The question is simple, but I think the different answer may be more complex.

In my case, the answer is I don't know, is not to enter better and obviously more close giveaways, considering the amount of money I have spended I could have bought all the games I wanted.

Honestly as I said in some of my giveaways I am kind of a sad person I guess, and NO I am not a small boy, I am a grown up adult, married, with a job, living in a wonderful city, with 2 university degrees, but I ended up not being where I want (I mean spiritually) in the sense that I feel I could be doing more with my life.

I don't really love my job, but I cant quit, since I have to pay for the house and stuff, my wife is not working right now so I cant go and just quit and move to another place.

I dreamed with movies, that is what I really really love, not being an actor, or being famous or the money, but the possibility to tell a story, to be part of something so fascinating, I literally cried watching LOTR ROTK extended in the extras when everything was done and peter jackson kept making the same shot once and again not waiting to say goodbye.

I tried to study Computer Graphics, I would have loved to work at pixar or weta, however I come from a very humble family and going to USA or another country to study that was impossible.

So I think I am a very frustrated grown up man, and the reason I think for what I give so many games on steamgifts is that I hope that what I am doing is bringing real happiness to someone somewhere (hoping not only scammers win my games).

Reading thanks from so many people in some way, is well, let just say gives me some comfort.

Probably many of you saw the indie movie, and you know I wish had the passion for something as the meat boy guys had, is so Overwhelming to see people passionate about something, because that is really something that makes you move trough your life and is of course better when that passion delivers something like meat boy and gives you reassurance that you are doing something good that people love in their case also some financial tranquility.

So giving games is not a passion, but just give me some happiness at least for a moment.

Sorry the long post I know Steamgifts is not a confessionary.

Wo what moves some of you to make giveaways?

1 decade ago*

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cuz they're generous and kind ?

1 decade ago

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I will be honest, i didnt read a single thing, i will limit myselft to anwser the title question.

I came to this site for free stuff as anyone else. Then by random reasons i began to win games. I was very happy. The only thing that havent changed as many like to point out, i dont comment giveaways, i dont like to say anything if i dont have anything to say, if i win i will express my gratitude towards the person and thats enough for me also when i giveaway.

I do it because i was very happy when i won games here so i wanted to give back, now im just giving way more than what i recieved but i want more ppl to be happy with it and enjoy the games im giving out.

1 decade ago

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I like the warm fuzzies.

1 decade ago

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E-PENIS I think.

1 decade ago

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because people is amazing!

1 decade ago

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You're doomed at being you.

1 decade ago

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Because they are have a contribution's

1 decade ago

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I'm a bit selfish, in that I give games because it makes ME feel good. Gaming is one of the few luxuries I allow myself to indulge, and it brings me a lot of joy. There are people out there, like my brother, who may be in school, don't have any money and no debit/credit card or bank account and are unable to purchase games for themselves. Being able to share something that I'm passionate about with them and help bring them a bit of happiness is ultimately why I give (specifically games as opposed to donating to numerous charities with varying causes)

1 decade ago

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If you feel your life is "empty" and you want to give/receive love then maybe it is time to expand your family. If you don't like the idea of having kids then of course this advice is out of the question, but if you ever thought about it then do it.

I was in a bad place emotionally myself and my wife and I were thinking a lot about the possibility of having kids but put the thought aside for quite some time. But after a while I asked myself what I was being so afraid of and we decided that we should have a baby.

If you make a conscious decision about it and accept the responsibility then all I can say is this: my son is one of the biggest joys of my life. It is hard to explain but to love unconditionally and receive the same kind of love back without any strings's just wonderful and fulfilling.

Of course this advice isn't something to decide upon after reading it, but let the thoughts linger a bit and form an opinion. I took 2 years just thinking about it before I was completely sure that I wanted to have a kid.

But again all I can say it changes your life so tremendously and gives it so much more purpose. I could drone on and on about this, but maybe think about it if you feel you could somehow bring happiness to somebody.

Maybe it is enough to bring happiness into your own family through this.

best wishes for anything you try to do in the future.

1 decade ago

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Thank you very much for your words, yes we have tought about it, but I think I want to be a little more happy to call it, I would not like to charge my son with my own frustration right now, or put on his shoulders that he needs to make me happy when I think I am the one who must make him happy.

I think a son for now is not option (economic situation included) but really thanks for your words :-)

1 decade ago

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When it comes to me I giveaway games when their worth to me is less that the happiness they can bring to someone else. Those bundle games I give away cost me very little while someone can enjoy them or even just the fact of winning something. I also met many great people already thanks to this site and that may be the reason to continue giving away games here.

But more importantly, back to your "situation". I think what you are going through and feeling is very common, you just went with the regular life plan and aren't happy with the results - happens to a lot of people out there. You sound like a cool guy though, possibly even with a potential to change the state of things so I would recommend either one of two ways out, harder or easier one.
Harder - work after hours to change a lot in the future - don't give up your ambitions on becoming whomever you wanna be, keep studying and doing what you are passionate about in the spare time.
Easier - seems like you've given away over $1,5k in games in two months so you have some spare money - how about taking some money from the "giveaway budget" and creating some kind of travel/trip fund? In a few months you will have quite enough to go whenever you want during your free time from work. (I don't know about you but for me travel was always an answer to being fed up with normal, "gray" life. And yes, people are gonna lynch me but I'm really suggesting giving away less games and making a "change" fund instead ;)

Hopefully you can take something useful out of this post. If all this seems irrelevant to your situation then at least smile man - that's the way you can make your day and life better in an instant ;) Take care man :)

1 decade ago

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Yes I also think travelling is a great way to light up a bit your life hehehe, Hope this year I can go somewhere i nort europe, not decided yet it depends how economy goes :-)

And yes I need to figure out some way to move on and not feel like I am wasting my time

1 decade ago

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Giving away games is a very nice gesture and I know it can make you feel good, but the problem is that it's only a short term solution - unfortunately giving away $5k games won't change your life and make you happy instantly :/ So yeah, there's nothing wrong with giving away a couple games now and then but in the long run, like you said, moving on would be better and will make you happier ;)
Also, if you like travelling but your funds are limited then I would recommend cheaper and maybe less known places (Like certain countries on the Caribbean near you or in Asia). One thing is that countries like Thailand or Grenada are WAY cheaper than any country in Europe (especially northern/western Europe) but also going to a country not all your friends know about (Like everyone going to France in Europe, blagh) would really give you a sense of exploration and adventure at the same time.
Read up a bit about cheap travel on the internet, it's becoming like movement nowadays so you're sure to find a lot of useful info I can't possibly cover here ;) Good luck on escaping the 9-5 man cause remember, you only have one life and you're already unhappy so there's not much you can lose haha :P

1 decade ago

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So you can shake your belly like it's a bowl full of jelly.

1 decade ago

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this is indeed quite the puzzling puzzle that puzzles me.

1 decade ago

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I give games because it allows me to raise my contrib value, therefore allowing me to post crappy $0.25 DLCs at $550 minimum contrib. :D

1 decade ago

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What matters most is how well you walk through the fire... Charles Bukowski

1 decade ago

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Your thread made my day bro <3 nice description <3<3<3

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the story. I'm pretty much in the same boat. Married with kids, in a job that gives no satisfaction at all. I've only given away a few games on SG as most of the time I give them to friends or people I believe would enjoy it. If I can't find anyone on my friends list that doesnt have the game or wouldnt enjoy it, I will put it up here.

Although alot of people believe that this site is fake or fixed and whine about the chances of winning, I love it. I get a great sense of satisfaction in giving the games away to random people cos chances are they're like me. Limited budget and only really go for games that they really want. Or they buy bundles for one or two specific titles and gift the rest away.

I also get a huge buzz in entering and waiting...And taking part in talks that interest me on the forums or within the giveaways themselves. Not too keen on the puzzles, but I will still dip my head in. :D SG is awesome....Community is great and TBH has restored a little in my faith in humanity with its generosity :)

1 decade ago

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Hi Alberto!

1 decade ago

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tbh it was TL;DR, but the main thing is that everybody is selfish, there's no good deed that isn't selfish. And being selfish isn't always a bad thing! They create giveaways for two reasons, they want to make themselves to feel good and/or they want to win more games by increasing their contribution value.

EDITED: @OP: please read this part,
I started reading your post, and seems like everything you say you are, is what I'm afraid to grow into. I'm currently studying Software development in a university (it's an okay university). and since about a year or two ago (since my sister went to another country to study for her major), every now and then, I'm worried about what I'm going to do with my life, I've changed my mind about what I want to study like 100 times!
Since the first time I worked with a computer, when I was like 5 or 6 years old, I knew I wanted to be a "Computer engineer"! Then I started to get into music and arts about 3 years ago. wasted like 2 years pursuing that, which then I learned I can't do (long story).
When I started to read your post, it struck me, that's how my life is going to be like! No offense, but I'm terrified of it! Even the thought of being stuck in a dead-end job without being able to do what I like, brings chills to my bones!
This is probably the worst place to ask this, but if you could do it all over again, what would you do to change your life? Would you?

1 decade ago

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Wow is a Hard question since I don't know how many of those decision would had the desired effect.

To begin with I went to USA when I was just 20 Years Old pursuing my dream, but I Didn't have the money to pay for college nor even community college, But I tough I could have find it, so I went out of the country before becoming an illegal inmigrant.

At the time I had a girlfriend there, maybe I would have married her (i love her at the time) so I could have also stay, but I tough I was too young + I tough I could find the money, so maybe that could have changed my life, but is just a guess.

Another thing I would have done different, probably study even more and concentrate in one are of expertise, but as I say you can be a master on anything, sometimes you just need to be on the right place at the right time, I know many people who knows 10 times less than me about computer and have better jobs.

I am sure many who work for Google are 1000 better than me, but there is also many who knows a lot less, so as I said you also need a litte bit of luck I think.

1 decade ago

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For myself, I give because I like giving. I would give more to SG, but I have little to give and others who take priority over SG.

To the OP: Life is full of trials. It is appreciation of the good things one has and keeping hope alive which helps keep you going when things get difficult. Having a dream or goal in life helps a lot. When you lose or complete one dream, you make another to chase.

Also, don't be afraid to imagine other ways of doing things. You could always find a new job in another place and take your wife with you. As long as she has family and/or friends nearby to keep her happy, she can live anywhere.

1 decade ago

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After winning a couple of times i wanted to make some people happeh

1 decade ago

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You can do everything you want, just as you work very hard!

All those artists out there really have a heavy job and they don't get any materiallistic reward out of it... Why do it then? Because you feel the need to! As long as you think you should do something this won't happen. The moment you start to work on a project or an idea, something will come out of it!

1 decade ago

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Peer pressure

1 decade ago

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Mainly to "get rid" of the extra keys. It's nice to do it here since someone who wanted the game gets a chance to win it for free. :)

Also in my giveaways I ask for one's favorite dessert. I like making them and I'm always looking for new ones. I already discovered a couple of nice desserts from around the world that I had no idea they existed. :)

If you like the acting world, you could try looking for a local theatrical company. It would give you a mean to escape once a week.
Or maybe start a little family tradition about movies. Voting for a movie to watch from a little roster of similarly-themed ones. Maybe have a dinner in the same theme, then watching the movie and talking about it.
Anything to break the routine.

How people say in games: glhf!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AlbertXp.