So I got 50 people on my whitelist now. Think i'm going to make a group and add everyone on steam announcing i'm starting whitelist giveaways at 100.

Because now i'm solely relying on the level system and I do flash giveaways but that's not really fair with timezones.

How do you do it mostly?

I will post invite only giveaway here tommorow but need paycheck first xD
also feel free to ask for whitelist:
contenders currently:
You giveaway wishlist game
I won a game from you
you make nice comments
you giveaway way more then you win
You are dedicated gamer and give lots of info revolving game, development, betatesting, the devs
I like good food

Ok thank you all

8 years ago*

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Concerning the timezones I asked myselves this question and asked Steam and whitelist friends what would be acceptable for the most people in different timezones and they came to making giveaways of 3 days.

8 years ago

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Wittelijst jong!

8 years ago

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Jawel en bedankt he! ^ ^

Dan zijn we landgenoten en dito welkom op mijn witte lijst!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Strawberries :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I'm having the same issue. I don't want to Flash because timezones, which is why I've just been slowly building the whitelist.
But to use it I also need a paycheck. I'd love to check back and see what advice you get. :)

8 years ago

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I think it depends on who your target audience is. I'm still pretty new around here (when do I get to stop saying that?), but I've done public GAs with and without various level restrictions, and invite-only forum thread GAs with and without puzzles, week-long GAs and one-hour GAs. I haven't done any group/whitelist GAs yet. I think each of those attracts a different audience. Not everyone likes or can solve puzzles. Not everyone is a forum lurker. Any kind of level restriction rules certain people out. Flash GAs will miss a lot of people, but give the ones that enter better chances. Groups and whitelists can be very elitist, depending perhaps on how you build you group/whitelist, but will almost certainly exclude anyone who isn't active on the forums. The problem really is that by choosing any of these, we're excluding a lot of people, and though we may think certain categories of people deserve to be excluded, such as level 0 perhaps, we're stereotyping. Personally, I'm a big fan of diversity, so I'm planning to continue with all of these approaches. I may reserve the better games for non-public or level-restricted GAs, but I don't want to leave anyone out of an opportunity to win something nice from me from time to time.

8 years ago

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Yeah I just want a solid 100people group to giveaway to and possibly get on others too.
I mean I discover a lot of cool games through this site but sometimes they get 1000-4000 entries
well yeah...
I do lotsa early access giveaway because I like supporting nice games :d

8 years ago

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Sure, I don't even enter anything over 500 entries and usually bail out once that cross 500 as well, if I catch it. Sure, that means I'm only going to win AAA games if they're through some sort of group, whitelist or puzzle where the entries are more limited, even at level 4, but that's OK. I look to this site more as a great community to share games that people may not otherwise buy - the big games just add an excitement factor. Since I intend to keep my gift/win ratio well into the positive, this isn't the cheapest way for me to get games - I might as well just wait for the big sales and buy them myself if that was my goal. :)

8 years ago

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I'm very guilty about doing flash giveaways... I feel bad but its just easier to do for me :'(

8 years ago

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Guity! Guilty! :)

8 years ago

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so true
and dem odds
I like high odds :p

8 years ago

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Yeah people miss out but people just have a higher chance to win :)

8 years ago

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thats what i mean too! Flash GA are nice. guilty too :D
and for the time zone - I think one - two days are enough.

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, that's another reason.
Sometimes I just sit next to my computer and continuously refresh until the giveaway ends so I can immediately send the key to the winner.


8 years ago

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Yeah, I tend to make sure I put a time where I know I'll be at my computer or near it at least! There has been times I wasn't at my pc but I still made sure to send the key on time. I like making sure I send the game immediately :) Most of the time, I'm on my PC the whole GA since most of them are an hour long or so xD

8 years ago

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I think people like getting gifts sooner rather than later. I also try to set GA end times that will alow me to send out gifts soon after. Though most of my giveaways are a day or more, I tend to stagger end times if I have a bunch of GAs at once to allow necessary time for checking Winner histories and filing support tickets for rerolls if necessary between batches.

8 years ago

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In my group I considered making a giveaway for 24 hours as a minimum, and 48 hours preferably. It works pretty good. Unless you're doing a puzzle, in this case, depending on how hard the puzzle is, you may want anything between 3 and 7 days.

Not sure if I meet your whitelist requirement, but I'll give it a shot.

8 years ago

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I pick most of the people of my whitelist because i like them, i don't care if they will play the game or no, i just like giving people that i think are awesome or that i like some love :3 I think that most of the people that i have on my whitelist will join game giveaways for what they really like, not because OH OMGZ FREE GAIMZ PLOXZ GIB ...

And if you want to do "fair" giveaways, u can make contest or things like that and that will be a nice filter :)

8 years ago

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I try to make them at least one day long, and choose a time I'm sure I will be able to send asap

8 years ago

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I do flash giveaways. They're generally more convenient for me and if I'm spending money on people I'll never meet, I'll do it how I feel like it.

8 years ago

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Also, good food recipe:


In a crock pot, put

chicken breasts
a jar of pesto
a packet of ranch seasoning

Let simmer all day. Pull apart the chicken and stir everything together after several hours (half hour or more prior to serving). It's good on pasta or bread. Add parmesan to really make the flavor pop.


8 years ago

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definite whitelist xD

8 years ago

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Huzzah! I appreciate it.

It's seriously one of my favorite meals.

8 years ago

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You said CHICKEN...

8 years ago

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Don't die D:

8 years ago

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Jumps in pot

8 years ago

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Oh, you're masochistic instead of sadistic... makes sense now o.o

8 years ago

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I usually prefer 2 day long giveaways - if it would end on the weekends, I set it for Saturday or Sunday evening. Basically on workdays I think the 2 days are sufficient, but on holidays, weekends people usually has some programs, that's why I give them more time to enter :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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i like hiding them and then you can go for longer times, like now :)

8 years ago

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!!!! curse you, now that wouldve been a chance XD
WL nontheless :p

8 years ago

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guessing by 7 hours remaining and 0 entries, chance are still there

8 years ago

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I make my whitelist GA's last about a week. I fully expect people to have lives and not check in every day. Granted, I haven't done many solely for my whitelist My last one was shadows of mordor however

As far as your whitelist, i'm much too terrible a person.

8 years ago

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that's ok i'm not a good kitty either :3

8 years ago

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Someone said kitty?! And good food?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I used to do flash giveaways only because I love giving people "higher odds". Who doesn't love higher odds?
But yeah, it's a tough call for time zones, and I personally hate it when people "miss out". So I started making it 24 hours minimum.
If it's good stuff, one day may not be enough, people go out of town or what not, so I put those at a week.
Maybe if it's in a bundle you could pitch in a bit extra to get two of them, then you could have one for flash giveaways and one which accommodates all time zones. No perfect way to go about it, of course.

8 years ago

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hehe you get it

8 years ago

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I'd say that if you want to take all timezones into account 12-24 hours are needed, this way most users will have a chance to look at it, and if you make whitelist only GAs then you can always go for a couple days as its only a limited amount of people that can join, plus... if you add extra people they can also have an option to enter for some instead of flash/short duration ones :)

8 years ago

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Define "fair giveaways", I would suggest a puzzle about the game or its genre and thus people who complete it are more likely to play it.

8 years ago

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I doubt people can join at 3am!
= not fair :p

8 years ago

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If I'm doing a puzzle, my giveaways tend to run from 2 days to a week. If not, I always go with flash giveaways.

8 years ago

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For public I usually do flash giveaways, and for group/invite 1-2 days long.

8 years ago

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yep I like it that way
WL :p

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Joust seems legit fun actually XD

8 years ago

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it will be hard to balance a flash ga unless everyone is from the same region, even with that people have different work times.

just extend the duration to 1-2 days, or make 24 1-hour-long GAs per day :3

8 years ago

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I make giveaways of games that do not cause racial tension.

8 years ago

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I prefer flash giveaways too, and good food...

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I usually make the giveaways 1 to 3 days, as that's just a bit more conventient to me.
Some nice ideas have already been posted, got nothing to add to it.

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8 years ago

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