This is prolly asked multiple times before so I will ask it once more, a thousand spaces on the blacklist in a community with over 100.000 members is way too small, you have to be able to at least have 5000 spaces on it.

Removing people from it is out of the question since there is no way of sorting the damn list in any way, and for the people who say use scripts, I don't want to use scripts. SG gave us a blacklist so the least they can do is make it easy to sort.

And again with the amount of rulebreakers here a thousand spaces is nothing.

7 years ago

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I only have 6 people on my black-list ,

maybe i am too forgiving., you might have to make document (like in word) where you can search for extra people but i'm not sure if you will be allowed the re-roll in that instance.

7 years ago

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That's all extra time I don't want to spend on "those" people.

7 years ago

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you do alot of level 2+ giveaways , the only thing i can suggest is remove all the people from your BL that are level 1- and do only level 2+ gibs.

It is tricky though ,and i dont think that will solve your problem

7 years ago

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You should be surprised with all the level2+ rulebreakers there are, and removing people from the list is way too much of an effort without a way to sort the list.

7 years ago

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das racist

7 years ago

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There is a script somewhere that shows who is permabanned.
I gained a lot of free spots last time I used it

7 years ago

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I don't know the limit, but maybe, just maybe, you don't need to blacklist so many people? :P

7 years ago

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My blacklisting is my business, if one breaks a rule he is on it. And I don't mean 1 little mistake but people with multiple re-gifts or non activations.

7 years ago

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There are so many rule-breakers? I'm pretty sure most of them are already permabanned though.

7 years ago

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back away - slowly now.... - giggle :P

I got your your point though :)

7 years ago

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I have become a laughing stock. ;_;

7 years ago

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a lucky one though - you made me laugh and so I WL you - it makes no difference at the moment - but maybe one day :)

7 years ago

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Oh, thank you very much. Yes, indeed I'm a lucky chap! :B

7 years ago

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Shamrock? What happened to sham'n' and shamroll?

7 years ago

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They've gone jammin'!

7 years ago

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In just one day I found 9 people with multiple regifts and/or non activations, I could have found more but I found out my blacklist was full so I didn't bother any further.

7 years ago

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But maybe these people have already got punished for their deeds?

7 years ago

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Yeah so? That doesn't mean I have to give them a chance to win my games, it just means they didn't bother to read the FAQ or they didn't care about the rules and they only feel sorry for being caught.

7 years ago

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People make and learn from their mistakes in life, so I usually give people a second chance since they've probably learnt from their past experiences. This isn't limited to SG and I found that I'm quite a forgiving person.
Then again, it's your blacklist list so you do whatever you want with it. I'm just sharing my perspective on things.

7 years ago

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I can see that but that brings me to the 2nd problem, which is filtering those people from the list. Sg should provide us with a filter.
I know you can use scripts for it but that's not the issue here, not every user knows or wants to use scripts. SG provided us with a blacklist but not a way to keep track of the users on it.

7 years ago

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Well, if someone is the type of person who doesn't know about scripts, then they're probably a person who doesn't care about the extra features SG provides. If they did, then they'd find out about scripts and use them.

I guess I understand why people don't want to use scripts, but I'd say they're in the minority and I wouldn't want the people behind SG to cater to the minority, as they live busy lives and probably do this in their spare time; it'd be better if they focused that energy into features that a lot of people would use.

If you don't mind using scripts and the script you want exists? Great! That's less work for the people behind SG to do.

7 years ago

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Hah! You'd be surprised. I saw rule-breaking up to level 6, and I am pretty sure there is someone around here who met soneone even higher.

7 years ago

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Those are the people likely to be perma-banned anyway so it may be worth it to find the script PraiseRhollor suggested and see if it can free up some space (no point in having some on the BL if they can't use the site anyway.) If you absolutely refuse to use scripts, than just look through the list manually for those who have been banned. You will likely either have to use a script or "spend time on 'those' people."

That being said, I do think your suggestion has some merit. Even considering half the users on the site are inactive, that leaves nearly 500,000 people. Though I'm not sure what the daily active user numbers are, which I'm sure is significantly less, making the 1000 slots a little more proportionally reasonable. I would suggest 2000 if there is to be any increase. 5000 just seems like it would make people a little too eager to punish.

7 years ago

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That's clearly bullshit because you have me (and others) blacklisted despite us never or almost never interacting (that I can recall) and despite me never breaking any rule, especially any of the ones you mentioned. Don't make excuses for your abusive and petulant use of the blacklisting system.

You should probably just stop blacklisting any and every person who momentarily triggers you into having a blood pressure spike. That way, you'll have more room on your blacklist and you won't have to waste your time blacklisting a significant portion of the site, many of whom would have never entered into your giveaways in the first place.

7 years ago*

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Seems we have a butthurt blacklistee, I will say it again my blacklisting is my business and I certainly don't have to explain why I blacklist someone.
But I guess you really want to know or you wouldn't have posted here, It might have something to do with your last giveaway being almost a year ago and btw by reading your comment it seems you are the one with a high blood pressure spike.

Now get off my lawn!

edit: Now you removed your childish comment, I feel it was a good choice to put you on the list.

7 years ago

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U can use sgtools! besides, U can call a re-roll if that guy is a rule breaker.
any way, take it EZ. it's not a big problem in this big world!

7 years ago

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I could but I wont :)

7 years ago

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I don't have anyone in my list. Am i too damn mercy :?

7 years ago

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Maybe you just don't care?

7 years ago

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you're just too apathetic

7 years ago

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Me neither, i don't see the point of it

7 years ago

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With the amount of regifts these days, we'll may need it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago*

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yeah I had to put someone on my blacklist just a few days ago, because A) they were regifting the fake colours - then B) at the same time they were regifting a game they had just won from me !!! - not to metion they had about 6-8 other games they had not activated - I am all for giving people the benefit of the doubt - but that just sucked - and they knew it as well :(

but to be fair - my BL is only about 10 or so people - nowhere near as many as others

7 years ago

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Now I have 172 BL after that giveaway, about 75 rules breakers (even many times) in 1 batch.
So I guess it can reach 1000 in few month easily.
I was wondering about the limit, now I know and I agree with OP 1000 is not enough at all.

7 years ago

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yeah - that one made me really sad, and angry, at the same time - I honestly thought people on SG were better than that - especially as the person had been on the site for three years and had so many unactivated gifts - it made me wonder why no one had done anything about that person - or perhaps they had ?!

7 years ago

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It seems they can do it again and again without big trouble!?
The system is failling somewhere...

Or should we accept it???

7 years ago

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¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ for a proper one :)

7 years ago

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Would you use your blacklist so much if you could not use their GAs too? Having thousands blacklisted people doesn't look like a fair using the feature.

7 years ago

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I have't entered a single ga from users on my blacklist, that's the only script I use so I can see in the ga section who is on it.

7 years ago

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It's ok if you do it like that but I doubt that all the other passionate blacklisters do it as well.

7 years ago

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I also never enter GAs from someone on my BL. And I know many others who do the same as me.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I can lend you my 1000 slots :3.

7 years ago

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yeah - but you are too kind :) - everyone knows that :)

7 years ago

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I have 1000 unused slots too... would be nice if they were marketable! :D

7 years ago

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Wait you don't have profitz on list?

7 years ago

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I never had him on my list, he got enough from everybody else, I don't want to add extra :3.

7 years ago

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I wonder what was the reasoning behind limiting the number of users one can blacklist. I do not care about this limit because there is only one user in my blacklist, my question is more about the programming part.

7 years ago

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Programming? Every blacklisted entry must be preserved in database, and on every giveaways page access, so not only public giveaways, but also group ones, there must be a query done which will automatically remove from view all giveaways from creators that blacklisted you. In addition to that, same thing must be done on each giveaway being visited, although in this case it's enough to query only that particular creator.

I doubt it's any hard limit put on the database, sure every extra blacklist entry adds something to the database (depending how cg realized that, I assume it's not bigger than 8 bytes (64-bit steamID) + 4 bytes (date of adding) = 12 bytes), but all of that is negligible in terms of Big-O.

The limit is probably here to avoid a situation such as blacklisting everybody but a few friends and making public giveaways. Yes, without a limit that would be possible with only a few lines of code.

7 years ago

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Then, they should also place a limit on how many users may blacklist you. In terms of Big-O, such a limit will be even more useful :)

Also, expanding 5 entries rule to be applicable for public giveaways will solve the problem of small groups of friends.

7 years ago

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forget the black list. add people U like to your whitelist. U won't find more than 1000!

7 years ago

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I have about 80 people on my whitelist, so yeah I also use that.

7 years ago

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I think maybe 10 people on all SG may be interested in your complaint.
Anyway I'd like to know which rules I broke to be in your BL. Privately if you prefer

7 years ago

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I just don't like you, simple as that.

7 years ago

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You hurt my feelings
(free bump)

7 years ago

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20% of your CV is from public GAs
if I bothered right now, it would be enough for me to BL you too XD
it's just in conflict with my perception of what SG is supposed to be

7 years ago

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And yet my 20%, in numbers is more than your 100% achieved in one year of subscription. Forgive my rude answer but I find it out of place to criticize where someone's willing to put his money and games.
If you'd blacklist someone for being in conflict with your perception of SG, it would mean you think your perception of things is right and mine is wrong, and that's pretentious.

7 years ago

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lol if you want to put things that way

your public CVs stats are: 83.05$ sent, 81.75$ won
mine: 28.2 sent, 27.40 won

so we're quite equal regarding public CV, so yeah your answer is pretentious

7 years ago

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I agree, I want atleast 942 068 slots!

7 years ago

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You can try to ridicule me but is it really such a weird thing to ask for more blacklist spaces?

7 years ago

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But honestly I would like to have like 5 or 10k in space ;D

7 years ago

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sometimes I wish I could whitelist you more than once.

7 years ago

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Hmm, I'm not sure if you are joking, but then again not that it matters if I look at your giveaways ;D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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If you blacklist everyone you encounter who's broken the rule a few times you'll reach 1000 pretty fast.
I'm sure PrinceOfJerusalem is the most active person here who's actively hunting and reporting these people so I doubt many people have this need for more slots. I didnt even know there was a max. But if I could I would grant him the extra.

7 years ago

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I appreciate your support but to be honest I'm not even that active in looking up rule breakers, all one has to do is once in a while check the free games that are given away. You'll be surprised how many users you'll find with multiple infractions.

7 years ago

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or you could just use SGTools to filter out the rulebreakers from your giveaways

7 years ago

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I never was a fan of SGtools and now with the "referralgate scandal" I certainly don't feel the need to start using it now.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hehehe yeah I like to call it that, referring to the Watergate scandal.

7 years ago

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I mean, please tell me more

7 years ago

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I think it's unlikely many people would want or use that functionality. How about this as an alternate idea: add a function that marks people's profiles for a period after each instance of rule breaking. Then make it only require one slot to blacklist all the people whose profile currently bears a particular mark (or no slots: make it a profile setting). You'd be able to blacklist the entire class of, say, regifters, without having to keep track of them yourself.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. But it seems like it would accomplish what you want with much less fuss and muss.

7 years ago*

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But wouldn't that be a lot more work for SG instead of just letting us sort the list?

7 years ago

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Admittedly yes. I'm blue-skying here a little bit. I was just trying to think what would be a more ideal way of doing things.

Here's one idea for dealing with that: move something like the SGtools cheat detection suite onto SG itself. Then, when a check is run and reveals that somebody has cheated, add the mark to their profile. Do this instead of something else that would be computationally intensive like checking the entire database weekly. (And, when a mark was present, a check wouldn't need to be run at all. That would be no more computationally demanding than checking group membership or some such.) It would be like all the people who care about cheating would collaborate on a cheating blacklist.

7 years ago

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Here are what I take to be the advantages of my suggestion:

  • It cuts out the reduplication of effort needed for many people to maintain lists of cheaters
  • It makes for a better list than they'd construct individually anyway
  • It potentially uses less data (a few fields per profile rather than thousands)
  • It makes it easier to exclude recent cheaters from GAs, meaning many more people would probably do it
  • Potential it also would give staff some useful data to work with.
7 years ago

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Sounds great but I doubt something like that will ever be implemented :(

7 years ago

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I suggested something like that like a month ago and people acted like I was suggesting making the Jews wear stars on their clothes.

7 years ago

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I suppose I can see the worry. But when I said "mark" I was thinking data, not a visible mark. Perhaps if it didn't actually show this would allay their worries. You wouldn't actually know who you were blacklisting, and finding out would be just as hard as it is now.

7 years ago

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I guess, my suggestion was more a warning to not report someone for something they'd already been punished for and to know that, so that someone who'd already been punished can be let into their giveaways.

7 years ago

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I only have 8 on my blacklist so i'm not worried about that, but increasing the number of whitelist spots would be nice. I haven't ran out of whitelist spots yet, but I probably will sometime next year.

7 years ago

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Idea: let you add a single Steam group to your WL. Then your whitelist GAs would automatically be group GAs for that group, and SG wouldn't have to store the extra names, it would just check with Steam. Then anybody who cared to could just set up a private whitelist group to be managed as they see fit.

Edit: as PrinceOfJerusalem point out, you can essentially do this now though with groups. My idea only changes functionality very slightly so that one group is officially classified as WL.

7 years ago*

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Yeah, thats a good point. I don't know why I never though of that.

7 years ago

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With that many people on your whitelist wouldn't it be easier to just make a group out of it?

edit: too late :)

7 years ago

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If you blacklist that many people you've problems.

7 years ago*

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Not at all but thank you for your input, even though it was kinda useless.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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this tbh fam

7 years ago

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I too need a larger blacklist, or a working alternative like an off-site blacklist...
and I'm not even trying lol

7 years ago

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I never blacklisted anyone here, and i don't care also if someone blacklists me because i don't join gibs that often, so it doesen't botters me. And if i tell u my blacklist count, u will be shocked

7 years ago

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Some knowledge in probability will make you realize that the chances of any of those that you blacklisted winning are virtually zero. No use in having a headache over it.

7 years ago

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That's not true at all. Despite my BL not being even close to full, I've had people complain about not being able to enter my trains. Trains where the win-chance of any given game would be about 1%. If we make the faulty assumption that only those who complain about not being able to enter, or make comments on being my my blacklist were the ones who would enter for anything, and that they would enter say 1/4 of the giveaways, then it would still be more likely that at least one of them (actually more likely several of them) would have won something than that none of them would have.

7 years ago

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Oh, I totally forgot about trains and link based giveaways. I only assumed public giveaways. Still though, even though that I am not a contributor in this website (although I give leftovers to my friends) the only ones I would black list are those who insult me directly in a non-jokingly manner. Life is too short to blacklist everyone that I don't agree with or to hunt for rule breakers.

7 years ago

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You don't need to hunt for rule breakers. Rule breakers come to you when you're making giveaways.

7 years ago

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What I meant is being on the look out for them 24/7 and going through the effort of blocking them all. I for one would be too busy for that. But to each their own I guess.

7 years ago

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You don't need to do that to get a big blacklist. All you need to do is make forum giveaways :P

7 years ago

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Believe it or not I just got into two more blacklists from this discussion alone. Shows that you don't need to be rude or ill mannered to get blacklisted, you just need to have a different opinion. Joke's on whoever blacklisted me though, I have enough money to buy all the games that I desire, I am only here for the forums.

7 years ago

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having a high number of blacklist isnt the point of this site. i mean, if u only want certain people to join your GA just invite them personally...
but why do u need that many blacklist? even if u BL trollers + kids + annoying + rude they still wont add up to 1000... i just dont see how and why we need that much BL. unless ur blacklisting for other reasons???

7 years ago

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If I want certain people to enter my giveaway I will make a group for that, and believe me there are a lot of rulebreakers around. I perfectly understand what the point of this website is but I do want some control to whom I send my games. edit: Even in public giveaways.

7 years ago

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public = everyone. if u want to 'control' who joins and need a BL that big, it's much more convenient to just make a group for the people you like. most of your GAs arent public anyways and i can say that at least from last year, none, if only some of your GAs even reach 1k entries. so really, there's no point of increasing your BL....

7 years ago

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It seems you think a level restricted giveaway is not public. I've made more public ga's then group or whitelist ones.
I still like to make public giveaways but I don't want massive rulebreakers to win any of my games. I think asking for a bigger blacklist is a valid question

7 years ago

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my point is your GAs have a small number of entries already. ok maybe 200-300ish isnt small but still.. most are at 700 or 1k entries.
if u add more blacklist u would probably have 50-100entries. so i don't think its practical in this sense to add more blacklist... of course, i won't have the final say in this but (personally) i feel that this isn't necessary.

7 years ago

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I do not care about how many entries I get in my giveaways, I just care about to what kind of person my game goes. And having low entries is good for the entrants I guess.

7 years ago

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somebody pls give op the script that finds permabanned people inside a blacklist so op can remove a few hundred blacklist slots ^^ idk where it is or i'd link it myself. (will look for it and edit this if i find it before someone else links)

this^ done every few months should keep the numbers down to a degree at least.. i know this is not a true solution, but it would help in the mean time. =)

here it is

7 years ago

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I know there are scripts for that but like I said before not every user wants or knows how to use scripts so it would be nice if some filters are implemented to the blacklist by SG.

7 years ago

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im sorry, i totally misread the scripts part. thought u were requesting one. my bad.

7 years ago

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No worries, a mistake is easy to make :p

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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ahh thanks and sorry =)
i dont use it personally cause i only have a tiny blacklist. was a super fast search result to try and beat the *(edited) tag =) lol

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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ahhh its 4th on this

i tried that page first but quickly searched for "script" and found no results so moved on in a rush. thank you though, bookmarked it along with the other important SG related bookmarks ^^

7 years ago

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Step 1:Make a second account,
Step 2 : get banned for multiaccounting continue blacklisting people there.
Step3 :When you do a giveaway, link a giveaway of the secondary account, and in the description give url for main account's proper GA link - this way two BL filter is used.
60% of the time, it works every time.

7 years ago

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you forget the reflinks

7 years ago

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Just access in incognito-mode on the first one :V

7 years ago

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prince, there are 1m users on SG :)
i didn't saw if someone already mentioned that.... if they did, sorry
true, most are inactive, still

7 years ago

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I know it's a lot more then the 100.000 I mentioned, I didn't check and just used a safe number.

7 years ago

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you can see here

7 years ago

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Thanks I didn't know that existed :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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That is your opinion which is all good of course but I'd like some more room on it.

7 years ago

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1k is already oky

7 years ago

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Oky then :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by PrinceOfJerusalem.