
Ever ran out of points? Tired of scanning through the entered giveaway list, trying to find the ones with the lowest chance of winning? With this userscript, you can now filter out and sort that list.
This will work with any column, including ones added through other userscripts, and will work across the list pages.

When I started, I decided to only use Javascript to gain some experience in it. In the future, I might rewrite this to use jQuery. This script is still in the beta phase.


Click on the column header and a popup will appear.
For columns containing letters or a mix of letters and numbers, you can filter for specific characters. For instance, for DARK SOULSâ„¢ II: Scholar of the First Sin (40P) with 10 hours remaining by grubs, you can search for "40P","10 hours", "grubs", or "scholar".
For columns containing only numbers, you can filter for a number range.
For columns with dates, you enter using the date format MM/DD/YYYY. You can use other date formats, but you might need to include timezones, or else it will filter incorrectly.

Options applied will stack on top of each other, unless resetted. This means after you filtered out for Dark Souls, you can then filter again for ones with a certain amount of entries.
Options will also be saved for the current browser session. This means it will still be applied across entered giveaway pages and after navigating away from the page, until you close the browser window/tab.


  • The sorting does not work with endless scrolling, such as in Ruphine's "SG Entered / Created / Won Giveaway Page". Just disable endless scrolling in the other userscripts or don't apply any sorting.
  • Sometimes this userscript will filter out a blank list or sort incorrectly when going across the entered giveaway pages. This is because of the columns that were added by other userscripts. This userscript is running before those columns are loaded. Just reset, reload the page, and wait until all the columns are done loading.

Planned features

  • Profiles, so that I don't have to keep inputting the same filter options

Please only leave constructive comments (comments that I could use to improve my script or explanation).

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6 years ago*

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Version Date Description
v0.1.2 7/15/2017 Improved error catching to be more descriptive.
v0.1.1 7/15/2017 Now automatically hides deleted giveaways. Added code specifically for column "Entries" that takes out all commas and periods before filtering and sorting.
v0.1 7/14/2017 Considered for and removed commas when filtering numbers. Added tooltip for date format when entering dates. Released to the public.
v0.0 7/11/2017 Uploaded
6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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Sure. Can you give me the screenshot and page source for the corresponding row? For the page source in firefox, you right-click the row and select "Inspect Element". Go up the elements until you see "div class=table__row-outer-wrap". Select it, press F2, copy, and paste it here. Make sure you select the correct row.

I do not have a giveaway that has been deleted and don't know when the next one will be.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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I have added that functionality. Please test to see if it works.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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I experienced 2 issues:

  1. A conflict with /
  2. Sorting by descending entries results in GAs with +1k entries being shown at the bottom.
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6 years ago*

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  1. The sorting in my userscript does not work with endless scrolling. The insertBefore() function causes a "mutation" and triggers Ruphine's ProcessPage() function. You have to disable the endless scrolling feature in Ruphine's userscript by commenting out lines 38-42.

  2. I was not able to reproduce that. What were the steps you took?

6 years ago

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Thank you, 1 worked quite well.
I guess the cause of 2 is that I'm from continental Europe. We use the 1.000,00 format while you use 1,0000.00.
So 2,300 is for us, what 2.3 is for you. And thus it's sorted among the smallest numbers.

6 years ago

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I have added a functionality that removes commas and periods before processing. Please test to verify that it works.

6 years ago

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Sorting works as expected now. But the first times that I loaded the entered giveaways page, I got 2 errors. Later not though.

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6 years ago

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What other userscripts are you running on that page? The errors sound like you were applying my script when the columns weren't loaded yet.

6 years ago

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A lot! ;D
But I don't run into any problems.

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6 years ago

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I'm going to have to wait and see if this is a recurring issue.

6 years ago

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