Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

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Would it be overkill to suggest the possibility to change the size of some elements of steam gifts and of esgst?
Eg bigger join button or bigger steam link, search, hide button.
It would help a lot for the mobile view.

10 months ago

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Manual and automatic sync is working? It's been 22 days since I've had success with any of them.

10 months ago

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group sync seems broken if you are in certain groups(they show up as blank for me, but have names on steam itself), try unchecking groups and syncing everything else.

10 months ago

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Sync ReducedCV Games, not working

10 months ago

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Looks like the nocv and reducedcv api endpoints are down. Looks like the last time I was able to refresh my local cache was the 22nd. I noticed it a couple of days ago but forgot till I tried again tonight.

10 months ago

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"this game is queued for fetching" now not updating anymore

10 months ago

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The ESGST server is down, so the add-on will wait for sometime before falling back to Steam (slower).
It will eventually fetch the game.

10 months ago

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Server should be back to normal.

10 months ago

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Oh, good news!
Thank you and welcome back!

10 months ago

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Thanks, hopefully this time I'll be able to push more updates. I have some fixes ready, so I'll try to get a new release out this weekend.

10 months ago

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Nice! thx man =)

10 months ago

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Indicate if there are unentered wishlist giveaways open in the tab's title.

thanks a ton for this, rafael!

10 months ago

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thanks a ton for this, rafael!

9 months ago

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thank again.

i've googled a bit, can't find a way to support you. could you please give me more info in an old giveaway? (feel also very free to add me on Steam)

9 months ago

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"multiple giveaway", key is Quadrata... winner just asked where the key was... (Quadrata giveaway has the correct key. i might have edited and then saved the GA, sometimes makes confusion between game name and keys)

View attached image.
9 months ago

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How (exactly) do I make it automatically hide the games that I have hidden on steam? (I see how to manually hide games I have hidden on steam, but not how to automate it, so when it detects a change in my hidden games, it will change the list without my input. And, while we are at it, how do I make it so it auto-matically un-hides games that I decided to stop not following? Thanks!)


9 months ago

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Sorry I don't know the answer, but I use the steamdb extension for this. It will add an icon next to the game, so I know I have this game hidden on Steam.

9 months ago

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well, that at least helps some...
thanks! I also purposfly ignored some games, and then plan on checking if it adds them to the hidden list automatically. Then i'll un-ignore them, and see if it does the opposite.
But, since it makes you wait a month to sync... yeah, that'll be fun!

9 months ago

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There's an "ignored" flag that you choose for both tagging and filters:


I think that's what you're looking for. :)

9 months ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 months ago

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Thank you very much! I didn't see this!

8 months ago

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You're welcome! There are a lot of features in ESGST...I've been using it for years, and I had to ask a question about it this week, too (converting everything from Chrome to Edge)! It's very easy to get lost in that long list.

8 months ago

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thanks! That was what I suspected (and what I enabled), but wanted to double check. Due to the whole "can only sync with your ignored list monthly" thing, testing it would be an extreme PITA..

P.S. sorry for the late reply, I've just been glancing at this website as nothings been showing up in the giveaways for me (in the wishlist)...

8 months ago

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Is there a way to temporary hide specific games for a limited time? Something like "Hide giveaways for this game for 1 month"?

For example, I'm asking this because of all the Train Simulator DLCs that are showing up because of the recent bundle. I do want to own them one day, so I don't want to hide them forever.

9 months ago

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Quick context: trying to move over to using Edge all of the time instead of Chrome + Edge. They're both based upon Chromium, so the core is the same, except Edge has better features and is SO much faster than Chrome.

So, I'm setting up my ESGST again in Edge. I have most things working just great. But, I have a couple things where I need some help:

1) I can't remember (and can't figure out) how to get pinning enabled for groups; I have the little thumb tacks next to group names in my Chrome ESGST implementation, but they're missing in Edge. I can't figure out what checkbox I've missed.
2) I can't get groups to sync. Everything else has worked just fine...whitelist, blacklist, games won, everything. No problem syncing any of it. And yes, I've added in my Steam API key and granted permissions. But when I go to sync groups, it says its syncing, then just grinds forever and never finishes.

TIA for the help. :)

9 months ago

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1) I think it is under feature 3.43. Stickied Giveaway Groups.
2) I think the first group sync is really long. Please check in the browser's developer tools (F12), network tab, if the following links are called successfully:
https://www.steamgifts.com/account/steam/groups/search?page=1, and so on.

You could backup your data from Chrome here, then restore in Edge to speed up initial load:

I hope the above will help.

9 months ago

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Hey, thanks!

1) That was it! I was called it a "pin" (because that's the icon being used...I mean... :D ), but ESGST calls it "stickied." Welp, there it is. Problem solved. Thanks a bunch.
2) I fired it up and walked away this morning...still didn't finish. Looked at a sg search link in dev tools, and it seems to be ok...but there seem to be other errors (which could be nothing, I realize). Any thoughts?
F12 while looking at sg search link

9 months ago

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Are there any network request with status 429 (Too Many Requests)?

I setup a new browser's profile and have the same error.
Maybe because I join too many groups after joining SG, am I bloated?

Please try to enable feature 9.2. Use custom adaptive request limits for SteamGifts.
It solves the problem for me.

If you still have request with 429 error after enable this feature, please increase the time limit.
I think 0,25 seconds step will be fine.

A similar issue logged in Github:

9 months ago

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Hey, did try this. Activated 10.2 (adaptive request limits), left values as default as suggested. Syncing groups just grinds forever and ever. It never shows any kind of progress -- just simply says "groups are syncing." Everything else syncs just fine.

8 months ago

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Can you follow these steps and post back the result?

  1. Open Edge, navigate to https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile?esgst=sync
  2. Open Developer Tools (press F12), switch to Network tab
  3. Click Clear Network Log button, highlighted in yellow in the attached screenshot
  4. Select only Groups, click Sync
  5. Observe the network log and wait until there is no new request.

You should see it first requests search?page=1, followed by some additional requests, then search?page=2, and so on.

To check if there is no new network request, in the Network tab, pay attention to the bottom left number, highlighted in orange in the screenshot.
If it doesn't increase after some seconds, there will be no new request.

Is there any network request with red color, like the last one in the screenshot?
What is the status of this request, check the column highlighted in green of the screenshot?
Status 4xx, 5xx, or empty?

In the Console tab of the Developer Tools, is there any error?
Too many requests, failed to fetch, or request aborted?

View attached image.
8 months ago

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Well, I don't know what went right, but it magically synced in the background 3 hours ago. Now my groups are showing up underneath GAs, etc. SO weird, but happy it's working. I was just about to go jump into the dev console and collect data and thought I'd check quickly before doing so, and lo and behold, it's been working as of the past 3 hours. Haven't changed any settings today whatsoever. No explanation.

8 months ago

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Cheer! Glad that it works out.

8 months ago

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Thanks again for the help!

8 months ago

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Question: Would you please be able to add (or tell us how to add to a custom filter list?) certain keywords to the giveaway extractor?
Never mind, I found it. #3.17

8 months ago*

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Hrrm, I thought I had fixed it, but....
I added a regex to the giveaway extractor (3.17), and ever since that point, it only extracts backwards. I've toggled off and on the "only extract forwards" option. Any help would be appreciated.

8 months ago

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What does the regex look like? (You might want to paste it as code, see comment formatting).

8 months ago*

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Currently, it seems to work thusly

forw|more|next|onwards?|▹|>|→| CHOO !

while it did NOT work like this

forw|more|next|onwards?|▹|>|→| CHOO !|
8 months ago

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I think it does not work due to the trailing vertical bar.
The empty right side may make it match nothing.
You can test your regex here https://regexr.com/.

8 months ago

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Good to know, thank you very much for your help!

8 months ago

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My extension is gone from Chrome. Poof. Gone. Just like that. Without me doing anything. Went to bed yesterday, extension still there, woke up today, extension gone.
Why? What's happening?
If I have to install from scratch, all my settings and all my notes since the last backup are gone!

8 months ago

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Is it missing from the extensions listing or does it just not load?

since the last backup

no auto backup set up?

8 months ago

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Missing from the extension list. It is completely gone.
No, no auto backup because I always had problems with that setting (endless backups) regarding groups.

8 months ago

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That's bad, Chrome stores the data within it. Unless some Chrome expert knows more, it's gone too.

The store page for it is still up.
Only time I've seen (all) extensions vanishing is when copying and using the browser on a different pc. Chrome is just crap in the end..

8 months ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 months ago

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Feature Request:

Enable Enter/Leave giveaway button on the Game Page listing all giveaways for a specific game. This is the page you end up at when clicking the magnifying glass next to a giveaway. Example: https://www.steamgifts.com/game/pLjz6/crumble

8 months ago

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Already implemented in https://github.com/rafaelgomesxyz/esgst/issues/1774
I think it will be available in next release.

8 months ago

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Great, thanks!

8 months ago

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The extension stopped working. Enter Giveaway button disappeared, and using latest version of Firefox.

Edit: I tried using the plugin's own option to delete all previous extension data, basically as if I never used it, and the option in EGST to enable the giveaway button showed up again.

8 months ago*

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Can anyone explain what's "Giveaway Points to Win"? I've never really understood it.

View attached image.
8 months ago

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From the feature's description:

Adds an element [Points] below a giveaway's start time (in any page) that shows how many points you would have to spend to win the giveaway.
The points are calculated by rounding up (using 2 decimals) the result of the following formula: number_of_points / number_of_copies * number_of_entries.

8 months ago

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And by spending, it means, joining giveaways and so forth. Right?

Is there a way to inspect how many Points you've spent?

8 months ago

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Yes, spending means joining giveaways.

If you enable features, and 3.10, it will list the average/total points spent in this page.
The catch is, the result is divided into multiple pages, and the stats only takes the current page into account.

8 months ago

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Oh, I see it now, thanks for sharing this with me. I always thought of asking, but never got the chance to do it.

So based on the Average, is how likely you are to be selected by the algorithm and have a probability of winning. If your average is above the one required, you're chances are higher? O_o

View attached image.
8 months ago

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I think the average is just a mathematical value, in the long run, it will converge into this value.
It is some kind of expected chance, multiple it by the number of total copies, and we can get the expected number of win.
Comparing the expected number of win with the real number, we could tell if we're lucky or not.

But this value doesn't have any influence on the chance of you winning a giveaway, since each giveaway is an independent event.
People could run into a bad luck streak and don't win a single giveaways for weeks, or they get lucky and win multiple times in a single train.

8 months ago

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Gotcha! I mean, the best way to determine that is the percentage I think. The less people, the higher the chances.

8 months ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 months ago*

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Dunno how i've missed this with all the ongoing comments.
bump for awesome! :)

8 months ago

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After editing a giveaway in a train I can no longer add new carts. It just keeps changing which ever car t is last on the list. Using shuffle just changes which cart gets changed. What a waste of time...

8 months ago

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How do I remove it and install it again with a couple of options I REALLY need? This is madness. Settings is a mess. Site works fukken slow with this script and can even get you banned. No logic and usability at all. Tell the developer to stop. I will probably delete the script forever.

8 months ago

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You can go to https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile?esgst=settings.
Press Run Wizard, or toggle individual feature here.

What in the world is your tone?

8 months ago

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I don't need wizards and wizards for wizards, every additonal feature is making usability worse and wasting my time. I deleted the script. The site now works 3 times faster and looks simple.

8 months ago

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Well, your criticism is neither respectful nor professional.
I mean the first comment.

8 months ago

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Wow no need to be so butthurt. It works perfectly for most of us.
Maybe spend some time within the settings, and work on your comprehension there.
Or maybe switch browsers, that might do it. Also banned? How lol

8 months ago

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Who are "us"? Perhaps there is the answer.

8 months ago

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Yes perhaps there indeed is the answer.
Most users here aren't throwing a tantrum about a useful tool on a GA forum.

8 months ago

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Most users want the things to be simple. Brevity is a soul of wit.

8 months ago

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go and make easier version of the program :) and share it for free for us

8 months ago

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bro, nobody force u to use this...why this tone? hes doing it for free, so shat your mouth and just dont

8 months ago

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I give a negative feedback, and yes, I am aware that Internet today is a place where everyone are afraid to say what they actually think.

8 months ago

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bruh, you shouldnt be RUDE when giving negative feedback

its free program, u didnt pay anything for it so why act like little kid whos not getting lolipop?

8 months ago

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Re-bumping with a positive tone..

Thank you to the creator, Though it's not for everyone, I love it. I thank you for it and the time and effort you put into it. I look forward to seeing where else you take it if you continue to add new functionality :)

Best regards

8 months ago

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Hello! I wonder if there is a setting I am missing in this extraordinary extension.

While I DO want to see lots of additional information on games I might want to try to win... I do NOT want to see any additional information on games that I am giving to others. It makes the "Giveaways Created" page so much longer and so less easy to navigate.

Is there a setting to permit this? If not, is there a possibility of adding this as a feature?

Something like this: "Show additional information on"

_ Giveaways

_ Giveaways Created

8 months ago

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You can disable specific feature on specific page by going to its settings page, and look for "Where to run it on SteamGifts?" -> "Do NOT run it here".
My Giveaways - Created should apply to bellow link.

8 months ago*

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Thank you! Sometimes when going thru the "countless" options that ESGST has, I miss something!

8 months ago

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Perfect! It took a few minutes, but the granularity makes almost any combination a user wants possible. Once again, applause for the author of this wonderful tool!

8 months ago

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Hello. Can I disable somehow those comments after entering giveaway?

8 months ago

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8 months ago*

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So, I should turn two those options on?
"Cache repeated descriptions from the same creator for 1 hour and only show them once."
"Filter descriptions.

8 months ago

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Yes. 2nd one probably enables the "Add Description To Filters" button when there's a description (comment) popping up.
Not sure how many descriptions you can add though.
I have this, which might be the default:

8 months ago*

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