The question is simple, but I think the different answer may be more complex.

In my case, the answer is I don't know, is not to enter better and obviously more close giveaways, considering the amount of money I have spended I could have bought all the games I wanted.

Honestly as I said in some of my giveaways I am kind of a sad person I guess, and NO I am not a small boy, I am a grown up adult, married, with a job, living in a wonderful city, with 2 university degrees, but I ended up not being where I want (I mean spiritually) in the sense that I feel I could be doing more with my life.

I don't really love my job, but I cant quit, since I have to pay for the house and stuff, my wife is not working right now so I cant go and just quit and move to another place.

I dreamed with movies, that is what I really really love, not being an actor, or being famous or the money, but the possibility to tell a story, to be part of something so fascinating, I literally cried watching LOTR ROTK extended in the extras when everything was done and peter jackson kept making the same shot once and again not waiting to say goodbye.

I tried to study Computer Graphics, I would have loved to work at pixar or weta, however I come from a very humble family and going to USA or another country to study that was impossible.

So I think I am a very frustrated grown up man, and the reason I think for what I give so many games on steamgifts is that I hope that what I am doing is bringing real happiness to someone somewhere (hoping not only scammers win my games).

Reading thanks from so many people in some way, is well, let just say gives me some comfort.

Probably many of you saw the indie movie, and you know I wish had the passion for something as the meat boy guys had, is so Overwhelming to see people passionate about something, because that is really something that makes you move trough your life and is of course better when that passion delivers something like meat boy and gives you reassurance that you are doing something good that people love in their case also some financial tranquility.

So giving games is not a passion, but just give me some happiness at least for a moment.

Sorry the long post I know Steamgifts is not a confessionary.

Wo what moves some of you to make giveaways?

1 decade ago*

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Why waste something when you can give it to someone who wants or needs it? Why hoard when you have plenty? It's that simple for some people, I think. I only found this site recently, but that's how I feel about it. Hopefully I can share more stuff in the future. :)

1 decade ago

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you need therapy

1 decade ago

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I don't think that is true. He has given away over 1000$ worth of games for free and asked nothing in return. We can all learn something from him about being more kind to others.

1 decade ago

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yes let's ignore everything else he said, especially the parts about being a "very frustrated grown up man" and only pay attentioned to teh FREE VIEDO GAMES FOR US!! :D :D:D:D

1 decade ago

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I think you are the one who needs therapy, I Know very well where I am. Being frustrated for not being able to achieve a dream means therapy?

I am able to accept my reality and do the best I can with it, so honestly you really need to grow up.

1 decade ago

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You are a role model to all of us. I can only hope to give away as many games as you have.

1 decade ago

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he is a role model not for having two university degrees nor for being married and having a job, having dreams and ambitions, or a wonderful life in wonderful city

no, he's a role model for giving us VIEDOE GAMES!! :D:D;D:D the only thing we can hope to be is a big vidgame gifter like him that is what matters in life

1 decade ago

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seeking therapy is not something to be ashamed of, nor is telling someone to seek therapy an insult. maybe they are in your country or perhaps it is you who needs to grow up

1 decade ago

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Seeking Therapy is not a problem, but when you first wrote you know exactly what you intented, don't try to be like I was just giving an honest and from the heart advice, you know exactly what your purpose was.

1 decade ago

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that post was only three words .....

1 decade ago

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I forgot the reason.

1 decade ago

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I was actually touched by your post.

I had not once even considered this website in the way you described.. I can personally say that you have made me look at the way in which this website works in a totally new manner.

I can see exactly where you come from with every single part of what you posted. It made me realize that it's not all about giving away the surplus games just to get your score up so you can enter the giveaways with higher win chance. I know I have only created two giveaways and I am still fairly new to this website, but still. Touched.

1 decade ago

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I give away games to make people happy. Even if it's just for a few hours, I'd like to think that my gift brought someone a little joy. I know how delighted I am when I get a new game. :)
I find something that I've enjoyed, pick it up while it's on sale, and gift it to someone who will like it. And just recently I've picked up a few games to give away on here. It's not much, but it's a start.

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty misanthropic, but this site actually rekindles a little bit of a warm, fuzzy feeling for my fellow human beings and makes me feel like doing something good for them. With some of my giveaways it's just been to let someone else have a chance at enjoying a game I knew I wouldn't play, and with others it's been to let other people try some of the less well known games - not obscure by any stretch but certainly not as well known.

1 decade ago

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Very well said. Pretty much expresses my feelings to the letter.

1 decade ago

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I do it because in my country there are people who cant buy themselves games. I dont giveaway big games but everything i giveaway is from heart. For now i had donated 50$ but i hope more will come!

1 decade ago

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It is better to give, than receive... it's just being generous, fueling off making others happy. Charities, giveaways, etc. Being self-fish and greedy leaves you empty, always wanting more, however giving back somehow fulfills you.

1 decade ago

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Wow, thank you everyone for your kind words, also Amazing to see such a great community of people that give just for the pleasure of giving.

I really apreciate all those who took the time to read, and your nice words towards me.

I am not very active in the forum but I will try to since I see such a great group of people.

1 decade ago

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if u want something to read about your "spiritual crisis/bad feelings", you should check out eckhart tolle's book the power of now. it could help you

1 decade ago

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OP, have you ever thought about being a gamedev? There are so many tools to make a gamedev easy, with no programming required and stuff. You should really try RPG Maker some day, it's very easy and a great tool for storytelling without having to know stuff like graphic making or programming.
Edit: Well, now I've just realized this post is 5-days old. I still hope you see this.

1 decade ago

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I keep miss clicking enter giveaway button and accidentally creating some giveaways from time to time. Cannot really understand how I manage to mix them either.

1 decade ago

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Wow man, you remind me of myself ... in the future! Thanks for your generosity and sharing your story. I feel you, brah!

1 decade ago

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i didnt think i will read whole story, but i did. Made me little sad

1 decade ago

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Touching story Albert. I hope you be better soon.

I like to make people happy, and giving away games is one way of many I have. Besides that, this help to know really nice people to chat and know cultures totally new to me.

1 decade ago

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I met some fantastic people in here, more than i could imagine coming from an online forum, that will gladly help with whatever they can, have a great attitude towards the rest, and just have a huge heart (for what i've read it would seem like you fit right in that description).

Personally i firstly came here to leech, with my hopes really down, expecting this to be just another scam of some sorts. Being a university student and working to pay for house and bills was also a big obstacle; then i started to meet these amazing people; some are in the same position as i am, some are in worst, some are grown ups with their own family and some just work their asses off in order to give away games (hat's off to them).

Getting a gift from these guys made me realize that i wasn't in such a bad position, and felt the need to give back, even if a little, to these amazing people.

1 decade ago

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Thank you for sharing your story with us. I joined for the free stuff like most of us here, but after creating some giveaways and getting reply mails and Steam friend requests followed by thankful messages I started to enjoy making other people happy. I tend to get more joy from making giveaways for others (except a regifting asshole I encountered) than from buying games for myself, and it feels a lot better to win something than simply buying it :)

PS: thank you for Deadlight :)

1 decade ago

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For some reason, it makes me feel happy and better about myself. So, kinda selfish reason in some way I guess. Also, I totally feel you about "I wish I was passionate about something" :(

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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What I really want to know is how this site managed to gain enough momentum for the people that first started giving away stuff here to justify, well, doing so.

As for myself, I just feel that I should give a gift when I get one. :D

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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Nice story from the OP and quite a few other people on here. Guess I'm a mix of a few of the reasons people have already given.

  • Games are pretty cheap for me, I earn Yen but the Steam store in Japan is in dollars for some reason. It's a good exchange rate at the moment.

  • I like the feeling of giving presents, and in a way it gives a stronger connection to people through the internet who I don't really know and will never meet.

  • I like buying games but don't have time to play them all.

  • Probably an element of wanting to be in contributor only giveaways too, although this isn't the main reason it's a nice bonus.

1 decade ago

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I am just increasing my karma .

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Kill the poor.

1 decade ago

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Kill yourself in wall

1 decade ago

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I feel better when i make someone happy (giving away games), so i like sharing and i like to receive as well.

1 decade ago

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If you like telling stories, try to do a little bit of that in your spare time. If you want to make movies, try doing some small animation. Who knows, maybe over the years you'll manage to build something worthwhile. I'm married with two little children and I no longer do most of the stuff I did in the past, such as writing. But lately I've been thinking of game designs in my spare time. It makes me happy even if they'll never be made.

As for why I gift, I always collected gifts when I was younger. When I saw something that I thought someone I knew (friend or family) might like I bought it, and I gave away many of them, although I still have a few I never gave away. I stopped that when I no longer had time to just spend time shopping in stores, but Steam offered me the opportunity to start collecting virtual items to gift. Before I knew of Steam Gifts I gifted some games at sites I frequented (such as Bjorn3D) and my Facebook giveaway page, and there were few takers. Then I found Steam Gifts and a huge crowd of people who craved game gifts. I initially went a little overboard (for me), but mid last year I noticed that my game spending increased significantly so I'm giving a lot less these days. (Now I spend more on Kickstarter. :)

1 decade ago

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It is part of my long term, super secret plan. To conquer the world, solar system and finally the whole known universe! Oups, not so secret now I guess.

1 decade ago

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You are not the only one with the world domination plan in your drawer :)

1 decade ago

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Because Karma

1 decade ago

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I have the same question but it's probably a human thing like trolling or writing lol instead of hahaha.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AlbertXp.