TL;DR – What is your reasoning for blacklisting people and what is your opinion on blacklisting someone for their posts? Do you think "excessive blacklisting" is a problem, or whether there is such a thing as an "unjustified blacklisting," and how do you think this impacts the community? What could be done to fix this issue besides removing blacklists or enforcing rules which prohibit unjustified blacklisting?

I'm initiating this discussion after seeing multiple frivolous and unwarranted blacklistings occur. Even I have been blacklisted without justifiable cause (I won't name names, but you know who you are), and I've come across a number of times wherein I cannot view the giveaway due to being blacklisted by the contributor, despite how I don't recall ever encountering or interacting with that person in my life. It appears to me that many people are abusing the blacklisting system, which is really only intended for rule breakers and those who share puzzle answers, by blacklisting anyone and everyone who doesn't completely flatter them. I'll probably be blacklisted for this very thread, and it's a concerning thought.

This is ultimately a giveaway site and blacklisting seriously restricts the user's ability to use it. The site has a forum, but I feel discussion and conversation is being stifled out of fear of being blacklisted for anything one might say. I usually voice my opinions and speak my mind even at the risk of negative consequences, yet even I have given a second thought to posting even the most innocuous of things out of fear that I'll be blacklisted from giveaways for it. Is this the sort of community we wish to foster? One in which users are afraid to converse due to idiots who treat blacklisting as the same as blocking, while only really restricting their chances to enter into certain giveaways? Even once blacklisted, you can still see the user's posts, so why are people blacklisting based on posts? What is the rationale?

Feel free to weigh in and voice your opinion below. For what it's worth, I won't blacklist you regardless of how much I disagree with your post. I encourage discussion, not stifle it.

Important Update (February 3, 2015)

This thread has sparked a lot of debate (which is a good thing!), but has also led to some rather distasteful arguments between users (which is a bad thing), and I'm guilty of this as well. Although it may be wise to lock this thread in order to prevent more conflict, and so that I don't get blacklisted even more than I probably have by now, I've made the decision to keep this thread open in order to provide a place of discourse about the topic of blacklisting for the SteamGifts community.

I will continue to monitor this thread and do my best to respond to everyone over time, though I'll be posting less frequently from hereon out. For those of you who'd rather not sift through all the shit and spats below, here is a highlight of notable posts and comment chains throughout the thread:

(This list is by no means exhaustive and there were many worthwhile contributions throughout. This list simply summarizes notable exchanges in this thread that incoming users may wish to peruse. For those of you who'd like to see the full range of opinions and arguments, feel free to scroll down and read them all below.)

Other notable posts: EViLiSLuRKiNG, Pizzaice, omnitau, Zomby2D, Lifedreamer, TheCyberDruid, Sinovera, nlspeed911, GauRocks, Rhahael, jbondguy007, Thexder, naps420, Aquillion, ZooZoV, SSteve, RedCoats, Jekaterina

Thank you to everyone who's participated! The above lists may be updated as more posts are made.


  • February 27, 2015 – Thread moved from "Off-Topic" to "General."
9 years ago*

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Do you blacklist people?

View Results
Yes, anyone I want. Blacklisted.
Yes, anyone who offends me or posts something I don't like.
Yes, but only those who are known scammers, cheaters, and regifters, or who deliberately breaks the rules.
No, though I may in the future.
No, and I don't plan to.
There are blacklists?

The only member of mine at this time is the person I sent a game to who couldn't be bothered to mark it as received, then turned around and blocked and unfriended me when I asked why. :P

9 years ago

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I just blacklist the people who don't activate the gifts won, or giveaway free key. because fuk'em!

9 years ago

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It is up to anyone who he wants to add to his blacklist, whitelist or any other colour of list. Quoting you;

It appears to me that many people are abusing the blacklisting system, which is really only intended for rule breakers and those who share puzzle answers, by blacklisting anyone and everyone who doesn't completely flatter them.

Eh, really? And who is to say what the intended use of the blacklist is, or what is considered its abuse? What you say might be what you use your blacklist for, but honestly, I don't see how being on your blacklist or not would make any difference.

Personally I don't want to blacklist anyone, if he/she/it was favored by the supreme gods of luck then who I am to object? Not cheaters, VAC- or trade-banned persons, regifters or even butthurt leechers with 12 wins, 2 gifts and a lot of big empty words who constantly annoy people by pointing out where they made a small mistake.

9 years ago

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Meh, who cares if you end up on a blacklist because someone has a bad day and takes it out on me for a comment in the forums etc.

The black and white lists are there to give gifters better control and it is their choice.

There will also be GAs limited to whitelists where groups of friends share games in private circles as well, again who cares.

I doubt either will be used that much

9 years ago

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I mostly fall into the "Yes, but only those who are known scammers, cheaters, and regifters, or who deliberately breaks the rules." category but I do also occasionally blacklist people who say EXTREMELY offensive things (things that they had to know would be hurtful to post and would rouse anger in others like racist, sexist, homophobic comments). For the most part though, I do believe that blacklists should be entirely up to the person creating it.

Why SHOULD people I dislike get to be included when I choose to give a gift? After all, when I get gifts for people in real life I'm certainly not going to buy one for someone I don't like. In any case, I wouldn't even want anything from someone who thought I was so deserving of blacklisting when I haven't broken rules. If it's the case that they're frivolous blacklisters who have issues with people even disagreeing to something they say then whatever, I'm happy to never come across them in my life. If I truly got on the wrong side of someone through some argument or another then I wouldn't want anything of theirs. If they were truly offended by something I said and didn't ever address me about it then there's nothing I can do about that; not everyone in life is going to like you.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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No such thing as excessive blacklisting. Just for suggesting it I'm going to blacklist you.

Nah, not going to use that feature. Too lazy to hold a grudge.

9 years ago

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Currently, I have no-one blacklisted. I'd blacklist known cheaters etc. - but I don't know of any cheaters so far.

I refuse to blacklist someone just because I think - however justifiably so - that they're a moron. I don't think it serves any purpose.

But I do understand the puzzlement of being blacklisted for no apparent reason by a person you don't even recall interacting with. While it can be a sign of supreme villainy (For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday.), it is more often a question of what have I ever done to this person?, and it is annoying at best. I mean, I know why certain people on Facebook decided to block me; I'm not necessarily a very nice person. But some people have blocked me, yet I have no idea why - I'd never done anything to them. I don't really care, mind you, but I'm still puzzled. And I understand how it must feel to be blacklisted for no apparent reason.

9 years ago

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Blacklisting is personal. There is no "unjustified" use of it. One very good reason to get in a blacklist would be creating "whining" topics about the way people behave, or call them out "pathetic" for using scripts they find useful... if you get me ;)

9 years ago

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Then you only prove my point.

9 years ago

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You have no valid point. You just want to protect yourself from being blacklisted...

9 years ago

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I do have a point, but you fail to recognize it because you are too unwilling to think from a perspective that isn't your own. You would rather close your mind off from criticism than consider it and examine its veracity.

If I wanted to protect myself from being blacklisted, I wouldn't be so active and provocative in a community seemingly hellbent on impetuously blacklisting anyone with an opinion different from their own. If I wanted to avoid being blacklisted, I'd have followed the comprehensive guide detailing how to do soβ€”which, might I add, is itself a sobering example of just how toxic this community has become. But no, I've sacrificed my opportunities to potentially win more games to goad this complacent and internecine community with the hopes of initiating change.

9 years ago

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I am open to review many perspectives. I just don't agree with you and all I see is an effort to deprecate the blacklist functionality, which in turn would benefit you by not being in many blacklists (which I'm pretty sure happens now).

9 years ago

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I was only in one or two blacklists (of which I was aware) before creating this thread. My aim was not to try to "deprecate the blacklist functionality" in order to benefit me by not being as hindered by it, especially since that in turn would hinder my use of the feature. Perhaps if you stopped considering my conduct as a manifestation of some cynical plot comprising ulterior motives and malicious intent, you'd realize that I am trying to do what is best for the community.

9 years ago

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I am trying to do what i think is best for the community.


I'm tired arguing with you, we clearly see things in different ways...

9 years ago

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Yes, what I think is best. However, that doesn't really discredit my claims when they are still not proven wrong.

So be it. It shouldn't matter whether we see things differently, though, since any resolution or reconciliation can occur given enough dialectical, if only both parties are willing to maintain open minds.

9 years ago

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I don't see how you are willing to maintain open mind... but anyway.

9 years ago

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I'd say I have, seeing how this thread has already significantly changed my views and habits on blacklisting. Moreover, checking any of my activities anywhere on the Internet in the past year or two can show you that my mind is reasonably open enough.

Now, it's your turn.

9 years ago

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i wrote about in other thread
i think everyone has the right to blacklist who ever they want BUT this need some "fair use" rules or it is just an exploit feature

when i blacklist someone than all his giveaways should be hidden for me too (for ever - like im on his blacklist than) - than its fair and its my decission to block him or not

9 years ago

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If he want - he will blacklist you manually. And automatic system - can be exploited (remove from blacklist - enter giveaways - add to blacklist).

9 years ago

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yeah with 500+ people on blacklist this is a fun way to go?....

and to fix this:
when remove someone from blacklist than you are still 10 days on the hidden blacklist from the blacklisted guy

simple - would be no problem to add and would make it fair

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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If someone don't like me blacklisting him - he can blacklist me too.
Also, if I blacklist too many people - my giveaways won't get 5 entries limit.
So, I don't think there is a problem. You know, sg support is overloaded, and thus very slow. We need some way to control scammers at least in our giveaways.

9 years ago

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I haven't really had a reason for blacklisting anyone so I've never used that (not only on this new version of the feature but before either). Also, I can't think of a reason that is enough so someone can't win a game I give away. If it's rule breakers or harassment then users are punished according to the site's criteria or blocked/reported on Steam, respectively.

The reason why the blacklist was added as a built in feature is because a lot of users already had a blacklist that was manually handled. This, apart from being quite some work, also had the issues of making it hard to keep track for the owner, possibly being missed by an entrant and hard to check and verify in case this went to support as a reason for a reroll. When it was not built in the site, a user could potentially abuse their blacklist, also, and claim they had the winner on it, if they didn't like the winner that was picked. Now, instead, nobody can ask for a reroll based on the winner being on their blacklist. If a user won the giveaway it means they were able to enter and thus, they were added later in that blacklist, which makes them a valid winner for that reason. This part was blacklist abuse, while adding people to a blacklist for whatever reason is more like preference, even if the reason doesn't make sense to others.

The reasons someone adds a user on their blacklist can be anything and not just puzzle spoiling or cheating as you mentioned. Though I do find a lot of the random blacklisting that I notice on threads to be a bit harsh, it's really up to each user to decide. I do understand that some people just don't like certain others and want to exclude them from their giveaways. This is not something new and it used to happen before, just there wasn't a visual notification that obvious on the site itself. Comments like "Welcome to my blacklist" are not something new either.

As for extraneous rules I saw mentioned earlier, old blacklists were considered to be special rules. Unless a user had submitted a ticket for approval they could not ask for a new winner based on their blacklist. Same applied to any special rule and thus, after a winner was chosen, the giveaway creator could not retroactively apply a rule or enforce a rule he had on the giveaway description if it hadn't been approved before the giveaway creation. That, apart was a lot of work for support and quite confusing for entrants occasionally.

To sum up :

  • I don't have any reasons, for the time being at least, for blacklisting people personally but I do understand other people do.
  • About blacklisting people for their posts, same as the previous sentence, though I don't find it enough of a reason for myself, others might, so it's up to them to decide. Not liking someone's views or inappropriate behaviour seems like the main use of most blacklists.
  • About excessive blacklisting, it depends on what you mean by excessive. Is it about random posts getting the users blacklisted? Personally, I find it more excessive to blacklist every single rule breaker, since those have either been suspended or will be suspended eventually, but I still understand that some people might not agree with temporary suspensions and want to blacklist users indefinitely.
  • About its impact to the community, I hope it doesn't impact the community in a way that people are afraid to post (and no, I don't mean the shitposting and spam, we could use less of that). A lot of users seem worried and I don't really like that, especially users who just don't know how to express themselves well and are afraid they might offend someone as a result.
  • What could be done to fix excessive blacklisting/unjustified blacklisting? Both of these are subjective. To you it might need fixing while to others it works fine. If you mean the impact to the community, then not being vocal about who you blacklist is a good example of what could be done. Those "Blacklisted" posts, apart from looking really hostile, deter users from posting, even if they had something constructive to post.
9 years ago

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"old blacklists were considered to be special rules" - exactly! And as special rules they were applied to private GAs, along with any other approved additional criteria. And it's fine, this is what private GAs for - give games to certain group of people. But now it's applying to public GAs as well, and that's seems wrong. Why should some "I just don't like you" rule (which wouldn't be approved on old forum) be applied to public GAs, that are presented as contribution to community? I think blacklists should stay where they make sense - on private/group GA. And since it turned out to be such controversial thing - maybe there should be a poll on a main page with those (keep BL as it is, remove them or make them apply to private GA) options to see what majority of community wants?

9 years ago

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The reason they didn't apply to public giveaways wasn't due to the giveaways being available to everyone but because a special rule could potentially take tons of rerolls to get a valid entrant in a high entry giveaway (that most public ones are), which could take months.

Why should some "I just don't like you" rule (which wouldn't be approved on old forum) be applied to public GAs, that are presented as contribution to community?

That I don't know. As I said, it's up to the blacklist owner to judge that.

9 years ago

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Actually, even on the old forum, once your blacklist was approved you could had people for whatever reason you wanted. Even if it was for "I don't like you" kind of reasons.

And let's be honest, the blacklist contains a maximum of 1,000 entries. Even if someone was to fill his list completely, that would still leave 735,090 members able to join in so the impact is clearly minimal.

9 years ago

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... totally not meant to necro, but what is the meaning of this birthday cake next to your name?!

9 years ago

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It's my Steamgifts' birthday. It makes 3 years today that I registered on the site.

9 years ago

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Well good sir, you are amazing for being here that long and contributing as much as you have.

9 years ago

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That's very kind of you to say.

Incidently, there is still a little bit of time to enter my obligatory cake day giveaway

View attached image.
9 years ago

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It's going to take me a while to read through the massive wall posts on the first page, but I do want to say the following:

You seem to very rigorously defend your version of what a blacklist should entail. You posit that the blacklist "is really only intended for rule breakers and those who share puzzle answers." This is an opinion you hold that many do not share. Yet, from what I have read so far, you have continued to belittle and abuse those who do not share your point of view. These actions most certainly do not impart any credence or invoke any sympathy for your side of the table.

Edit: Spelling error

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I feel like he's gone off the far end today.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Aw. I was enjoying the notoriety of being on someone's blacklist :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Mhm, not even I am anymore. How very cruel. :(

Random question, could you put me on your blacklist for a few minutes? I'm interested in what I'll see when I try to join one of your giveaways, or whether they show up at all on the giveaway page. 'Course, I have no idea how much effort this is, so don't bother if you don't want to.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I figured the blacklist would work retroactively - that I couldn't access giveaways that have ended either - but, fair enough.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Nope, I couldn't. For anyone interested:

So there can be no mistake if one has been blacklisted or not. Thank you!

9 years ago

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lol - you monster!

9 years ago

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When and where have I belittled or abused anyone, except only after repeated offenses on behalf of my interlocutor? Cite them in specific or otherwise, please don't slander my name with false indictments.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Do it. Submit a ticket and tell the team all about it. I can't delete tickets and I'll even let everyone know that you sent one in. As far as I'm concerned, none of my behavior has been overly objectionable and what has been would only reflect poorly on me, not on any site with which I associate. My behaviors on SteamGifts represent me as a person, not as a representative of SteamCompanion.

Feel free to complain, though.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I've largely treated everyone here respectfully and courteously, and only lapsed after haing my patience and integrity repeatedly worn down through the incessant insults and abuse of my interlocutors, yourself included. Perhaps if you and others weren't so quick to transform into insufferable dipshits and trolls, I wouldn't have to be a bit rude sometimes.

Respect and common courtesy goes a long way, but there is an end to it. After so long, there comes a point at which you've exhausted all my desire to pay you heed and give me reason to consider you a troll.

9 years ago

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Anyone who has read your posts in this thread can attest to your horrid demeanor and behavior. I must also refute your accusation of slander, as I have not spoken a single word besmirching your person thus far.

9 years ago

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I'm afraid I stopped reading halfway through the first page - Houdini's posts, I believe, about using the blacklist as a whitelist - so apologies in advance if the following has been brought up already.

Basically, this blacklist hampers the community, in that people won't be allowed to freely post anymore. I am not only talking about 'help guyz i need moar winz', but also about entirely normal posts. Nokkenbuer will know what I am referring to.

So, indeed, why would I even participate in this forum, when it 1) takes time and effort, and 2) could easily lead to negative consequences? Now, these 'negative consequences' would be that I'd have access to a tiny few less giveaways, which really isn't a big deal at all, but it's the principle of things. The community is (or can) actively punishing the community for being a community - so why bother?

Nokkenbuer made a very important point; the blacklist is not an ignore list. And yet, people do use it as an ignore list, which is rather troublesome to me; you post something I don't like, fine, you're blacklisted now. So, I reiterate, why would I - or better, someone who really cares about giveaways, as a lot probably do - post anything at all, then? That train of thoughts is a worrying development.

Personally, I'd remove the whole blacklist idea - that was my vote; I will never use it - and add the option to ignore people's posts / comments / et cetera. So, remove anything that touches the main function / goal of this site - creating and entering giveaways - as that is too open to abuse, but allow people to restrict secondary purposes; comments.

Should blacklists be kept - very likely, of course - then I would be in favour of allowing everyone to see who has blacklisted them.

9 years ago*

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I hear what you're saying, but I don't think you're giving the SG community enough credit.

The vast, vast majority of SG users are reasonable, pleasant people, and unless someone is acting like a ballbag (ie begging, puzzle spoiling, etc), they are not going to get blacklisted.

9 years ago

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Oh, certainly, which is why I hold this opinion more out of principle / idealism than out of anything practical / relevant.

9 years ago

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People don't get invited to groups or private giveaways if they behave in a conspicuously bad manner on the forums either. It's always been that way.

As long as folks don't behave badly, they have nothing to worry about, and that would include the overwhelming majority of SG posters.

There are some very transparent attempts to spread FUD in this thread, but really there is little to be concerned about. As you say, there is no real practical problem here.

Besides, I suspect that most users are probably blissfully unaware that the blacklist feature even exists :)

9 years ago

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I'm unsure what a 'FUD' is, but you are most likely correct. Even if someone should blacklist anyone for more or less random reasons, that comes down to, what, one missed giveaway you'd have been interested in every half year or so? It's pretty irrelevant.

And that is certainly a good point - though, could a case be built that the users who create the most giveaways also participate the most on the forum and all that, and are by extension also more or less all aware of the blacklist feature?

So, yeah, I stand by my opinions, but I repeat that it's not a big deal or anything, as you say. :)

9 years ago

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It's all good. Totally understand where you're coming from :)

Probably worth noting, if only for the sake of balance, that those who have made the most giveaways tend to be amongst the nicest users of the site, and would arguably be the least likely to blacklist others for spurious reasons!

Also, apologies for the acronym. FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

9 years ago

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There are no rules for blacklists. That means people are free to use them however they see fit. I don't see why it's worth worrying about whether other people are using the feature in the exact same way you use the feature. Unless some rules show up to the contrary, every use of the blacklist is justified, because every reason, or even the lack of a reason, is legitimate.

All the giveaways here are posted on a whim anyway, so blacklisting people on a whim seems perfectly in character with the rest of the site.

9 years ago

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You know... there is one point I got from reading half way down this topic's first page, I don't want a black list, I want an ignore list, that both black lists them from any giveaway I make, and ignores them so I don't have to hear about it.

9 years ago

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Giveaways are a favor, not an obligation. The person who bough the game have every right to blacklist whoever they choose for the pettiest of reasons if they want to. You people need to stop being entitled princesses. You don;t deserve to enter a giveaway of someone who doesn;t want you there. They have the right to blacklist for any reason they choose. Their gift their rules. Unless, of course you want them to stop giving things awaay because someone if forcing them to give to people they don't want on the receiving end.

To ilustrate my point I'm simply blacklisting everyone who thinks they deserve to define wich threshold if "fair" to blacklist people or think excessive blacklisting is "abuse". Because I can.

9 years ago*

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I blacklist whoever is extremely rude, disrespectful, or just a plain scumbag to other forum users. I also blacklist (most of the times) beggars, scammers, and all around rule breakers that apparently do not care about anything.

I do not feel like handing over a game to one of these users, thus the blacklist.
Also, "abusing the blacklist function" is not a possible thing. The purpose of the blacklist is to let a user block other users for whichever reason they want, without justifying why.
It's not an abuse of the system if the system's main purpose IS this.

Like nearly everyone said already, their giveaway, their rules. I see no problem with that. If one gets blacklisted, it is more than likely that they did something to displease the user who blacklisted them. They pretty much brought it on themselves.

9 years ago

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i mostly blacklist those who doesn't comment on my giveaways :)

9 years ago

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Why would you do that? I refuse to spam a copy-pasted 'thanks' on every single giveaway I enter, as it's meaningless and a waste of space.

9 years ago

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Also, some people blacklist those who do comment with an simple "thank you" and you can't really read minds so you never know what the creator of the giveaway wants unless they specifically say so :/

9 years ago

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And thus the blacklist feature is rather problematic, isn't it? :P

9 years ago

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Never said it wasn't :)
Someone said, and I'm sorry but I can't quite remember who it was or in which thread, something along the lines of- we just have to trust the community and not make a big deal out of this.

EDIT: Found it!
"... It's a good innovation, and one which will lessen the burden on Support. Although a few will misuse it, folks need to give more credit to the members of this community and trust them to use it in an adult manner.
I think all of this is a tornado in a tumbler..."

P.S i just love the way he phrased it- a tornado in a tumbler.
I'm not an original speaker so I get so giddy when I see a phrase as cute as this one :D

9 years ago*

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That is certainly true.

And heh, you're clearly a woman, what with the getting giddy - see how much I know of them! :P

But nah, I'm joking, I actually like it that you say it. I also like languages and creativity a lot. You should hear how we (my family) talk at home, your head would explode from all the references, puns, sayings, phrases, witty uses of stuff, and the multiple languages used. :P

9 years ago

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I would just love to be able to hear that. I'm a huge fan of puns :D

You might say that I'm punny that way xD

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Hopefully, I will never use a blacklist. If someone deserves punishment, I will leave it to the site's support. If someone I dislike wins my giveaway, I will give the game and move on. In a way, I feel I gave the game to the site (or to the gods of chance?), and the site decided whom to give it too, so I do not want to pick or exclude people individually. If the user is ok to receive a game in the site's view, I am not going to single-handedly (is that a word?) change that status.

Well, here is something to think about: why do we have the "no calling out" rule? The way I see it, it is mainly because:

  1. We often misjudge someone, and we should not accuse someone without being really really sure. There are "official" ways to report someone, do so and move on, right? We should be humble in our judgments.
  2. It is toxic for the community, specially for newcomers.

The way I see it, blacklists have the same problems... As it is right now, blacklists are "official", so users are free to blacklist whomever they want. So you are not doing anything wrong when making a blacklist, it is totally ok. But I also feel that they lead to a stiffening of the discussions we share, and of the community in general. For example, I am really thinking 3 times here if I should post this; I seem to be defending the "bad" people, and I might be associated with them... But I feel that people that break the site rules should be punished with their official suspensions; once you paid your "penalty" you should be a free man again. Blacklists sound like "double punishment" to me, dispensed by individuals, which are prone to make judgment mistakes.

Also, I slightly disagree with a too broad use of "gifter's rules"... I mean, we have "no extraneous rules in public giveaways unless previously approved by support", for example, don't we? Again, as it is, blacklists are in the rules, so they are good and official right now. But I do feel a strange disconnect between some of the principles we have to foster a generous community (including giving to total strangers) and the blacklist idea.

And yes, it is very different from whitelists and group/level giveaways. If I am unable to enter a group or level giveaway, I know exactly the reason, and it is not personal.

Anyway, just my $0.02. Personal disclaimer: I never broke a site's rule, and I think my views are rarely source of heated discussion, so I do not foresee myself in many blacklists in the future. However, I did get included in someone's blacklist once, I have absolutely no idea why (possibly my "where is my CV?" thread that was actually a hidden giveaway? who knows?) and that bothered me a lot and made me a bit bitter about blacklists (can you tell? :) ). Not because of the giveaways, mind you, but because of the negativity of the act ("I hate you more than a total stranger on this site"). Not pleasant at all.


9 years ago

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I totally understand where you're coming from but we must keep in mind that it's the same thing here as it is in the real world- you might say something and mean no insult by it and someone might take offense and dislike you for it.

Some people might dislike those who only make private and group GAs and want to blacklist them because of that, some might blacklist others because they only give bundled games, some might blacklist others because they put level restrictions on their GAs and some might blacklist others because they've said the wrong word or don't like their avatar.

I think it's sad we need any of this at all.
I'm not saying I'm against it as I haven't given all of this too much thought seeing as everyone has a right to choose and it's not up to me to meddle in that but only that it's sad we can't count on each other in a place which was meant for pure generosity.
But then again, as I've said before- this too is the real world.

9 years ago*

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Thank you for this words! You've expressed my thoughts exactly only in readable and not-messy manner! You can add my $0.02 on that account too.

9 years ago

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I have only used a blacklist once, and that list was only used to exclude the person who was being a dick at the time.

I believe that everyone has the right to exclude whomever they want, for whatever reason they want, from their giveaways. If that means excluding me "just because," then so be it. Life goes on, and it is unreasonable for me to expect everyone on the planet to like me.

9 years ago

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If someone wants to give away a game, I have no problem with them being in charge of who they want to give it to (group, private, whitelist...) - and who they don't want to give it to (blacklist). Gifter may blacklist anyone they want, for whatever reason they want.

9 years ago

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Gifts Won: 12 ($201.89)
Gifts Sent: 2 ($2.98)

Games on Steam account: 280

OK please continue bitching

9 years ago

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also this:

Games owned: 336
Games not played: 276 (82%)

9 years ago

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Oh man, the ye olde argument of "You haven't given enough therefore your opinions don't matter". I happen to disagree with the guy but this kind of attitude doesn't really help anyone. I feel like immediately jumping to the "stop bitching, you've only give [X amount]" attitude is quite detrimental to the community.

9 years ago

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i said "continue bitching" not "stop bitching"

9 years ago

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Yeah... like as if everyone can't smell the stench of sarcasm reeking off of that phrase. And posting in the forums means you are participating in the community.

9 years ago

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also my post involves no community, only argumentum ad hominem ;)

9 years ago

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Refer to my previous post.

9 years ago

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you are boring
you are leeching
you are bitching
you are whining

please continue. i need more of that

9 years ago

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That doesn't matter. No, I am not, nor should it matter if I am. I am not bitching. I am not whining. I could easily say that you're being a whiny, pretentious piece of shit and a shitposting troll who just wants to cause trouble because his life is too pathetic and worthless to actually contribute to even an online community, but that isn't really appropriate, now is it?

Go crawl back into your hole and rot in it.

9 years ago

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Wow, so much for appearing a gentleman before. What a big fuck you turned out to be.

9 years ago

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In my defense, I've been berated by people nearly nonstop in this thread, and it has worn on my patience. It's becoming a bit difficult to respond kindly to people who are so disrespectful and rude, like elikso. You're taking my behavior out of context, without considering all the activity on the thread.

9 years ago*

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"In my defense, I've been berated by people nearly nonstop in this thread, and it has warn on my patience."

In the spirit of grammatical extremism, I should point out that it is considerably more likely that this experience has "worn" on your patience...


9 years ago

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That is correct. It was a typo on my part. I've corrected it above.

9 years ago

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I blacklist rule breakers, known leechers who were kicked from groups I'm in, and generally people who keep complaining on forums because they stick to their stupid ideas... It's not that easy - for example a regifter can be somebody who haven't read the FAQ (okay, that's a problem) but overall he wanted to give back the game. On the other hand, other people can't read FAQ even after being on the site for over 1-2 years, dumps free games to giveaways just to get more CV, and things like that. So I don't blacklist everyone who brakes the rules (usually I forget to do so, anyways), but rather people who are basically don't care about others, don't want to correct their mistakes (saying sorry, not repeating violation of rules again).

9 years ago

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+1 to the above

A simple Q to those opposed: Why shouldn't people you kick from your group be on your blacklist? Assuming you don't want to ban them from your group, you should be able to add them on your blacklist.

9 years ago

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