As everyone may or may not know, Inventory Inquirer is a newer group. This being said, we are in need of a new icon or logo to be used. You will have on week from today, January 10th 2013, to finish this icon. The finalists will then be selected by the community.

Feel free to join us at The Inventory Inquirer

The icon must meet the following criteria:
184 x 184 pixels
Appropriate for all ages
Original work (no copyrighted images will be permitted)
Free of any and all watermarks or digital trademarks
Express the Inventory Inquirer image in a positive manner
No use of any illegal substances

The winner will receive a game with a value of 40$ and eternal recognition as a contributor of The Inventory Inquirer.

By submitting work you relinquish any and all rights tied to the image and are now in full ownership of The Steam group "The Inventory Inquirer". You also agree that the image is legal and is in no way in violation of any copyright laws in the United States of America.

1 decade ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 1 decade ago by CynicaGaming.