The GOG Galaxy Update 1.2 is available today (yesterday) to users who opted to test upcoming updates, and will be rolling out to everyone in April.

What is GOG Galaxy? A drm-free gaming client by GOG.

New features:

  • Universal Cloud Saves: add cloud saving functionality to new and classic games (Planescape: Torment, Heroes of Might & Magic III, Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines...). It also lets you download a backup of your saves data at any time.
  • Customize the client to your needs by selecting which features you want to use.
  • Hibernate mode: cut down on client CPU usage while playing a game.
  • Bandwidth limiting and scheduling.
  • FPS counter (overlay includes frames per second counter).
  • Screenshot capturing (press F12 in games supporting in-game overlay).
  • In-game overlay (open it using Shift+Tab in supported games).
  • Achievement rarity (basically it tells you the same as the % global in Steam).
  • Desktop and in-game notifications system.
7 years ago*

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Do you think Gog Galaxy can be a rival for Steam?

View Results
Yes, I hope
Pfff no

Good stuff. Not worried about it being a rival to Steam more than I'm excited to use it on my GOG games. :)

7 years ago

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Yay! Great to see it with an official release, finally.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Nice, incoming!

7 years ago

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Can GOG games be gifted as keys (or inventory gifts) just like steam games? If so, I see no reason why there couldn't be something like that.

7 years ago*

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Yes they can. I received such a gift key myself last year (thanks again ankarabibi!)

7 years ago

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Sure. I even have a key or two somewhere, I just never gifted them.

7 years ago

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Boah, out of beta, I didn't think I would see this day

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Steam will never rival GOG until they make their client optional and allow me to download offline installers (preferably DRM-free) for every game. ;-)

7 years ago

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While I prefer Steam for newer, moddable through steam workshop and multiplayer games, I do prefer GOG for older releases. GOG versions are often adapted for modern computers, while oldies on steam sometimes refuse to work at all, and GOG takes active role in bug elimination, while Valve stays out of the loop as far as possible. Also, there's no flood of crapware on GOG.
If the game is multiplayer or has workshop, I get it on Steam. If it's 10+ years old, is known to be bugged or it's GOG version is plainly superior, I buy on GOG. For everything else price is main factor. So there's as much synergy as is competition between then for me.
Oh, and games that have special place in my heart, like Planescape or Fallout 2 I own on every platform, including retail version. It's my way of saying thanks.

7 years ago

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I prefer my newer games to be usable without a client too.

That's not to say I don't have a huge Steam library as well as a sizeable GOG library, just that I put more value (pay more for) games that don't depend on a client (I mostly get my Steam games for pennies in bundles, etc.).

I want to be able to play my games in 10-20 years time (if I'm able - getting on a bit...), and there are already games still for sale on Steam that won't work on a newer systems while the client often breaks on many of the old systems that will run the game (the Athlon XP system I maintain specifically for older Windows games, for example). This will likely be even more of an issue in the future when huge numbers of current games won't work on whatever operating systems Steam supports (if Valve are still even around).

Oh, and yes, I know that offline installers also tend to break on newer operating systems even though the game itself still works. There are often workarounds, however. Zip files and games that do their initialisation and dependency checking on first run instead of install are better than any setup.exe (except when the setup.exe only does the unpacking, which is arguably useful for the less technically-inclined). GOG installers that may be found broken in the future, for example, can be unpacked and the setup scripts modified with the right tools.

7 years ago

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That feature list seems to be still missing download features to replace the "unsupported" GOG Downloader (namely downloading only new versions of offline installers, which the GOG Downloader does by using checksums).

7 years ago

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Wait... So it's out of testing phase, but only for testers? What is this, gamma testing? ;-)

Mind you, their beta was more of an alpha...

7 years ago

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Only available to people who use edit on replies :P plus a free steamgifts theme.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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What, is the correct etiquette here to combine multiple sub-topics into a single post? Sorry, I was raised differently!

7 years ago

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Yes. It feels incredibly weird for me when people are allowed to flood on any forum, I was raised to edit posts or only write after myself if considerable time has passed since the last edit.

7 years ago

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Well, I was also raised to be careful to avoid flooding (mostly "don't reply to yourself" - this was on USENET in the '80s...), but in this case I was creating three reply threads to the original post, covering different sub-topics, and keeping the threads separate so that they can be discussed/ignored each on their own.

For me, "edit" is for fixing mistakes (we didn't have that on USENET...), and adding new information to a post potentially after people have started replying to it is very confusing.

If the forum software were designed more like e-mail/news software in the days before top-posting ruined everything, and people included just enough quoted context for things to be readable, I might have swayed more to a single post, but even back then that got confusing really quick beyond a two-person conversation.

With the feedback here, I'll be more careful about jumping in too often in future (I doubt I often have more than one thing to say on a topic, so it's rather moot!).

7 years ago

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What sorcery is this? It is so pretty!

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Even better ...... I want that cat ....

7 years ago

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I'm a Steam fag, so no, I don't

7 years ago

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I would prefer better management of downloads than any of the items in that list.

The fact that it cant even tell what you already downloaded and will happily download and overwrite files that you already have is pathetic.

7 years ago

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I had a long discussion with GOG support about that a while back (following on from a broken gog downloader link, which they weren't for fixing) - eventually they stopped insisting that Galaxy does everything that the downloader does, but they didn't care much for my "weird" need to back up my own game installers (kind of the point of being DRM-free, though, isn't it?).

It doesn't help that the installer version information given on their download pages don't match the file names you download (though perhaps their new naming scheme will address that, a bit too late...).

7 years ago

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Rival? No, they don't even want that.
Other side of the same coin? Absolutely.

7 years ago

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Yay, cloud saves, finally. I don't care about achievements on GOG or screenshots, I just want to make sure I can continue a game if my OS flops belly up for some reason.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately, given GOG's recent track record, they're probably just as likely to overwrite your current local save with the one in the cloud from last week as to save your current one to the cloud... ;-)

7 years ago

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does it have group chat?!
and purpleness?

7 years ago

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Atleast it has plenty of GOG bears.

7 years ago

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The version I have installed does not include group chat. Hopefully they don't waste resources implementing one, but instead use someone else's solution (e.g. Discord) and by that leapfrog Steam. GOD should stick to their core expertise, and it isn't building chat clients.

7 years ago

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i hate discord...

7 years ago

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Too many features?

7 years ago

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you need to install another software ;)

7 years ago

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Ok, I thought you tried the software and didn't like it. Now it makes a lot more sense.

7 years ago

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Nope :)

7 years ago

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Technically, you don't, as Discord can be run in the browser.

7 years ago

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Good point, and even in this mode it's far superior to Steam group chat.

7 years ago

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One feature I didn't point out because I didn't feel it important is that they created a new chat from scratch :P

7 years ago

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users one, nice ;)

7 years ago

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If you could transfer/copy pretty much anything from Steam to GOG through their Connect initiative then it'd have good chances of even overtaking Steam. However as things are Steam holds the lion's share of the customer pie, and will continue to do so just because people have already invested too much in it.
If only we knew better back then :3

7 years ago

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Pretty much this. Even if Galaxy just copies the Steam client (for now) it really is what was missing for me. Now the real problem is having two clients to play games. GOG Connect started out very nicely, but the fact that they haven't added any games in the last two months (or at least six weeks) shows that it is/was more of a gimmick than a slow but sure way to get a good amount of games that you already paid for on GOG.

Anyway, I need to check how it looks and works now, so I'm off to have a look :)

7 years ago

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* Bandwidth limiting and scheduling
Finally 🤗

7 years ago

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GoG I'm ok with... not Ubi or EA and their S*

7 years ago

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I love GoG, and the Galaxy client is actually really cool. I go there whenever I want to have a nice trip down memory lane.
Plus the prices there are always cheaper than Steam (for Australian customers).
Plus they have a much better selection of nostalgic DOS games n things.
I'll have to download the new client. Exciting stuff.

7 years ago

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GOG Galaxy's got screenshot capturing now, and that's all I need. :)

7 years ago

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I voted pfff no because i believe that the GoG team isn't targeting to hit steam,but to make the old classic diamonds to still run on moder pc's and software...

7 years ago

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