So, what would you guys think about people using points to increase their CV for one giveaway. They can still enter a giveaway of someone with higher CV, it would just cost more. Perhaps at a ratio that isn't 1:1 to make it fair? Maybe 3P can boost your CV by $1 to enter a giveaway that you otherwise wouldn't be able to? What do you all think? Good idea? Bad idea? Perhaps a different ratio?

Edit: So, yeah, most seem to think it's a bad idea. Not that I disagree with that opinion. I just wanted to talk about it, mostly. Probably too much work, and perhaps a higher ratio might be needed. I do agree, however, that this should be an option for the creator of the giveaway if s/he wants to be generous to contributors but also to people who don't have enough money to donate but will give up on entering other giveaways to throw it all in for a game they really want.

Edit 2: Check out woofrikinhaw's post a bit down to see an alternate idea to this, which I like quite a bit too!

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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Ha ha, okay. I was just putting forth an idea. So, how's the Jungle going? I recently took a funk dance workshop and feel more groovy than normal. (^_^)

1 decade ago

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Nice dude, nice. And once a junglist always a junglist my friend :D

Sorry for the harsh tone, but this would be useless as a) points come in for free all the time, b) it would nullify the use of the CV system, and c) it would require a constantly fluctuating ratio of points > extra CV that would be way too hard to assess as the value of points is contingent on how many are in circulation, which itself constantly fluctuates, along with the obvious question of how to determine a "fair" ratio to begin with..

1 decade ago

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Also, this would be entirely unfair to members who actually did contribute, as a) the giveaways were made to reward their generosity (in general); this system would diametrically oppose that principle and b) it would cause CV-gated giveaways for somewhat decent games to be flooded with entries from people who are "boosting" their CV, lowering win chances for true contributors across the board.

If I made a 500 CV giveaway, and someone won it who only contributed, say, 100 bucks' worth of stuff - and upon closer inspection that 100 wasn't even "legit" (bundle games + CV exploiting games with supremely low deals etc) - I'd feel pretty damn pissed off..

1 decade ago

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Well said, Ansatsunin. +1.

1 decade ago

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Because you are some spoiled rich boys, it doesn't mean you can be the only ones who can join such high CV giveaways.

1 decade ago

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It exactly what it means. We enter and steal all the gifts bwahahaha

1 decade ago

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Yes. I work atleast 40 hours a week to spoil myself, you should try the same :p

People like you are the reason more and more people will do CV only. Good job! :x

1 decade ago

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Holy fuck.. This guy...

1 decade ago

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Redistribute the wealth. To each, according to his need. CV for all! Equality! Freedom! Power to the people...! Arise, proletariat! Let us trample underfoot the gifting classes, who seek to oppress us with their giveaways!!! Death (or at the very least, lengthy suspensions) to the Steamgifts Bourgeoisie!

Downtrodden users unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains...

1 decade ago

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Your comments always make the thread 100 times better :D

1 decade ago

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Spoiled rich boys? Really? I am so fucking sick and tired of this crap. I have maybe 40, 50 euros a week to live off of, to spend on myself (food, soap, other supplies, whatever), in one of the most expensive countries here in Europe to live in. I have made a conscious choice to share when I can in life, whenever I can, however little I have. I always share. I've spent about 400 or so euros on giveaways for others in about 8 months time, no bundle game nonsense to try and boost my CV, only good games that people wanted, while having that paltry amount of cash available to myself. I have been in a financial tight spot for the past 6 or 7 years. So you can piss right off with your "rich boy" attitude.

Aside from that, there are enough groups where your character is far more important than how much you have to spend on giveaways. Whether you've given away a lot, a little, or hardly anything at all, if you're in these groups and are actual friends with the people in them, the giveaways are made and shared amongst mates wanting to share amongst each other, period. The fact that you choose to see the site as no more than a portal to potential free games and only enter public giveaways - and therefore complain about wanting what OP suggests - is entirely your own choice.

1 decade ago

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Whoa man, calm down

1 decade ago

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Also, you know what? " doesn't mean you can be the only ones who can join such high CV giveaways"? Yes, yes it does. The higher CV giveaways are made, usually, to reward contributing members. Whether you have enough to contribute or not, is not relevant - those giveaways weren't made to be nice to all users, they were made as a thank you to people who chose to contribute their own cash for others' happiness. They weren't and aren't made to encourage users to contribute so that they can enter those giveaways. So your complaint is wholly irrelevant.

1 decade ago

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Wow, you got some nerve! Show a little gratitude to the contributors! Without them, this site would not be successful1

Don't be an ingrate!

1 decade ago

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why fix something that is not broken, pluz points are free, CV u actualy have to do something to get it and it shouldnt be trade it by no means

1 decade ago

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Ah, I don't think you quite get what I'm saying. Unless you do, in which case I'm sorry for assuming that you do not. While points are free, they are also limited per person. So, using your points to enter a giveaway you really would like to would take up a ton of your points, meaning you wouldn't be able to enter others. I'm not saying this is a fix to the CV system or anything (which I think is the most ideal, at the moment), I just thought it would be an interesting dynamic.

1 decade ago

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I think it is for times like I had this morning, I see something I really want to enter, but I am 3 cents short CV.

1 decade ago

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It kind of undermines the reasons for a CV-based giveaway.

1 decade ago

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Well, sorta. But it also means the person with not enough CV would be putting everything on the line to try and win this game at the expense of not winning others. Also, like others said, perhaps this could be an option set by the creator?

1 decade ago

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"..the person with not enough CV would be putting everything on the line.."

See that's another problem (alongside the ones I mentioned in my other reply) - no, they wouldn't be putting anything on the line, as points restock automatically, for free, with no input or contribution of any sort required by the user. And they refill quite quickly, too, especially when there's some big new game or deal going down somewhere and giveaways for that game / those games fly. The only "loss" a user would have would be having slightly less giveaways entered. That's not exactly a loss or a cost of any description, particularly considering that most users on the site enter exclusively public giveaways with extremely low win chances, anyway.

1 decade ago

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Terrible idea.

1 decade ago

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Can you elaborate, Shobo?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Care to explain why you don't like the idea?

1 decade ago

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Maybe an option for the giveaway maker might be to allow this, but it should never ever be something on all giveaways. Also, what's the point? It seems like way, way too much work for something almost no one wants or has asked for. This isn't just some simple five minute addition like fixing the price of a game, this would be a huge undertaking involving lots and lots of man hours, I'm sure.

1 decade ago

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I'm just talking hypothetically. Systems are always improving and nothing is ever thought to be asked for until someone first thinks of the idea, so I don't quite get what you're saying with the second point. Yeah, it might be too much work though! I just had it in my head as a neat idea and wanted to talk about it with other users. I do agree with it being an option, however, and not applying it to all giveaways.

1 decade ago

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No way.

1 decade ago

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Heh. What makes you say that?

1 decade ago

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Points regenerate easily, it takes cash to get more CV, a ratio offset would be terrible because that would force people to put the CV value higher or alternatively have the option turned off therefore making it a useless feature that would hardly be used and therefore a waste of time.

1 decade ago

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I actually like it. Consider that a user can store a max of 300p on their account, and therefore you could enter giveaways for $100 CV max, plus it'd use up all your points.

However, I think giveaway creators should be able to determine whether users can spend points to bypass CV requirements.

An alternate idea is to allow people to make a giveaway cost X points less per Y CV. So, for a $50 game, the creator could make it cost 1p less per $20 CV, thus making it free to enter for anyone with $1000 CV or more.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the consideration. Also, I quite like your idea too. But, would that be in addition to our current system or in place of it? If it's in place of it then people with CV would not like having other people be allowed to enter their giveaways, even at a higher cost and if it's in addition then people without CV would say they are getting too many benefits by being allowed into exclusive giveaways and paying less/no points to enter them.

1 decade ago

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It would be an option based on the creator of the giveaway. Think of it this way.

Assuming a 50p game, the creator of the giveaway has the following options:
-- No restrictions. Everyone enters, everyone pays 50p.
-- $50 CV requirement. No one can enter unless they have $50 CV
-- No CV requirement, but a 1P discount per $1 CV. People with $50 CV would be able to enter for free, but everyone else would be able to enter too.
-- $50 CV requirement plus 1P discount per $50 CV. Only people with $50 CV or more could enter, and furthermore people with higher CV would get a discount.

There's also many many different variations of such (including, $50 CV requirement + 1P discount per $1 CV, making the giveaway free to anyone who meets the CV requirement) but you get the gist. The idea is to allow flexibility and let creators who choose so to reward contributors as they see fit.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I like this option quite a bit. Ends up with more benefits for people with higher and higher CV. However, like other said, all of these ideas are probably too much work! XD

1 decade ago

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Without the input of the people who actually designed the site, how much work it will take is all speculation. Personally I think it would be a couple hours, tops, for either of our suggestions. It'd be a matter of adding the variables, tweaking the pages to contain the options, and tying those options to some math. Of course I'm just as likely to be wrong as those saying it'd be too much work are, but that's kind of the point. That sort of speculation is mostly baseless without the input of someone with a closer connection to the site itself.

1 decade ago

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A lot of contributors dont care about free entries or a discount, many are capped at 300 most of the time and wouldnt gain any benefit while others do. I dislike this even more :p

1 decade ago

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But CV can be "exploited", it isn't always the best indicator of generosity. That said, I am completely against anyone being able to enter any giveaway with no points cost.

1 decade ago

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I like the thinking for it, and Im not gonna shoot it down like the people up there. I think it's good, but it would have to be a HUGE point increase, and at that point, it isn't worth much. People earn their CV so I feel like only them should be entitled to those giveaways. I like your idea, but I feel as others that it simply isn't needed.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, perhaps not. Thanks for being civil. It's been interesting seeing other people's viewpoints!

1 decade ago

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No, cause points regenerate free. CV on the other hand only is gotten when you giveaway anything when below $30 and non-bundle games when $30 and above.

1 decade ago

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Well, yeah, that's what the ratios are for!

1 decade ago

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Ratios? What are you on? Weed?

1 decade ago

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Ah... did you read my original post thoroughly? What I'm saying is that points are, of course, not worth the monetary value someone else contributed. So, that's why there would be ratios set in place to ensure that the P would not be used willy-nilly to bump you up to higher CV. Therefore, people who have contributed would be entering higher CV giveaways - but would only do so once per every 12 hours (or w/e another 300 CV is generated). And that would be there only entry too, as they used every single little bit of their points to try and throw their lot in.

1 decade ago

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I did, but the ratios point is just crap, considering that points regenerate for free like I said.

1 decade ago

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if the giveaway creator wanted people with no/less CV to enter, he would set the required CV accordingly

1 decade ago

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CV should be rounded, that would make it so much better - $200 to enter, oh dang $197.98... WTF

1 decade ago

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If it's rounded, there will be more background work, which I don't think cg will want. So cg will not round it.

1 decade ago

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float $val = round ( float $val [, int $precision = 0 [, int $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ]] );

1 decade ago

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It screws with the CV system, so really no. The CV system is pretty broken enough.

1 decade ago

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If the giveaway creator wanted people with 197.98 CV to enter, he would have set the required CV to 197.98 =)

1 decade ago

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thanks for 300p skyrim

1 decade ago

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No problem?

1 decade ago

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Why would you want to access giveaways meant for people that has made tremendous contributions to this community?

1 decade ago

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It would be at a cost, of course. You don't get to enter as many other giveaways as if you had that CV from contributing to the community.

1 decade ago

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When the "cost" is free points, there isn't any real cost to it.

1 decade ago

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The new bundle value would then be $130.01, I guess :P
A side thought: Imagine if you could only enter x amount of giveaways at any one time...

1 decade ago

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Ha, except that you wouldn't be able to enter a giveaway unless it costs 0 points to enter as you'd be using the rest of your points to increase your CV to enter it.

1 decade ago

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That's the point.

And I would do the same, I have no problem with people who donated that. But I would dislike everyone just entering with points.

1 decade ago

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If people want to restrict the giveaway to people who have given at least $x amount of games, why put in place a mechanism to circumvent this?

As physically unlikely as it might sound, this idea both sucks and blows at the same time...

1 decade ago

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Well, I don't know, perhaps some people want to benefit those who have given to the community but also would like a soft cut-off as opposed to a hard cut-off? But, hey, I'm just talking here. Man, every time someone mentions a change for the system, everyone starts getting really, really negative.

1 decade ago

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"Man, every time someone mentions a change for the system, everyone starts getting really, really negative."

Not when the changes are any good...

Either set the bar at $100 or $200. If you feel saddened that people who gave $100 can't enter, set it at $100.

The system is clear and functional. While it's up for debate whether the CV system itself is broken, the options for making a giveaway certainly aren't. If you want a variety of tedious ways to use your points to enter a giveaway, GalaGiveaways has the market cornered. Personally I much prefer the straightforward "everyone gets a single ticket, and the same chance of winning" system here, and the straightforward entry criteria.

The only thing this suggestion would do is muddy the waters and borrow the approach of some of [IMHO] the lamest and most execrable features of GalaGiveaways...

You asked if people thought it was a good or bad idea. I think it's a bad one...

1 decade ago

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Alright, thanks for the second response! Yeah, don't really frequent Gala that much. Haven't heard much positive about it. I see your points and think you have a valid opinion. I mean, I don't this idea isn't good just because it's mine, but I do much prefer people talking and having civil tones. So, thanks for that.

1 decade ago

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Yes, let's make the systems even more needlessly complex than they are already.

1 decade ago

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That seems to be the biggest issue people have with this idea out of those who are considering it. The effort to make such an addition. Does the system really seem that complex to you already, though?

1 decade ago

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You can already overcome a lack of CV with brute points force; It's called "entering shitloads of public giveaways."

1 decade ago

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I heard you can also give more games away to overcome the CV requirement.

1 decade ago

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Come on now. We don't want to cheat the system.

1 decade ago

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Terribad idea.

1 decade ago

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To me this sounds like: 'I cant enter those giveaways so change the rules! :cry:' to be honest :x

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Not really! I can actually enter most giveaways at my current CV and I don't mind not entering in a very select few. It's also not like I won't continue to contribute in the future so it won't go up either. I was really just interested in talking about the idea of people being able to trade off the chance to enter 10% of all games on the site (since that's how point generation work) to enter fewer but at a greater cost. Jeez, I hope my tone hasn't sounded like I'm really that whiny or that egocentric to think that the site should change to benefit me (which I'm not sure it even would, as I don't know how willing I would be to throw in a ton of points just to boost my CV for one giveaway)

1 decade ago

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Well, i'd also like a button on my profile page where i can freely adjust my contributor value.

1 decade ago

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Kinda breaks the purpose. Instead of contributing to the site, you are cashing in what was already just given to you.

1 decade ago

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its supposed to be a giveaway as thanks to those who donated xx ammount of value on games so if someone who never gave away a gift can simply join by spending more free is it still a thank you gift for donators?

1 decade ago

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No. [Further Explanation unwarranted]

1 decade ago

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This is the worst idea ever suggested on SG. Period

1 decade ago

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Very bad idea. When a creator sets certain CV it's serves a certain purpose. It would be unfair to give others ways to join a GA that creator certainly didn't want them to. Best example would be for GAs with 30.01 CV req. The obvious purpose of these is not to let enter for ppl who gave away only bundle games. If someone could easily enter by spending just 3P more the whole purpose of this certain CV requirement would be no longer valid.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by PeasOfCrab.