, but that :\

Pretty standard that nobody wants a reply with nothing but a list of 10,000 games that were given free at some point.

6 years ago

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But if you post "I don't want this game" in your "want", then anyone putting that very game in their "have" will get your trade as a search result.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Okay, but I don't think most of us here are the target audience. :P

6 years ago

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SteamTrades site doesn't have its own forum, so no better place to post then here.

6 years ago

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so for example Netflix does not own have their own forums, so it should be fine for me to post a topic on SG telling all Netflix users to stop 1staring movie I like? I mean ok, maybe most of SG users are not target audience, but since Netflix doesn't have their own forum what else can I do? ;p

6 years ago

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Stop forcing me to see anime in my "Now Trending" queue, Zelg! :P

6 years ago

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I don't watch anime on Netflix, cause offer is simply too poor ;p I will wait till crunchyroll stops geoblocking like 95% of content for Poland until I decide to use any streaming service for anime, and till then... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVXCr6upWUo

6 years ago

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wtf is crunchyroll? I saw something about it on steam but immediately swiped left.

6 years ago

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Something anime related. But not the good stuff ;)
Not the bad one (loli) neither. What they have on Steam just looks meh to me.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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It obviously depends on your personal taste but I'd say Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Battleangel Alita, maybe Rurouni Kenshin if you're interested in Meiji-era Japan, Golden Boy if you like slice of life like stories and probably a few others I can't think of right now ;)

All of them (except Golden Boy) mostly avoid the typical anime tropes and fanservice for the most part. They are genuinely good stories that happen to be anime.

Edit: Forgot Hellsing.

6 years ago*

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you forgot to mention the best anime of all time and generally the best piece of art of all time - NGE! ;p

6 years ago

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I always mix up Neon Genesis Evangelion and Visions of Escaflowne because I found them both rather bland but I don't particularly like mecha anime (except maybe Big O because of the Noir vibe) plus Evangelion has that weird (at least for me) "I'm worthless. I'm so worthless. I'm such a piece of shit. I have to prove myself. I have to be strong for my friends. I have to be worthy." mentality that appears in quite a few anime. Isn't that the one where at the end the protagonist and all of his friends stand "around the world" holding hands ?

But I have to admit it has been ages since I seen it.

6 years ago

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the great thing about NGE is that it's so much more than just about mechas. heck - mechas are not even close to being the best part about it. The whole psychological aspect, all blasphemous symbolism, countless ways to interpret it, awesome characters, very non mecha-genre-like, not to mention awesome artstyle, visuals, one of best soundtracks ever... to put it on the same spot as Escaflowne - totally cliche series that had nothing to it despite really nice mecha-design is blasphemy! ;p

6 years ago

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I might give it another watch at some point but to be honest if a story has 10 minute inner monologues every second episode with the protagonist contemplating suicide it's not for me.

Also for example the red haired girl is very anime tropey as far as I can remember. Typical Tsundere character as far as I can tell.
Probably another reason I didn't like it as much is that I was raised catholic so christian motives are not as exotic and interesting to me. Same thing goes for knights and (european-style) castles in various anime like Escaflowne or Berserk.

6 years ago*

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Red haired girl is Asuka and she is my most beloved character ever ;p I mean really - for my last bday my fiancee got me Asuka hugging pillow ;p And you must have really watched it long time ago and forgot it (or dropped it too soon to learn it), but great thing about this character is that she is actually not at all cliche Tsundere character. Her being like that was all intentional, it was a pose, an act she was performing to keep people away from finding the truth - that in fact she may as well be the most psychologically broken character of whole series, or maybe not, the fact of the matter is that most of characters in this series have quite big mental issues, some of them deal with them better, some worse, some hide it better, some don't hide them at all, but in the end there is almost none cliche and normal character there, if there is someone acting like that - like mentioned Asuka or Misato (the lady who takes main character Shinji to live with her) they are actually just acting like that to hide their true self - much like most of people do in real life. You probably met a lot of people struggling with depression or other serious mental issues in your real life as well, but you didn't notice as most of people hide these issues in outside world behind the masks. And it's the same in NGE. Asuka is not Tsundere, Asuka is using Tsundere mask to keep people away from her so they do not find the truth about herself.

6 years ago

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Yeah, it must have been ~ 10 - 15 years :D

You see hugging pillows is where you lost me :P Not literally in your comment but that's just not my kind of anime.

Anyway I have to call it a day ;)

6 years ago

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NGE is not hugging-pillow material, don't get me wrong ;p But as it is a popular title a lot of fanfiction grew around it, and some of it was hugging-pillow material ;p still it has nothing to do with the series itself ;p

Also keep in mind that basically any popular franchise - no matter how unlikely actual characters of the anime would be to act like that ;p For example - you mentioned Cowboy Bebop in your original comment - surely not hugging pillow material, right? WRONG! (NSFW). So by your definition, anime you recommended (btw Anime I love as well ;p) should not be your kind of anime, because it has hugging pillows! ;p

Anyway good night, gotta go to sleep as well ;p

6 years ago

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Actually I was pretty positive when I went to bed yesterday that Cowboy Bebop bodypillows are a thing and obviously I can't blame a show / game for what their fans do. Otherwise Undertale would be the worst game in gaming history :D
I should have rather phrased it that that part of Anime fandom is not for me ;)

6 years ago

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on the other hand didn't manage to find Alita hugging pillows, as it was my 1st idea of counterargument ;p

6 years ago

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if a story has 10 minute inner monologues every second episode with the protagonist contemplating suicide it's not for me.

I shall challenge that belief of yours. Bokurano. Preferably the manga. You're welcome.

6 years ago

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You're welcome.

Please senpai. Teach me how to be that patronizing because that's something I'd like to be able to do in case I really want to piss somebody off.

It's not a believe. It's something I know about myself. Neongenesis wasn't the first anime I watched that I hated for those reasons.

I might give it 2 episodes in the next few weeks / months and stick with it if I like them but do you really want me to very likely rip something into shreds that you enjoy ?

And just to clarify: You were not removed from my WL for the You're welcome. part of your comment. I'm currently running a Stellaris GA and emptied out my WL so I can add more people in case there is not enough interest. Everybody will be added back once it has ended.

6 years ago*

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And that's the disadvantage of written speech, the limited ability to convey tone. I don't know how you read it but it was meant as "teasing"/humorous, not high and mighty. Sorry if it pushed a button, was not the intention.
And people "ripping something I like to shreds" is not something that bothers me, in fact those are usually the most enjoyable conversations. What's so interesting about two people having the same opinion? A: I think this! B: Me too! A: Isn't it amazing? B: Sure is! End of convo.

And wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't brought that up :P

6 years ago*

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Fair enough. I should have probably assumed you're not entirely serious. At that moment it just came off to me like somebody recommending me to watch / read the very thing I just told them moments ago I strongly dislike and then projecting their own opinion onto me that I'm going to like it anyway as if that was the only valid opinion.

You're right about different opinions leading to the most interesting discussions but on the other hand it takes two very disciplined persons to conduct such a discussion in a civil manner and while I try to hold myself to that standard I don't always succeed.
More often (particularly on the internet) those discussions turn into two people flinging crap at each other and trying to make their point while completely ignoring what the other side has to say. However if I quit a 24 episode story after just 2 episodes because I didn't like the beginning I wouldn't rip it to shreds anyway but rather go with a more non-binding "It's not for me." because I haven't watched enough of it to have an educated opinion.

It will probably take a while until I get around to giving it a go because there's another anime I have discovered ages ago here on SG (possibly even in one of your threads) that peaks my interest a lot more: The Boondocks (well apparently that's technically not anime but the art style strongly resembles anime) From what I've seen so far that seem to be a lot more up my alley:
It's weird, it's funny, it's rude and from what I can tell so far it has neither robots nor mecha :D

6 years ago*

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Et tu, Wolfe? :/

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I had to delete my post because I was actually getting advice on series to watch. LOL.

I had a girlfriend in college who was into the toonami crap when it was on and she got me to watch cowboy bebop and gundam wing. They were ok, CB was even good sometimes.

6 years ago

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Don't get me wrong. I didn't expect you to watch any of those or that I could actually change your mind about anime. Obviously I also have things like Hidden Object games I have already made up my mind about and I doubt even playing the "best" HOG ever created would change that. I just wanted to point out that anime is not anime. For example despite it's popularity Gundam Wing is definitely not for me because it combines two things I strongly dislike in anime: Western motives and mecha.

6 years ago

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two things I strongly dislike in anime: Western motives and mecha.

I thought everyone liked giants robots!:P
I am curious though-what "western motives" are you specifically referring to here? Feel free to reply on steam rather than post more in this already cluttered thread:)

6 years ago

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Twelve Kingdoms is really, really good if you like fantasy series with deep character development and a well-developed setting.

Other good shows people tend to not mention include Katanagatari and Princess Tutu (yes, really, despite the name.)

6 years ago

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crunchyroll is like Netflix for Anime ;) You get hundreds of showa, many getting added like 1 day after airing in Japan, but problem is it's great only if you live in US. For me for example 95% of shows are blocked as "not available in your country" but still I'd have to pay same amount of money as US citizen for accessing 5% of content ;p

6 years ago

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I don't watch on netflix because they only have Spanish dubs and Spanish subs...

6 years ago

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are you sure? https://help.netflix.com/en/node/13245 IDK, maybe it's different in your country, but if not all then most versions of Netflix do allow language setting changes.

6 years ago

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Yeah, in Argentina at least they only license spanish subs/dubs for a lot of stuff. Guess they don't care about people who live abroad.
I mean how much more expensive can having English subs be?

6 years ago

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oh then I am sorry. In Poland which also very small market for Netflix (there are like 300k subscribers total) we have English or Original + English (in case of non-english material) dubs available for everything, polish dubs for some things (but still english/original available to choose), both polish and english subs and by changing language settings we can change subs language as well.

6 years ago

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Yeah here too, but for anime in particular they don't give you the option for English in 90% of cases.
I've watched a few in Spanish, but I'd rather watch an English dub

6 years ago

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hmm, maybe the case that almost none of animes has polish dub anyway, so that's why they provide japanese + english. I hate english dubs anyway so I watch everything in japanese with eng subs. But anyway as mentioned before - Netflix sucks as anime servicew anyway, too little titles to be worthwhile for mainly anime, especially for people with access to most of crunchyroll library.

6 years ago

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steamtrades used to be in steamgifts.com, now it have his own url but not forum, you have to know since you have trade feedback from 4 years

6 years ago

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yes, and ST got intentionally disconnected from SG. Even removing any cross refferences (like trade feedback showing on your SG profile, or using same account for both - now accopunts are separated). Thus while ST used to be part of SG it no longer is, it is totally separated thing. Heck now it does not ever require any SG interaction (a lot of ST accopunts don't even have SG account). So nowadays SG is not a place for ST things. It does not matter that in the past they were the same things, what matters is that now they are not. If game X used to be released by publisher Y but then it went to publisher Z, aka got separated from Y, and new part of X sucks do you go complaining to publisher Y saying "well Z don't have forums so I'll complain here, cause in the past X was part of Y"? ;p

6 years ago

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Am i the only one having a "Trades" button between Giveaways and Discussions ?

6 years ago

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nope. And what is your point? Link being there only means ST are the part of same network as SG (like Deals used to be as well), it does not mean SG forums are a place to to discuss anything related to SG network. If it was it should be ok to have whole forums spammed with any topic regarding ST - like someone gives you bad deal? Post in SG! Someone gives you unfair rep? Post in SG! You want to sell something? Better post both in ST and SG for bigger exposing! ST used to be part of SG but got intentionally separated from SG. ST stats no longer showing on SG profile, separate accounts for both sites. You think it all does not matter simply because one site in the network has link to other in network? So to give another example for your argument - Publisher A releases many games, among them Game B and Game C, Game B is multiplayer shooter and Game C is tactical RPG. But since they are both from same Pubvlisher A, aka part of same network, and probably have links reffering to each other it is ok to post in forums of C regarding P2W microtransactions released recently in B?

6 years ago

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Point is simple, and you stated it yourself - same network.
You examples are wrong in that you try to compare real offtopic with what you think is offtopic. For reps there's a dedicated system of reviewing, so you don't post it here. For trades there's ST itself, so you don't post it here. For publisher A, games B & C there's a separate forum for each one, so you don't post in the wrong forum. All of this is unrelated to my topic.

6 years ago

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nope, you're wrong as you clearly don't follow as much as you try to make it look like or if you do you simply leave what does not fit your story out, ignore it because then you would contradict yourself. So let me add what you conviniently left - for rep, reviewing is a very very njew thing, introduced like few months ago max, yet before it got introduced and while there was no appeal/review system you were still nmot allowed to post rep requests on forums. But hey, even if you knew it it would not fit what you're sayig, so let's just ignore it, right? :)

6 years ago

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I'll ask a counter question - were rep topics getting closed and is this topic closed?

6 years ago

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no, because this forum lacks moderation, which was brought countless times in the past. Unless you post a topic that is racist/homophobic/etc and start a really big flame war you will most likely not get closed, no matter if topic is ok or not. To further the argument - there were countless examples of reflink topics (clearly against the rules) which didn't get closed. Why? Because there is very little actual moderation on forums plus not enough staff to even do any real moderation. By your definition it would mean that reflink topics are fine. Simply because they didn't get closed, right?

6 years ago

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Looks like you're unlucky and this topic stays.

6 years ago

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"Thus while ST used to be part of SG it no longer is, it is totally separated thing"

I don't see a Netflix button tho. I'm gonna make a request to cg to add it, this way we will be able to talk about show on SG forums. I tired of having to discuss about only GA all the time D: if only there was an Off Topic category to even be free to talk about what we want ! /s

EDIT : i would like to add that people DID find it ok to post review on few game made by one publisher for a problem with only one game, so your example is not really relevant. (While i strongly didn't agree with this practice.)

6 years ago

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ok, then go to main page, you see link for whatever GA is featured currently? It links to Steam store. Will you post request that devs fix bugs in this games and say "well SG is clearly a place to request bugfixes for t5his game, as game was linked on SG"? And as far as I can see this is not an OffTopic category.

6 years ago

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Come on, you know what I mean !
We get a lot of topic to discuss here, from the "last movie you saw", "last book you read" to "insert here what you want awareness thread", and also random poll and everything.
Are you in each thread asking why is it here ? No, so I don't understand why you do it for something which is kind of related to SteamGift for once. If you can't speak about Steam Trades here, then really I don't know what you can discuss, they will always be somewhere "more appropriated".

6 years ago

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And all these topics belong in "Off Topic" category.. If it was posted in Off Topic I wouldn't give 2 shites bout it, cause offtopic is like what it says - not related to main topic. Posting in General makes it related to main topic ;p Or if you worry fopr ST-related threads to get burried in OffTopic post in Suggestions category asking for ST-related forums - be it on ST or SG.

And yes - if I see someone posting something in wrong category (not only ST related stuff like this) I do comment as long as I see the thread. If I'd see your "last candy you ate" topic in let's say General or Puzzles or Deals I'd comment all the same ;p

6 years ago

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And it's in general that you will find "🌈🌈🌈 June is LGBT Pride Month 🌈🌈🌈", "My battle with lyme, an awareness thread.", "Any swedes (or nordic/scandinavian people) here?". I quickly picked these because they were active in the last 24h, I'm sure you will find far more if you scroll further.
There is also the debate on what is the main topic. Lots of other posts are related to steam, but not SteamGift itself. It could also be considered OffTopic for someone thinking General is for stuff directly linked to SG.

I don't see you claiming is not well categorized there :P Anyway, I don't think this conversation will lead us anywhere, and the sun is set since few hours now in my zone. At first I just wanted to point out something where I thought you made a false assumption (the button linking the two website), not start a debate on classification of SG forum ^^. I wish you a good night :)

6 years ago

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have a good nioght then ;)

6 years ago

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SteamTrades used to be 'part' of SG. That's why he is posting here. You could find the list for games people had to trade on their SG profile. Was easier, in my opinion. Now, I often forget about SteamTrades and don't even check my messages.

6 years ago

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see the comment right above yours. keyword here being "used to".

6 years ago

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But if you are not interested, you are not obliged to comment or even read this thread. You can just ignore it.
I don't open threads with titles that do not interest me. And everyone has the right to post whatever they want here, as long as it doesn't break the site rules. ^^

6 years ago

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If NetFlix was part of SG, like SteamTrades - then surely you'd post here.
Also, your "totally separated" point is not true as "Trades" button on top leads to SteamTrades.

6 years ago*

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but ST is no longer part of SG for a long time. ST stats got removed from SG, ST got it's own domain, ST and SG got SEPARATE profiles, SG moderators no longer has access to ST and so on and on. ST is not part of SG. It used to be but is no more. ST and SG are part of same network, developed by same guy, but it does not mean they are the same or one being part opf asnother. Do you go to Diablo 3 forums to complain about newest Overwatch patch simply stating that as both are developed by Blizzard it is ok, because both are part of Blizzard?

6 years ago

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(Recently closed) Forums.SteamPowered.com & SteamCommunity.com/discussions/ also have separate accounts/admins/sites, but I would absolutely go to any of them if I had to say something about the other which I couldn't.
Moreover, you may see people complaining about the closing of the former on the latter.

6 years ago

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Awesome! Then go to http://steamcommunity.com/app/17410/discussions/ to complain about GTA V mods thingy. After all it should be absolutelly fine! :>

6 years ago

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But SteamTrades is basically SG child... It is the second link in top menu bar... Where else post about this?

6 years ago

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surely not in SG (SG, not ST) General forum ;p

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Doesn't look official on the first glance, no link to it on ST and weird choice for forum granted they have their own site.
If it's really theirs, then I guess it's kind of "secret knowledge" like bundle list -_-

6 years ago

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Well, since cg is the admin of the group, I don't know how you want it to be more "official"

6 years ago

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I haven't seen "real" cg, so I don't know if it's really him. But his level and amount of games hints that it's not the primary account at least.

6 years ago*

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Yeah, that's our supreme leader :D If you use Enhanced Steam browser extension (which I highly recommend in general) you can check since it adds links to SteamGifts and SteamTrades to the profiles. Not sure about the main account thing but at least it's the same he uses for Steamgifts.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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OK, you're right, it's really ST's "forum". Still, I don't feel like I cannot post something about ST here.

6 years ago

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I know but many people don't like trade related stuff here.

6 years ago

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Yea, I already got it, though I don't understand the reason.
Tnx for another bit of hidden knowledge.

6 years ago

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I think it's because most of the time It's calling out people and scams stories.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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My favorite part of steamtrades are when I get offers for csgo skins/keys when my trade profile specifically says in bold letters I want neither. /s

6 years ago

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My fav part of ST is not using it ;p

well, gotta change that in future anyway cause I have something rare to sell and no idea where else find a buyer ;p

6 years ago

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My unconditional love?

6 years ago

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Did you put:
in the want section?
I see stuff like that a lot, and people often copy+paste in 10 threads without reading them.

6 years ago

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Yeah,I guess expecting people to actually read my tradelist before sending an offer is too much to ask.I should really lower my standards...as usual.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Well, that is what you get for complicating things for others.

6 years ago*

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[W] don't want steamtrades threads.

6 years ago

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I think you meant...

[W] Don't want streamtrade threads [H] I don't care for them

6 years ago

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Is it that they don't actually want it or just that they might not want it in exchange of what you're asking? Cause I see many people offering a game that has been in a $1 dollar bundle and try to trade it for a game that was at a higher tier and is more sought after.

So just because you might be interested in a game doesn't mean that you'd trade it for anything.

6 years ago

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Thing I come across most often is when I'm searching for some game which I want to get for gems and then have to read through dozens of "Want: not interested in gems".

6 years ago

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What irks me is when people list every game they've ever had under [W], but crossed out if they've already traded it away. Those still show up in the search engine. Grrr.

6 years ago

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Same. I regularly ask people to fix that.
The problem is people who are outright rude, no matter if you were being polite.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Literally just happened to me on barter. I finally found someone with a copy of The King's Crusade and even had a high-value bundled game they wanted.

Except they already owned it ><

6 years ago

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Something like that could just be an honest mistake though, but crossing something out is deliberate. They did the "work", they just did it wrong.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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[W] Forum in steamtrades

6 years ago

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[H] Support for request above.

6 years ago

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My favorite is "I want a game from your list but 1) I can't be bothered to check if I have anything you want in return or 2) I know I don't have anything you want but figured I'd ask anyway."

Second favorite is "What do you want for x-game?" I am always tempted to say "One million dollars.... mwahahaha!" with my pinky extended :-p

6 years ago

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On your second point: I don't really like "just offer me" thing because it always makes me want to offer nothing. Or, maybe, 2 trading cards.
As the person with stuff for trade you probably already know what you want for it.

6 years ago

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I am referring to items I have for trade. These responses leave me a bit flummoxed -I don't take PayPal or TFS keys so what are they asking exactly?

6 years ago

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They're looking for...


6 years ago

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To that I say " Poo trebuchet!" :-p missed you, Cyrus

6 years ago

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Well, i did leave it for you, though it WAS attached to the Gnu Thespian murdered and dumped into the sea over a cliff in spain! O____o~

6 years ago

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I primarily offer gems for games, so for me "how much?" always has sense.
If they are asking "what you want?" without any reference to what they have, then it's a hard question to answer indeed)

6 years ago

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Worst thing is "[H] X game [W] Paypal... but:

  • X game is on sale for 5$ and they are asking for 10
  • You tell them that you are willing to pay them 5$. For me (the buyer) is faster, better, helps ST, him and me.
  • He rudely calls you cheap and sends you a G2A link when I can buy the game for 5$ and told me I shouldn't be wasting their time.

I can undestand if they told me "it has no sense what you say, game is on sale right now, no need to trade", but that site is like "hey, i'm a trader, I can be an idiot to people". It needs a forum now because I don't want that rudeness.

6 years ago

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The only thing I "want" is for traders to list their price!

6 years ago

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+1 to this one :D
Sometimes they don't because they expect you to make a better offer that what they would have asked but it's really not convenient when there is no price.

6 years ago

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barter.vg FTW <--- I encourage everyone to trade here instead if you're doing game for game swaps

(I only use SteamTrades to check rep given by other trusted traders.)

6 years ago*

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well it kinda works if you ignore most of the offers you get and when your blacklisted games list is big enough. And even then it´s not really ideal. Not to mention that people over there still don´t read what you want or don´t want.

6 years ago

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You don't even need to blacklist games actually, simply accept wishlisted offers only...it's a user-configurable setting which makes trading there a breeze : ]

You can also accept offers for any games you don't have, excluding ones that were given away before. The site is very flexible when it comes to offer types.

6 years ago*

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well i keep a pretty small wishlist and would accept a trade for a game not from it if i was interested - so only wishlist doesn´t work for me.

6 years ago

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I edited my post above, read the 2nd part : ]

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6 years ago

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Heh I am not surprised to see you here after our conversation yesterday and was about to post something similar:)

6 years ago

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Hey I want your game xy, check my list of one million free games without any links or infos and say if you want something from it

6 years ago

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I've used Steamtrades for 2 days. Then I discovered barter.vg Now the only reason I go to Steamtrades is to +rep people :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I see a lot of folks on barter who have bundle games on their WL but then mark all bundled games as blacklisted... DO YOU WANT THIS OR NOT? 95% of the game trading community are a bunch of pole smokers who value their historically lowest price $0.99 games at $20 trade value. It's worse than trading in used games at a gamestop!

6 years ago

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In my experience it isn't people posting games they don't want as wanted that is the problem, it is people bitching about any offers people make for wanted games.

[W] A eclectic mix of AAA games and bundle games [H] Bundle games and free keys - but make any offer other than your ROW GTA V gift for my Woodle Tree Adventures key and I'll leave you -rep as a filthy RUS/CIS scammer lowballer...

6 years ago*

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I've seen that in my 2 days of using steamtrades, but I don't think I met anyone like that within my 3 weeks on barter. Maybe it's going to change someday, but that's just my current observation.

6 years ago

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I haven't used Barter but I hear it is a lot better.

6 years ago

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There is also the case of people who forget to actualize their [W] list, when you check their profiles you see that they already own the games. Myself I've already made the same mistake.

6 years ago

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On barter you have a checkbox setting for automatically updating your have and want lists after completing a trade ;)

6 years ago

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