The most bizarre thing has happened. Out of nowhere, I have GAINED a level overnight. Has this happened to anyone else? I am quite confused. I went to sleep as a level 4, and woke up as a level 5. I haven't had spare cash to make a giveaway in 5 months so I'm not quite sure where this "boost" came from. Nothing I've given away seems to have gained any points from a price change. Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth, but...any ideas what could have caused this? Seems like a site glitch.

8 years ago

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something to do with sales or some such

8 years ago

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I would guess Dawn of War II pricing error, which will be corrected in 28 hours or so. Enjoy your temporary level ;)

8 years ago

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Ah yes! That flew right over my head when I was looking at the games I gave away. Thank you for pointing that out =)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Resoula.