Buy Starbound on the Humble Store here. You get a Steam Key as well as a DRM-Free copy. I don't know whether the devs get 90% like it used to be, or if Humble now takes a cut and gives less to the devs. I can say without a doubt that the devs get at least 70%, the same as what is rumored to be what they get if you buy on Steam, but hopefully they get around 80%-90%

1 decade ago*

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so, why should i buy it here?

1 decade ago

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You'd support the devs a little bit more than on Steam, plus you get a DRM-free version.

1 decade ago

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its 15 dollars here, 14 euros on steam.

15 dollars = 10.92 euros.

14*70% = 9.8 (euro / copy)

10.92*85% = 9.282 (euro / copy)

(according to Tres it would be 10.92*75% = 8.19 (euro / copy) )

1 decade ago

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+1, why should I buy it here? I can get a steam gift for 4-5 Tf2 keys.(on steamtrades for example) I can buy on steam for euros only, so 5 tf2 key costs me 5 x 1,7euro = 8,5 euros. I'll still supporting the devs, bcoz it's a steam gift, bought from the steam store.

1 decade ago

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You wouldn't be buying it from steam anyway.

1 decade ago

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So you get a test for prostate-specific antigens? But what if I don't have a prostate? D:

(joke aside, is this really considered as a PSA or just a personal opinion/plead topic?)

OT, got it from the devs website.

1 decade ago

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cheaper on humble for us in the UK aswell.

1 decade ago

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If you click the "What is the Humble Store" link at the top they disclose how the money is divided up:

Get your games and contribute to awesome causes. Here’s where your Humble Store dollars go: 10% Charity, 75% Creator, 15% Humble Tip.*

1 decade ago

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Humble widgets, which are often hosted on developers sites, still offer the 90% cut to developers. However, items bought through the Humble Store itself will have the contributions listed here (70% dev)

1 decade ago

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I just remembered today that i won this game 7 months ago from this giveaway:

So, remember everybody who won it that you already have a steam key. I remembered this today. Fortunately, I had't bought it from store yet.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bassnium.