I stumbled across a third party sale on subscription vouchers for Steamcrate, a subscription game service not dissimilar to Humble Monthly but with random selections and a much higher price. I can confirm that the deal works, so I figured I'd post it in case people are interested, but Steamcrates has a really bad reputation. The only obvious drawback (other than the random selection of games that often mostly just free crap rebundled) is that the subscription will auto-renew by default, and if you unsubscribe "early' you won't get remaining crates, which is a sketchy move. On an unrelated note... look forward to a Zed event soon. :3

My personal suggestion would be to only jump on this if you don't mind getting games that have been free in the past and have missed many/most of them.

7 years ago*

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View Results
Yes, for $20 for three months it's a pretty solid deal.
Yes, other reason.
No, I don't trust random crates.
No, I don't think $20 for three months is a good deal.
No, other reason.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I forgot about that. I'll leave this thread open though, because with the sale the price drops to $7 per month, which is more acceptable to most people than the ludicrous $30 they normally charge.

7 years ago

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well 7$ for a bunch of freebies is still a major ripoff

7 years ago

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See this thread.

TL;DR: Steamcrate is shady, and appears to be running mostly off of keys that were given away free or in cheap bundles elsewhere.

7 years ago

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No, thank you.

7 years ago

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I don't trust them because of this:

  1. Why duplicate keys. My friend got one of them.
  2. Why did it take 3 tries to replace a key? (Support give you duplicate keys which is unacceptable)
7 years ago*

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All good reasons. That is very sketchy.

7 years ago

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Buy this instead. Might bomb, but at least it won't be previously free stuff or common bundle filler.

7 years ago

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Good suggestion.

7 years ago

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I would avoid Steamcrate. I purchased a Groupon (or equivalent, don't remember who the actual seller was) 3-month subscription to them. My first month was a copy and pasted alphabetical list of games. 6/10 were games that are regularly available for free. My second month was actually a random assortment of games, only 2 or 3 had been free but none interested me. That wasn't a big deal, a random bundle is random and I really only want games I'll play. The third month had 8 titles identical to the second.

The worst thing about them came after that, though. The following month I get a text from my credit card company alerting me to a suspicious charge. These guys charged me about $90. Now normally okay, you could say that was my fault. I didn't cancel my subscription and it auto-renews. That's cool, except for one thing. I never gave them any of my personal info. I bought a code from Groupon using Paypal. I redeemed that gift code on Steamcrate when I made my account. I gave them my name and my email and nothing else.

But they somehow got my credit card number. I rejected the charge, of course, but had to get a new card issued. That is shady as FUCK and is completely unacceptable.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Really? I had always considered Groupon to be one of the more reputable places. I mean I'm sure there are tons of scams there in addition to the legit stuff but you know. The whole thing was fishy either way

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I remember reading about this before a few months ago and it pissed me off. At that time I started looking into things and and discovered that the owner of the company has been involved in several companies that always cease trading before filing any reports. They were often registered to addresses that were merely mailing addresses with hundreds or thousands of other companies often registered at the same place. That's a common ploy for dodgy companies so they don't leave a trail back to any real address. You can register at places like this - https://www.registeredaddress.co.uk/

Think he's doing quite well out of this one. He's just come back form Euro Disney with his wife and young daughter where they were spending over 100 euros on single meals. Ok, it's not Monaco or Biarritz and you can spend a lot more than that on food but then this bloke is from some shithole town in Wales (Wales as a whole is lovely btw!) so he's living relatively large right now. Don't give him your money.

7 years ago*

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Just gone back over some old ground, here's one of his previous companies, a dodgy CPA network - http://www.affpaying.com/redshockmedia - http://thebot.net/threads/redshock-media.61555/ -

7 years ago*

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I would rather be buying from G2A/Kinguin more than this "steamcrate" sites or "HOT Random keys"

7 years ago

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I mean, I wouldn't. And I payed for a 12 months subscription to monthly.

7 years ago

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Well, I sent them a message through their website saying they sent me only low cost steam keys. After a couple of emails, they sent me 3 keys, one of which was already used and the other game already had it. They sent me back 2 keys, one of which was given free beforehand (Ampu-tea).

The funny thing is that I have not even subscribed to their website...

7 years ago

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You want random stuff ?
Start with humble monthly.

7 years ago

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cheaper random stuff ? GMG mystery pack buy it at your own risk

7 years ago

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Want more risks ? get those groupees bundles...

7 years ago

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Blind stuff. No way. Like current HB... I want to know what i buying

7 years ago

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I would rather spend $20 on charity and make some people happy.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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$30 a month with a guaranty for at least half of the games having been free somewhere before. I honestly don't understand how there are people who even subscribe to them. Even $5 a month would still be too much. There's plenty of other options available for bundles and subscriptions that are far better than their shitty service.

7 years ago

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Someone just mention about steamcrate version 2 and ask opinion about this site.
Does anyone try version 2 ?

Details & Requirements
Version 2
10 games/month for 3 months
Guaranteed crate value of $40-700
Average crate value: $102
Updates included

7 years ago

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